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Video Of Red Shirt Getting Shot


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As much as I believe these guys were probably were violent and carrying weapons. It certainly wouldn't be the first time, as the over 200 wounded soldiers can attest too, I could not make out a weapon or anyone bending over to pick it up in this video.

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Looks like he fell towards the army, implying the bullet came from the red shirt side?

The fall is consistent with close range. Farther away and the brain you see would have been sheared. Image suggests shot was at ground level from direction he was walking. He was not threatening anyone, only walking.

note videographers comments;

A Red Shirt protester who appears calm is unexpectedly shot in the head at close range by an M-16.

From SOURCE: "I don't know anything about this video other than my wife's relatives sent it to us. The footage shows a red shirt having his head blown off in what looks like a completely unprovoked attack.

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What we know is he was shot, probably at close range, a weapon is not clearly apparent.

What we don't know is who shot him or what kind of gun it was.

However to say he is "innocent" is patently false, if the govt tells you to move out of a area you are illegally rioting in, they declare a state of emergency and you stay after they warned you about the military coming in then you become a enemy combatant.

Innocent would be if they kicked down the door to his house and shot him.

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First I saw also a kind of knive, but actualy it could be a clapper.

Anyway, there was no reason to shot him dead, as it was sure no reason to shot the other 24 or 25 people, Reds and police or the innocent Zookeeper.

Sorry for that.

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He was not by any stretch of the word 'innocent' as in 'innocent bystander'. He was however not a threat to anyone at the time that would warrant any lethal force. The way he is shot would indicate it was not from troops on ground level, as we have covered in the other thread. I could accept 'friendly fire by accident' as one explanation. (As oppose to 'friendly fire on purpose' by the Ronins.)

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What I saw and heard was sporatic small arms fire. People milling about with nobody seeking cover. Man just outside the camera angle takes a round to the head.

Game over for him.

Nobody seems to be concerned about the fire going on and no one moves in to lend assistance to the victim, kinda makes you wonder..but boy do the media vultures move in for the death shot photos..discusting. I hate the media.

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Looks like he fell towards the army, implying the bullet came from the red shirt side?

Hi shawndoc

The direction in which the body falls is not an indication as to which direction a high velocity round, in this case an alleged 5.56 mm round (standard caliber of Thai soliders personal weapon) strikes a live target. A live target, unlike an inanimate object, say a tin can or large solid object which is unable to absorb the kinetic energy from the projectile it will be pushed in the direction of the rounds flight path. A human is in essence a big bag of liquid, the kinetic energy is transmitted though the body, in all directions. In some cases for example; a high velocity round entering the top of the leg, at the front, could exit the right shoulder, front, having its path deflected by bone. The way a live target falls when hit is determined by many factors, not just the direction of the strike, that’s ballistics!

I can see it’s an educated assumption that the force of the projectile will knock you on, so to speak, that’s just “Hollywood”for you.

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Spare us the discussion - someone shot him in the head and he was clearly un-armed at a peaceful demonstration (despite the "oh he's got a knife" bs) - I don't recall the Yellows getting hassled at the airport blockage even by police with plastic shields (and they looked armed with knives and clubs at times). Or have we all forgotten that bit and the economic damage that it caused and continues to cause. By the way taking over an airport in the current world security situtaion is surely a bit more serious than demostrating at a down-town intersection. I note the Reds have asked for observers to be stationed with the army and SWAT units occupying high buildings - fully support them because it is clear that one possible explaination of this video is a shot in the head from an elevated position (sniper) - remember the video of the Kennedy killing (unless you all believe it was a Mafia guy on the grassy knoll). Amazing how it's an accepted fact in all Government statements that there were "terrorists" dressed in black - and that these were doing the deadly shotting. Amazing how not a single Red jumped them when (according to Government) it was them pumping bullets into their fellow Red shirts.

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looks like could of been shot by his own side by accident, like they intended to shoot in the air over towards the army. the way he falls and brain ejects is look like bullet from behind him to his right fairly close, not far away to the front (can't see the army position but assume it is where they are walking towards waving things and shouting).

I could be wrong of course.

I'm sure people will "see" extra what they choose to think.

basically its a video of someone loosing their life.

Poor geezer didnt deserve to die from his actions in the clip. So many unknowns though.

I wouldn't put it past Thaksin an crew to sacrafice a few pessants to achieve there obvectives! They killed thousands of thai people while in power remember. This is effectilly what the whole protest has been trying to instigate from the get go. And look at how they're parrading the dead around aswell, used while alive and even after dead still being used, nothing more than a tool to these leaders. They are sick.

Plus the army has a right to defend themselves, out of shot can here gun fire, if it was the army then i'd suggest the bullet missed its target of some one with a weapon but continued on to hit this unfortunate fellow. I doubt the millitary would fire on this guy on purpose he is clearly not doing anything. Army was incredibly relluctant to use force this whole time, even giving up an running rather than shoot unarmed people, why would they target this guy?

predictably red will use this as propaganda as how terrible army, government, highest institutions, ellite and anyone who dares to think differrently to them.

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Spare us the discussion - someone shot him in the head and he was clearly un-armed at a peaceful demonstration (despite the "oh he's got a knife" bs) - I don't recall the Yellows getting hassled at the airport blockage even by police with plastic shields (and they looked armed with knives and clubs at times). Or have we all forgotten that bit and the economic damage that it caused and continues to cause. By the way taking over an airport in the current world security situtaion is surely a bit more serious than demostrating at a down-town intersection. I note the Reds have asked for observers to be stationed with the army and SWAT units occupying high buildings - fully support them because it is clear that one possible explaination of this video is a shot in the head from an elevated position (sniper) - remember the video of the Kennedy killing (unless you all believe it was a Mafia guy on the grassy knoll). Amazing how it's an accepted fact in all Government statements that there were "terrorists" dressed in black - and that these were doing the deadly shotting. Amazing how not a single Red jumped them when (according to Government) it was them pumping bullets into their fellow Red shirts.

As equally amazing that the peace-loving red shirts didn't jump them when the thought the black clad terrorists was shooting and killing soldiers...

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Looks like he fell towards the army, implying the bullet came from the red shirt side?

Hi shawndoc

The direction in which the body falls is not an indication as to which direction a high velocity round, in this case an alleged 5.56 mm round (standard caliber of Thai soliders personal weapon) strikes a live target. A live target, unlike an inanimate object, say a tin can or large solid object which is unable to absorb the kinetic energy from the projectile it will be pushed in the direction of the rounds flight path. A human is in essence a big bag of liquid, the kinetic energy is transmitted though the body, in all directions. In some cases for example; a high velocity round entering the top of the leg, at the front, could exit the right shoulder, front, having its path deflected by bone. The way a live target falls when hit is determined by many factors, not just the direction of the strike, that's ballistics!

I can see it's an educated assumption that the force of the projectile will knock you on, so to speak, that's just "Hollywood"for you.

However, when its strikes a object like can or a skull ???

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What peaceful demonstration?! There was no peaceful demonstration, its been violent the entire time and finally 24 people were killed, point me to the peaceful demonstrations please? You mean the ones where the red shirt leaders are enciting everyone to commit violence and burn buildings down? Those peaceful demonstrations? I haven't seen any peaceful demonstrations since this whole thing started.

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Spare us the discussion - someone shot him in the head and he was clearly un-armed at a peaceful demonstration (despite the "oh he's got a knife" bs) - I don't recall the Yellows getting hassled at the airport blockage even by police with plastic shields (and they looked armed with knives and clubs at times). Or have we all forgotten that bit and the economic damage that it caused and continues to cause. By the way taking over an airport in the current world security situtaion is surely a bit more serious than demostrating at a down-town intersection. I note the Reds have asked for observers to be stationed with the army and SWAT units occupying high buildings - fully support them because it is clear that one possible explaination of this video is a shot in the head from an elevated position (sniper) - remember the video of the Kennedy killing (unless you all believe it was a Mafia guy on the grassy knoll). Amazing how it's an accepted fact in all Government statements that there were "terrorists" dressed in black - and that these were doing the deadly shotting. Amazing how not a single Red jumped them when (according to Government) it was them pumping bullets into their fellow Red shirts.

You call that peaceful? You think what transpired last saturday was PEACEFUL?? Regardless of whose fault it was, it was a f------ war with both sides taking losses.

I like how you say the Yellows "took over" the airport, but the reds are "demonstrating" downtown.

You wouldn't say they have TAKEN OVER the businesses downtown? Closures don't constitute takeover??


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The way the video is advertised it is intended to be inflammatory. First the knife is not clearly visible, second from the video you can't say what type of gun was used. There is no reference to say which way the army was positioned either. At this point in the day there had been numerous violent clashes with the security forces. Any truly innocent person would have left the scene by that point. This protester made the decision to stay and fight hours after the first clashes began. You can clearly see other protesters armed with shields and clubs. If you are part of a mob you can't claim to be an innocent bystander. If he was shot at close range like the video claims I don't see soldiers around him, just other protesters.

Edited by chadintheusa
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The way the video is advertised it is intended to be inflammatory. First the knife is not clearly visible, second from the video you can't say what type of gun was used. There is no reference to say which way the army was positioned either. At this point in the day there had been numerous violent clashes with the security forces. Any truly innocent person would have left the scene by that point. This protester made the decision to stay and fight hours after the first clashes began. You can clearly see other protesters armed with shields and clubs. If you are part of a mob you can't claim to be an innocent bystander. If he was shot at close range like the video claims I don't see soldiers around him, just other protesters.

Thank You

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The way the video is advertised it is intended to be inflammatory. First the knife is not clearly visible, second from the video you can't say what type of gun was used. There is no reference to say which way the army was positioned either. At this point in the day there had been numerous violent clashes with the security forces. Any truly innocent person would have left the scene by that point. This protester made the decision to stay and fight hours after the first clashes began. You can clearly see other protesters armed with shields and clubs. If you are part of a mob you can't claim to be an innocent bystander. If he was shot at close range like the video claims I don't see soldiers around him, just other protesters.

this the same video they have been airing on Thai TV for a few days. Pretty clear to me that he got it from the right side of the frame. RIP.

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What about the guy in black walking out from the building at the start of the video? What is his involvement in this?

He walks out with something in his hands. A number of people move towards that direction. The flag guy also moves in that direction.

Later in the video you see people leaning over near the building.

IMO, there was a struggle with the guy in black and the shot came from that struggle. The flag guy was just unlucky.

I don't think it was shot from the left where the army were.

I don't think the shot came from a distance, given the way he fell, although he did seem to just collapse in a heap and his legs/knees made him fall backwards.

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There is a way to establish the direction of the strike, using the video to establish which way the guy was facing, at the exact moment he was hit along with the location of the entry wound (coroner) that would give a good indication as to which way the round came from, however the strike could have been result of a ricochet? It's a possibility nobody actually took aim at him. Could be a result of these stupid, dangerous and pointless warning shots which desensitize people to gunfire and that equates to a bigger body count when the rounds get leveled into protesters as no one takes cover till bodies start dropping around them.

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no one can claim anything by this little clip, guy could have been holding a bag of sticky rice for all you can tell, could have been shot by his ex wife, could have been tossing hand grenades around 2 minutes before they started taping, just assumptions, no one knows what happend except the guys standing next to him, and the guy that pulled the trigger..... But if your in a protest area that has weapons.. on both sides and there are skirmishes going on, well your making a decision to put yourself in harms way, our own decisions decide our fates. Dude could have as easily gone home to see his family, but he chose to stay.. rip. Isnt anyone held accountable for their own actions these days

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Looks like he fell towards the army, implying the bullet came from the red shirt side?

Hi shawndoc

The direction in which the body falls is not an indication as to which direction a high velocity round, in this case an alleged 5.56 mm round (standard caliber of Thai soliders personal weapon) strikes a live target. A live target, unlike an inanimate object, say a tin can or large solid object which is unable to absorb the kinetic energy from the projectile it will be pushed in the direction of the rounds flight path. A human is in essence a big bag of liquid, the kinetic energy is transmitted though the body, in all directions. In some cases for example; a high velocity round entering the top of the leg, at the front, could exit the right shoulder, front, having its path deflected by bone. The way a live target falls when hit is determined by many factors, not just the direction of the strike, that's ballistics!

I can see it's an educated assumption that the force of the projectile will knock you on, so to speak, that's just "Hollywood"for you.

However, when its strikes a object like can or a skull ???

Hi Waza, A human skull is not a tin! Large or small, filled with gunk or empty.

Rightly or wrongly experiments using cadavers (even live people) have been used to further the science of ballistics. Now, I may be wrong on this, but I don’t think it was ever proposed by anyone during these experiments; “I know! Let’s use tin cans in place of human skulls”………”After all, there the same…….Aren’t they?” “Right gentlemen today’s experiment, we will fire a .50 ball rd from 100m, 0 elevation, at a fully fleshed human head”…….”Sorry! I mean tin of peaches in a wig” I don't mean to be rude Waza, but that was a daft statement.

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Peacefull demonstration? No, but on both sides! Why theyr are no pictures of the dead soldiers? And how are they killed? Beaten to dead?

here is a link with dead bothways

can see the genades exploding in amoungst the army

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