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Rival Thai 'Yellows' Discuss Moves As 'Reds' Rally On

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This is a nightmare!

This is a NATIONAL crisis - get a MANDATE from the people - Abhisit should show some moral leadership - hold elections get a mandate.

Reds fighting Yellows will spiral for years and years... Thailand does not need it - put oil on the water before it's too late

When Thaksin apologists whine 'This is a nightmare', it means that they think they are losing.

Bullies in retreat.

But not without the synchronised mantra.

To get Thaksin back to action the armed forces reshuffle.

Before the scheduled elections.

I didn't really catch any pro-red sentiment in that message, just a wish for this to stop. Nothing wrong with is there?.

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This is a nightmare!

This is a NATIONAL crisis - get a MANDATE from the people - Abhisit should show some moral leadership - hold elections get a mandate.

Reds fighting Yellows will spiral for years and years... Thailand does not need it - put oil on the water before it's too late

When Thaksin apologists whine 'This is a nightmare', it means that they think they are losing.

Bullies in retreat.

But not without the synchronised mantra.

To get Thaksin back to action the armed forces reshuffle.

Before the scheduled elections.

I didn't really catch any pro-red sentiment in that message, just a wish for this to stop. Nothing wrong with is there?.

Elections is the only thing the reds are after, so it's a very pro-red sentiment.

The wife's brothers have just arrived in Bangkok to join the Red protest.

Believe me, you would not fuk with these guys.

I really hope there are no yellow/red clashes. It would get very nasty very quickly.

Why, are they mafia or hoodlums or is it they just like to make trouble? :)

Nope non of the above, just hard working country boys with an absolute commitment to the Red socialist cause.

"Good Ol' Boys" from rural Thailand.

so·cial·ism   [soh-shuh-liz-uhm] – noun

1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.

com·mu·nism   [kom-yuh-niz-uhm] – noun

1. a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.

cap·i·tal·ism   [kap-i-tl-iz-uhm] – noun

an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, esp. as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.

is the point of this post that socialism / communism are the ultimate expression of democracy? (at least in theory)

I thought that this thread was about the yellow shirts not about the red shirts .

Fine lets talk about the red shirts then . The red shirts are thai citizens , they have the right to demonstrate in their country , and the right do so until their demands for immediate general elections is accepted . The closure of few luxury shopping malls is not the point , there are enough of those all around Bangkok where the affluent shoppers can choose their latest Vuitton bag or Gucci watches . I do not agree with the violent rethoric of some red shirts leaders but they have agreed to surrender on May 15

Now taking a step back :

Does anyone remember the huge demonstrations by the yellows and their violent slogans during the Thaksin government , the ones after his reelection of 2005 in a POPULAR election , i was in BKK that was pretty disturbing traffic and everything else . Does anyone here remember that in spite of his comfortable coalition majority in the house , Thaksin decided in Feb 2006 because of the unrest to call for new elections scheduled for April 2006 .

Those April 2006 elections were boycotted by the dems who bribed other smaller parties to do likewise , Thaksin TRT counter bribed . It was clear sabotage by the dems of the democratic process one of too many as we see now also prooves that they did not give a dam_n about disturbing the public . As elections were boycotted Thaksin was unable to form a majority coalition and was appointed care taker PM by HM . New elections were scheduled in Oct 2006 but before that a military coup was staged by the army with the blessing of the dems who knew that they stand no chance at that Oct 06 then forthcoming election .So the myth of Thaksin just a care taker PM at the moment of the coup , is only true because the dems sabotaged the democratic process . Thaksin was perfectly legitimate and forcibly removed by the army , the source of much of what is happening today .

Then following the coup in 2007 under the self appointed military backed government of CNS then CDC both the TRT (Thaksin party ) and the Dems were convicted of bribery for their stunt as above described by the office of the Attorney general . TRT was disbanded , Dems were acquitted both cases by a military appoint court . Lately the PT has brought to light some disturbing elements on that court decision


Then in 2008 the PPP was disbanded using a new constitution established by the military the year before and its article 237 , a constitution that has no democratic validity whatsoever

Now looking at the dem "eclatant" :D corruption record no need to bring the TPI Polene case (Most likely a dems sponsored hoax anyway to drive the red shirts home ) , or other cases like the heath ministry bribery case , the rotten can fish case , and so on and so forth , the 2007 case is enough to prove that the dems are no friend of democracy and are corrupt.

What about the recent Abhisit ordered crackdown which caused the death of 23 peoples on 10 April 09 ? here is the report of Amnesty International .


Funny nowhere I see mention of red shirts shooting at soldiers in that report . What I see instead is a strong suspicion of soldiers shooting at red shirts using live bullets .Videos by a french team were taken of soldiers shooting into the crowd with automatic fire , I can find the link for those who wants it .Also a report in the BBC indicate that a journalist found two red shirts shot by soldiers with live ammunition . Oh I know the soldiers shot but were they not shot by their renegate colleagues from nearby roof top ? Only one soldier was killed by a bamboo spear in what is certainly a case of self defence . Does anyone truly believe in middle aged and old rural folks , or even a few red security , shooting at a professional army ? What would they gain from it ? Their own massacre …

That comes on top of the Abhisit administration closing tens of internet sites , blocking red shirts TV and radio stations , while pure lies on ASTV are allowed to continue . It seems that the views of Mr Abhisit is that lies and fabrications are ok as long as they are not anti-government , his government only that is . Even K Bahnarn, and the CEO of Thai com told Mr Abhisit not to close the red TV channel , but Mr Abhisit must have had his pride hurted somewhat . Typical elitist reaction …

In short the current situation is caused by the refusal of the elite to accept electoral defeat but it can go only for so long . One can't repress democracy forever unless one is willing to spill blood endlessly .

Mr Abhisit has proven that he wont hesitate to use M16's with live bullets and censorship of the medias to maintain his grip on power . Worse then Thaksin it would seem

I just hope that Mr Abhisit , will FINALLY see the light , stop clinging to power and , like Thaksin did , in Feb2006 , call for speedy general elections to clean up the political mess and avoid further loss of life .

And of course refrain from use of force . I really am not for Thaksin , Abhisit, Julius Caesar or Jimmy Hendrix , i am for free general election

But then … I had a dream

Edit : comma added

Agree!!!! It is every Thai's right to elect an ***hole into power! Goodness knows we westerners have done it enough times!

I think the war on terror may have corrupted a few farang brains! So many have crossed over to the dark side. :)

Oops noticed you never gave the full story

at the end of the article was added the following

You are so far removed from the situation on the ground here in Bangkok Thailand that your report is as erroneous as it is laughable. It makes me sick that an otherwise respectable organization like Amnesty International should allow your misinformed claptrap to be published under its name. You sir, are not helping Thailand nor the world with your un-researched and irrelevant invective. Stay home and water the garden where you can’t do further harm to an already bad situation.

Sounds a little like Thai Visa doesn't it

different opinions, but this is Thailand and what right do you have to tell Thai's what to do

if your not happy in Thailand go home we do not need you whinging here

The wife's brothers have just arrived in Bangkok to join the Red protest.

Believe me, you would not fuk with these guys.

I really hope there are no yellow/red clashes. It would get very nasty very quickly.

Must agree with this posting

Last night I met them at Saparn Krauy :D

One ask a very young Lady Tao Lai :)

When she answered

Both went Tok Ji :D

Yep real Men ( but only back on the farm) :D

"A rabble is no more an army than a pile of building materials is a house." Socrates if I remember correctly. Maybe the uni educated red leaders should have read some classics instead of Marx. Just joking, they didn't read Marx either.

This is a nightmare!

This is a NATIONAL crisis - get a MANDATE from the people - Abhisit should show some moral leadership - hold elections get a mandate.

Reds fighting Yellows will spiral for years and years... Thailand does not need it - put oil on the water before it's too late

When Thaksin apologists whine 'This is a nightmare', it means that they think they are losing.

Bullies in retreat.

But not without the synchronised mantra.

To get Thaksin back to action the armed forces reshuffle.

Before the scheduled elections.

I didn't really catch any pro-red sentiment in that message, just a wish for this to stop. Nothing wrong with is there?.

Elections is the only thing the reds are after, so it's a very pro-red sentiment.

Nail on the head there peter. You inadvertantly made the point that ONLY the reds want elections. :):D:D .

You also made the point that that is what it is about, elections. Nothing else, not ruin and damnation, not killing and not having the Army shoot all opponants. It is about elections... Democracy if you like.

We have heard it live on TV from PAD and Democrats that Thai people who do not vote Dem, are too stupid and should have their votes taken away and the Government appointed.

Thats how it is here. A self agrandising elite with a few deluded followers who unfortunatly had enough power over the Army at the time to make a difference.

Elections seems like a fair request to me. Elections where any party can stand, even if they are opposed to the Democrats and their masters.

I thought gatherings of more than 5 people are banned anyway, aren't they?

Double standards eek laewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

They are supposed to be, but as with the "pink shirts" that law does not apply if you support the government. This was trap waiting for Abhisit to fall into, which he duly did. One more chip out of the government's credibility. The red shirts' propaganda machine will get maximum mileage out of it. I wonder how many other laws do not apply if you support the government?

Obviously, the reds are still gathering way more than 5 ppl and no sign of disperse. My friend who lived in Ratchadamri area was stopped by a group of redshirts three days ago while she was about to turn into her soi off Ratchadamri road. They tried to open the car doors, so she asked them what they wanted, and they said they wanted her to drive them to Ratchaprasong. She told them she wasn't going there coz she lived on this soi, and so she drove off quickly. Another friend of mine was also stopped by a group of redshirts and they asked him for 200 baht. These people are thugs who wear redshirts coz they know the police can't do anything to them so they act as they rule Thailand. So all please be careful. They might not do it to Farang but I just wanna share the stories.

No way! You see, a lady in pink did the same thing to me yesterday. She just pulled my car door open and held a gun to my head and told me to get her to the Victory Monument before 4pm or she'll pull the trigger. She acted like a complete thug. Sadly, I don't have a witness and neither do I have a credible source for my little story, but neither do you. So it doesn't really mean a lot, does it?

It doesn't mean a lot to you, but it means a lot to me, my friends and family. You don't believe me but i bet you believe the red leaders who make up stories on daily basis. How pathetic is that... hrrrr.

it's pathetic to see a PM cling onto power when he has NO MANDATE -


How many times have we been through this? And yet you still come back with exactly the same lies and mistruths.

Because these people are in 'denial'. For example no matter how many times we try to tell them that the Abhisit voice 'clip' is fake..they still listen to it over and over and brew themselves with anger... it's amazing there are a lot of them too.

Nail on the head there peter. You inadvertantly made the point that ONLY the reds want elections. :):D:D .

You also made the point that that is what it is about, elections. Nothing else, not ruin and damnation, not killing and not having the Army shoot all opponants. It is about elections... Democracy if you like.

We have heard it live on TV from PAD and Democrats that Thai people who do not vote Dem, are too stupid and should have their votes taken away and the Government appointed.

Thats how it is here. A self agrandising elite with a few deluded followers who unfortunatly had enough power over the Army at the time to make a difference.

Elections seems like a fair request to me. Elections where any party can stand, even if they are opposed to the Democrats and their masters.

You hang your hat on a hook that is not there.

There is an election scheduled.

Its just the timing that Thaksin objects to.

Strange how the Thaksin fan club always want to forget this point.

That they are instructed to riot re the timing of an election.

The red cheerleaders are also instructed not to discuss Thaksin's reason for an election now.

The army reshuffle.

So they never answer this point.

Including you.

Nail on the head there peter. You inadvertantly made the point that ONLY the reds want elections. :):D:D .

You also made the point that that is what it is about, elections. Nothing else, not ruin and damnation, not killing and not having the Army shoot all opponants. It is about elections... Democracy if you like.

We have heard it live on TV from PAD and Democrats that Thai people who do not vote Dem, are too stupid and should have their votes taken away and the Government appointed.

Thats how it is here. A self agrandising elite with a few deluded followers who unfortunatly had enough power over the Army at the time to make a difference.

Elections seems like a fair request to me. Elections where any party can stand, even if they are opposed to the Democrats and their masters.

You hang your hat on a hook that is not there.

There is an election scheduled.

Its just the timing that Thaksin objects to.

Strange how the Thaksin fan club always want to forget this point.

That they are instructed to riot re the timing of an election.

The red cheerleaders are also instructed not to discuss Thaksin's reason for an election now.

The army reshuffle.

So they never answer this point.

Including you.

The reds have always been asking for a fair election.

You might want to consider that a Coup is not in keeping with elections, but I am certain you won't.

Perhaps there is somewhere that can offer help to Thaksinophobes. Seems really bad cases of it keep popping up on here.

The victims begin by rambling on about corruption, despite the country always having been this way and still being that way now. Then there is the old, he was voted in by elected members. Thats the few elected members that were allowed to stand in the (rigged) election after the coup.

Later, there is, Democracy must be defended type posts, as if Democracy was never forcibly removed by the PAD's masters and the Army in 2006.

Then there are the nightmares where they see people going into polling booths and having choices.

Then feelings of unreality. How can they possibly not like Mark?

Delusions - We won the election fair and square.

Hallucinations - Thaksin keeps appearing from the wardrobe, and under the bed in the middle of the night waving the ballot papers of the electorate that love him.

Then Death - Not of them, but of a few more opponents at the hands of their (for now) servile army.

The whole general tone is "we are the party of democracy, and apart from all those staged Demos at airports and Gov house (where the army only turned up to ensure the police didn't disperse them) a Coup, an imposed Constitution, an imposed Election Court comprised of elite puppets, an election so heavily rigged that it could only be won by the Democrats (which they still didn't win :D:D ) a couple of quick riots to oust two more PMS and maintaining that anybody born outside of Bangkok is too stupid to vote, we have been very fair in our conduct and views. It's pure Monty Python.

It's considerred old hat to mention the Coup, but not old hat to prattle on about Thaksin in every post.

A visit to the Dr's would help, but as Thaksin carries a Dr title, none will go, just in case.

Best they hang out on here where they can do no damage. Worrying and posting every minute of the day in the belief that they are keeping Thaksin at bay.

Nail on the head there peter. You inadvertantly made the point that ONLY the reds want elections. :):D:D .

You also made the point that that is what it is about, elections. Nothing else, not ruin and damnation, not killing and not having the Army shoot all opponants. It is about elections... Democracy if you like.

We have heard it live on TV from PAD and Democrats that Thai people who do not vote Dem, are too stupid and should have their votes taken away and the Government appointed.

Thats how it is here. A self agrandising elite with a few deluded followers who unfortunatly had enough power over the Army at the time to make a difference.

Elections seems like a fair request to me. Elections where any party can stand, even if they are opposed to the Democrats and their masters.

You hang your hat on a hook that is not there.

There is an election scheduled.

Its just the timing that Thaksin objects to.

Strange how the Thaksin fan club always want to forget this point.

That they are instructed to riot re the timing of an election.

The red cheerleaders are also instructed not to discuss Thaksin's reason for an election now.

The army reshuffle.

So they never answer this point.

Including you.

Thats the few elected members that were allowed to stand in the (rigged) election after the coup.

Is this your opinion or is it something you can prove.

Nail on the head there peter. You inadvertantly made the point that ONLY the reds want elections. :):D:D .

You also made the point that that is what it is about, elections. Nothing else, not ruin and damnation, not killing and not having the Army shoot all opponants. It is about elections... Democracy if you like.

We have heard it live on TV from PAD and Democrats that Thai people who do not vote Dem, are too stupid and should have their votes taken away and the Government appointed.

Thats how it is here. A self agrandising elite with a few deluded followers who unfortunatly had enough power over the Army at the time to make a difference.

Elections seems like a fair request to me. Elections where any party can stand, even if they are opposed to the Democrats and their masters.

You hang your hat on a hook that is not there.

There is an election scheduled.

Its just the timing that Thaksin objects to.

Strange how the Thaksin fan club always want to forget this point.

That they are instructed to riot re the timing of an election.

The red cheerleaders are also instructed not to discuss Thaksin's reason for an election now.

The army reshuffle.

So they never answer this point.

Including you.

Thats the few elected members that were allowed to stand in the (rigged) election after the coup.

Is this your opinion or is it something you can prove.

Shouldnt forget that PPP enjoyed the lection until Thaksin wouldnt allow Samak to come back and chose his useless bro-in-law after Samak got courted out and that split the PPP. If this hadnt happened lilkely the PPP wuld still be in government

The reds have always been asking for a fair election.

You might want to consider that a Coup is not in keeping with elections, but I am certain you won't.

Perhaps there is somewhere that can offer help to Thaksinophobes. Seems really bad cases of it keep popping up on here.

The victims begin by rambling on about corruption, despite the country always having been this way and still being that way now. Then there is the old, he was voted in by elected members. Thats the few elected members that were allowed to stand in the (rigged) election after the coup.

Later, there is, Democracy must be defended type posts, as if Democracy was never forcibly removed by the PAD's masters and the Army in 2006.

Then there are the nightmares where they see people going into polling booths and having choices.

Then feelings of unreality. How can they possibly not like Mark?

Delusions - We won the election fair and square.

Hallucinations - Thaksin keeps appearing from the wardrobe, and under the bed in the middle of the night waving the ballot papers of the electorate that love him.

Then Death - Not of them, but of a few more opponents at the hands of their (for now) servile army.

The whole general tone is "we are the party of democracy, and apart from all those staged Demos at airports and Gov house (where the army only turned up to ensure the police didn't disperse them) a Coup, an imposed Constitution, an imposed Election Court comprised of elite puppets, an election so heavily rigged that it could only be won by the Democrats (which they still didn't win :):D ) a couple of quick riots to oust two more PMS and maintaining that anybody born outside of Bangkok is too stupid to vote, we have been very fair in our conduct and views. It's pure Monty Python.

It's considerred old hat to mention the Coup, but not old hat to prattle on about Thaksin in every post.

A visit to the Dr's would help, but as Thaksin carries a Dr title, none will go, just in case.

Best they hang out on here where they can do no damage. Worrying and posting every minute of the day in the belief that they are keeping Thaksin at bay.

Do you really believe the reds want a fair election?? So there will be no vote buying and the Democrats and the New Politics Party can freely campaign in the North and Isaan? Don't think so.


I sure am Mr Right tonight folks. Stuck a nerve there didn't I?

Notice the knee jerk responses and total avoidance of confronting the issues. Shame boys, shame.

With that, I'm off to bed to dream of waves of farmers driving ploughs down Silom.

I could dream of a fair election where the winning party get to form the Government.... but that really would be a dream wouldn't it.

Nighty night, don't let Thaksins bed bugs bite :)

I sure am Mr Right tonight folks. Stuck a nerve there didn't I?

With that, I'm off to bed to dream of waves of farmers driving ploughs down Silom.

I could dream of a fair election where the winning party get to form the Government.... but that really would be a dream wouldn't it.

Nighty night, don't let Thaksins bed bugs bite :)

So you do not care how they win. Cheat as much as you can, just buy your votes and do not let any opponent have their say. Nice form of democracy....

One more time: The winning party (I suppose you mean the one with the most seats in Parliament) will always have the best chance to form the government. But if they do not have a majority and cannot get one, then other parties can try to get a majority together and they can form the government. This is how it works in a multiparty democracy. Really sad some people just cannot understand this.


Ah yes sweet dreams of the red shirt.. :)


I sure am Mr Right tonight folks. Stuck a nerve there didn't I?

Notice the knee jerk responses and total avoidance of confronting the issues. Shame boys, shame.

With that, I'm off to bed to dream of waves of farmers driving ploughs down Silom.

I could dream of a fair election where the winning party get to form the Government.... but that really would be a dream wouldn't it.

Nighty night, don't let Thaksins bed bugs bite :D

Nighty night, don't let Thaksins bed bugs bite :D

Yeah well, Thaksin is a nightmare for most of us normal law-abiding citizens... but for others, he is clearly a wet dream. Enjoy your sleep now. :)

I sure am Mr Right tonight folks. Stuck a nerve there didn't I?

Notice the knee jerk responses and total avoidance of confronting the issues. Shame boys, shame.

With that, I'm off to bed to dream of waves of farmers driving ploughs down Silom.

I could dream of a fair election where the winning party get to form the Government.... but that really would be a dream wouldn't it.

Nighty night, don't let Thaksins bed bugs bite :)

Hey Mr. Right.

You made the statement:

"Thats the few elected members that were allowed to stand in the (rigged) election after the coup."

Is it just your opinion that the election was rigged or can you back it up? That's what I thought. You got nothing.


Elections is the only thing the reds are after, so it's a very pro-red sentiment.

Nail on the head there peter. You inadvertantly made the point that ONLY the reds want elections. :):D:D .

You also made the point that that is what it is about, elections. Nothing else, not ruin and damnation, not killing and not having the Army shoot all opponants. It is about elections... Democracy if you like.

We have heard it live on TV from PAD and Democrats that Thai people who do not vote Dem, are too stupid and should have their votes taken away and the Government appointed.

Thats how it is here. A self agrandising elite with a few deluded followers who unfortunatly had enough power over the Army at the time to make a difference.

Elections seems like a fair request to me. Elections where any party can stand, even if they are opposed to the Democrats and their masters.

Good twisting again grandpops.

The reds want elections now because ... well, just because they want it.

Elections are scheduled for Dec 2011. They may be brought forward to late this year if the reds actually compromise a little.

The reds have never really said why they want elections so quickly.

It can't be because they want democracy, because then they would wait until they are scheduled. They wouldn't want to remove a democratically elected PM - elected in the same way as the 2 previous PMs, using coalition support.

It probably isn't for the poor, because they have never said what they will do to help the poor IF they get elected.

It's not because they want to fix the corruption, because all they have said is that they want to remove the parts of the constitution that reduce the corruption.

So why do they want elections now? Can't they wait? Can't they at least negotiate?

I sure am Mr Right tonight folks. Stuck a nerve there didn't I?

Notice the knee jerk responses and total avoidance of confronting the issues. Shame boys, shame.

With that, I'm off to bed to dream of waves of farmers driving ploughs down Silom.

I could dream of a fair election where the winning party get to form the Government.... but that really would be a dream wouldn't it.

Nighty night, don't let Thaksins bed bugs bite :)

Apparently premature senility affects the ears and the ability to reason more in red leaning oldsters.

I remember the reds beating Democrats for having the temerity to try to SPEAK PUBLICLY up north.

Free and fair you say... not in a pigs ear it is isn't.

Party line dogmatism and not based on 'Democratic Principles' in the slightest.

It is about pure naked power politics, and Thaksin revenge motive.

It looks more and more like the reds will feel Montzumas revenge shortly.

There leaders hubris leading them to a bad end. A quick flush; back to the earth and obscurity.

It's a shame for those few red leaning, but not commited to believing the propaganda

and actually STILL maintaining some personal dignity and regard for those who disagree.

Most rational people do not wish this on them at all,

but their leaders are monochromatic and absolutist,

so there is little hope.

Nighty night, don't let Thaksins bed bugs bite :D

Yeah well, Thaksin is a nightmare for most of us normal law-abiding citizens... but for others, he is clearly a wet dream. Enjoy your sleep now. :)

Thaksin as a bed bug... I like it. Good analogy, grandpops; Kafkaesque....


Nail on the head there peter. You inadvertantly made the point that ONLY the reds want elections. :):D:D .

You also made the point that that is what it is about, elections. Nothing else, not ruin and damnation, not killing and not having the Army shoot all opponants. It is about elections... Democracy if you like.

We have heard it live on TV from PAD and Democrats that Thai people who do not vote Dem, are too stupid and should have their votes taken away and the Government appointed.

Thats how it is here. A self agrandising elite with a few deluded followers who unfortunatly had enough power over the Army at the time to make a difference.

Elections seems like a fair request to me. Elections where any party can stand, even if they are opposed to the Democrats and their masters.

I complete agree that elections are the best way for govt. to follow the will of the people. But... If the govt. has to be reset everytime the will of the people changes, no govt. can function. The will of the people changes often. Very few democratically elected heads-of-state have more than 40% support in the electorate. Governments need time to become who they are; that's why elections are generally scheduled a few years apart.

Your and Dr. Taksin's problem is the scheduled vote comes too late to retrieve Dr. Taksin's money and power.

With all the hatred continuously whipped up on stage, television, and radio whithin the red-shirt power base (North and Northeast), are there any reasons for a reasonable person to think that free and fair election could take place now?

I believe the reds when they say they want democracy but until I can see some demonstration of their ability to behave democratically, I have no reason to believe they will govern democratically.

This is a nightmare!

This is a NATIONAL crisis - get a MANDATE from the people - Abhisit should show some moral leadership - hold elections get a mandate.

Reds fighting Yellows will spiral for years and years... Thailand does not need it - put oil on the water before it's too late

When Thaksin apologists whine 'This is a nightmare', it means that they think they are losing.

Bullies in retreat.

But not without the synchronised mantra.

To get Thaksin back to action the armed forces reshuffle.

Before the scheduled elections.

I didn't really catch any pro-red sentiment in that message, just a wish for this to stop. Nothing wrong with is there?.

Elections is the only thing the reds are after, so it's a very pro-red sentiment.

Not so, they want Thaksin back,and the Red core leaders want power, end of story.

The wife's brothers have just arrived in Bangkok to join the Red protest.

Believe me, you would not fuk with these guys.

I really hope there are no yellow/red clashes. It would get very nasty very quickly.

Must agree with this posting

Last night I met them at Saparn Krauy :D

One ask a very young Lady Tao Lai :)

When she answered

Both went Tok Ji :D

Yep real Men ( but only back on the farm) :D

"A rabble is no more an army than a pile of building materials is a house." Socrates if I remember correctly. Maybe the uni educated red leaders should have read some classics instead of Marx. Just joking, they didn't read Marx either.

So the Dalton Brothers is back in town? Be ware..... :D

it's pathetic to see a PM cling onto power when he has NO MANDATE -


How many times have we been through this? And yet you still come back with exactly the same lies and mistruths.

"There are none so deaf as those who choose not to hear"

Thailand's human rights ranking was actually was much worse during Mark's watch. thaksin had a better ranking on the world human rights index.... you should be the one who get your facts right instead


Nail on the head there peter. You inadvertantly made the point that ONLY the reds want elections. :):D:D .

You also made the point that that is what it is about, elections. Nothing else, not ruin and damnation, not killing and not having the Army shoot all opponants. It is about elections... Democracy if you like.

We have heard it live on TV from PAD and Democrats that Thai people who do not vote Dem, are too stupid and should have their votes taken away and the Government appointed.

Thats how it is here. A self agrandising elite with a few deluded followers who unfortunatly had enough power over the Army at the time to make a difference.

Elections seems like a fair request to me. Elections where any party can stand, even if they are opposed to the Democrats and their masters.

You hang your hat on a hook that is not there.

There is an election scheduled.

Its just the timing that Thaksin objects to.

Strange how the Thaksin fan club always want to forget this point.

That they are instructed to riot re the timing of an election.

The red cheerleaders are also instructed not to discuss Thaksin's reason for an election now.

The army reshuffle.

So they never answer this point.

Including you.

The reds have always been asking for a fair election.

I remember the reds/Thaksin's idea of a fair election. It is the only time in recent history where members of the election commission have been jailed for fraud and malfeasance. (Forgot about that inconvenient truth, didn't you?)

The reds want a "fair" election? That is a terrible joke.

Again, this all goes back to Thaksin committing unspeakable corruption to the point where only a coup could undo the damage he had done. The military did the best they could to clean up the mess Thaksin made, and restore the country to democracy. They then turned control back over to civillian elected governments. All elections since then have been dramatically more "fair" than anything ever held under Thaksin's watch.

If the reds don't like the government they have, they should:

1) Blame their master Thaksin for getting the country into this mess in the first place,

2) Wait for the regularly scheduled election in 2011

Only people who are in favor of tyranny would ask for anything else.

Let us all hope Abhisit does not cave to the red terrorists asking for a new election.

God bless you Abhisit. Abhisit...protector of freedom, justice and liberty for all...a beacon of hope....a shining monument to truth and justice in the terrible red wasteland of contempt, corruption and hypocrisy.

Thailand's human rights ranking was actually was much worse during Mark's watch. thaksin had a better ranking on the world human rights index.... you should be the one who get your facts right instead


Here is my source :)


85 people died in the "Tak Bai incident" under Thaksin. How many died under Abhisit's "Rohingya" incident?

Over the years thousands of Rohingya also have fled to Thailand. There are roughly 111,000 refugees housed in 9 camps along the Thai-Myanmar border. There have been charges that groups of them have been shipped and towed out to open sea from Thailand, and left there. In February 2009 there was evidence of the Thai army towing a boatload of 190 Rohingya refugees out to sea. A group of refugees rescued by Indonesian authorities also in February 2009 told harrowing stories of being captured and beaten by the Thai military, and then abandoned at open sea. By the end of February there were reports that of a group of 5 boats were towed out to open sea, of which 4 boats sank in a storm, and 1 boat washed up on the shore. February 12, 2009 Thailand's prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said there were "some instances" in which Rohingya people were pushed out to sea.

"There are attempts, I think, to let these people drift to other shores. [...] when these practices do occur, it is done on the understanding that there is enough food and water supplied. [...] It's not clear whose work it is [...] but if I have the evidence who exactly did this I will bring them to account." [6]

The prime minister said he regretted "any losses", and was working on rectifying the problem.



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