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Rival Thai 'Yellows' Discuss Moves As 'Reds' Rally On

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iam just an outsider but will do essay about political crisis in thailand as i study political science... this will be interesting that there are still some bloody power transisition in modern age history...If yelllows join the crowd then they just fall into the military trap that will bring them to absolute power and thailand will just become absolute military rule (autocracy state)... Yes indeed a total setback where many thais had lost their lives to change thailand from absolute monarchy to constitutional monarchy in 1932... It seems there will be another siam revolution part 2...But only time can tell...

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"The country is split between "Red Shirts", who largely support ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra, and their yellow-clad rivals who hit the streets ahead of a 2006 coup that ousted Thaksin and again to see off his allies in 2008."

Not quiet, me thinks. There is a third group called the "Grey Shirts"./ They just want the other two groups to get a life and stop ruining things.

actually, they are white shirts, but they are having trouble getting to the laundry with the traffic problems lately. :)

There's a great big banner put up by the reds saying 'We just want democracy'. Let's see then, shall we.

Will they tolerate the right of others to voice their opinion when the yellow shirts come out? Or will they try to intimidate all those who disagree with them? The evidence over the last month or so would point to the latter and, if so it turns out, will give the lie to the whole dam_n sham behind Thaksin's private war.

There's a great big banner put up by the reds saying 'We just want democracy'. Let's see then, shall we.

I love the fact that they spell this in English.How many people on the ground can read this? This one was especially done for the international audience. Give Taksin some credit He is way better at marketing than His opponents.

There are an awful amount of mentally sick Farangs in Thailand. Maybe they should seriously think about going back to their respective countries or are the Mental hospitals full in their home countries?

The reason they are here is to stay OUT of mental hospitals.

The wife's brothers have just arrived in Bangkok to join the Red protest.

Believe me, you would not fuk with these guys.

I really hope there are no yellow/red clashes. It would get very nasty very quickly.

Why, are they mafia or hoodlums or is it they just like to make trouble? :)

Nope non of the above, just hard working country boys with an absolute commitment to the Red socialist cause.

"Good Ol' Boys" from rural Thailand.

What do they think of Taksin?

They would seriously die for him!

From what I can gather they truely believe Thaksin is their only hope for social justice and equality!



Nope non of the above, just hard working country boys with an absolute commitment to the Red socialist cause.

"Good Ol' Boys" from rural Thailand.

so·cial·ism   [soh-shuh-liz-uhm] – noun

1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.

com·mu·nism   [kom-yuh-niz-uhm] – noun

1. a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.

cap·i·tal·ism   [kap-i-tl-iz-uhm] – noun

an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, esp. as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.


A form of socialism featuring racism and expansionism and obedience to a strong leader.





Can someone tell me, why the pink shirts are able to demonstrate without the government doing anything about it? Isn't there a state of emergency in place that bans all gatherings of 5 or more people? Or does this only apply to red shirts?



What do they think of Taksin?

They would seriously die for him!

From what I can gather they truely believe Thaksin is their only hope for social justice and equality!

sounds we enter grotesque now. people intent to die - for a corrupt autocratic abuser of power. & i guess you say, it's "for democracy", right?

Civil War should be able to break the deadlock. The victors shall rule the country or what's left. That is the final solution.

If Civil War starts consider TTF at around $5.50

Thai Fund Inc. (Public, NYSE:TTF)

Can someone tell me, why the pink shirts are able to demonstrate without the government doing anything about it? Isn't there a state of emergency in place that bans all gatherings of 5 or more people? Or does this only apply to red shirts?

1) it's _NOT_ "pink shirts" who are showing up in public. it's "multi-colored" & many of them come from fb.

2) SOE enables gov to dismantle "gatherings of 5 or more people" _intent_ to create havoc.

3) both, "pink shirts" as well as "multi-colored shirts" announced their demonstration & dispersed: they play by the rules. you get that?



What do they think of Taksin?

They would seriously die for him!

From what I can gather they truely believe Thaksin is their only hope for social justice and equality!

sounds we enter grotesque now. people intent to die - for a corrupt autocratic abuser of power. & i guess you say, it's "for democracy", right?

How do you "seriously die"? Is there a way not to "seriously die"? :)

Can someone tell me, why the pink shirts are able to demonstrate without the government doing anything about it? Isn't there a state of emergency in place that bans all gatherings of 5 or more people? Or does this only apply to red shirts?

1) it's _NOT_ "pink shirts" who are showing up in public. it's "multi-colored" & many of them come from fb.

2) SOE enables gov to dismantle "gatherings of 5 or more people" _intent_ to create havoc.

3) both, "pink shirts" as well as "multi-colored shirts" announced their demonstration & dispersed: they play by the rules. you get that?

I don't know about "multi-colored". I didn't see any yellow or red shirts there, but about 90% pink shirts. They complained to one television reporter about the red shirts causing traffic problems in the city ...however they held their demonstration from 3pm to 7pm around the Victory Monument. Kind of funny, them protesting about the red shirts, but breaking the emergency law themselves and causing traffic chaos on top of it.



What do they think of Taksin?

They would seriously die for him!

From what I can gather they truely believe Thaksin is their only hope for social justice and equality!

sounds we enter grotesque now. people intent to die - for a corrupt autocratic abuser of power. & i guess you say, it's "for democracy", right?

How do you "seriously die"? Is there a way not to "seriously die"? :)

Makes sense to me


Can someone tell me, why the pink shirts are able to demonstrate without the government doing anything about it? Isn't there a state of emergency in place that bans all gatherings of 5 or more people? Or does this only apply to red shirts?

could it be because reds incite violence disrupt lives cause havic and others demonstrate peacefully

just asking ??

Can someone tell me, why the pink shirts are able to demonstrate without the government doing anything about it? Isn't there a state of emergency in place that bans all gatherings of 5 or more people? Or does this only apply to red shirts?

could it be because reds incite violence disrupt lives cause havic and others demonstrate peacefully

just asking ??

The state of emergency applied to everyone in Bangkok and surrounding areas, didn't it? At least that's what Abhisit said. He didn't say "there is a state of emergency but you can demonstrate peacefully". After all, the red shirt rally was pretty peaceful until the army started attacking them.

Can someone tell me, why the pink shirts are able to demonstrate without the government doing anything about it? Isn't there a state of emergency in place that bans all gatherings of 5 or more people? Or does this only apply to red shirts?

could it be because reds incite violence disrupt lives cause havic and others demonstrate peacefully

just asking ??

The state of emergency applied to everyone in Bangkok and surrounding areas, didn't it? At least that's what Abhisit said. He didn't say "there is a state of emergency but you can demonstrate peacefully". After all, the red shirt rally was pretty peaceful until the army started attacking them.

Army attacked them!!!!!!!! Army attacked them att thaicom? Army attacked them at goverments house? Where have you been?

Lets recall Sept 2008, Reds Attack Pad and get beaten and one dead.

It is not a forgone conclusion that PAD is delicat at all.

I have seen some pretty tough characters in the inner city.

When did they suddenly become powerdepuffs?

Yes, we surely do NOT need PAD back out on the street.

You have made a valid point. PAD should not become involved and ideally, the Redshirts should not engage in such violence. Sadly, it is only a hope and I cannot change what looks like more heartache for all involved parties.

In respect to the inner city, which inner city? Bangkok? If so, I think you will find that these thugs have as much dislike for the perceived elites as do the Reds. A great many of those people came to the big city from other regions looking for their pot of gold, only to find a life of hardship.

When you are poor and left out, you tend to become disillusioned and open to the political views that offer "liberation". I would not expect the tough folks of Bangkok to be any different than those of London, Los Angeles, Munchen, Bruxelles etc. The tough folks of those cities rarely if ever join up with the authorities to maintain the status quo. Civil disturbances are seen as an opportunity for looting and a settling of scores. That is one of my fears. If the Red Shirt protests spread, a lot of gangs are going to use it as an opportunity to pursue their own agendas. Perhaps, now you can understand that while I sympathize with the Red Shirts, I hope that the situation is contained. The use of the political sloganeering while repugnant to some serves to keep the protestors on track and to focus on the political aspect.



What do they think of Taksin?

They would seriously die for him!

From what I can gather they truely believe Thaksin is their only hope for social justice and equality!

sounds we enter grotesque now. people intent to die - for a corrupt autocratic abuser of power. & i guess you say, it's "for democracy", right?

How do you "seriously die"? Is there a way not to "seriously die"? :D

Die laughing perhaps :)


There ya go..............

Build a big stadium,

put the redshirts at one end

and the yellowshirts at the other end

give em all a baseball bat each

and let em have at it !!......

Winner takes all...............

Can someone tell me, why the pink shirts are able to demonstrate without the government doing anything about it? Isn't there a state of emergency in place that bans all gatherings of 5 or more people? Or does this only apply to red shirts?

could it be because reds incite violence disrupt lives cause havic and others demonstrate peacefully

just asking ??

The state of emergency applied to everyone in Bangkok and surrounding areas, didn't it? At least that's what Abhisit said. He didn't say "there is a state of emergency but you can demonstrate peacefully". After all, the red shirt rally was pretty peaceful until the army started attacking them.

Someone following in lockstep the official red lie machine.

I doubt if it was the original Che Guevara.

He was a dead loser in Bolivia.

Thaksin isn't dead,

but his policies are.

Buy the T-shirt.

Nothing else for you to do.

You probably don't even know where Cuba is.

If there is a physical clash, the Reds will win, provided the army stays out of it. the Reds are tough folks. The men are real men, not delicate city dwellers that are not used to physical hardship. The Reds are not the ones that will need to put on the whitening cremes, scents and body lotions before the go into battle. I'm sure if there is some girl on girl 'rassling action the redshirts will win. :D

You got that right !!! My Isan farm boys are some tough dudes ,, real men used to hardship and staying power. I would love to have video of some of these spoiled rotten , pampered elitist teenagers going against them.

Any of you yellows have some thoughts of a fight ? I suggest you stop by the rally site and quietly walk among the crowd and see what you are up against.

You will see many ex military types, ( as black shirt guards ) and some very tough fanatical, committed people some of whom are ready to die for this protest.

The elites had their way with the country and brought it to its knees last time and imposed their minority will on the country. Now its our time and our right to express our opinion,, and if they try to get in our way all I can say is:

LET THE MAYHEM BEGIN !!! Its payback time.

One thing is sure, you reds are not related to Einstein :)

Can someone tell me, why the pink shirts are able to demonstrate without the government doing anything about it? Isn't there a state of emergency in place that bans all gatherings of 5 or more people? Or does this only apply to red shirts?

could it be because reds incite violence disrupt lives cause havic and others demonstrate peacefully

just asking ??

The state of emergency applied to everyone in Bangkok and surrounding areas, didn't it? At least that's what Abhisit said. He didn't say "there is a state of emergency but you can demonstrate peacefully". After all, the red shirt rally was pretty peaceful until the army started attacking them.

He still let them demonstrate peacefully until they started seriously disrupting lives.

If I am in a bar and the landlord says to a unruly lot who are constantly saying if you don’t give us more beer well wreck the place and start smashing a few classes. Then the owner says I’m imposing a ban on you lot and will throw you out if you continue to totally disturb my other customers and continue to break glasses and then he tries to throw them out and fails. Then another gang comes in who don’t like first gang and disturb the peace a bit but do not say they are going to wreck the place do not do anything much. The landlord asks them to leave and they do. However the first unruly lot stays and continue to smash glasses intimidate people and cause havoc. The landlord calls the police who don’t do much and first gang continue smashing glasses and cause so much mayhem it gets to second gang. The second gang go to the landlord who has banded then and says why can’t you get rid of that lot and if you don’t we are going to do something. I tink even you can get my drift on that

Without being impolite don’t you ever consider crimes are of varying degrees and the authorities act accordingly. I have not seen in what you call pink shirt protest any call to violence any threats to kill or anything like that. There has been plenty of that from red shirt protesters but sadly people like you are either completely blinkered or just here to give propaganda for red shirts. Even gobbles refused to admit Nazis ever hurt any Jews even though 5 million where butchered in camps. You are a disgrace to humanity with your total propaganda. If you get what you want then it is possible millions will suffer or even die for sake of a megalomaniac. If that ever happens Karma will in the end give people like you what you deserve in this life or the next.

If there is a physical clash, the Reds will win, provided the army stays out of it. the Reds are tough folks. The men are real men, not delicate city dwellers that are not used to physical hardship. The Reds are not the ones that will need to put on the whitening cremes, scents and body lotions before the go into battle. I'm sure if there is some girl on girl 'rassling action the redshirts will win. :)

You got that right !!! My Isan farm boys are some tough dudes ,, real men used to hardship and staying power. I would love to have video of some of these spoiled rotten , pampered elitist teenagers going against them.

Any of you yellows have some thoughts of a fight ? I suggest you stop by the rally site and quietly walk among the crowd and see what you are up against.

You will see many ex military types, ( as black shirt guards ) and some very tough fanatical, committed people some of whom are ready to die for this protest.

The elites had their way with the country and brought it to its knees last time and imposed their minority will on the country. Now its our time and our right to express our opinion,, and if they try to get in our way all I can say is:

LET THE MAYHEM BEGIN !!! Its payback time.

The weak and delicate urban elitists that you are talking about the working people in Bangkok that are also coming from different cities of Thailand. Just look at the traffic going back to Bangkok after Songkran and you will realise see what I mean.

Anyway, what I wanted to say is that, let say the Reds "real man" wins the clashes and killed all the elitists (pessimistic :D ) as you were saying, what do you think will happen to Thailand then? Back to the years when only farming is main source of income of the country. Yes, just like 1960's...


I hope that it will not come until that point. Let there be peace in Thailand, I hope that the current government will find better ways to unite the Thai people. But, key is with the Reds, if they just agree with the 6 months offer for general election then everything will stop and the country can move on.

Just my opinion, I would actually prefer dictatorship with prosperity and peace in the country than democracy with lawlessness, anarchy, destructions or even possible civil war happening every 6 months.

You know man , I get tired of people on Thai Visa bashing me for this post.

I am not advocating violence here or saying kill all the elitists,, and you know better . I was saying the reds have as much right to protest as anyone else and if the yellows try to stop them with violence ,,, they will get violence back,,, I think that is called SELF DEFENCE !! And simply stated the reds are much tougher and better prepared for a fight than the yellows.

You may prefer a dictatorship with prosperity,, but alot of Thais would disagree with you. And by the way the majority of those people you say going back to Bangkok after Songkran do work in the city as you say ,, but they are not elites,,, they are working people you are right ,,, but ask them how much they earn a month and if they think they are getting a fair shake in society,, the answer will tell you why so many people are in the streets protesting.

When the subway was being built as an example ,, hard labour contruction workers were earning 225 bhat per day for 12 to 14 hours a day. That should be considered slave labour ,,, and dont try and tell me thats ok because this is a third world country. The conglomerates , such as Italian - Thai etc made obscene amounts of money on the backs of the rural poor.

I will bet you those construction workers dont prefer you status quo and dictatorship

"The country is split between "Red Shirts", who largely support ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra, and their yellow-clad rivals who hit the streets ahead of a 2006 coup that ousted Thaksin and again to see off his allies in 2008."

Not quiet, me thinks. There is a third group called the "Grey Shirts"./ They just want the other two groups to get a life and stop ruining things.

There are real issues in Thailand and the typical Thai solution is to stick the head in the sand and pretend there are none.

History is repeating itself, in the past the tactics included demonizing protesters first and then shooting them.

Usually there are not many killed i.e. no bodies but they are never seen again!

I thought gatherings of more than 5 people are banned anyway, aren't they?

Double standards eek laewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

They are supposed to be, but as with the "pink shirts" that law does not apply if you support the government. This was trap waiting for Abhisit to fall into, which he duly did. One more chip out of the government's credibility. The red shirts' propaganda machine will get maximum mileage out of it. I wonder how many other laws do not apply if you support the government?

Obviously, the reds are still gathering way more than 5 ppl and no sign of disperse. My friend who lived in Ratchadamri area was stopped by a group of redshirts three days ago while she was about to turn into her soi off Ratchadamri road. They tried to open the car doors, so she asked them what they wanted, and they said they wanted her to drive them to Ratchaprasong. She told them she wasn't going there coz she lived on this soi, and so she drove off quickly. Another friend of mine was also stopped by a group of redshirts and they asked him for 200 baht. These people are thugs who wear redshirts coz they know the police can't do anything to them so they act as they rule Thailand. So all please be careful. They might not do it to Farang but I just wanna share the stories.

I thought gatherings of more than 5 people are banned anyway, aren't they?

Double standards eek laewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

They are supposed to be, but as with the "pink shirts" that law does not apply if you support the government. This was trap waiting for Abhisit to fall into, which he duly did. One more chip out of the government's credibility. The red shirts' propaganda machine will get maximum mileage out of it. I wonder how many other laws do not apply if you support the government?

Obviously, the reds are still gathering way more than 5 ppl and no sign of disperse. My friend who lived in Ratchadamri area was stopped by a group of redshirts three days ago while she was about to turn into her soi off Ratchadamri road. They tried to open the car doors, so she asked them what they wanted, and they said they wanted her to drive them to Ratchaprasong. She told them she wasn't going there coz she lived on this soi, and so she drove off quickly. Another friend of mine was also stopped by a group of redshirts and they asked him for 200 baht. These people are thugs who wear redshirts coz they know the police can't do anything to them so they act as they rule Thailand. So all please be careful. They might not do it to Farang but I just wanna share the stories.

I thought gatherings of more than 5 people are banned anyway, aren't they?

Double standards eek laewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

They are supposed to be, but as with the "pink shirts" that law does not apply if you support the government. This was trap waiting for Abhisit to fall into, which he duly did. One more chip out of the government's credibility. The red shirts' propaganda machine will get maximum mileage out of it. I wonder how many other laws do not apply if you support the government?

Obviously, the reds are still gathering way more than 5 ppl and no sign of disperse. My friend who lived in Ratchadamri area was stopped by a group of redshirts three days ago while she was about to turn into her soi off Ratchadamri road. They tried to open the car doors, so she asked them what they wanted, and they said they wanted her to drive them to Ratchaprasong. She told them she wasn't going there coz she lived on this soi, and so she drove off quickly. Another friend of mine was also stopped by a group of redshirts and they asked him for 200 baht. These people are thugs who wear redshirts coz they know the police can't do anything to them so they act as they rule Thailand. So all please be careful. They might not do it to Farang but I just wanna share the stories.

No way! You see, a lady in pink did the same thing to me yesterday. She just pulled my car door open and held a gun to my head and told me to get her to the Victory Monument before 4pm or she'll pull the trigger. She acted like a complete thug. Sadly, I don't have a witness and neither do I have a credible source for my little story, but neither do you. So it doesn't really mean a lot, does it?

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