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Reds Ask The United Nations To Step In


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I just read in the news that foreign diplomats will visit the rally sites: "He (Nuttawut) told the protesters to be a good host by cleaning up the rally sites from Lumpini Park to Ploenjit intersection to welcome the guests. "

Sounds like a message to the reds to hide from view their illegal and stolen weapons, isn't it?

I sincerely hope that the foreign diplomats know better, and that they can tell a friend from a foe...

These diplomats better hope the reds don't hold them hostage to use as human shields. We know they'll hide behind monks, so diplomats are just as likely. The diplomats will visit, then we will hear the reds claim that they've proved they are peaceful and the international community supports them. Then the sun goes down and they'll be off to Silom for some outdoor Muay Thai.

Very unfortunately, you are probably right. Using double standards is one thing... Managing multiple standards (or trying to) is another thing. What's happening now is even worst than words can express... Are the reds even human?

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Thai want Farang to come to Thailand and take over

Protect them

In my wildest dreams I never though I would see the day

The Thai wife has locked her self in her room with 6 * Thai channel 3 Movies

That tells me big loss of face for a Thai

and I will not be seeing her again for a while

But don't worry look up in the air

In the air, in a plane

comes Super T from Dubai

To sort the whole mess out

Super T dressed as a mild mannered business man fights for truth Justice and his confiscated billion's

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Thai want Farang to come to Thailand and take over

Protect them

In my wildest dreams I never though I would see the day

The Thai wife has locked her self in her room with 6 * Thai channel 3 Movies

That tells me big loss of face for a Thai

and I will not be seeing her again for a while

But don't worry look up in the air

In the air, in a plane

comes Super T from Dubai

To sort the whole mess out

Super T dressed as a mild mannered business man fights for truth Justice and his confiscated billion's




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Speaking of the devil (literally) where is he these days?

I have the feeling he made a deal with Commodore Frank in Fiji, protection in exchange for a pile of $$.

If more charges come up against him (eg, promoting international terrorism, plotting the overthrow of a sovereign nation) I could see how a certain regional regional power (like one currently run by a white guy with big glasses) might take a severe interest in his capture. I could see Frank agreeing to step aside (and afterward claiming it was an invasion, shaking his fist at aggressor etc) while a special ops unit comes in and kidnaps him, carrying him off by the scruff of his neck and depositing him in prison Commonwealth style: concrete cage, no telephone, no perks, and taking their sweet time in processing his case. Good chance the prisoner will claim some sort of illness to ease his way.

We can only wish...

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I hope the UN comes in and studies Thaksin's war on drugs that left 2,500 dead as well as the 85 dead in Tak Bai

That would be a worthwhile exercise......

In my opinion, Red Shirt asking UN to intervene is like Alkaida asking UN for help. The are domestic terrorists

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For anyone thinking UN Peace Keeping forces would makes things better, I highly recommend you read the book

Shake Hands with the Devil


By Lt. General Romeo Dallaire, former head of the late 1993 U.N. peacekeeping mission in Rwanda.

The UN Peacekeeping forces would make the Thai Military look like the SAS.

Agreed completely, UN is a shit organization which hasn't solved any important issue around the world so far.

Edited by Thunder26
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For anyone thinking UN Peace Keeping forces would makes things better, I highly recommend you read the book

Shake Hands with the Devil


By Lt. General Romeo Dallaire, former head of the late 1993 U.N. peacekeeping mission in Rwanda.

The UN Peacekeeping forces would make the Thai Military look like the SAS.

Agreed completely, UN is a shit organization which hasn't solved any important issue around the world so far.

Seeing a one hour television documentary of LTG Dallaire's horrors in Rwanda (and since) was more than enuff for me of a far less eventful time and experience in the military than he, but I'm absolutely certain the book is worth the reading and that its cost is infintesmal in comparason to the cost of being unfortunately positioned to write it.

The UN is a global pressure valve complete with knob that, per se, has done some good and is a magnet talk shop both formally in the chamber and informally outside of it, a focal point. It's not going to do much for anyone but if it decides not to recognize you as the legitimate government of your country, as with the Taliban in Afghanistan circa 2000 you're sunk. So I'd all but guarantee the Reds will be sunk regardless of the outcome of the present concocted forced events.

And hey, the UN drew Thaksin out of Thailand at a critical point of events and time so perhaps we should be a bit kinder to it than we have been in this thread. :D

Kidding aside, while it's highly likely the Reds have created some smart PR sympathy globally among the international strata of the politically correct, Thaksin and his boys certainly have damned themselves among Thais in Thailand. I mean, really, calling out to the real world outside of Fantasyland to rush in to save it? As we well know the Reds' stunt will in reality mean absolutely nothing at the UN or to the world of nations, the Reds have stung themselves severely among the people of the former LOS.

I say to call in the Montegrans :) .

Edited by Publicus
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For anyone thinking UN Peace Keeping forces would makes things better, I highly recommend you read the book

Shake Hands with the Devil


By Lt. General Romeo Dallaire, former head of the late 1993 U.N. peacekeeping mission in Rwanda.

The UN Peacekeeping forces would make the Thai Military look like the SAS.

For the lazy amongst us, we can also rent it from The Great DVD Rental Shop In The Sky now... :)

Edited by whiterussian
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Agreed completely, UN is a shit organization which hasn't solved any important issue around the world so far.

Maybe when you do grow a little bit older, punk (or alternatively, you must be another American or Brit), you will realize that UN is sometimes the only hope we got. And those peace keepers do a lot of good work, silently behind the scenes.

But of course in those lesser developed nations like UK or US clearly are, populace reading (if they can read) their news from Faux News or dailymail...thanks to them, we have now two more cl*sterf*cks in the world, Iraq and Afghanistan and Pakistan pending...especially the agency called Christians In Action has still 100 percent failure rate...

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Agreed completely, UN is a shit organization which hasn't solved any important issue around the world so far.

Maybe when you do grow a little bit older, punk (or alternatively, you must be another American or Brit), you will realize that UN is sometimes the only hope we got. And those peace keepers do a lot of good work, silently behind the scenes.

But of course in those lesser developed nations like UK or US clearly are, populace reading (if they can read) their news from Faux News or dailymail...thanks to them, we have now two more cl*sterf*cks in the world, Iraq and Afghanistan and Pakistan pending...especially the agency called Christians In Action has still 100 percent failure rate...

I note you forget that for the vast majority of the time it is the US and UK forces who often spearhead those peace keepers who 'do a lot of good work, silently behind the scenes.'

But hey, don't let any prejudice get in the way as that is all this forum seems to be here for recently.

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Agreed completely, UN is a shit organization which hasn't solved any important issue around the world so far.

Maybe when you do grow a little bit older, punk (or alternatively, you must be another American or Brit), you will realize that UN is sometimes the only hope we got. And those peace keepers do a lot of good work, silently behind the scenes.

But of course in those lesser developed nations like UK or US clearly are, populace reading (if they can read) their news from Faux News or dailymail...thanks to them, we have now two more cl*sterf*cks in the world, Iraq and Afghanistan and Pakistan pending...especially the agency called Christians In Action has still 100 percent failure rate...

It's good news to hear that the Christians In Action still have a 100% failure rate, whatever that means or is, as Christians in action 80% of the time in 80% of instances are toxic, but then any theology is a brain disease that has managed to long outlive its ancient usefulness to ancient minds.

If you wanna call anyone out in respect to the UN, Presidents Roosevelt and Truman did much to create a feasible and functioning if flegling United Nations organization from the ruins of Pres Wilson's visonary but historically premature idea, effected in the aftermath of the Great European Insanity of 1914 - 1918, and between the two great wars of the 20th century - each expolding from Europe - that there should be a League of Nations.

The founding of the UN coincided with the start of the Cold War and was accomplished contemporaneously to the beginning of the nuclear age, as in actual WMD - destroyers of human civilization. It may or may not be reductionist to say that during the Cold War the value of the UN was to prevent a World War III - I suspect we won't know the first reasonably clear judgements of history for some time yet. While the UN was absolutely useless during the Cuban Missle Crisis of 1962, our worst nuclear moment to date, I myself can't imagine the world getting through the Cold War as we did without the UN.

That collectively the present UN can't reform, restructure or reorganize itself to reflect the contemporary world and the forseeable future, continuing rather to remain structured according to its antiquated post war origins, may be more the failure of the nation-states that comprise the UN than of the UN per se. But then to make that respective call requires a clear and comprehensive definition of the difference between the many component parts and the whole. And, besides, who says the tribal nation-state and its sole individual sovereignty are eternal?

What is clear, as testimony from LTG Dallaire among others gives us, is that the historically active peacekeeper countries have created militaries that are pushover pussies to the ruthless thug cut throat forces that exist in the countries to which pussy peacekeeper soldiers are sent.

Edited by Publicus
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Agreed completely, UN is a shit organization which hasn't solved any important issue around the world so far.

Maybe when you do grow a little bit older, punk (or alternatively, you must be another American or Brit), you will realize that UN is sometimes the only hope we got. And those peace keepers do a lot of good work, silently behind the scenes.

But of course in those lesser developed nations like UK or US clearly are, populace reading (if they can read) their news from Faux News or dailymail...thanks to them, we have now two more cl*sterf*cks in the world, Iraq and Afghanistan and Pakistan pending...especially the agency called Christians In Action has still 100 percent failure rate...

It's good news to hear that the Christians In Action still have a 100% failure rate, whatever that means or is, as Christians in action 80% of the time in 80% of instances are toxic, but then any theology is a brain disease that has managed to long outlive its ancient usefulness to ancient minds.

CIA. Is that so hard? :)

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..If you wanna call anyone out in respect to the UN, Presidents Roosevelt and Truman did much to create a feasible and functioning if flegling United Nations organization from the ruins of Pres Wilson's visonary but historically premature idea, effected in the aftermath of the Great European Insanity of 1914 - 1918, and between the two great wars of the 20th century - each expolding from Europe - that there should be a League of Nations...

The League of Nations was even more of a paper tiger with NO peacekeeping forces than UN today. Just a bunch of papers and nothing more, like a bitch's promise. But it was the first experiment. UN is the second and still going more or less strong...but not bad for the kids from America, not bad at all.

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Since the Industrial Revolution, both the first and the second, the world moves a lot faster. The 20th century was known even during the 1900's as the "American Century," so we see how fast the US was able to develop from its founding in 1776 to a position of global dominance without having an empire or by taking a century or two to acquire one such as did the Brits, to cite one example of global domance by the historical mode of conquest and colonialism. The point is not colonialism but that a country no longer needs a thousand years to prove either its viability or its impact on the world of nations - in fact looking at Thailand and so many other Old World countries, we see that being around as a country for a thousand years is a vague threshhold standard that hardly proves or establishies anything of either local or global significance, certainly not necessarily.

As you essentially note, the present UN - as with the League of Nations - is more an experiment than an established institution on which we can rely. The environment that led to the creation of the League is also the same environment that dismantled it in a quick disorder. The flawed present UN permitted France to repeatedly veto Thailand's application to membership for reasons of colonialism and selfish nationalism - the return to France by Thailand of the lands and temples especially Angkor Wat that Thailand had seized after the Nazi defeat of France in 1940. Once Thailand finally relented to the blackmail of France, France withheld its veto power and Thailand was admitted to the UN as a second wave member after the principal WW2 powers and their allies had founded and shaped the body.

The 21st century is anticipated to be the "Chinese Century" but also the century in which democracy becomes the mode of government throughout the world. I don't see how the two are compatable or how the two can avoid conflict. Still, the UN to be viable during this century needs to restructure and re-form itself to reflect the globalization of almost everything important. China and Russia already have permanent seats on the Security Council but other important countries don't, such as India, Brazil, Japan, Germany.....and what if countries such as Iran and/or Turkey gain membership of the Council? Why not have Australia as a Council member for that matter, or Poland?

Meanwhile, I hope Thaksin and the Reds are holding their breath waiting for the UN response to their obviously bogus PR stunt.

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well it would seem that if anything the general public needs un protection from the redshirts at this point in time

Indeed. I also believe the term "protester" does not apply to these law breakers. If this was a protest does Lack of Sanctions (LOS) give permits with guidelines etc? Or is it more a Thai way i.e. guidelines, sanctions, deadlines etc? Perhaps Land of Scams can save money by disbanding the army and police and use it to educate Thai children. Part of their education could show how CORRUPTION negatively impacts a society. LOL - - I must be dreaming. -- never mind.

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well it would seem that if anything the general public needs un protection from the redshirts at this point in time

Indeed. I also believe the term "protester" does not apply to these law breakers. If this was a protest does Lack of Sanctions (LOS) give permits with guidelines etc? Or is it more a Thai way i.e. guidelines, sanctions, deadlines etc? Perhaps Land of Scams can save money by disbanding the army and police and use it to educate Thai children. Part of their education could show how CORRUPTION negatively impacts a society. LOL - - I must be dreaming. -- never mind.

Yeah, in Afghanistan Canadian and US troops have taken the lead in establishing civil programs to educate and train the police and military in ethics, honesty (ha ha), counter corruption, the rule of law and the like. As one example instance candidates for police training upon registering with the government are told the fee they must pay to register but there in fact isn't any such registration fee, the money goes into the pockets of the police and government officials, so this is being corrected. It's tuff slogging but it's a start in exactly a place and the kind of places that most need such programs of education, awareness action.

Thai sovereignty and pride (face) doesn't allow any possibility of any such thing and Thais incestuously and fiercerly dig in their hells actively to maintain their decrepit Old World culture and society, which allows someone such as a Thaksin (and just about everyone else) to practice their rotten traditions and customs. The present mess is only a new beginning of the same old, same old.

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I hope the UN comes in and studies Thaksin's war on drugs that left 2,500 dead as well as the 85 dead in Tak Bai

While they are at it, they can look into Abhisits handling of the boat people in the south, and his role in the 22 deaths 2 weeks ago.

You would think that Thaksin's reds were just out for a stroll.

And Thaksin had clean hands.

Plenty of bleach from the red cheerleaders.

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I hope the UN comes in and studies Thaksin's war on drugs that left 2,500 dead as well as the 85 dead in Tak Bai

While they are at it, they can look into Abhisits handling of the boat people in the south, and his role in the 22 deaths 2 weeks ago.

Maybe they will look into it as closely as the thai parliament did? It was noted that the tactics were illegal under internationally held standards.... outside of Isreal, Iran, North Korea etc.

How can parliament not discuss an issue that saw the government send it its army and police in illegal night time disposal raids with illegal tactics ending in deaths?

Democrats with their criminal partner's lackeys (did the friends of Newin ever not vote as a block BTW?) blocked the discussion. Very democratic.

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In my opinion the problem is neither a political nor a human rights issue;

1. the people instigating people to get angry are the politicians (the mouth)

2. the people demonstrating are the folk (the hand)

It is no longer any use to tell the mouth to stop (yuti)

because it is the hand which is responsible for taking action, not the mouth.

Tell the hand to stop, not the mouth.

If the hand does not obey the mouth, then there would be no strife.

The problem is a social one not a political one. The famous "samakee" (live and let live) which Thailand likes to boast of, is nomore in existence.

Even to drive to work in Bangkok you can see drivers deliberately harassing each other swerving in front of each other or making bluff "im going to swerve and drive into you" movements, to notice that the Thai people are now so hung up, distraught and frustrated with the situation that the water has flowed over the brim of the cup, and Thais are expressing their frustration to each other even in everyday life.

The fighting would still happen without taksin and abhisit

They would find something else to hate each other for.

It is a case of mass mindset which has become intolerant and hateful.

Thai does not love Thai anymore that is the problem.

The hearts of the folk has to change, not the political party.

If all human hearts are corrupt, then corruption will always be present

Only when the general mindset becomes incorrupt and genuine will Thailand be free from corruption and opression.

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