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Australia Advises: Reconsider Travel Plans To Thailand


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Australians have been urged to reconsider any plans to travel to Thailand, warning of further violence after an Australian was injured in escalating political clashes in Bangkok.

The foreign affairs department issued the travel warning as it confirmed that a 26-year-old Australian was hospitalised after being wounded in a grenade blast in an elevated railway station late Thursday.

"We advise you to reconsider your need to travel to Thailand due to the recent deterioration in the security environment caused by widening political unrest and civil disorder," the advisory said.


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"Australian govt advises against travel to Thailand" ............OMG ! what load of idiots.........If they cannot get it right, they need to keep their mouths shut !.........Thailand is not just Bangkok, and Bangkok is not just Thailand.

Down here on Samui, life goes on as normal without a 'sniff' of any trouble whatsoever, and i might add, that this seems to be the same for the most of Thailand except for the deep south of course.

When are these "burkes" from Burketown gonna learn about life outside of Canberra, they make me sick !

Some idiot sits in his office in Canberra, reading the local newspaper and thinking ooooooooo ! look how dangerous it is in Thailand, i think we had better warn everybodynot to go there. If it was not so serious it would be laughable.

A pissed off Aussie on Samui.

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reallyok, I suggest you tone down the aggressiveness in your post :)

Im sure officials in Australia do realise Thailand is bigger than Bangkok, but keep in mind that other countries have infact advised against any except non essential travel to Thailand. Besides, they do have staff who are based in Bangkok that would have the local intelligence about the situation. I presume......

rightly or wrongly, governments tend to take the more precautionary measure when it comes to safety of their citizens (yes I do realise the irony of what Im saying)

also, to get to most places in Thailand would involve some sort of transit through Bangkok. yes there are direct flights to some destinations bypassing Bangkok, but in most cases tourists do tend to visit the capital of the country when going somewhere.....

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"Australian govt advises against travel to Thailand" ............OMG ! what load of idiots.........If they cannot get it right, they need to keep their mouths shut !.........Thailand is not just Bangkok, and Bangkok is not just Thailand.

A pissed off Aussie on Samui.

How do you know they haven't got it right ? You think what happens in Bangkok stays in Bangkok ? The reason these warnings are being issued is because the intelligence and analysis of the current situation means a strong possibility of all hel_l breaking loose throughout LOS when the crackdown is launched in Bangkok.

The Australian government had a travel warning in force for Indonesia in 2002. Bali then must have seemed like Samui now , peaceful. If my memory serves me correctly after more than 180 Aussies died in the Sari Club bombing on Kuta then the criticism was that the advisory wasn't strong or specific enough.

If any government has an excuse for being cautious over travel advisories its your government.

How you lot manage to go about "whinging" poms defeats me, pot, kettle black comes to mind.

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It is your decision if you want to ignore those warnings, but do not expect the Australian Government to bear the expense of returning you to Australia if the current political situation turns for the worst. Civil war is always a possibility.

If you have travel insurance you should read very carefully the requirements concerning rioting, war, civil disobedience, government policy etc.

But these warnings are just that "warnings", The Australian government has complied with their "duty of care" to its citizens.

Bali, Oct 2002 was an exception, the government of the day used that incident to their own political advantage.

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"Australian govt advises against travel to Thailand" ............OMG ! what load of idiots.........If they cannot get it right, they need to keep their mouths shut !.........Thailand is not just Bangkok, and Bangkok is not just Thailand.

Down here on Samui, life goes on as normal without a 'sniff' of any trouble whatsoever, and i might add, that this seems to be the same for the most of Thailand except for the deep south of course.

When are these "burkes" from Burketown gonna learn about life outside of Canberra, they make me sick !

Some idiot sits in his office in Canberra, reading the local newspaper and thinking ooooooooo ! look how dangerous it is in Thailand, i think we had better warn everybodynot to go there. If it was not so serious it would be laughable.

A pissed off Aussie on Samui.

hmmm... this post reaks of bogan talk...

Sorry buddy.. you are a bit out of touch... Havnt you seen the news reports of random roadblocks in the north... Red shirts stopping the ARMY from moving around!! if that isnt enough worry then i dont know what is...

Pretend people in redshirts have taken over George street in sydney and have roadblocks all around the outskirts of NSW... pretend the ARMY is trying to stop these people without success... Pretend 20 people have already been killed...

Sure.. you might not notice much while you're working on your commodore, flickin ciggies about and sendin ur misses down to Bilo for more coke... but when shit finally does go down... You will surely be affected...

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