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Block Telephonecompanies Ads From My Phone


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Hello after my Sony Ericsson died during the Song krang festivals I bought a new Samsung phone to use with my pre-paid 12-call package.

Now my screen turns white and commercial messages/ads pop up every now and then. It is always in Thai but it bothers me a lot. 

Even the in-phone browser has been poluted by 12-call ads for their website in the top and bottom. (this was not the case the first day of usage).

On my old phone I was used of getting 3-4sms/mms daily which pissed me off but I could just delete them unread once a week. This is much more annoying.

What can I do to cure my phone? If it is impossible with my sim-card I am ready to change.

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So , thats the answer. Thx. I was wondering about this as brought a 2 sim phone and have True as main and One 2 Call as No.2. I wondered if there was a way to block yourself (i.e automatically) ....but seems not yeah?

Right, I'm on both their cases Monday ....10 of em a day between the two ...enough is enough ...thx :)

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It worked for me! The last straw was my phone rang and had a strange number, something like 1331. At the time I was driving and when I answered it, some recording of a women screaming crap about some shop having a sale or whatever. I mean, how <deleted> rude is that? That is when I called true and said cut it or I will be dumping them.

Have to say though that the person who answered my call was good and sorted it out.

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