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Bangkok: Another Crackdown, More Bloodshed Expected

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There are some 5,000 reds out there - at the height of the riots there were 100,000 + some - what is this talk about a "majority" about? Thailand has a population of 61 Million people - In Bangkok there are near 10 Million people who are being harassed by those terrorists - besides the "noo" there may be 1,000 paramilitary and their leaders holding a whole country hostage on behalf of an obvious crook

What has that got to do with democracy ? This is Terrorism on behalf of Thaksin who wants back his money and power He and his cronies use the Isaanies as cheap cannon fodder

As it has been said thousands of times here, Abhisit wants to hold elections in 9 months but this is too late for Thaksins interests because he would not be able to get his supporters into the key position he needs them in for his return - this whole affair is nothing but an attempted coup through the back door

It's funny how people massage numbers to make their point. During the 'height' of the demos no anti-red commentator would admit to their being anywhere near 100,000 people on the streets at any one time. Now, to make a point about how much their numbers have dwindled, they apparently had well over 100,000 at the time.

There are lies, damned lies and then there's propaganda.

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Just a shame it's riddled with non-truth's and rubbish, like a previous poster pointed out!

OK dont believe it and go back to reading the Nation :):D:D

Do you believe everything that was written in that (The Aus) article?

I dont know the publication but I do know that it says the same as I have seen on the BBC and CNN. I don't believe that all of these respected media sources are wrong. I also live here so have seen for myself what is going on. I dont believe most of what I read in the Nation as their version of events dont seem to have much connection to reality and are different to all of the above . Hope that clears this up for you. :D


Payback! Is it what's all about? Already the PM erred on calling the protestors terrorists and made it worse by sanctioning a coup. Blood will be shed and Ahbisit will go down in history as a blood loving lunatic; not the military. There is still time to negotiate and not be blindly stubborn; including the Reds. The Nation will also go down as an advocate for blood thirsty regime.

I think this is just part of an increasingly hysterical and desperate attempt by the Elite to force the Army to Kill its opponants.

The Army are still reluctant and possibly could be the peace makers here. They are not doing their masters bidding by killing this week as they realise that the masters could be in for a change!

The Yellow protesters are looking more and more like the flat earth society, pinning their hopes on some trumped up LM charges to give them something to rally around.

They seem to think that if the Army just kill a few thousand people, their regime can survive. It can't and more and more of their backers are beginning to realise it. Hence the Nation sending in the shock troops with this drivel.

Most of this is devisive propaganda and would be banned if it were as biased towards the Anti-Government side. Can't we raise the bar on this site and have less of it?

exactly - it's the last ditch attempt by the desperate Elite to retain power - it's over - they are doomed

doomed my foot,

the government is backed by,

the clerics

the aristocracy

the money,banks,stockmarket the casinos(yeah there are many of them now,owned by Chavalit

the drugpushers and makers(illegal drugs)

the industry

the oilcompanys

Obama Barracka

etc etc.

maybe the mafia and FBI and Fidij

Yep, looks like just about everybody is backing them except the people. If you put all that lot together, it would be less than 1% of the population which makes them ELITIST!!

You have just accepted and argued the point the Reds are making.

OT This is getting tougher if you think about it and the Army can no longer consider propping up the Elite as their top priority.

2006 it was easy for the Army, get Thaksin out, change the constitution, Ban TRT. The only action they were nearly involved with was when they were sent in to prevent the Police dispersing PAD.

Then it got tougher. Samaak was harder to get out that Thaksin and the thing dragged on. PAD less effective and Army standing back thinking the Elite could sort it out in a way that gave them the some mandate, however tenous.

Then the first Songkran protests. Army stand back for a while but do eventually do the bidding of the PAD. That is after trying to organise a militia which they dressed in Blue, to do the job for them. So Army move in and its a second coup and Somchai is gone.

Surely, IMHO the Army must be thinking. Ok, we got Thaksin, Samaak and Somchai out for you. We got Abhisit in (with the help of a character that I can only asume the yellow posters on this site know nothing about) and the reds are put down. This give Abhisit breathing space to reconcile the country, bring about change, unify etc. Their future, must surely be in their own hands by now and I think the Army really expected that their role should be over.

But no. They antagonise, persue opponants, squander money (think of the military budget increase) and prioritise consolidation of their own (masters) position.

I think the Army must be wondering what else they can do to shore up this jaded lot and many (including the Army) must be out of options now.... other than hoping they can soften the stance of the Reds and turn the country over to the mercy of the electorate.

What if they disperse the reds now? 2 years from now, they will be back, stronger than ever, more angry than ever and more popular than ever. Thailand is about to be hit by major financial problems due to the last 4 years problems, and death on the streets would make this ten times worse. In the meantime, there is the possibility of armed attacks by the loved ones and friends of all the people you have killed. Think they are going back to their farms to forget about their dead father, mother, son etc. Think it if you want.

So now is 2010. The full aparatus of State, (Army, Government, Elite Backers and PAD) have failed after 4 years to kill the Red movement off. They going to be more successful in this modern era? An era where they are two or three generations older than the new voters and news savvy population. Even the Chinese can't control it and they are ruthless and seriously well organised and discplined in their approach.

Meanwhile, the Elite is losing money (power) big style and may not be able to buy up the power as easily in the future. Add to this the prevalence of media still available despite the attempts of the powers to clamp down.

I think if the Army continue to play this as a political problem that they are policing, it could be the breakthrough we need. It must be obvious now to the yellows backers that they are not going to be in power for another generation with only the Army supporting them.

There are some 5,000 reds out there - at the height of the riots there were 100,000 + some - what is this talk about a "majority" about? Thailand has a population of 61 Million people - In Bangkok there are near 10 Million people who are being harassed by those terrorists - besides the "noo" there may be 1,000 paramilitary and their leaders holding a whole country hostage on behalf of an obvious crook

What has that got to do with democracy ? This is Terrorism on behalf of Thaksin who wants back his money and power He and his cronies use the Isaanies as cheap cannon fodder

As it has been said thousands of times here, Abhisit wants to hold elections in 9 months but this is too late for Thaksins interests because he would not be able to get his supporters into the key position he needs them in for his return - this whole affair is nothing but an attempted coup through the back door

It's funny how people massage numbers to make their point. During the 'height' of the demos no anti-red commentator would admit to their being anywhere near 100,000 people on the streets at any one time. Now, to make a point about how much their numbers have dwindled, they apparently had well over 100,000 at the time.

There are lies, damned lies and then there's propaganda.

I admit I should have added "may be" but what is your point ? fact in case is that this is a minute percentage of the population even if it had been 200,000 rioters - fact is they are rioters and among them are paramilitary terrorists including their leaders who have their own agenda given to them by Thaksin who is paying for the lot.

This mob can not call itself a peaceful demonstration which their leaders made clear from the word go - however, there are some knuckleheads here who still claim it to be and wave the "poor Isaanies" flag for whom this whole riot is taking place - a load of BS

For those who feel the need to rabbit on about reporting, please read the TOPIC TITLE. cheers


Feel free to discuss this one person's opinion .

I missed that, the author also labeled the entire thread as opinion, not just the post. But your image is too small to read. You should .... oh, never mind, let me do it for you..... here is a high resolution image.


Um, by the way, do you maybe have a high res version of your avatar? Just curious.. :)

Isn't everyone tired of hearing farangs talking about the reds spouting violence all the time. How do you know??? I speak fluent thai, read and write too and i must admit when i watch red tv i hardly understand any of it! Some farangs are just reading out of context pro govt tripe ie nation etc etc. Only condemn the rhetoric if you hear and understand it first hand!!!

I must take exception with your evidently overly optimistic assessment of your thai ability. :D

You say "I speak effluent<sic> thai, read and write too. :) Obviously in your quest to master thai, you left out the most important one, understanding spoken thai. :D

To say when you watch red-t/v or listen to red-radio that you can't understand it, shows how marginal your understanding of spoken thai actually is. The speakers on the stage speak some of the lowest class of thai, with some of the easiest to understand hate filled, angry, mindless mob oriented rhetoric ever preached. Then again a speaker caters to his audience, (speaking in the fashion the illustrious speakers on stage do to a room of uni-grads would be unlikely to garner a high opinion of the speaker from the listeners).

It is also some of the most colloquially spoken thai you're likely to hear and once you know a few key anti-government phrases a person who understands even intermediate thai can follow it fine. (Christ even I can follow it and I make NO over the top assertions in my thai language ability :D ). Add in the fact it is so repetitive that you can turn off the radio for an hour and then listen again without missing any of the context makes me wonder just how 'effluent' <sic> you are...

BTW: if you do understand even a smattering of thai you can quickly discern they're NOT preaching love, peace, flowers, and unity for all, but hate filled rhetoric designed to keep the ever diminishing mob as whipped up as possible. The entire context is 'us' (the reds) against them (Abhisit). It is truly 'shock-radio' at its best. .. :D

The redz are about as far from speaking for "all thai people" (or even a majority of them), as the 'yellowz', the 'dark bluez', the 'pinkz', the 'many colorz', or the 'periwinklez' (sorry in checking I see periwinkle has not been claimed as a color by any faction yet, quick, reserve it now!!).

I think we are fast moving to the point of a stalemate and a solution to save face for both sides will come about.

Elections in 6 months.

(I could be totally wrong and another battle breaks out).

I hope for something like the former.

Sadly, though I am loathe to admit it (just as I am sure he is loathe to have me on his side) I hope for the sake of all thais concerned that bkkjames’s observations are true and each side can find a way out, a way to save face, and a way NOT to kill anymore thais no matter the color of their shirt. ..


Just a shame it's riddled with non-truth's and rubbish, like a previous poster pointed out!

OK dont believe it and go back to reading the Nation :):D:D

Do you believe everything that was written in that (The Aus) article?

I dont know the publication but I do know that it says the same as I have seen on the BBC and CNN. I don't believe that all of these respected media sources are wrong. I also live here so have seen for myself what is going on. I dont believe most of what I read in the Nation as their version of events dont seem to have much connection to reality and are different to all of the above . Hope that clears this up for you. :D

Not really as the errors in the journo's comment have been highlighted in two previous posts.


It would be nice if the red leaders would request mothers and children leave the demo site. There really is no need to place them at risk and onoly a fool thinks there is no risk. The government should also offer them free trips home.

Surely that is one basic humane thing all could agree on.


in any reasonable democracy and democratic procedures one doesn't have to invest billions and instigate hatred and divisions to supposedly correct wrongs, people will get up themselves. Na Mr. Thaksin, ya hear me?


Meanwhile, the Elite is losing money (power) big style and may not be able to buy up the power as easily in the future. Add to this the prevalence of media still available despite the attempts of the powers to clamp down.

I think if the Army continue to play this as a political problem that they are policing, it could be the breakthrough we need. It must be obvious now to the yellows backers that they are not going to be in power for another generation with only the Army supporting them.


This "Elite" you are saying is loosing money ... isn't Thaksin the epyphany of all elitist ? I mean the chap you are obviously supporting who became richer by ruling this country as his private enterprise than any before him?

And now, people like you are trying anything for him to get it back - the country and his 2 billion $

The reds will not succeed because they don't have a real cause and the whole movement consists of a core of may be less than 1000 paramilitary terrorists and their leaders. You can not claim that the Isaanies who were led to bangkok like cattle to the slaughterhouse real supporters since they do not have a clue what your real agenda is or for that matter why they ar here besides getting paid. If there was any real support, they would not have left for Sonkram and you reds would not have to stop the once that are left from leaving as well since without human shields you'd be in deep kimchi


if the Nation's report that the Reds are going nowhere today proves correct--and it may not--then from here on its all downhill for the Reds. it appears that they are going nowhere because they dont have the numbers to confront the authorities who have clearly found the will to confront them on no uncertain terms.

the Army has stood up and it certainly looks like the Reds have blinked. the authorities appear to understand the lesson of insurgency, and that is if substantial force, not necessarily lethal, is shown early, it can prevent the inurgency from getting out of hand. lots of press dogma holds the contrary to be true, but history shows the opposite.

into the dying of the red light there may be suicide attacks of one sort or another and more blood shed. but if the Isaan masses are deserting the Bangkok Reds to their fate, the movement surely is finished. today's mass rally was the critical post songkran test and it has failed. those leaders who are this morning overdue in announcing their march destination know this. surely they now understand that their gamble has lost.

for all the poverty of many of the reds, there are just too many relatively prosperous people in thailand for this to have become a big enough movement to have achieved critical mass.

RIP Reds



-- The Nation

The reds will today focus on two activities - one group staying to safeguard the Rajprasong rally site and another group to march to an undisclosed destination, red-shirt leader Weng Tojirakarn said on Tuesday.

The march destination will not include any government offices or Silom Road where security has been beefed up, weng said, confirming the cancellation of an earlier plan to advance to the central business district.

Weng was the only key leader at the rally site this morning. The other leaders, Veera Musigapong, Jatuporn Promphan and Natthawut Saikua, were absent.

The turnout of the crowds was lower than expected, numbering in thousands.


Are the leaders on the run now? I'd guess so. But there will be nowhere to run. The decoration has dwindled to approx 3000 red lanterns. The red leaders will be brought to justice when the rest of this tiny lil crowd disappeared.


Correct me if I’m worng <sic> :D ; but didn’t the reds come out the other day and say that Tuesday’s mobile rally would be their BIGGEST EVER? :D

Hmm, not only does it seem to be far from their best effort to date, but also would appear to be far from mobile.. :)

To quote Monty Python; "And now for something completely different"

If you'd like to read a totally skewed take on all things thai; go Google a wordpress blogspot called “redphanfa2day” and see what Jatuporn discerned by consulting his oh-so small 'crystal balls'. He's truly an idiot savant, right up there with rainman.

It is some of the most distorted rumor mongering a person would ever read, oh and btw; it’s even in engrish too.

Hysterical, heavily biased nonsense - just another day at the office for the Nation writers. This is not journalism.

why don't the reds just go home and wait for the 9 months,,,, there would have been no bloodshed by either side if they had returned to the negotiating table, there were still options offered to return to the negotiating table,,, and still the red leaders are not interested,,,,, I think it would be insane for anyone to think that it would be for the good of the country if the PM stepped down within 15 days as the red leaders are asking, especially now,,,,, who is trying to make peace and who is trying to break it here,.....

Yes, I agree 100% with your views on the Reds behavior. They we're given a chance to "stand down" and prevent the bloodshed and chaos for Thailand that has followed their stubborn continued stance for IMMEDIATE parliamentary dissolution. Would 9 months have made that much difference? I suppose it would if you had a hidden agenda as well as the one in view. I'm not saying the Reds have, I just can't understand why it still continues when elections were promised in 9 months.

Hysterical, heavily biased nonsense - just another day at the office for the Nation writers. This is not journalism.

why don't the reds just go home and wait for the 9 months,,,, there would have been no bloodshed by either side if they had returned to the negotiating table, there were still options offered to return to the negotiating table,,, and still the red leaders are not interested,,,,, I think it would be insane for anyone to think that it would be for the good of the country if the PM stepped down within 15 days as the red leaders are asking, especially now,,,,, who is trying to make peace and who is trying to break it here,.....

Yes, I agree 100% with your views on the Reds behavior. They we're given a chance to "stand down" and prevent the bloodshed and chaos for Thailand that has followed their stubborn continued stance for IMMEDIATE parliamentary dissolution. Would 9 months have made that much difference? I suppose it would if you had a hidden agenda as well as the one in view. I'm not saying the Reds have, I just can't understand why it still continues when elections were promised in 9 months.

Why not saying as it is, Thaksin needs to get his people into key positions during the re-shuffle and 9 month's would be too late. This is the only reason and considering that he is paying the bills, he wants what he is paying for ........

Mind you, it seems that he has either been unable to pay for his "supporters" from Isaan or they got bored since most of them have returned home and didn't come back

Hysterical, heavily biased nonsense - just another day at the office for the Nation writers. This is not journalism.

why don't the reds just go home and wait for the 9 months,,,, there would have been no bloodshed by either side if they had returned to the negotiating table, there were still options offered to return to the negotiating table,,, and still the red leaders are not interested,,,,, I think it would be insane for anyone to think that it would be for the good of the country if the PM stepped down within 15 days as the red leaders are asking, especially now,,,,, who is trying to make peace and who is trying to break it here,.....

Because it wont be 9 months. It will at best be the end of 2011. And then watch for excuses to not hold the elections as required by the constitution they drag their feet to amend.

Giving live ammunition to soldiers that face protesters armed with sticks and stones are a clear violence to human rights. Seen the reduced use of reference to heavily armed terrorists and bombs? The change to "hit in the neck by sharpened bamboo sticks and concussions due to stones"?

Another crackdown with live ammunition like Songran 2009, or 10. april 2010 will do more harm to Thailands international reputation then another year for red shirt protests or even the yellowshirt airport occupation.


Giving live ammunition to soldiers that face protesters armed with sticks and stones are a clear violence to human rights. Seen the reduced use of reference to heavily armed terrorists and bombs? The change to "hit in the neck by sharpened bamboo sticks and concussions due to stones"?

Another crackdown with live ammunition like Songran 2009, or 10. april 2010 will do more harm to Thailands international reputation then another year for red shirt protests or even the yellowshirt airport occupation.


Are you really blind???

How about AK 47's - grenades - petrol bombs - lit gas tanks -

I guess those soldiers died being talked to death by red shirt gibberish

Hysterical, heavily biased nonsense - just another day at the office for the Nation writers. This is not journalism.

This is an opinion piece or incitement to violence?? Trash journalism. Unfortunately, i have a month's subscription left for this so called "insightful, independent, trendy" newspaper.

Giving live ammunition to soldiers that face protesters armed with sticks and stones are a clear violence to human rights. Seen the reduced use of reference to heavily armed terrorists and bombs? The change to "hit in the neck by sharpened bamboo sticks and concussions due to stones"?

Another crackdown with live ammunition like Songran 2009, or 10. april 2010 will do more harm to Thailands international reputation then another year for red shirt protests or even the yellowshirt airport occupation.

Are you really blind???

How about AK 47's - grenades - petrol bombs - lit gas tanks -

I guess those soldiers died being talked to death by red shirt gibberish


You need to check your work after you run your spell checker.

Giving live ammunition to soldiers that face protesters armed with sticks and stones are a clear violence to human rights. Seen the reduced use of reference to heavily armed terrorists and bombs? The change to "hit in the neck by sharpened bamboo sticks and concussions due to stones"?

Another crackdown with live ammunition like Songran 2009, or 10. april 2010 will do more harm to Thailands international reputation then another year for red shirt protests or even the yellowshirt airport occupation.


Are you really blind???

How about AK 47's - grenades - petrol bombs - lit gas tanks -

I guess those soldiers died being talked to death by red shirt gibberish


You need to check your work after you run your spell checker.

The first part was not mine but written by a red-shirt on the forum

Hysterical, heavily biased nonsense - just another day at the office for the Nation writers. This is not journalism.

Yes... It's sad. But they must do that: it's a business after all and this is Thailand.

Hysterical, heavily biased nonsense - just another day at the office for the Nation writers. This is not journalism.

I guess the truth hurts!!!

Good for the journo!!

Only saying what most people think and know!!

He is spot on!!

Most people dont think and know this. The Nation reporter should do what I did,I walked around the red shirt area in Chit lom last night, there are so many of them and they are so well organised that I couldnt help but think that have already won. I just wish Abhisit would have elections and let the country move on. Using force against the red shirts will only strengthen their resolve and will inevitably lead to loss of life and probably to a return of Thaksin.

So let's just assume an election takes place, then the losing side protest again. You are still back to square one. This country does not MOVE ON! Both sides should come to a compromise, firstly, on the election time (Aphisit offered, which is quite reasonable, 6 months from the remaining term of about 20 months but Reds rejected). Both sides should also agree that whoever is elected, the other side should honor the result for a full term of governance without this type of underhanded tactics. Easier said than done, because Reds are not willing to come to negotiating table so how can a compromise be struck????


What good is it to arm soldiers with guns but NOT hand out live ammo? It's like a country bragging they have a nuclear weapon but no triggering device. It's just a big paperweight.

The Military has been remarkable restrained in their use of deadly force, as evidenced by their less than cohesive actions on the 10th. The casualties could have been FAR higher had they not been on such a tight leash.

However, simply lining up unarmed soldiers who are NOT trained as an anti-riot squad with plastic shields is tantamount to failure. Last time I checked the reds had not yet returned the weapons and ammo they confiscated. Nor have they done anything reconciliatory in their preaching of the hate filled rhetoric to the thankfully ever diminishing mob of red rabble. Anyone notice that the infamous 'third hand' in the violence Seh Daeng is suddenly absent and the red leaders don't even mention him anymore. Wow, wonder why?


You need to check your work after you run your spell checker.

I totally concur with the above quoted post. ..

It would behoove the poster known as “BKjohn” to actually re-read his post and use a spell checker BEFORE posting. :D Any credibility (of which there was very little to begin with :D ) is lost on a nearly incoherent post. :)

Hysterical, heavily biased nonsense - just another day at the office for the Nation writers. This is not journalism.

why don't the reds just go home and wait for the 9 months,,,, there would have been no bloodshed by either side if they had returned to the negotiating table, there were still options offered to return to the negotiating table,,, and still the red leaders are not interested,,,,, I think it would be insane for anyone to think that it would be for the good of the country if the PM stepped down within 15 days as the red leaders are asking, especially now,,,,, who is trying to make peace and who is trying to break it here,.....

Because it wont be 9 months. It will at best be the end of 2011. And then watch for excuses to not hold the elections as required by the constitution they drag their feet to amend.

Giving live ammunition to soldiers that face protesters armed with sticks and stones are a clear violence to human rights. Seen the reduced use of reference to heavily armed terrorists and bombs? The change to "hit in the neck by sharpened bamboo sticks and concussions due to stones"?

Another crackdown with live ammunition like Songran 2009, or 10. april 2010 will do more harm to Thailands international reputation then another year for red shirt protests or even the yellowshirt airport occupation.

well, the 15 days the reds wanted has come and gone a few times over, but at least there was an agreement on the table in a heavily publicised environment and it was clear there was a much stronger chance of the 9 months happening than the 15 days from the off,,, most people were rather happier with their lives the way they were before all this troubles, why not take the chance and wait the 9 months,,,, I think the PM was pretty fair as mob rule should never be considered

Hysterical, heavily biased nonsense - just another day at the office for the Nation writers. This is not journalism.

why don't the reds just go home and wait for the 9 months,,,, there would have been no bloodshed by either side if they had returned to the negotiating table, there were still options offered to return to the negotiating table,,, and still the red leaders are not interested,,,,, I think it would be insane for anyone to think that it would be for the good of the country if the PM stepped down within 15 days as the red leaders are asking, especially now,,,,, who is trying to make peace and who is trying to break it here,.....

Because it wont be 9 months. It will at best be the end of 2011. And then watch for excuses to not hold the elections as required by the constitution they drag their feet to amend.

Giving live ammunition to soldiers that face protesters armed with sticks and stones are a clear violence to human rights. Seen the reduced use of reference to heavily armed terrorists and bombs? The change to "hit in the neck by sharpened bamboo sticks and concussions due to stones"?

Another crackdown with live ammunition like Songran 2009, or 10. april 2010 will do more harm to Thailands international reputation then another year for red shirt protests or even the yellowshirt airport occupation.

But how do you know it won't be 9 months? Doesn't it matter than the PM was willing to bring the elections forward 12 months, and the Reds were not willing to concede anything?

As for "sharpened bamboo stick and stones". What about AK47's and grenades? Or were they water pistols and durian fruit people were filmed with. Images posted on other TV threads and also Youtube. Fortunately, facts like this are hard to cover when the whole world is free to view them on internatter sites.

What a disgraceful article - what are they thinking???

'They' are certainly thinking seriously about the current situation unlike you and the rest of the usual gang of Thaksin apologists who rush to attack any criticism of their criminal idol.

I think putting General Anupong in charge was a clever move by Abhisit. It removes the mainly pro Thaksin and corrupt police from the scene and as the article states, this will put the general in a position where he has the power to save the country from the Red Shirt mobs with their terrorist assassins. Obviously and quite rightly reluctant to have to kill fellow Thais, I think he will decide to do whatever is required to save the country from chaos and restore order.

Because it wont be 9 months. It will at best be the end of 2011. And then watch for excuses to not hold the elections as required by the constitution they drag their feet to amend.

Another crackdown with live ammunition like Songran 2009, or 10. april 2010 will do more harm to Thailands international reputation then another year for red shirt protests or even the yellowshirt airport occupation.

I wish I had your ability to see the future - I would be a very rich man.

It is moronic to say "this won't happen", "this will happen" your crystal balls are no clearer than anyone else's. If the government promise 9 months and then renege on that promise, it will be the time to question their credibility - not until.

I 'crackdown', in my opinion, would have a positive affect on Thailand's international reputation. That, of course, is not important to most protaganists.

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