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Thai Protesters Brace For Crackdown As Compromise Rejected

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Its a funny old world.

Well the Reds are now called "No colours".

If you want to see them all then tune in to http://www.uddthailand.com and watch the live broadcast from the stage. All the supporters sat there in multi coloured shirts now :D

Of course if you are in Thailand you cannot watch as its banned, unless you are able to get around the block, which many have.

The crowds down there are large presently. You can see why the Yellow TV forum posters wake up angry each day, each day passes and yet no action is taken, have they realised that there are just too many "No colour" shirts down there. They should stop listening to the propaganda from the all the state run media.

You can see the desperation levels of the Yellows increasing all the time.

We have had, Thaksin is dead, is dying, will be dead in 2 weeks and that was 4 weeks ago. HOWEVER they also tell us the "no colours" are battling to bring back Thaksin to be some "life President"...... Did they forget their own rumours he is dead ? :)

Its very easy in Thailand to get a replacement ID card, and unless you are traveling by plane you do not need it to travel. But the Yellow lie machine says the protestors cannot leave as they have had their ID's stolen..... :D

The lie machine also says the protest will last a day, 3 days, a week, not more than 2 weeks, it will be broken up tonight, in the morning, yesterday, last week, next week....... my word are they desperate :D

Of course the standard lie that all the protestors are being paid is still being regurgitated as and when needed :D

The Yellows are desperate to know why Thaksin has not phoned in for weeks, well, if he does you all say he is behind it so I would imagine he is laughing at you all asking where is he :D

Anyway, the switch to now being the "No Colors" was a good move and will hold off any plans for violence against them, it also makes it much easier for people to come and go, with the multicolor thugs picking on and beating up single reds on the streets, its now wise to just wear "normal clothes". And of course, they all blend in very nicely now !!

Anyway, I suppose Thaksin is dead and going to die again next week and then he wants to become President for Life (or was that death) and he is paying everyone a billion baht a day and keeps hold of their ID cards and also... well anything these Yellows can think up in their desperate attempts to put down the protests and protestors (the ones who they said many weeks ago would all be gone in a few days).....



You wanna know what gets my GOAT?

The GF just said to me

' oh the reds are going to stop wearing red shirts now because the yellows keep attacking them and they feel scared'

And this is someone i just wasted 6 years trying to educate - Thais were born Ignorant... Lets just face it.... They have FACE because they are so ignorant...

And thats why no one will ever win.... and this place will always be a NEVERLAND!!!


Don't you think it is very rude not to return a person's ID card if they ask for it back? Not doing so is THUGGISH behavior. Also, if they quit, are they paid for days served? Are they allowed to quite without being verbally abused and called traitor? We already have a credible report of a red wanting to quit having his life threatened by the red management.

Thaksin is back in Montenegro.

If anyone wonders why he chooses Montenegro - they give out passports easily (if you have cash/connections, of course), and they don't extradite their 'citizens'.

Quite few criminals have (ab)used that already.

edit: To explain it a bit - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milo_%C4%90uk...gation_in_Italy <- Montenegro is ran by this guy and his 'friends' - this should put things into perspective :)

Montenegro is the place where most of stolen vehicles from EU end up. A couple of years ago we used to make jokes about them such as what the Montenegro tourist campaign slogan should be and ended up with winner "Come visit Montenegro. Your car is already here!"

Other than that Montenegro people were considered in former Yugoslavia to be the laziest and there was a neverending line of jokes about this.

Their women were considered gorgeous, but had no teeth left and stinked like hel_l for never taking shower or brushing teeth.

It was the last republic to separate from Serbia and basically lived off the Serbs, as long as the Serb economy could support them. After that they took off, despite having little no no economical resources and some of world's laziest workforce.

I would not say that the above is entirely true and even if it were, it doesn't apply to every person from that country. It does tell quite a bit about what their neigbours had to say about them.

A serbian colleague of mine, after telling him about Thaksin getting a Montenegran passport responded with just "No wonder. Mafia sticks together."

So with corruption thriving, country in downspiral to economic crash, and people unwilling to get off their backsides, it is not unimaginable that the government could sell passports to fill the ginormous budget hole.

It doesn't apply to the every person from that country, of course (I'm from Serbia, and I don't like "generalizations" either :D).

I think, though, that Thaksin got the passport not as a means of protection against extradition, but to put Montengro in news for a bit (they're small country, any news about them is good news, even if it's bad news - puts them on the map). Or, additionally, there was a "Invest X mil into this hotel/casino, you get the passport" line involved as well, but we'll never know.

Thaksin got the passport, Montenegro got some exposure in news, everyone is happy.

MCOT: Seh Daeng: UDD leaders are wise to tell supporters not to wear red. UDD should take decisive action b/f Apr30. Army doesn't have enough troops to disperse rally

Does anyone have any speculation as why this guy has not been detained already and not allowed to spue this garbage?

The army chief has already stated that Sae Daeng is an Army problem and will be dealt with. (When is the big question) After today when Abhisit and Anuporn mentioned Chavalit and Sae Daeng by name it looks as if their days are truly numbered.

You wanna know what gets my GOAT?

The GF just said to me

' oh the reds are going to stop wearing red shirts now because the yellows keep attacking them and they feel scared'

And this is someone i just wasted 6 years trying to educate - Thais were born Ignorant... Lets just face it.... They have FACE because they are so ignorant...

And thats why no one will ever win.... and this place will always be a NEVERLAND!!!

Its true and its in my post before yours.

The multicolor (Yellow) thugs were beating up single reds who were traveling to or from the protest site.

Best to be "normal clothes" now and avoid the violence of the Yellow thugs.

My intel on the ground has just reported live from Silom - a violent crackdown is apparently in progress right now as around 250-300 military vehicles have started to block all entering roads to the area leading to the protest venue.

Other intel confirms that orders have been given to crack down in around 30 min from now and that it's likely going to get very violent. Military has also setup snipers on high rise buildings and I would expect the Third Hand to be around as well in these places armed with the usual grenade launchers.

If you are in the area avoid windows and balconies - it's safer to look out of your door that look down from a window.

In spite of court orders that brought an injunction against a government crackdown and numerous peace offers, Abhisit is showing his real color: stay in power no matter what to protect the guy in the back pulling the strings.

Media have gone silent, Red Shirt sites are down - only some radio stations are left.

Dictatorship has come out in force again ...


Is this for real?

Are you for real? :)

And stop advertising Intel.

So yesterday, I tell her the red leaders have told their people not to wear red. She is as I type, watching the events on tv. "Oh now they change shirts" she says. I reply in an exasperated tone. "I told you that yesterday!". Her response, "OK I no talk with you." :)

Sounds like our wives are sistars

Farang tell Thai wife something

Get ready for argument and sulky face

But we love em


The man, Narong Panpetch, was driver of a BTS Skytrain traveling between Sala Daeng and Ratchadamri stations and is said to have told investigators that he saw “flashes come from upper floor windows” of the landmark department store building. A women, whose identity has not been released, is also reported to have told investigators she saw the same thing, just seconds before the grenades struck.


My betting was that with all the thousands of police and army survailing the rally site (we saw the cameras on BBC report) They must have seen 5 flashes. They have an entire team in there just filming and photographing the Red Rally. What next, from the Government, All 500 cameras in the area (not just the ones the reds pointed at the sky) we not working due to them been procured during the rain of Thaksin the Terrible.

In which case, they would have been all over TV as proof of who fired them.

Robinsons eh, Is that in Lumpin Park?


Sadly as their hate filled vitriolic rhetoric tells us the self appointed leaders of this Red Shirt Brigade have been bent on extreme violence from day one as clips from assorted video site clearly show us.

Those leaders will of course be ensconced in a safe position well away from danger if and when push comes to shove, and if all is lost they will be the first to scurry to an embassy screaming for political asylum and political refugee status whilst the dead and dying they betrayed lie in the streets.

The victims will be the plausible gullible people that are in the front line, the very people whose lives Jutaporn, Veer, Wenng and Arisman and the puppet master Thaksin declare they wish to improve.

Don't you think it is very rude not to return a person's ID card if they ask for it back? Not doing so is THUGGISH behavior. Also, if they quit, are they paid for days served? Are they allowed to quite without being verbally abused and called traitor? We already have a credible report of a red wanting to quit having his life threatened by the red management.

The nonsense spouted on here and in the media which has been total lies, I wonder whether many posters here know what a "credible source" is.

Its not HP you know.

Army soldiers have said "off the record" its said that they were given live ammo and told to shoot to injure and cause terror on April 10th..... but you would ignore that wouldn't you. Source is UDD Thailand from the soldiers they captured who made confessions.

Source or SAUCE ?


Don't you think it is very rude not to return a person's ID card if they ask for it back? Not doing so is THUGGISH behavior. Also, if they quit, are they paid for days served? Are they allowed to quite without being verbally abused and called traitor? We already have a credible report of a red wanting to quit having his life threatened by the red management.

there are many ...

(sorry for my english)

There is something i can't understand:

i want to make it clear first that i don't support reds neither yellows. I'm for peace and democracy

So, am i stupid or i've missed something?

i understand why some thais are yellow but i don't understand why many farangs are yellow and post defamatory messages against reds calling them terrorists.

i don't know who is the good and the bad,

-what i know is 4 years the reds govern the country and the yellow took the country after a coup d'etat.

-after 1 year or so the reds win the new DEMOCRATIC elections.

-1 year later the yellow take the govern again because the occupy and block the airport.

-reds ask for new elections using the yellow strategy: occupying

so reds are terrorists? if yes, it means yellow are terrorist as well. used the same strategy. if yes it means someone don't know what is terrorism

yellows are democratic?

what i think is: good or not the reds won the elections in a democratic way but the yellow took govern in an undemocratic way.

if in my country would happen something like that, and i were red, i would be very angry and disappointed.

So many posts make me confused. someone could explain why they support yellows and call reds terrorists? I DON'T UNDERSTAND

It's quite simple actually. If the yellows had shot soldiers, fired grenades at public buildings, and killed a civilians and injured others by attacking the skytrain we would have labeled them terrorists. But since it is the reds that took the path of violence they are the ones labeled terrorists. It's not just the occupation, it's the violence. So that's the part you missed.

The man, Narong Panpetch, was driver of a BTS Skytrain traveling between Sala Daeng and Ratchadamri stations and is said to have told investigators that he saw “flashes come from upper floor windows” of the landmark department store building. A women, whose identity has not been released, is also reported to have told investigators she saw the same thing, just seconds before the grenades struck.


My betting was that with all the thousands of police and army survailing the rally site (we saw the cameras on BBC report) They must have seen 5 flashes. They have an entire team in there just filming and photographing the Red Rally. What next, from the Government, All 500 cameras in the area (not just the ones the reds pointed at the sky) we not working due to them been procured during the rain of Thaksin the Terrible.

In which case, they would have been all over TV as proof of who fired them.

Robinsons eh, Is that in Lumpin Park?

Its bloody obvious that some, if not all, were fired from "high floors" of a nearby building.

But hey, governments and Yellow leaders do not admit to "false flag" events.

They use them to twist public opinion and then use violence against the people they want to hurt.

My intel on the ground has just reported live from Silom - a violent crackdown is apparently in progress right now as around 250-300 military vehicles have started to block all entering roads to the area leading to the protest venue.

Other intel confirms that orders have been given to crack down in around 30 min from now and that it's likely going to get very violent. Military has also setup snipers on high rise buildings and I would expect the Third Hand to be around as well in these places armed with the usual grenade launchers.

If you are in the area avoid windows and balconies - it's safer to look out of your door that look down from a window.

In spite of court orders that brought an injunction against a government crackdown and numerous peace offers, Abhisit is showing his real color: stay in power no matter what to protect the guy in the back pulling the strings.

Media have gone silent, Red Shirt sites are down - only some radio stations are left.

Dictatorship has come out in force again ...


Is this for real?

Avoid all windows, don't look for yourself, don't think for yourself. Just listen to red propaganda. Come on who do you think you're fooling.

The man, Narong Panpetch, was driver of a BTS Skytrain traveling between Sala Daeng and Ratchadamri stations and is said to have told investigators that he saw “flashes come from upper floor windows” of the landmark department store building. A women, whose identity has not been released, is also reported to have told investigators she saw the same thing, just seconds before the grenades struck.


My betting was that with all the thousands of police and army survailing the rally site (we saw the cameras on BBC report) They must have seen 5 flashes. They have an entire team in there just filming and photographing the Red Rally. What next, from the Government, All 500 cameras in the area (not just the ones the reds pointed at the sky) we not working due to them been procured during the rain of Thaksin the Terrible.

In which case, they would have been all over TV as proof of who fired them.

Robinsons eh, Is that in Lumpin Park?

Its bloody obvious that some, if not all, were fired from "high floors" of a nearby building.

But hey, governments and Yellow leaders do not admit to "false flag" events.

They use them to twist public opinion and then use violence against the people they want to hurt.

I think even the anti-Red Thai's are beginning to question this event and why no "evidence" is there and why many witnesses are saying the grenades come from a nearby building..........

Perhaps this is why the rush for a violent crackdown, let Silom get forgotten in the "we must move on now and not look to the past" speeches being written now.


LOL --- gotta love the Red Brigade from here totally ignoring video evidence and locking on to a scattering of "eye-witness" reports that don't match any real evidence.

That their own claims don't change the likely suspects doesn't seem to matter to them just that they THINK it creates doubt. The reds are guilty, we know it was sae Daeng's "ronin" crew that were firing at the people in Silom and that were firing on everyone on Apr 10th ....

You wanna know what gets my GOAT?

The GF just said to me

' oh the reds are going to stop wearing red shirts now because the yellows keep attacking them and they feel scared'

And this is someone i just wasted 6 years trying to educate - Thais were born Ignorant... Lets just face it.... They have FACE because they are so ignorant...

And thats why no one will ever win.... and this place will always be a NEVERLAND!!!

Its true and its in my post before yours.

The multicolor (Yellow) thugs were beating up single reds who were traveling to or from the protest site.

Best to be "normal clothes" now and avoid the violence of the Yellow thugs.

Haha. Okay, let me get this straight - people shooting army/civilians are "fake reds" or "disguised army", but people beating reds could not possibly be "fake yellows" or "disguised reds"? :D

I've spent 10+ years of my life listening to some of the most amazing propaganda.

Propaganda involved in this "conflict" is amateur stuff.

The moment reds decided to take off their red shirts is the moment they have lost this fight, btw.

I just wish Thais would realize that all this shit is not going to benefit them in any way :)

Thais are some of the nicest people I have ever met. Thais are also some of the most violent people I have ever met. Go figure...


Another important thing to remember is this "PROPAGANDA WAR" is that :

The UDD have requested and demanded "Independent Investigations" into April the 10th and April the 22nd.

The government have refused the April 10th demand, and will likely also refuse an Independent investigation into the April 22nd Silom happening.

Now ask yourself, why are so called and labelled "Terrorists" requesting Independent Investigations, and why are the Government refusing them ?

Intelligent people should ponder and think about that.

You wanna know what gets my GOAT?

The GF just said to me

' oh the reds are going to stop wearing red shirts now because the yellows keep attacking them and they feel scared'

And this is someone i just wasted 6 years trying to educate - Thais were born Ignorant... Lets just face it.... They have FACE because they are so ignorant...

And thats why no one will ever win.... and this place will always be a NEVERLAND!!!

Its true and its in my post before yours.

The multicolor (Yellow) thugs were beating up single reds who were traveling to or from the protest site.

Best to be "normal clothes" now and avoid the violence of the Yellow thugs.

Undocumented BS

 The army chief has already stated that Sae Daeng is an Army problem and will be dealt with. (When is the big question) After today when Abhisit and Anuporn mentioned Chavalit and Sae Daeng by name it looks as if their days are truly numbered.


Don't you think it is very rude not to return a person's ID card if they ask for it back? Not doing so is THUGGISH behavior. Also, if they quit, are they paid for days served? Are they allowed to quite without being verbally abused and called traitor? We already have a credible report of a red wanting to quit having his life threatened by the red management.

The nonsense spouted on here and in the media which has been total lies, I wonder whether many posters here know what a "credible source" is.

Its not HP you know.

Army soldiers have said "off the record" its said that they were given live ammo and told to shoot to injure and cause terror on April 10th..... but you would ignore that wouldn't you. Source is UDD Thailand from the soldiers they captured who made confessions.

Source or SAUCE ?


Thats why the redshirts covered the security camera's. Because they want nobody to see that the soldiers shoot to kill.

Don't you think it's stupid to cover the camera's if you are peacefull???????????????


I hope there will be enough fire trucks about tonight

You must be out of your mind to soak a wooden fence in gasoline (or kerosene as someone reported). While having such fuel in a bucket is perfectly safe and throwing a lit match into it will extinguish it like water, but it's a completely different ballgame when the heat causes the liquid to vapourise. One spark and you see the whole area blow up.

Whoever came up with that idea is an utter moron.

Probably the same person who was giving out plastic bags as protection against tear gas last week :)

Another important thing to remember is this "PROPAGANDA WAR" is that :

The UDD have requested and demanded "Independent Investigations" into April the 10th and April the 22nd.

The government have refused the April 10th demand, and will likely also refuse an Independent investigation into the April 22nd Silom happening.

Now ask yourself, why are so called and labelled "Terrorists" requesting Independent Investigations, and why are the Government refusing them ?

Intelligent people should ponder and think about that.

When governments refuse "Independent Investigations" its because.....................

Come on, you should know why.

I love the way that no video evidence of anything has been released and yet Yellow posters claim there is evidence.

Unless the evidence is released and confirmed 100% accurate by Independent sources, its nothing.

However, an eye witness report (collaborated) that they saw the flashes come from high floors of a nearby building, well thats real time, and released and on record.

The man, Narong Panpetch, was driver of a BTS Skytrain traveling between Sala Daeng and Ratchadamri stations and is said to have told investigators that he saw "flashes come from upper floor windows" of the landmark department store building. A women, whose identity has not been released, is also reported to have told investigators she saw the same thing, just seconds before the grenades struck.


My betting was that with all the thousands of police and army survailing the rally site (we saw the cameras on BBC report) They must have seen 5 flashes. They have an entire team in there just filming and photographing the Red Rally. What next, from the Government, All 500 cameras in the area (not just the ones the reds pointed at the sky) we not working due to them been procured during the rain of Thaksin the Terrible.

In which case, they would have been all over TV as proof of who fired them.

Robinsons eh, Is that in Lumpin Park?

Its bloody obvious that some, if not all, were fired from "high floors" of a nearby building.

But hey, governments and Yellow leaders do not admit to "false flag" events.

They use them to twist public opinion and then use violence against the people they want to hurt.

Obvious to who? And obvious by what means?

If you bothered looking at trajectory of those 2 "flyings things" from one amateur video that was released few days ago, you'd see that it didn't come from above.

Now, what was really filmed (and if those things were really M79 launched grenades) is another matter... I expected explosions to be more powerful, but then again - I've never seen an M79 explosion before, so I wouldn't know :D

When lots of (mis)information starts being fed to news media and public, at once, that's the moment when whatever is happening is going to fade away. Looks like today might be the day.

Unless, someone makes something really really stupid :)

Another important thing to remember is this "PROPAGANDA WAR" is that :

The UDD have requested and demanded "Independent Investigations" into April the 10th and April the 22nd.

The government have refused the April 10th demand, and will likely also refuse an Independent investigation into the April 22nd Silom happening.

Now ask yourself, why are so called and labelled "Terrorists" requesting Independent Investigations, and why are the Government refusing them ?

Intelligent people should ponder and think about that.

Intelligent people know that an independent investigation is underway AND that Reds stole bodies from hospital morgues to destroy evidence.

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