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Thai Army Tells Red Shirts To Disperse From Rally Base

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Sad that people call the reds animals, criminals and what the like. This is what happens when the poor and uneducated are disenfranchised. Any one of us in that position might do the same. If you have nothing to lose and the hope of gaining something.

What is it exactly that the red will gain? Why force thing now rather than waiting for the proper elections?

Thaksin is in a hurry to get back to Thailand!

Spot on analysis that virtually every professional anlyst has missed

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Just heard explosions on TNN ... maybe red rockets behind the barricade... yep.

How can you even insinuate that any weapons fire or rockets could be from the reds ("red rockets").

Haven't you read reports by Cheque and Madi and Italian and grandpops that the Reds can do no harm? Any weapons fire must be from non-Red sources. The Reds promised a peaceful rally, remember? (seems like an ice age ago, but they said it).

I saw the same report. Reporter said it was bottle rockets being fired by the Reds at the multi-colored shirts.

Just heard explosions on TNN ... maybe red rockets behind the barricade... yep.

How can you even insinuate that any weapons fire or rockets could be from the reds ("red rockets").

Haven't you read reports by Cheque and Madi and Italian and grandpops that the Reds can do no harm? Any weapons fire must be from non-Red sources. The Reds promised a peaceful rally, remember? (seems like an ice age ago, but they said it).

I saw the same report. Reporter said it was bottle rockets being fired by the Reds at the multi-colored shirts.

Did the PAD run out of yellow shirts, or what?

Just heard explosions on TNN ... maybe red rockets behind the barricade... yep.

How can you even insinuate that any weapons fire or rockets could be from the reds ("red rockets").

Haven't you read reports by Cheque and Madi and Italian and grandpops that the Reds can do no harm? Any weapons fire must be from non-Red sources. The Reds promised a peaceful rally, remember? (seems like an ice age ago, but they said it).

I saw the same report. Reporter said it was bottle rockets being fired by the Reds at the multi-colored shirts.

But it turned out be M79s with according to the BBC 3 dead

Just heard explosions on TNN ... maybe red rockets behind the barricade... yep.

How can you even insinuate that any weapons fire or rockets could be from the reds ("red rockets").

Haven't you read reports by Cheque and Madi and Italian and grandpops that the Reds can do no harm? Any weapons fire must be from non-Red sources. The Reds promised a peaceful rally, remember? (seems like an ice age ago, but they said it).

I saw the same report. Reporter said it was bottle rockets being fired by the Reds at the multi-colored shirts.

Did the PAD run out of yellow shirts, or what?

Glad you find the injuries and death as funny as the Red shirts seem to. Go back to your music and dancing.

Just heard explosions on TNN ... maybe red rockets behind the barricade... yep.

How can you even insinuate that any weapons fire or rockets could be from the reds ("red rockets").

Haven't you read reports by Cheque and Madi and Italian and grandpops that the Reds can do no harm? Any weapons fire must be from non-Red sources. The Reds promised a peaceful rally, remember? (seems like an ice age ago, but they said it).

I saw the same report. Reporter said it was bottle rockets being fired by the Reds at the multi-colored shirts.

But it turned out be M79s with according to the BBC 3 dead

Different incident. This was after the grenade attack.


Hey Che- time out for a second. Just curious- how do you reconcile your name and the fact that the Red movement is funded by Thaksin? Does it not matter where the money comes from - the ends justify the means? If so, does that mean that if, say it was found that Pinochet's family was funding the Reds you would still support them? Seriously, I don't get it....


Looks like the Army is yellow tinted towards its top and deeply Red at the base. Let's hope the base can energize itself and stomp out Abhisit and his corrupt cronnies!

Looks like the PAD are turning on the cops.. according to twitter

vaitor anti reds really aggressiv... only 30-40 guys - Why is the Police Not acting??

photo_journ Many #yellowshirts smell drunk. Assaulting photogs over flash use. Lge force of riot police in centre of Rama IV

I would suspect they REALLY want to get their hands on those 4-5 suspects,

and are drunkenly angry with the authorities for not handing them over.

Of course some booze anbd being so close to so many attacks would tend to leave

an extended adrenaline rush, and flashes in their faces might make that worse.

Sad that people call the reds animals, criminals and what the like. This is what happens when the poor and uneducated are disenfranchised. Any one of us in that position might do the same. If you have nothing to lose and the hope of gaining something.

What is it exactly that the red will gain? Why force thing now rather than waiting for the proper elections?

Thaksin is in a hurry to get back to Thailand!

Spot on analysis that virtually every professional analyst has missed

Control the army list ASAP.

Looks like the Army is yellow tinted towards its top and deeply Red at the base. Let's hope the base can energize itself and stomp out Abhisit and his corrupt cronnies!

You, and your posts, are becoming monotonously tedious.


Though the Civil Court yesterday prohibited the government from cracking down on the red shirts, because the Constitution allowed protests, the authority to handle the protest was returned to the government because the reds were now disturbing public peace. The Nation

Well disturbing the peace, kind of an understatement, how about we charge them with littering too.


tri26 RT @markmackinnon: Yellows on Twitter talking of arming themselves because of government "weakness" in facing Red Shirts.

TAN_Network INN: Death toll of Silom bombs at 3

veen_NT RT @will1325: @veen_NT British Ambassador interviewed on BBC at 23:30 (Local Time) and advises all British Citizens to avoid Bangkok.


what happened yesterday night and tonight is very dangerous , and if the situation is not solved asap this chaos can very easily result in a very nasty civil war between bangkokians and issanians (upcountry) , having confrontation between demonstraters and security forces is something and civilians fighting each other is something different totally .

The hatred that is being created between both parties if not resolved asap will leave a lasting effect for a long time to come


I live close to the PM's home (baan nayok). Can hear helicopters circling around, exactly like on april 10. Maybe some clean-up is going to happen tonight. Wouldn't mind, either way.

I miss the Philippines.. remember the last protest, when a senator and some soldiers took over the lobby of the peninsula hotel in Makati? That's a classy war.

PAD pinks showing their true colors now ...yellow!

And same with their supporters. They have been building up a big appetite for Violence as they thought it was going to be the Reds getting shot.

TAN started out tonight with what appeared to be a balanced piece of Journalism. Then Khun Paisal stepped up to the mike with his spitting, venemous monologue.

The irony was that as he was burbling something about lawlessness, the screen was showing revolving footage of the multi-colors (the night before) lobbing bricks and bottles in the road. The reds were well out of reach and were watching bemused. One group provoking and carrying out all the violence.

Also, there were mobs shouting and screaming at the Army, making fatuous comments about the reds etc.

All the while poor old Khun Paisal was bleating and blathering and killing off the bit of reputation the women had managed to claw back for the station before he came in. He blathered about lawlessness in Bangkok (forgot the PAD), armed factions roaming the streets (forgot the PAD gunmen in Bangkok on the sound truck) he wailed about the Army doing nothing (the same nothing they did when PAD were in the airport) etc. etc. All with no sense of irony.

Well, they all wanted violence, the Army threatened it, the PAD threatened it, the PAD falangs on here called for it The Silom Mob carried it out and the real anger now is that the wrong people (as they see it) got hurt. How many som nam nahs from the PAD falangs tonight if the army had shot a load of them and put another 800 in hospital?

It is always the wrong people who get hurt and these numpties should learn to turn their backs on violence. But they won't

PAD pinks showing their true colors now ...yellow!

And same with their supporters. They have been building up a big appetite for Violence as they thought it was going to be the Reds getting shot.

TAN started out tonight with what appeared to be a balanced piece of Journalism. Then Khun Paisal stepped up to the mike with his spitting, venemous monologue.

The irony was that as he was burbling something about lawlessness, the screen was showing revolving footage of the multi-colors (the night before) lobbing bricks and bottles in the road. The reds were well out of reach and were watching bemused. One group provoking and carrying out all the violence.

Also, there were mobs shouting and screaming at the Army, making fatuous comments about the reds etc.

All the while poor old Khun Paisal was bleating and blathering and killing off the bit of reputation the women had managed to claw back for the station before he came in. He blathered about lawlessness in Bangkok (forgot the PAD), armed factions roaming the streets (forgot the PAD gunmen in Bangkok on the sound truck) he wailed about the Army doing nothing (the same nothing they did when PAD were in the airport) etc. etc. All with no sense of irony.

Well, they all wanted violence, the Army threatened it, the PAD threatened it, the PAD falangs on here called for it The Silom Mob carried it out and the real anger now is that the wrong people (as they see it) got hurt.

It is always the wrong people who get hurt and these numpties should learn to turn their backs on violence. But they won't

Well stated.

another 300 or so red shirts just arrived to Rajprasong. A long line of motorcycles, 3 buses, maybe 10 pickups. I'd say reenforcements from the north.

Helicopter flying around the area, redshirts trying to shoot it down by rockets fired from Rajprasong stage or somewhere very near.

If anyone is wondering about the fireworks, here is a vid i shot a few years ago:

whisky, gunpowder and a few thousand Thais from Thaksin country.

another 300 or so red shirts just arrived to Rajprasong. A long line of motorcycles, 3 buses, maybe 10 pickups. I'd say reenforcements from the north.

Helicopter flying around the area, redshirts trying to shoot it down by rockets fired from Rajprasong stage or somewhere very near.


The BBC piching in now with more bad news for the Government.

The volatile atmosphere has recently been heightened by pro-government protesters, waving Thai flags and hurling abuse and water bottles at the red-shirts.

The BBC's Alastair Leithead, who is at the scene, says a group of a dozen or so people have walked through police lines and started throwing bottles and stones towards barricades manned by red-shirt protesters.

The mob at Silom were so under the command of the CRES that they just behaved like this in front of the worlds press for 3 nights. Nobody outside the Nation and TAN gave the Silom mob anything but their scorn.

Every channel is showing footage of them. why, because the press corps is embedded with the Army at Silom and are filming all the hypocrycy and venem coming from the PAD.

The PAD and CRES will have to start controlling the media better than this. They obviously took them there to film red shirts on the offensive and ended up showing the world what they are really like behind the smiles.


understandable the situation is difficult at the moment and as a business owner in southern parts of thailand with friends and business partners being ' yellow' and me trying to argue for a non violent resolution I see the difficulties. Problem is that if a country been so unequal for so long with so little opportunities for so many sooner or later there will be a reaction. Now forces like thaksin group, old communist loyals and military are using these peoples wish for a better life. Election under supervision of united nations seems to be a fair trade.

another 300 or so red shirts just arrived to Rajprasong. A long line of motorcycles, 3 buses, maybe 10 pickups. I'd say reenforcements from the north.

Helicopter flying around the area, redshirts trying to shoot it down by rockets fired from Rajprasong stage or somewhere very near.


The BBC piching in now with more bad news for the Government.

The volatile atmosphere has recently been heightened by pro-government protesters, waving Thai flags and hurling abuse and water bottles at the red-shirts.

The BBC's Alastair Leithead, who is at the scene, says a group of a dozen or so people have walked through police lines and started throwing bottles and stones towards barricades manned by red-shirt protesters.

The mob at Silom were so under the command of the CRES that they just behaved like this in front of the worlds press for 3 nights. Nobody outside the Nation and TAN gave the Silom mob anything but their scorn.

Every channel is showing footage of them. why, because the press corps is embedded with the Army at Silom and are filming all the hypocrycy and venem coming from the PAD.

The PAD and CRES will have to start controlling the media better than this. They obviously took them there to film red shirts on the offensive and ended up showing the world what they are really like behind the smiles.

As said earlier, yellows getting involved has raised the stakes a LOT for the government and I really wish they didn't try to pressure government into something that would make things a lot worse.

It is now a choice between using force to disperse protesters, fearing a major backclash later, or letting 2 armed mobs to take each other on in the middle of the tourist/financial district.

Don't think either of them carries a low headcount, with second option possibly higher.

I would opt for let the 2 mobs clean it up themselves but they should lock them both in so that neither of them can run away.Problem solved for once and always

another 300 or so red shirts just arrived to Rajprasong. A long line of motorcycles, 3 buses, maybe 10 pickups. I'd say reenforcements from the north.

Helicopter flying around the area, redshirts trying to shoot it down by rockets fired from Rajprasong stage or somewhere very near.


The BBC piching in now with more bad news for the Government.

The volatile atmosphere has recently been heightened by pro-government protesters, waving Thai flags and hurling abuse and water bottles at the red-shirts.

The BBC's Alastair Leithead, who is at the scene, says a group of a dozen or so people have walked through police lines and started throwing bottles and stones towards barricades manned by red-shirt protesters.

The mob at Silom were so under the command of the CRES that they just behaved like this in front of the worlds press for 3 nights. Nobody outside the Nation and TAN gave the Silom mob anything but their scorn.

Every channel is showing footage of them. why, because the press corps is embedded with the Army at Silom and are filming all the hypocrycy and venem coming from the PAD.

The PAD and CRES will have to start controlling the media better than this. They obviously took them there to film red shirts on the offensive and ended up showing the world what they are really like behind the smiles.

As said earlier, yellows getting involved has raised the stakes a LOT for the government and I really wish they didn't try to pressure government into something that would make things a lot worse.

It is now a choice between using force to disperse protesters, fearing a major backclash later, or letting 2 armed mobs to take each other on in the middle of the tourist/financial district.

Don't think either of them carries a low headcount, with second option possibly higher.

having said that, there will be a civil war soon if the government does not take action against this unruly protest.

i said it before and i will say it again, arrest the leaders inciting violence and restore the normalcy in Bangkok ASAP!

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