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Older Men, Younger Women


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Before we married, Mrs T was a front desk manager at a hotel. I once told her I could understand how in the face of great poverty, why girls would want to work the bar scene or marry "below" their physical status.

She harrumphed and introduced me to one of the hotel's chambermaids. This pretty 17+-year old helped her somtam-selling mom prepare food early every morning, then attended school and after school cleaned hotel rooms and made beds. When I met her, she was still in her school uniform just getting into work. Working at the hotel, this girl had had ample opportunity to latch on to any number of letchrous old tourist but was clear about her goals: finish school, go to uni, build a career, stand on own two feet, make her parents proud.

Mrs T is a proud, but practical woman. She went on to explain that any woman who says she didn't seriosuly consider the financial status of a potential marriage partner is either irrisponsible, flakey or lying—usually the latter. But (in her view) a sucessful relationship cannot stand on that pillar alone.

Do wide-gap (gaps of any sort) marriages work? Who truly knows what goes on behind closed doors? Who can see into the inscrutable mind of a Thai (any?) woman? Who can measure the human capacity for self-delusion or the huamn ability to 'love the one you're with' (if you can't be with the one you love)?

Most pertinent of all: why should any of us care?

Regretfully many girls do not feel the same way and more to the point do not have the intelligence (or moral upbringing) to go to school/Uni etc. not their fault just the way it is - I wonder (as a percentage) how many actually do attend Uni and get a degree?

My admiration goes out to this girl and I hope she achieves her aim - not just in avoiding lecherous old sods but also handsome Thai motorbike riders who will make her pregnant them bugger off.

The last point - no we shouldn't care - unless it is manipulation of a minor (sub 18) who is not old enough to make her own decisions and is a girl not a young women.

Edit: spelling

I don't have the figures of course. But it's safe to say that of the many young people arriving from rural areas to earn money in the cities, the vast majority do not go into the bar scene, or pursue easy riches via marriage or come with devious plans to entrap gullible foreigners.

We foreigners are too often too blinkered to notice the wider Thai world around us.


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We foreigners are too often too blinkered to notice the wider Thai world around us.

Many foreigners don't understand that most of the sex workers in Thailand have no interest in them.

The sex industry aiming themselves at ferrang is probs about 1 percent of the total.

The sex industry aimed at Japanese and Koreans is much bigger.

The sex industry aimed at Thais is so massive as to be beyond the belief of most white people.

I get very upset with the number of village ladies offering themselves or their daughters to me or asking if 'I have a friend'

.... and that isn't even the sex industry, but might be better titled the arranged wife industry.

Sorry Thakkar, but you appear to have little grasp of what is really happening in Thailand.

I wonder if you speak or understand Thai? (sorry to ask that but those most oblivious usually don't)

Edited by sarahsbloke
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Older men, younger women..... Good topic.

I would like to address this to all those holier than thou, pious, self serving hypocrite, A'holes out there. ....and all of you will know who they are.

Referring to BB's photo and some of the comments made.

Opinions are like A'holes...... Everyone has got one, but a certain sense of maturity is required regarding on when and where to show yours.

The comment re "freelance" is a typical example. There was no need to make that kind of statement regarding the young girl, number one. Hiding behind a 'nic' and coming across as being a Mr./Ms. Macho. and number 2 , to chuck and jive about what the you, yourself the poster are saying, shows cowardice to me.... You know what you meant, and we all know what you meant. But after opening your mouth not to be man/woman enough to ADMIT what you were saying , does in my opinion exemplify this cowardice..... It may show good thinking to try and get around what you wrote, knowing that you just might get your teeth kicked in, but lack of good thought in the initial post.

If you look at the pic of BB & daughter and the subsequent photo of the others from the academy, along with the statement about being a presentation or concert, a thinking person just might see that they look like uniform or costumes for some play or skit from the concert.

I shudder to think what some of you smut minded &%3^*% er's must think when you see an Olympic diving competition...... Perhaps trash minds feel that the female divers should be wearing full burkas for the competition...

I would think that having an opinion is good, but knowing when and where to open the trash trap is much more important.

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Sawasdee Khrup, TV CM Friends,

Well, we wouldn't post a picture of our human here because who knows what geriatriphiliacs, straight or gay, are out there who get off on ugly old white men with beautiful, remarkably intelligent, blue eyes set off by strikingly naturally black thick eyebrows ! :)

But blaming Thailand, per se, for the increasingly fashionable "sexualized" appearance of ever younger women seems loco to us : it's the western media who have pushed this. Can you say "Britney Spears" ? And let's throw in the Japanese with their images of cartoonish schoolgirls with huge doe-eyes deliberately eroticized, in oh-so short skirts.

We really like Khun Thakkar's words :

... snip ... Who can measure the human capacity for self-delusion ... snip ...

Perhaps, in a Buddhist sense, when you give up the attempt to measure your own capacity for self-delusion, that's when you realize that "one size fits all" and you are, inevitably, wearing that size now ?

When Khun Thakkar asks, poignantly :

Most pertinent of all: why should any of us care?

We can only say that we do care, and we care because we grieve for the loss of human potential, in others, in ourselves, and in the larger collective entities of nations, and the world. Every life, we believe, has a God-given potential, and a "drive," we believe, to "grow" towards self-realization and loving productivity just as plants have phototropism, the inherent drive to grow toward light.

Forgive us if we quote from our own essay that we will not publish here because of lack of response from TV re copyright, and whether the Nation makes any claim to reprint rights of anything said here :

On another level you might say it's a tremendous loss of potential of a segment of young and energetic people who, if they had the education, motivation, had the desire, and had the opportunity, could use these ten to fifteen years of their commercial sexual saleability to build a better life for themselves, their families, their country. But such easy moralizing, a favorite past-time of the West useful for conveniently forgetting the violence and brutality of their own societies, towns, and neighborhoods ... and a sure-fire source of titillating material for the media ... ignores the ways that economic necessity, and active recruitment which sometimes includes kidnapping and violence, that preys on human weakness and greed, operates in the dark side-streets of the lower depths of the funerary necropolis of the sex-trade."

Again, PM us with valid peronal e-mail to receive the full essay, as long as you agree to respect copyright.

The loss of any person's human potential is a loss for us all. If the price of caring is personal pain, we think that's holy better than "numbness."

excerpt from John Milton, Sonnet 19, composed circa 1654CE :

"When I consider how my light is spent,

Ere half my days in this dark world and wide,

And that one Talent, which is Death to hide,

Lodged with me useless ..."

in Karuna Metta, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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Older men, younger women..... Good topic.

I would like to address this to all those holier than thou, pious, self serving hypocrite, A'holes out there. ....and all of you will know who they are.

Referring to BB's photo and some of the comments made.

Opinions are like A'holes...... Everyone has got one, but a certain sense of maturity is required regarding on when and where to show yours.

The comment re "freelance" is a typical example. There was no need to make that kind of statement regarding the young girl, number one. Hiding behind a 'nic' and coming across as being a Mr./Ms. Macho. and number 2 , to chuck and jive about what the you, yourself the poster are saying, shows cowardice to me.... You know what you meant, and we all know what you meant. But after opening your mouth not to be man/woman enough to ADMIT what you were saying , does in my opinion exemplify this cowardice..... It may show good thinking to try and get around what you wrote, knowing that you just might get your teeth kicked in, but lack of good thought in the initial post.

If you look at the pic of BB & daughter and the subsequent photo of the others from the academy, along with the statement about being a presentation or concert, a thinking person just might see that they look like uniform or costumes for some play or skit from the concert.

I shudder to think what some of you smut minded &%3^*% er's must think when you see an Olympic diving competition...... Perhaps trash minds feel that the female divers should be wearing full burkas for the competition...

I would think that having an opinion is good, but knowing when and where to open the trash trap is much more important.

What are babbeling about?? B.B. was playing a game you fool, implying that he was "dating' the girl in the pic, then after he sprung his trap on some posters, he then revealed his joke, haha. All good fun in his unique style. In context it is obvious the costume is from some school production, probably some hip-hop dance performence. In context of what B.B. started with his joke set-up I stated he was trying to get some reaactions, if she (the daughter) was pictured in a typical school uni or such his "joke" would not have worked. Are you offering to "kick in my teeth" for thinking the the costume looks like "freelancer apparel" in the first pic?

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Older men, younger women..... Good topic.

I would like to address this to all those holier than thou, pious, self serving hypocrite, A'holes out there. ....and all of you will know who they are.

Referring to BB's photo and some of the comments made.

Opinions are like A'holes...... Everyone has got one, but a certain sense of maturity is required regarding on when and where to show yours.

The comment re "freelance" is a typical example. There was no need to make that kind of statement regarding the young girl, number one. Hiding behind a 'nic' and coming across as being a Mr./Ms. Macho. and number 2 , to chuck and jive about what the you, yourself the poster are saying, shows cowardice to me.... You know what you meant, and we all know what you meant. But after opening your mouth not to be man/woman enough to ADMIT what you were saying , does in my opinion exemplify this cowardice..... It may show good thinking to try and get around what you wrote, knowing that you just might get your teeth kicked in, but lack of good thought in the initial post.

If you look at the pic of BB & daughter and the subsequent photo of the others from the academy, along with the statement about being a presentation or concert, a thinking person just might see that they look like uniform or costumes for some play or skit from the concert.

I shudder to think what some of you smut minded &%3^*% er's must think when you see an Olympic diving competition...... Perhaps trash minds feel that the female divers should be wearing full burkas for the competition...

I would think that having an opinion is good, but knowing when and where to open the trash trap is much more important.

What are babbeling about?? B.B. was playing a game you fool, implying that he was "dating' the girl in the pic, then after he sprung his trap on some posters, he then revealed his joke, haha. All good fun in his unique style. In context it is obvious the costume is from some school production, probably some hip-hop dance performence. In context of what B.B. started with his joke set-up I stated he was trying to get some reaactions, if she (the daughter) was pictured in a typical school uni or such his "joke" would not have worked. Are you offering to "kick in my teeth" for thinking the the costume looks like "freelancer apparel" in the first pic?

Hang on, hang on... it is not a good 'joke' to post photo's of your daughter and imply she is a 'working' girl - not funny and in bad taste in my view - just when I hope this thread is dead another poster pops up to say what's good 'fun' it is to post photo's of a young girl with an old farang and 'suggest' he is banging her - not nice - I also don't agree (once we knew that it was his daughter) to calling her a freelancer (we all know what that means). I just don't think it's great judgement to post it in the first place. Can we forget this 'joke' and move on now?

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