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Thai Protesters Brace For Crackdown As Compromise Rejected

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Mentioned it before on another thread but worth mentioning again given this development:

Driving towards Bang Bua Tong last night from The Mall there were about 50 red shirt pickup trucks parked up at Northaburi - think it was the ThaiCom base station, but unaware of where exactly that is.

I strongly suspect that if and when the army go in on Ratchaprasong we'll see flash points around various parts of Bangkok, and even around Thailand.

Thaksin Shinawatra, destroyer of the worlds' most hospitable nation.

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"Abhisit has shut the door on all Thai people by rejecting our compromise," he said. "He will do anything to keep his position as prime minister."

He said they would stick to a policy of non-violence, but other Reds figures speaking on a stage at their massive encampment in the heart of Bangkok's retail district promised a "guerrilla war" against the government.

One leader also threatened to storm a giant shopping mall that lies within their rally base, which has paralysed the shopping hub for three weeks, saying that soldiers and police are hiding inside.

"We are ready to handle the government measures. No matter what shirt we wear, our hearts are red," said Jatuporn Prompan, warning that an offensive would trigger nationwide conflict.

"When the first blood is spilled here, the entire country will be the scene of bloodshed," he said.

Gandhi laid down by example the rules of engagement for non-voilent peaceful demonstrations; I don't think what you're hearing hear conforms to that. More evidence of that red really is the Reds true color.

So they are dropping the red shirts. We all know why, yes? So when the reds without red attack the Thai soldiers and the general public with lethal weapons, and they are filmed doing so, they can more conveniently deny responsibility.

Blend in and not stand out...........a good strategy adapted all over the world by nature....known as camouflage Jing, to confuse the oppostion......not necessarily to attack them......... :)

Evidently you didn't read the article completely. Jatuporn is making his intention to attack the opposition quite clear. From Jatuporn:

"When the first blood is spilled here, the entire country will be the scene of bloodshed"

Jatuporn is another of Thaksin's pawns. He is just parroting whatever Thaksin tells him to say. My guess is that he will be doing time and a long time at that when this is over. Shame for the reds who really believe that they are protesting for democracy.

Cheers, Rick


It's looking like Kent State all over again.......1970 riot over a US planned Cambodia invasion when upset students looted, threw rocks and bottles, and otherwise taunted the police and military for a few days.

Result - 4 dead and one paralyzed for life as national guard fired rounds over a few seconds. The riot ended, but marred the country for quite some time.

If this event can be etched in the memory of nearly all Americans after 40 years, imagine what the latest incidents (and incidents yet to come) will do to the small country of Thailand.


I can only imagine long prison sentences for the likes of Veera, Weng, Nattawut, Jatuporn, Arisman and the other terrorist leaders.

Or will they join their Capo di tutti Capo in Uganda, Montenegro or some other corrupt rat hole?


It's hard to negotiate with terrorists.

It's also hard to negotiate with a group without clear objectives who can't admit who their leader is and the second tier leadership is pulling in different directions.


Common sense is very uncommon and only one individual prevails, he has shown what is actually needed in this country, that being a clean un corrupt pm, who will not bow to a renta mob. The saying No money no honey is core to this very sad display being acted out in Bkk right now.

So they are dropping the red shirts. We all know why, yes? So when the reds without red attack the Thai soldiers and the general public with lethal weapons, and they are filmed doing so, they can more conveniently deny responsibility.

Blend in and not stand out...........a good strategy adapted all over the world by nature....known as camouflage Jing, to confuse the oppostion......not necessarily to attack them......... :)

brilliant, the way of the chameleon.... :D


watch out your neighborhood carefully when you're in Bangkok. The reds are blending in without their uniforms.

The mods should create an observatory thread.

Just seen myself a few. Fortunately a family, but obviously here for the reds. Watch out for those who're trying to sneak in especially their behavior.


When the water runs high, the fish eat the ants.

When the water runs low, the ants will eat the fish..

Laotian Buddhist Proverb.

Or as they say in Uptown Manhattan: What goes around comes around!

There will be no winners in this conflict, and the only loser will be Thailand.

Let us hope cooler heads prevail! :D

This is the end... my only friend... the end....


A disappointing but unsurprising response from the biggest stubborn mule PM the world has ever seen.

Nope, that would be the other guy, Thaksin.

I find it amazing that people blame the current government for the actions of Thaksin's rent-a-mob ... and don't just plae the blame where it belongs! Right at the feet of a convicted felon that is fomenting civil unrest in Thailand while he and his family hide overseas.

It's looking like Kent State all over again.......1970 riot over a US planned Cambodia invasion when upset students looted, threw rocks and bottles, and otherwise taunted the police and military for a few days.

Result - 4 dead and one paralyzed for life as national guard fired rounds over a few seconds. The riot ended, but marred the country for quite some time.

If this event can be etched in the memory of nearly all Americans after 40 years, imagine what the latest incidents (and incidents yet to come) will do to the small country of Thailand.

The students at Kent were not responsible for continuous acts of terrorism. SO how dare you compare both events?


Is the military really prepared to crack down? If not, the reds win. If so, that will shake out the hard core terrorist reds from the 500 baht weekenders ... There may not be as many hard core reds willing to kill and die for Thaksin as some people think.

Oh well, thank you to the Reds and Thaksin for destroying Thailand.

Tom, I think you'll find that The Army will attack the redshirt camp, on the orders of the Government after a compromise deal was turned down.

I can't for the life of me understand why the PM would turn down any possible peaceful end to the problems.

Violence seems inevitable, the PM knows this, yet refuses point blank any compromise deal.

I don't think it's him that makes the decisions though, he's just the pretty face doing what hes told to do.

This could have catastrophic results, I hope that there is still time left for peace talks.

I have stayed out of this debate up until now, but I am quite amazed at some of the posters here who appear to be risking heart failure by getting so worked up.

This is not our ( Farangs ) problem, to spout such hatred towards either group could have severe repercussions.

Certain posters have been calling for a bloodbath, I pity you, and I know that none of you have ever been in such a situation yourselves, else you would keep your thoughts to yourself.

Calling the Redshirts Terrorists is a dangerous game.

How can the Redshirts cause maximum disruption to this government ? By acts of real terrorism, bombs in Tourist areas for example, kill a few hundred Farangs, destroy the tourist industry stone dead.

For all the Farangs here that are so brainwashed by either side in this conflict, I actually pity you, but I also pity any innocent Farangs who may be caught up in any backlash against the haters on this and other forums.

If I was a Redshirt and I read some of the hate posts by certain individuals here, I'd think very lowly of Farangs in Thailand.

So please stop the hate posts and think of possible repercussions in the future.

Yes, I know you're anonymous here, thank god, but the hate posts are way over the top and do nothing but antagonize.



Great shot Catcatcher. It's about one person. History is repeating itself for I don't hope so.

We might open a thread on where to go next.


Maybe Abhisit has a clearer picture now of what really went on on april 10th and last thursday and who did what to who, and therefore feels more certain that the dangerous thugs within the Reds have to be dealt with for the good of the country. Maybe he will tell us more tomorrow.

It's looking like Kent State all over again.......1970 riot over a US planned Cambodia invasion when upset students looted, threw rocks and bottles, and otherwise taunted the police and military for a few days.

Result - 4 dead and one paralyzed for life as national guard fired rounds over a few seconds. The riot ended, but marred the country for quite some time.

If this event can be etched in the memory of nearly all Americans after 40 years, imagine what the latest incidents (and incidents yet to come) will do to the small country of Thailand.

The students at Kent were not responsible for continuous acts of terrorism. SO how dare you compare both events?

I agree, comparisons to Kent State are totally absurd. Nothing in common in the least.

It's looking like Kent State all over again.......1970 riot over a US planned Cambodia invasion when upset students looted, threw rocks and bottles, and otherwise taunted the police and military for a few days.

Result - 4 dead and one paralyzed for life as national guard fired rounds over a few seconds. The riot ended, but marred the country for quite some time.

If this event can be etched in the memory of nearly all Americans after 40 years, imagine what the latest incidents (and incidents yet to come) will do to the small country of Thailand.

Well I'm not sure that learning from history is really something that happens too often in these parts. On my street the police will set up their roadblock and shake down motorcycles for wearing no helmets. They can do it the next day in the same spot and still have brisk business. These are the same residents they shook down the day before. No one buys a helmet or takes a different route.

It's looking like Kent State all over again.......1970 riot over a US planned Cambodia invasion when upset students looted, threw rocks and bottles, and otherwise taunted the police and military for a few days.

Result - 4 dead and one paralyzed for life as national guard fired rounds over a few seconds. The riot ended, but marred the country for quite some time.

If this event can be etched in the memory of nearly all Americans after 40 years, imagine what the latest incidents (and incidents yet to come) will do to the small country of Thailand.

The students at Kent were not responsible for continuous acts of terrorism. SO how dare you compare both events?

Nobody said anything about the students deserving what they got. Nobody is comparing the reason for the riot.

This thread is about a potential crackdown and implications irrespective of what led up to it.

Point is that the crackdown at Kent State ended with deaths and marred the country.

This is not our ( Farangs ) problem, to spout such hatred towards either group could have severe repercussions.

I guess you are just a tourist. But as I have a wife and children born in Thailand which means extended family and I own businesses here and have assets here and had, NOTE the word HAD planned to spend the balance of my life here it VERY much is my problem as well. I can agree that expressing hate towards either group is pointless and counter productive but to say it's not our problem is spoken like a person with little to nothing invested in this country

A disappointing but unsurprising response from the biggest stubborn mule PM the world has ever seen.

Nope, that would be the other guy, Thaksin.

I concur. Thaksin is very stubborn. He could call this off tonight, but won't because he is desperate to return to Thailand at any cost.

Cheers, Rick

which rejected homesick preisdent-in-waiting would call it off....? :):D:D


i dont reckon anupong is about to send his troop in..

he was only saying the other day he wouldnt be doing this...

its just the red leaders keepers their people on edge..

Oh well, thank you to the Reds and Thaksin for destroying Thailand.

Abhisit will go down as the most educated Thai Prime Minister who (as often is the case with intelligent people) had no common sense whatsoever. He has already lost so why not just go for a good old British compromise where noone loses face. Where the buffalo smiley when you need it?

So what would you have him do.....give in to these thugs :)

This situation could be resolved by negotiating and compromise on all sides, the Reds have offered a compromise, the Army is telling Abhisit to negotiate the yellows are not happy with his handling of the situation, doing nothing is not an option for him. Trying to end it by force will leave a huge body count so is not an option, it has to be done by negotiation and fresh elections. He would not be giving in to anyone just trying to do the best for Thai people which, after all is his job.


Well............ Now I sit here in Sweden and look at different news. This is my reflections:

I have been chatting with a lady who owns a nail shop close to Siam Square. When the riot started she was Red all over, but now, as a normal 'Bangkokian she gone to the "many coloerd crew" she´s tired of it and want to be able to open her shop before it goes bankrupped!

And I would advice all the falangs out there NOT to grt involvede in any political discussions !

Unless you wanna get REally impopular!

i dont reckon anupong is about to send his troop in..

he was only saying the other day he wouldnt be doing this...

its just the red leaders keepers their people on edge..

Good point there. For now anyway.

If I was a Redshirt and I read some of the hate posts by certain individuals here, I'd think very lowly of Farangs in Thailand.

And indeed, the majority of Thais that I know would be shocked at the blind support of many posters on this forum for the intimidation and violence that has been meeted out by the reds over the last month and more. Many Thais believe Westerners come from civilised countries where people don't

- lay siege to the heart of the capital

- fire grenades at commuters

- bomb banks in the middle of the night

- lay explosive charges under electricity pylons

- pour their own blood on the private residences of politicians that they disagree with

- kidnap EC officials

- stab soldiers with bamboo poles in order to break into an installation guarded by the security forces

and for those reasons would be shocked and dismayed to see that there are Westerners on this forum that think such uncivilised behaviour is worthe negotiating with in poor old little Thailand but they would never tolerate in their own obviously more-valued nations.

This is the end... my only friend... the end....


Thank you James Douglas Morrison. I can hear the music starting very soon.

Can almost hear Thaksin Sinatra crooning...

And now, the end is near,

And so I face the final curtain.

My friends, I'll say it clear;

I'll state my case of which I'm certain.

I've lived a life that's full -

I've traveled each and every highway.

And more, much more than this,

I did it my way.


remember the confession from the actor who admitted that the red leaders have ordered to shoot the army on April 10th.

To negotiate now would mean to make acts of terrorism legal.

Plus all the other hard evidences.

Why doesn't the Thai gov revoke the licence for his aircraft? I think it's still registered under the Thai flag. Also revoke the pilot licences from his staff. There must be a way, like missing health check and so forth.


And what about the "all colors except red" shirts that gave a 25th April deadline to the government, before they get involved directly in this mess?


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