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Two Iranians Arrested For Smuggling 'ice' Drug Into Thailand


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2 Iranians arrested for smuggling 'ice' drug into Thailand

BANGKOK: -- Two Iranians were arrested at the Suvarnabhumi Airport on Sunday for trying to smuggle one kilo of "ice" or crystal methamphetamine hydrochloride into Thailand.

The drug was worth about Bt3.5million.

The suspects Morteza Abbasi, 21, and Akbar Zerami, 23, swallowed the drug down their stomach before they boarded a flight from Tehran to the Suvarnabhumi Airport.

Xray examinations at the Thai airport showed Abbasi had 88 bars of suspicious chunks in his stomach while Zerami's stomach had 68 suspicious chunks.


-- The Nation 2010-4-19


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How did they know to xray them, they must have been tipped off by Iranian Authorities............

//deleted by Admin//

Ha! They are just the expendable mules. Who knows why they did what they did, be glad your circumstances don't force you to make bad decisions.

Judge, jury, and executioner! May be time to lighten up a bit.

If in doubt, I suggest a read of Fooled by Randomness...

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A couple of weeks back it was an Iranian too, are they that stupid ? :)

Malaysia has caught about 40 Iranians this year so far smuggling ice into the region. They reckon they're dealing with a new gang that's supplying better product against cheaper prices in comparison to what's available from Burma for example.

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Iran has a very serious drug problem and poverty is growing. The Iranian government's policy of funding nuclear weapons and supporting various terrorist groups around the world has sucked out money that used to be invested in social programs. The end result is that there is a growing segment of the population without hope and without the means to survive.

parallels, parallels, parallels.

Thailand may wish to consider what I would term the diversion of funds from its social programs to the increased funding of a bloated military, lest it end up facing similar problems. No the Thais do not fund terrorists, nor do they wish to nuke people. However, the road to advancement for Thailand lies in the beating of swords in ploughshares not in the purchase of big ticket items.

Go in peace.

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Thailand may wish to consider what I would term the diversion of funds from its social programs to the increased funding of a bloated military, lest it end up facing similar problems. No the Thais do not fund terrorists, nor do they wish to nuke people. However, the road to advancement for Thailand lies in the beating of swords in ploughshares not in the purchase of big ticket items.

Go in peace.

Nicely put. Goes also for the US I would suppose.

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Who knows why they did what they did, be glad your circumstances don't force you to make bad decisions.

Who cares why they did it. If my circumstances were that bad, I'd do myself in before inflicting this stuff on people. Would you be so flippant if this crap made its way to your kid's, or any other family member's, pocket I wander?

Maybe the thought of the type of punishment they'd get at home might put them off.

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Why to the words coal and Newcastle spring to mind when I read this article..?

I don't know ,why do they spring to your mind????????

Why too they spring to mind,I'd love to know.

Edited by kimincm
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I always thought smuggling in ice into Thailand from far abroad was hilariously stupid especially considering the wide availability of the "product" just across the border in Cambodia or Myanmar. It can't be that good when you consider risk v reward.

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another total waste of time,money, energy

people- who probabaly suffered from poor circumstances did what most people would do to survive

even not,maybe they were just greedy and followed the good example set by the worlds biggest drugs exporters- the British

all this achieves is a total waste of money for all law abiding citizens, we pick up the bill

we pay for them to go to jail

we are making the crooks richer

the crooks love it, this pushes prices up

what a great situation

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You never know the motives for why people do these things. I wouldn't argue that it's generally for making money, but, in some cases, it's by duress. Some do it to save family members or other threats. Sometimes, they have no choice.

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there is a high % of Iranians involved in illicit drug trade. About the same as Pakistanis and Nigerians/Somalians I think. I don't know now, but years ago Japan was flooded with Iranian drug dealers.

Gold chains and aftershave get expensive, gotta pay for it somehow.

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How did they know to xray them, they must have been tipped off by Iranian Authorities............

Maybe one 'container' had a little hole, and he couldn't stop talking about Naam Keng to the customs.

I guess some others made it through with a few kilos on the same flight.

There must be lots of Naam Keng factories now. Hope they'll find the right direction to pray to Allah for their lost souls inside the BIG TIGER.

Guess all Iranians have to go through that machine now.

Welcome in the LOS.

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another total waste of time,money, energy

people- who probabaly suffered from poor circumstances did what most people would do to survive

even not,maybe they were just greedy and followed the good example set by the worlds biggest drugs exporters- the British

all this achieves is a total waste of money for all law abiding citizens, we pick up the bill

we pay for them to go to jail

we are making the crooks richer

the crooks love it, this pushes prices up

what a great situation

I'm confused. Why the British?

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Who knows why they did what they did, be glad your circumstances don't force you to make bad decisions.

Who cares why they did it. If my circumstances were that bad, I'd do myself in before inflicting this stuff on people. Would you be so flippant if this crap made its way to your kid's, or any other family member's, pocket I wander?

Maybe the thought of the type of punishment they'd get at home might put them off.

Its the other way around. The addict creates the demand and forces people to do stuff like this. How would you like it if your kid was talked into doing this to make money all because of some brain dead addict needs their fix ?

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Who knows why they did what they did, be glad your circumstances don't force you to make bad decisions.

Who cares why they did it. If my circumstances were that bad, I'd do myself in before inflicting this stuff on people. Would you be so flippant if this crap made its way to your kid's, or any other family member's, pocket I wander?

Its the other way around. The addict creates the demand and forces people to do stuff like this. How would you like it if your kid was talked into doing this to make money all because of some brain dead addict needs their fix ?

The addict forces people to... :) What a waste of bandwidth. Do you have any Irish in you?

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another total waste of time,money, energy

people- who probabaly suffered from poor circumstances did what most people would do to survive

even not,maybe they were just greedy and followed the good example set by the worlds biggest drugs exporters- the British

all this achieves is a total waste of money for all law abiding citizens, we pick up the bill

we pay for them to go to jail

we are making the crooks richer

the crooks love it, this pushes prices up

what a great situation

I'm confused. Why the British?

opium wars-ever heard of them?

buy our drugs or die- and many , many did, the brits, a bit like Bangkok, bombed the hel_l out of certain key location as punishment

a theory have suggested they hired a race of chine to poison the water supply of the people in those places, making them unable to defend their lands

plus they stole hong-kong( although the Chinese people arguable benefited from that)

what about this huge payout by a USA compnay?

which is worst- selling someone a drug you know does them little or no use, other than makes you rich

or what those Iranians did?

Why cann't you buy certain things here? because the doctors have lobbied the government to ban them to keep them in business.

You can and never will stop the drugs trade-its a simple as that, it is has been recognized- a human need

enough rambling

arresting those men acheives zero other than cause taxes to go up, and the crooks richer

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