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Thai 'Red Shirts' Rule Out Talks Despite Looming Crackdown

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tulsathit: RT @captainwreid: Reds don't like luk kruengs at their base too! I went to take pics, & tried to buy a hat. They refused, told me to leave!

Thu Apr 22 2010 13:47:39 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)

tulsathit: RT @Dany_k: Farangs not permitted to enter the red base at silom. Media is fine I think. I was stopped! @tulsathit #redshirts #redtweet

the pure arian race springs to mind?

It's time to make public places available for the public again.

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Can you please quote your news source? and the owner of your news source? Are you so ashame as leaving the name of your news source out? Is it PTV or ASTV or some extremes?

I guess from someone who loves Thaksin who is your real hero (but rather shy about it) the issuance of news sources such as TAN, Facebook, The Nation can be rather infuriating.

We remember when Thaksin was PM and tried to screw the Bangkok Post into the ground when it published news about the new airport runway cracks.

Since Thaksin's reputation had been allied with the new airport, no criticism was allowed.

When we listen to Thaksin apologists burble away there is no love, only twisted hatred.

However cute the facade.

Why did'nt the army and police force crackdown on the yellow protestors when they took over government house and the two Bangkok airports. If they had have done the present situation with the Red Shirts might not have happened.

As one knows, the yellows protestet peacefully but unsuccessfully against the PPP from June 2008 . The PPP was clinging to power though they had been convicted of vote buying by the EC in May 2008. The PPP also obstructed the coming together of the Constitutional Court, to avoid its verdict as long as possible. When the yellows then occupied the airport, the pressure on the PPP increased, with the result that the CC came together and judged the long overdue verdict, with the removal of the PPP from the government as the logical result.

These facts lead to a very different evaluation of the demonstrations in 2008 and the paid mob on the streets of Bangkok with their rogue leaders, who once (not all of them) were responsible for the vote buying, and now have problems with their role in the opposition.

As for you, "very different evaluation"? the yellow mob got paid too same/same!?

As you can see the different evaluation of the demonstrations refer to their political tasks:

The yellows fought for the removal of the PPP, which, if they accepted any democratical values, would have stepped back immediately after the findings of the EC. Therefore the opposition at that time was forced to demonstrate for the enforcement of the constitution.

The reds though try to blackmail the government to step back by just using shear presence and disturbance of the public life in Bangkok. Why cant't their wait for new elections? Why can't their accept their role being the opposition? If there would had been no findings of vote buying in 2008, their party would possibly still rule Thailand.

Come on Abhisit do the same thing YOURSELF what you were imploring other

people to do in this video – DON'T be a hypocrite and lead this country into civil war :)

in Thai he is saying Gov must act responsibly by resigning - YES you do it - now !

can someone translate? has he FINALLY begun to do the right thing?

Seriously though, can somebody tell me why the army and Police can't go in with just riot gear, baton's, and shields and physically move people? Why is there the need for the soldiers to arm themselves with anything resembling a firearm, be it rubber bullets or live ammo? If they can man-handle people on to the big mobile lock-up trucks that are everywhere, then surely that would be a start, wouldn't it?

They tried it on April 10th and were rudely surprised by a combat-level response. Police had started standard crowd dispersal tactics, using plastic shields and rubber bullets (initially fired in the air), but were immediately met with automatic gunfire and grenades launched by the disguised combat-trained men with latex gloves who were embedded within the Reds. This has grown beyond an issue of regular crowd dispersal and that's why the gov't is trepidatious about acting again. I was initially in favor of tough counter measures, then I thought the gov't should wait it out and watch the protest peter out. Now I'm back to thinking tough measures are needed.

All Thais should brace themselves for serious bloodshed - perhaps not too tough an assignment for a country which loses about 33 people per day via traffic accidents. Unless the Reds disperse peacefully by Saturday night, shit will hit the fan, and the Reds will get the most lumps.

Message to authorities: Before storming the barricades, be sure to get as many fire trucks on the scene - to douse the barricades with water. If protesters get drenched, then tough tamales. Half the trucks' water should be used for dousing, and half saved for fires that will likely break out in the area. The barricades need to be thoroughly doused because they're made of dry bamboo and tires doused with fuel. If what I suggest is not done, any concerted action will result in large fires - which will not only harm those nearby (regardless of color) with smoke inhalation and burns, but fires which could spread to buildings.

Remember Koresh's commune at Waco TX. If you're cloudy on that, google it.

Why did'nt the army and police force crackdown on the yellow protestors when they took over government house and the two Bangkok airports. If they had have done the present situation with the Red Shirts might not have happened.

You are right it would have never happen in a normal country,

but the elite been raping this country for years and then came the Thai Rak Thai and gave the working poor some hope and treated them as human beings and they will never foget it.This will keep on for ever.

Why did'nt the army and police force crackdown on the yellow protestors when they took over government house and the two Bangkok airports. If they had have done the present situation with the Red Shirts might not have happened.

You are right it would have never happen in a normal country,

but the elite been raping this country for years and then came the Thai Rak Thai and gave the working poor some hope and treated them as human beings and they will never foget it.This will keep on for ever.

That is absolutely right, Thai Rak Thai and gave the working poor some hope.

But that was it. You cannot buy rice and pay with hope.

Thaksin, the former PM accumulated the equivalent of 1,5 Billion USD within three years. I have never heard, that one single Baht of this money went to the poor. Or did you?

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