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Work Permit Documentation?

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UTCC, whatever it is, should arrange this for you.

In case they don't, I suggest you go to the labour office, where they will supply you with a list of the required documents. Using the search function here you will find such lists, but requirements may very well vary from one labour office to another.

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My school is currently preparing documents for a new work permit. Apart from the necessary company papers which they are responsible for, I had to furnish my passport with signed copies of the relevant pages, photos, copies of my degree and I had to sign some official documents such as Power of Attorney for the school to act on my behalf.

The one thing that I was surprised and annoyed to learn was the Labour Dept (in Chiang Mai) wanted me to get checked for sexually transmitted diseases and get a certificate from a hospital with the result. Syphillis was specifically mentioned. I had to get a blood test and the doctor seemed to think I needed a chest x-ray as well for a work permit. Fortunately, I'm in good health but I'm insulted that I had to go through this.

This requirement was advised to me by the school's secretary so there may be a slight risk of a hiccup in translation but I don't think so.

Has anyone else had experience of this new requirement which I feel is an invasion of one's medical privacy? I understand that the old letter from your GP was a little easy to get but what ever will they think of next?

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Has anyone else had experience of this new requirement which I feel is an invasion of one's medical privacy?

Not really a new requirement and has been necessary for a while now for "new" WP applications as has been reported in the forum and written in the regulations. Renewals do not need it. Not much different then the TB tests required for Thais going overseas.


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That's good to know Tywais. Unfortunately, given the timing of ending my previous employment and starting my new one, my work permit expired and I have to start from scratch. Do you happen to know if my school applies for my new work permit tomorrow and assuming all is order, when is the earliest I can go to CM Immigration to apply for a one-year extension based on my new job?

I'm curious because I got a 60 day extension to my Non-Imm 'O' at the end of February when I finished my previous job and this expires next week!



Edited by MagnumForce
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My understanding is that the WP is lock stepped with the permission to stay. If all documentation from the school is in order for both the WP and immigration then you should be going to immigration first to get your extension then to Labor for the WP. As it is, your WP will be only valid until the remainder of your current permission to stay. Someone will be along to correct me. :)

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BTW - I don't know if you are at a large school or small one but in my case working at CMU the letters to immigration required are the following:

1. Letter of certification from the University

2. Letter of certification from the specific department/facility that is employing me.

3. A letter of request to immigration for the extension which includes salary, contract period, degree info, etc.

I take them to CM immigration and get the extension and immediately to labor for the WP renewal.

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Thanks Tywais. Your advice is very useful. I agree that the work permit and permission to stay are interlinked. This is my worry but I'm assuming that my school can ask for some sort of document from the Labour Dept addressed to Immigration to allow me get a further extension of permission to stay while they process the work permit. It's a bit 'catch 22' in that you need one to get the other. Fingers crossed that all will work out!

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I'm assuming that my school can ask for some sort of document from the Labour Dept addressed to Immigration to allow me get a further extension of permission to stay while they process the work permit.

I suspect something can be worked out in that respect. One time the university did not supply me will all the correct documents and it was the last day. When immigration pointed out what was missing I was in a panic but a senior officer came over, checked what was wrong and approved a 10 day extension on the spot and told me "not to worry, I'm legal". :) Of course this meant getting my WP renewed twice in one week and the subsequent charges.

BTW - good luck.

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I agree that the work permit and permission to stay are interlinked.

No, not anymore. Work permits are given out for 1 year periods, regardless of the permission to stay stamp. Presently my work permit is valid until January 2011, and the permission to stay until June, 2010.

But possibly for teachers other rules apply. I hope a teaching moderator (moderating teacher?) will chip in.

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No, not anymore. Work permits are given out for 1 year periods, regardless of the permission to stay stamp. Presently my work permit is valid until January 2011, and the permission to stay until June, 2010.

I believe you are right as I now recall a change a couple of years ago. I've been synchronized for so long I don't have current experience in it. I've requested one of the Visa/WP experts on the mod team to post the current specifics.

Thanks for the correction.

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No, not anymore. Work permits are given out for 1 year periods, regardless of the permission to stay stamp. Presently my work permit is valid until January 2011, and the permission to stay until June, 2010.

But possibly for teachers other rules apply. I hope a teaching moderator (moderating teacher?) will chip in.

This is correct, although it doesn't really seems to be the standard used by all labor department provincial offices.

However I recall a report that Chiang Mai actually is one office which hands out 1 year WP's regardless of visa...

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