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US Calls For Peaceful Resolution To Thai Political Crisis

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The USA has to shut up their mouth talking about "peaceful solutions". How peaceful was the USA in Irak, Afghanistan, Vietnam and Granada?

O.k. I know some clever Americans, who I like, but too many of them are narrow minded, dumb or stupid.

Don't the USA understand that calling for new elections will trigger similar problems in the future?

Go play cowboy!

Agreed. What hel_l has it got to do with the Yanks anyway. Mind your own business and get on with your own wars.

Wars such as saving the suicidal and looney Europeans from themselves during the Great European War (1914-1918) and then again from the European generated Nazi tyranny of the Second World War (Europe 1939 - 1945) (US 1941 - 45)? Your welcome very much for saving you from speaking Nazi German to this day.

FYI, I and many others opposed the war in Vietnam and quickly opposed the war in Iraq after Bush's WMD - Words of Mass Deception. Afghanistan is a genunine and legit war but the Europeans have orientated their militaries towards peacekeeping rather than fighting wars and can't even do peacekeeping right as evidenced so starkly in Rwanda, where despite a UN peacekeeing force primarily of Europeans genocide between the Tutsis and the Tootoos was rampant after a significant period of British colonialism which did much to promote the lunatic primitive genocidal resentments.

This hate the USA pathology is a serious problem among those who suffer from it and needs serious professional attention.

Get your head out of the clouds! A little thing called the 'Enigma' was the biggest reason World War 2 ended. I give it to the Yanks, they sorted out the Pacific War in style, two fairly sizeable bombs helped.

As for the UN peacekeepers, isn't is the right thing to do to have 'peacekeepers', albeit limited in the involvements by regulations of their own creation. nobody knows the atrocities that would have taken place if it wasn't for the blue helmet brigade working hard everyday within the boundaries they have.

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Well, why don't the red shirts talk?

Do they want more people dead?

View from RED:

The red shirt say they do not negotiate with murderer, now than 26 people has lost their live.

Would you negotiate with murderer?

View from Governments (Both Thai & US)

The RED are terrorist.

Why would Mark negotiate with terrorist? Would the US want to negotiate with the terrorist?

Except that Abhisit is offering to talk. The reds are rejecting the offer, even though their people killed *at least* 6 during the protests.

OK. I can agree with you 99.99% that the RED are terrorist.

So are you saying that Mark (and the US) should negotiate with terrorist; Rather than jail/execute the terrorist?

I remember Bush saying something like "Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists"

Wars such as saving the suicidal and looney Europeans from themselves during the Great European War (1914-1918) and then again from the European generated Nazi tyranny of the Second World War (Europe 1939 - 1945) (US 1941 - 45)? Your welcome very much for saving you from speaking Nazi German to this day.

FYI, I and many others opposed the war in Vietnam and quickly opposed the war in Iraq after Bush's WMD - Words of Mass Deception. Afghanistan is a genunine and legit war but the Europeans have orientated their militaries towards peacekeeping rather than fighting wars and can't even do peacekeeping right as evidenced so starkly in Rwanda, where despite a UN peacekeeing force primarily of Europeans genocide between the Tutsis and the Tootoos was rampant after a significant period of British colonialism which did much to promote the lunatic primitive genocidal resentments.

This hate the USA pathology is a serious problem among those who suffer from it and needs serious professional attention.

Publicus, please brush up on your colonial and military history. Specifically;

1. Following the defeat of the British Expeditionary Force in France, the key military force that stood between the Germans and England for several months whilst the British re-equipped and replaced lost materiel was the Canadian 1st Army and the RCAF supplemented by volunteers from the Commonwealth, in particular Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Those were Commonwealth aircrews over the skies of England because the RAF was underequipped and understaffed at the time.

2. It was Russia that carried the brunt of the war for over a year until the D day landings. Note too that Commonwealth forces were pivotal in key campaigns that softened up occupied Europe. Sadly, the only people that ever have the courtesy to acknowledge the contributions of others are the Dutch, but then the Dutch have always been respectable folks.

3. The English had no role or colonial history in Rwanda. It had been a colony of Germany and then was taken over by Belgium. That is why the language spoken is French. It is also the reason why Canadian peacekeepers were sent to Rwanda. The genocide could have been stopped had the UN authorized the Canadian military to intervene and had the Belgians not hid in their camps. The UN forbade Canadian General Romeo Dallaire to engage the combatants. You can thank key voting blocks consisting of the Chinese, Arabs, and other African nations from putting pressure on the UN not to allow any action. Great Britain was in favour of intervention while the US had a neutral position. FYI Tootoos as you call them are called Hutus.

4. When speaking of the European role un Afghanistan, please be more sensitive to the fact that the UK has sustained significant casualties. Had it not been for the contributions of the UK and Canada, the war would have been lost long ago. Denmark and the Netherlands have made significant contributions as well. The issue is that the pillars of the continent France, Germany and Italy just didn't want to put their troops at risk. It has nothing to do with peacekeeping.

I appreciate that you may feel slighted by the rude and ignorant comments directed at the USA. However, coming back with what you have stated only exacerbates angry sentiments.

It's the same US that fought valiantly in WWII

fyi, WW II ended 65 years ago

And the greatly paid for outcome is why we're here today exercising free speech in pursuit of democracy, peace and prosperity. You're quite welcome for what we did to enable this and so much since that is real and aspirational to each of us. Too many here haven't any clue how fortunate they are or why they're not saying "Heil Hitler" instead of "Fukc the US."


Wow, slow news day or what and Uncle Sam is sure getting it.

Why not propose a re-enactment of WW1? Toss a coin and distribute period costumes to either side based on who calls what on the toss.

This will keep the Expat happy if the Thais descend into Civil War and also give a western flavour to the event. Various military experts on here could offer up tactics to the leaders of the Reds and PAD.

OT, whats wrong with calling for a peaceful solution?

Unless you mean against the Germans!!! :) Now that is a sore point if you mention the other protaganists in the Wars. Much better to snipe at the yanks about WW2.

We had a monty python theme day on here yesterday, why not a fawlty towers one today? Don't mention the war! (or in my case, don't mention Patpong doh!)

It's the same US that fought valiantly in WWII

fyi, WW II ended 65 years ago

And the greatly paid for outcome is why we're here today exercising free speech in pursuit of democracy, peace and prosperity. You're quite welcome for what we did to enable this and so much since that is real and aspirational to each of us. Too many here haven't any clue how fortunate they are or why they're not saying "Heil Hitler" instead of "Fukc the US."

You're an ar_se! Plain and simple.

I cannot see any harm in this nor anything political - it is the right "diplomatic" response and diplomatic in all senses in that it does not take sides.

European countries are exactly that, European, so respond in a different way, diplomatically, which is at the moment means keeping quiet, again not wanting to take sides.

I can only vouch for the media in the UK and media online at that, but the story has faded quickly from the agenda. The BBC online does update daily, with today for example suggesting very strongly that the Reds might compromise to something happening at 3 months - they, the Reds, played the media card quite strongly yesterday, but that is for another thread.

I will make the point once more that diplomatically countries hands are tied and we can conjecture who supports who behind the scenes, but it is only conjecture - I simply refuse to believe that anyone here has an inside line. As to why it is not more in the foreign media, it's the usual wake-up call to us ex-pats here who think we are the epicentre of the world - in their eyes, Thailand is not and never will be a global player, it's a nice place for people to go on holiday in the winter as it's hot and cheap, though not as cheap as it used to be. It always has political problems as it is famous for being as corrupt as they come, so the latest is only new/s if there are some serious nasties. Hence it has brief appearances around April 11th and now has disappeared again.

Sorry if that makes us appear a little unimportant here but it is the way it is. And yes, in the foreign media's eyes, getting people home with the problems of the volcanic ash is far far more important that a few people dying here whilst they argue the toss for the umpteenth time as to is head honcho here in LOS. The airport closure was bigger news as it left their citizens stranded, this is localised and so not of great interest to their readers...sorry and now you can all shout at me! :)

Well said. At least there is some diplomatic pressure on both sides of this dispute to resolve it by peaceful means. Much of that pressure is behind the scenes; and, it is not just from "Western" countries. I am sure the ASEAN countries and the PRC have all been using their influence to bring about a peaceful resolution. I happen to think that the protagonists heed the diplomatic pressure.


How peaceful has the US been on resolving political conflicts, i recall from history class that even they tried a violent crackdown during the vietnam protesting, and its not as if they're being overly peaceful in iraq or afganistan (even with obama saying that hes gonna stop the war). PLus isn't the one of the most widely known saying in the united states "We dont negotiate with terrorist"?

The USA has to shut up their mouth talking about "peaceful solutions". How peaceful was the USA in Irak, Afghanistan, Vietnam and Granada?

O.k. I know some clever Americans, who I like, but too many of them are narrow minded, dumb or stupid.

Don't the USA understand that calling for new elections will trigger similar problems in the future?

Go play cowboy!

Unbelievable how some people will bash the US and its citizens with any opportunity. The comments above that basically bash every American other than the "clever" ones that the poster knows tell a tale about this poster...who is obviously not from the States and has a chip against them.

Please try to stay on topic and stay away from your bashing of Americans. Posts such as this one only serve to make the poster appear to have a serious issue.

Attacking populations from any particular country serve no positive purpose. Calling out Americans or any other countrymen as "narrow minded, dumb, or stupid" is reprehensible and has no place in this forum.

Fully agree, Aust, NZ, EU and a dozen others have all sent the same message, when the good ol US gets paraded out , everyone leaps to their pen or keyboard, I know who I'd rather have on my side when the chipps are down and it ain't Somalia.

Honestly? Since I've been here in Thailand, whenever the topic of the U.S. is brought up in a discussion with people from other countries, particularly Aussies and Europeans, virtually 100% of the time, Americans and the U.S. are insulted. I've learned to ignore all that crap.

I find it very very very ironic that many of those "bashing" the U.S. actually work for American companies... I find it very ironic indeed.

It's the same US that fought valiantly in WWII

fyi, WW II ended 65 years ago

And the greatly paid for outcome is why we're here today exercising free speech in pursuit of democracy, peace and prosperity. You're quite welcome for what we did to enable this and so much since that is real and aspirational to each of us. Too many here haven't any clue how fortunate they are or why they're not saying "Heil Hitler" instead of "Fukc the US."

You're an ar_se! Plain and simple.

What you did?! you seem to forget the number of people in other nations that fought in the war, the war didnt even have anything to do with you other than pearl harbor and losing a couple of ill-gotten islands in the pacifci (from spanish american war), the war was fought on very little american land, the US mainly was basically a war free zone. I am not saying the US did nothing, because they did massecre innocent japanese with the atomic bomb, but i am saying that you should give others credit too. They thais fought, the french fought, the chinese fought, the english/british fought, aussies fought, soviets fought, so many other people fought in the war not only the US.

I know I'm going to be scr*wed for saying this, but is Hitler really a bad leader? He fought patriotically against the oppression of his people by the WWI allies through the Treaty of Versailles, he brought order to a country devastated by the great depression, i know he has many bad sides but I still admire his efforts as a leader to help his own to greatness


What is also most interesting is that Americans are actually all made up of immigrants from those countries where a lot of the American bashers are from.

I've always maintained that some of those bashers are actually bitter and angry at America's success, success which incidently was created by their ancestors!!!

Those immigrants who came to the U.S. were ambitious and looking for opportunities. America has a lot of problems, yes, but there is no Nirvana on earth. At least in the U.S. you have the opportunity to enter destitute and become successful, and the opportunity for individual freedom and expression.

Otherwise, why would YOUR relatives come here?????

Ever think about it that way?

The USA has to shut up their mouth talking about "peaceful solutions". How peaceful was the USA in Irak, Afghanistan, Vietnam and Granada?

O.k. I know some clever Americans, who I like, but too many of them are narrow minded, dumb or stupid.

Don't the USA understand that calling for new elections will trigger similar problems in the future?

Go play cowboy!

Unbelievable how some people will bash the US and its citizens with any opportunity. The comments above that basically bash every American other than the "clever" ones that the poster knows tell a tale about this poster...who is obviously not from the States and has a chip against them.

Please try to stay on topic and stay away from your bashing of Americans. Posts such as this one only serve to make the poster appear to have a serious issue.

Attacking populations from any particular country serve no positive purpose. Calling out Americans or any other countrymen as "narrow minded, dumb, or stupid" is reprehensible and has no place in this forum.

Fully agree, Aust, NZ, EU and a dozen others have all sent the same message, when the good ol US gets paraded out , everyone leaps to their pen or keyboard, I know who I'd rather have on my side when the chipps are down and it ain't Somalia.

Honestly? Since I've been here in Thailand, whenever the topic of the U.S. is brought up in a discussion with people from other countries, particularly Aussies and Europeans, virtually 100% of the time, Americans and the U.S. are insulted. I've learned to ignore all that crap.

I find it very very very ironic that many of those "bashing" the U.S. actually work for American companies... I find it very ironic indeed.

Yeah, weird that isn't it! Doesn't that say something?

I've travelled all over the US, lived there for a while. I love the country and the majority of the people can be great. It's the whole 'World Police' attitude from the US's leadership that i believe gets many people rattled.

And i don't work for an American company, never have.

The USA has to shut up their mouth talking about "peaceful solutions". How peaceful was the USA in Irak, Afghanistan, Vietnam and Granada?

O.k. I know some clever Americans, who I like, but too many of them are narrow minded, dumb or stupid.

Don't the USA understand that calling for new elections will trigger similar problems in the future?

Go play cowboy!

Unbelievable how some people will bash the US and its citizens with any opportunity. The comments above that basically bash every American other than the "clever" ones that the poster knows tell a tale about this poster...who is obviously not from the States and has a chip against them.

Please try to stay on topic and stay away from your bashing of Americans. Posts such as this one only serve to make the poster appear to have a serious issue.

Attacking populations from any particular country serve no positive purpose. Calling out Americans or any other countrymen as "narrow minded, dumb, or stupid" is reprehensible and has no place in this forum.

and you are who?

Gotta give Americans credit for standing up for there country

even when they are wrong

Bashing Americans is too much fun to want to lay off.

If you were to sit back and think ,.. why do people like

to bash me and my country you will surely realize why.

You think and act like world cops, put your troops where they

are not wanted or needed, you invade countries based on lies

all in the name of what? greed and avarice.

Is it any wonder why people live bashing yanks here as much

as people love bashing the red shirts???

nah .... bash on

It's the same US that fought valiantly in WWII

fyi, WW II ended 65 years ago

And the greatly paid for outcome is why we're here today exercising free speech in pursuit of democracy, peace and prosperity. You're quite welcome for what we did to enable this and so much since that is real and aspirational to each of us. Too many here haven't any clue how fortunate they are or why they're not saying "Heil Hitler" instead of "Fukc the US."

You're an ar_se! Plain and simple.

I'm accustomed as are others in dealing with anti-US pathologies and pathological statements. :) Seek professional help soon :D . Hey, all my government did was respond to a reporter's question about Thailand, the oldest Asian ally of the US. So that and almost anything else ignites the gunpowder of the OTT US haters :D . We're used to it and hardly take it seriously. You're all quite dismissable.




Seconded. What has it go to do with the US, sorry, the World Police! When other countries have their own house in order, then perhaps they can start giving out advice to others!

Well if that is the case you should really speak to the RED leaders as they were the ones that made a big show of marching to the US Embassy to present their side of the story, so it seems "someone" cares what they think


Unbelievable how some people will bash the US and its citizens with any opportunity. The comments above that basically bash every American other than the "clever" ones that the poster knows tell a tale about this poster...who is obviously not from the States and has a chip against them.

Please try to stay on topic and stay away from your bashing of Americans. Posts such as this one only serve to make the poster appear to have a serious issue.

Attacking populations from any particular country serve no positive purpose. Calling out Americans or any other countrymen as "narrow minded, dumb, or stupid" is reprehensible and has no place in this forum.

Fully agree, Aust, NZ, EU and a dozen others have all sent the same message, when the good ol US gets paraded out , everyone leaps to their pen or keyboard, I know who I'd rather have on my side when the chipps are down and it ain't Somalia.

Honestly? Since I've been here in Thailand, whenever the topic of the U.S. is brought up in a discussion with people from other countries, particularly Aussies and Europeans, virtually 100% of the time, Americans and the U.S. are insulted. I've learned to ignore all that crap.

I find it very very very ironic that many of those "bashing" the U.S. actually work for American companies... I find it very ironic indeed.

Yeah, weird that isn't it! Doesn't that say something?

I've travelled all over the US, lived there for a while. I love the country and the majority of the people can be great. It's the whole 'World Police' attitude from the US's leadership that i believe gets many people rattled.

And i don't work for an American company, never have.

Good post.... you are right.... it's that condescending attitude... I agree, even though I am an American... It is also this kind of cluelessness about the world and insular thinking. So, you have Americans who act like they are in charge with this cluelessness! I do, however, do not believe that all Americans are like that. So, what irks me are people who jump to conclusions and stereotype ALL AMERICANS in one basket. That is like me stereotyping French people and calling all of them them snooty and arrogant.


What's that quote from Maturin in Master and Commander ...something like:-

"too often patriotism boils down to 'my country right or wrong' - which is morally indefensible, or "my country is always right" - which is absurd'.

Before reaching for the flag and drum it's not a bad truism to reflect on.


If bashing the US floats your boat, as an american I will say go ahead. In the America I grew up in we are diverse people from all over the world with all sorts of ideas and opinions. Sure the US government has made some real bad policy in the past, they also have done some noble things too, but real important, Americans believe in individual expression and the exchange of ideas and thoughts.

Not sue what those who bash America get from doing so, but if that is what makes you happy, knock yourselves out, we can take it.

Good post.... you are right.... it's that condescending attitude... I agree, even though I am an American... It is also this kind of cluelessness about the world and insular thinking. So, you have Americans who act like they are in charge with this cluelessness! I do, however, do not believe that all Americans are like that. So, what irks me are people who jump to conclusions and stereotype ALL AMERICANS in one basket. That is like me stereotyping French people and calling all of them them snooty and arrogant.

Well that would not be true about French people, now if you are talking about them not showering enough that's another thing :)

Relax of course that was sarcastic...when I lived in Canada I lived across the river from the US and tons of them came across on weekends etc so had lots of interaction.. there are good and bad people in every country. I for one have never had a problem with the US as an entity.. and believe me being Canadian it is a very comforting fact knowing they are "down there" if needed...

Last time I checked there was NO perfect country in the world... sad that so many have some sort of penis envy thing going with the US

What you did?! you seem to forget the number of people in other nations that fought in the war, the war didnt even have anything to do with you other than pearl harbor and losing a couple of ill-gotten islands in the pacifci (from spanish american war), the war was fought on very little american land, the US mainly was basically a war free zone. I am not saying the US did nothing, because they did massecre innocent japanese with the atomic bomb, but i am saying that you should give others credit too. They thais fought, the french fought, the chinese fought, the english/british fought, aussies fought, soviets fought, so many other people fought in the war not only the US.

I know I'm going to be scr*wed for saying this, but is Hitler really a bad leader? He fought patriotically against the oppression of his people by the WWI allies through the Treaty of Versailles, he brought order to a country devastated by the great depression, i know he has many bad sides but I still admire his efforts as a leader to help his own to greatness

You didn't take History at school did you?

What you did?! you seem to forget the number of people in other nations that fought in the war, the war didnt even have anything to do with you other than pearl harbor and losing a couple of ill-gotten islands in the pacifci (from spanish american war), the war was fought on very little american land, the US mainly was basically a war free zone. I am not saying the US did nothing, because they did massecre innocent japanese with the atomic bomb, but i am saying that you should give others credit too. They thais fought, the french fought, the chinese fought, the english/british fought, aussies fought, soviets fought, so many other people fought in the war not only the US.

I know I'm going to be scr*wed for saying this, but is Hitler really a bad leader? He fought patriotically against the oppression of his people by the WWI allies through the Treaty of Versailles, he brought order to a country devastated by the great depression, i know he has many bad sides but I still admire his efforts as a leader to help his own to greatness

You and many others need to be careful not to presume that because I don't post to make the points you state I don't know or realize and appreciate the efforts of all of the allies. Rather, I instead and necessarily spend my time in posts responding to anti-US pathologies of hate and seldom have the luxury of initiating discussion of the overall effort of the allies in winning the Big One called WW2.

You're also the first person in many decades I've heard to say Hitler was a patriot who led Nazi Germany to greatness. :)


Unbelievable how some people will bash the US and its citizens with any opportunity. The comments above that basically bash every American other than the "clever" ones that the poster knows tell a tale about this poster...who is obviously not from the States and has a chip against them.

Please try to stay on topic and stay away from your bashing of Americans. Posts such as this one only serve to make the poster appear to have a serious issue.

Attacking populations from any particular country serve no positive purpose. Calling out Americans or any other countrymen as "narrow minded, dumb, or stupid" is reprehensible and has no place in this forum.

Fully agree, Aust, NZ, EU and a dozen others have all sent the same message, when the good ol US gets paraded out , everyone leaps to their pen or keyboard, I know who I'd rather have on my side when the chipps are down and it ain't Somalia.

Honestly? Since I've been here in Thailand, whenever the topic of the U.S. is brought up in a discussion with people from other countries, particularly Aussies and Europeans, virtually 100% of the time, Americans and the U.S. are insulted. I've learned to ignore all that crap.

I find it very very very ironic that many of those "bashing" the U.S. actually work for American companies... I find it very ironic indeed.

Yeah, weird that isn't it! Doesn't that say something?

I've travelled all over the US, lived there for a while. I love the country and the majority of the people can be great. It's the whole 'World Police' attitude from the US's leadership that i believe gets many people rattled.

And i don't work for an American company, never have.

Good post.... you are right.... it's that condescending attitude... I agree, even though I am an American... It is also this kind of cluelessness about the world and insular thinking. So, you have Americans who act like they are in charge with this cluelessness! I do, however, do not believe that all Americans are like that. So, what irks me are people who jump to conclusions and stereotype ALL AMERICANS in one basket. That is like me stereotyping French people and calling all of them them snooty and arrogant.

I'm sure many Europeans would agree with that statement anyway - LOL

I would never stereotype a country or race. That just screams 'uneducated' in my opinion. As i have said already, i have been lucky enough to spend a lot of time in the US and have travelled all over the country. I have met many fabulous Americans and have many of them as friends still. Many of my childhod hero's are American and i am a fan of Obama.

What rattle's me however is the constant need to comment and in some cases act, on political situations around the world. There is this 'World Police' attitude that doesn't seem to want to cease. If ever there is any kind of conflict anywhere in the world the American Government, not the people, have something to say. Why? I am still to hear a resonable argument on this.

Ok, so it was an answer to a question, was it? Or was it a report of a statement?

I was glad that the UK and the US were allies. Now i'm not so sure. We were dragged in to the Iraq invasion to support our American commrades, rightly or wrongly but what happens when the US over the step the mark with another conflict? What will happen when the UK government says No to 'Big Brother'?

Anyway, i digress. In this poster opinion, there is no need for the US government to put more pressure on the decision makers in Thailand, be they the government or the Red leaders. What will happen if there is more bloodshed and a violent coup? American tanks rolling down the streets? Christ, i really am rambling now!


fyi, WW II ended 65 years ago

And the greatly paid for outcome is why we're here today exercising free speech in pursuit of democracy, peace and prosperity. You're quite welcome for what we did to enable this and so much since that is real and aspirational to each of us. Too many here haven't any clue how fortunate they are or why they're not saying "Heil Hitler" instead of "Fukc the US."

You're an ar_se! Plain and simple.

I'm accustomed as are others in dealing with anti-US pathologies and pathological statements. :) Seek professional help soon :D . Hey, all my government did was respond to a reporter's question about Thailand, the oldest Asian ally of the US. So that and almost anything else ignites the gunpowder of the OTT US haters :D . We're used to it and hardly take it seriously. You're all quite dismissable.




And that, my friends, is one reason why there ae so many American bashers amongst us!

I would never stereotype a country or race. That just screams 'uneducated' in my opinion. As i have said already, i have been lucky enough to spend a lot of time in the US and have travelled all over the country. I have met many fabulous Americans and have many of them as friends still. Many of my childhod hero's are American and i am a fan of Obama.

What rattle's me however is the constant need to comment and in some cases act, on political situations around the world. There is this 'World Police' attitude that doesn't seem to want to cease. If ever there is any kind of conflict anywhere in the world the American Government, not the people, have something to say. Why? I am still to hear a resonable argument on this.

Ok, so it was an answer to a question, was it? Or was it a report of a statement?

I was glad that the UK and the US were allies. Now i'm not so sure. We were dragged in to the Iraq invasion to support our American commrades, rightly or wrongly but what happens when the US over the step the mark with another conflict? What will happen when the UK government says No to 'Big Brother'?

Anyway, i digress. In this poster opinion, there is no need for the US government to put more pressure on the decision makers in Thailand, be they the government or the Red leaders. What will happen if there is more bloodshed and a violent coup? American tanks rolling down the streets? Christ, i really am rambling now!

Agreed. :)


And everything you've said has a pearl of wisdom!

Oh, i guess i must bow to my more educated, superior, stronger brother from another mother!

You really are a tool.


US calls for peaceful resolution to Thai political crisis

LMAO ... as if the US would tolerate any of this let alone the domestic terrorism of seizing a train of military and military equipment.

Well, why don't the red shirts talk?

Do they want more people dead?

Let me think; Shouldn't another country give America the advice to stop the war in Iraq, occupied because they want cheap, or free oil.

Arni is the solution, okay he had gained some weight, but they should send him to Indochina to TERMINATE.

It's that easy.

...did rambo fail or what???????? :)

Well, why don't the red shirts talk?

Do they want more people dead?

View from RED:

The red shirt say they do not negotiate with murderer, now than 26 people has lost their live.

Would you negotiate with murderer?

View from Governments (Both Thai & US)

The RED are terrorist.

Why would Mark negotiate with terrorist? Would the US want to negotiate with the terrorist?

Except that Abhisit is offering to talk. The reds are rejecting the offer, even though their people killed *at least* 6 during the protests.

OK. I can agree with you 99.99% that the RED are terrorist.

So are you saying that Mark (and the US) should negotiate with terrorist; Rather than jail/execute the terrorist?

I remember Bush saying something like "Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists"

what a smart choice on bush for illustration to show how clever usa is.......... :):D:D:D:D

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