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I apologize if my post was a little abrasive.  I had a bad first impression of the TV forums. The first post I ever... posted was asking to recommend an apartment at or around 2500/baht a month. Here's the reply I got:
I find it extraordinary that self-respecting farang would leave their home country to come to live in Thailand if they only have enough money to live in a 2500 baht box. I mean, why do it? It can't be for the lifestyle. It can't be quality of life.

If you have no money, ok . .stay where you are and use welfare, rather than be dragged into a poverty spiral in Thailand. I would never live here unless I can do it on my terms and in relative luxury?

So is it for the girls? That is flawed too. You're not going to get much respect from women when they discover you are farang kee nok.

Seems very sad to me.

This might not be a fair representation of the whole board, but it was by a member who's been here a while and gave me a bad taste in my mouth.

I gave up on TV until I discovered the Chiang Mai forum and found it to be a pretty good source of info on a place that's not real easy to get specific information on from the net. But it seems to me that most of the posters on here are living in places that run over 10,000 baht/month, and that's not budget living; maybe among ex-pats in Thailand, but not in Thailand as a whole.

Boots N' All is certainly more oriented toward the backpacker looking for short-term stays and not necessarily an apartment or long-term rental.

I'm no ex-pat, and I'm certainly not a typical Pattaya/Kho Sahn Road backpacker either. I'm simply looking for a relaxed place to live for 7 months, soaking up what I can and taking that time to improve myself as a person. My travelogue is at mattloaf1.blogspot.com, and I'd recommend it to anyone on the board looking for specific information on budget living in CM. I get into Thailand on October 21, and I'm sure I'll run into a few of you during my stay in CM. Again, I apologize for seeming hostile, and I hope I can share and recieve some good information from this board!

Matt, I've just read through that thread you started and, to be fair, most of the posts answering your original question seemed to be pretty positive and trying to be helpful; even the member who posted what you quote later back-pedalled and apologised. Still, ThaiVisa has its share of "shoot first" members and I can think of other posts that read like they were typed from a well-worn barstool..........

I'm inclined to think that you're broadly right in the sense that most of the members operate on a significantly higher budget than you - and it shows in much of what's posted on here. Given that many Thai in CM are earning only about 7-8,000 baht per month and manage to stay healthy/happy on that - living in a clean one room apartment for about 2,500 - I'd expect that you won't have a problem living on 15,000........... and even run to aircon when it gets a lot hotter towards the end of your stay - though a good fan works wonders :D.

BTW, you may have spotted that there's a bit of a running gag about "discouraging" new arrivals in CM - its attractions being regarded as a well-kept secret. So, when you see advice to head "SOUTH, WAY SOUTH", it's a sure sign that the poster doesn't mean it seriously. Anyhow, I get the sense that you have the right attitude for Thailand and it will be great for you. (Did I really say something as patronising as that? :o )

Last point - having looked at your blog, I'm just wondering what were the comments about the CM post that got deleted?

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Last point - having looked at your blog, I'm just wondering what were the comments about the CM post that got deleted?

Ah yes, it seems that every time I post a new entry on my travel-blog, some kind of spam robot posts 2-3 comments with links to some website... pretty annoying!

I was asked this question a couple of months ago by a friend who wanted to move here. My response to him was similar to Steve2UK's (i.e., 55k plus be conservative with the exchange rate and that he'll need private transport).

He decided to move to Malaysia instead. Do I get a pat on the back for being a bad salesman for CM?

Anyway, my consultant's gene  kicked in and I made him a quick and dirty spreadsheet that took into account exchange rates, incomes and inflation, stretching out to 40 years (we should all live so long). If anyone's interested, I could upload the spreadsheet here.

Good to know that my figures and approach seem to be about right.

Thakkar, I'd be very interested to see that spreadsheet. I have to admit that I effectively take for granted that my future finances will take care of themselves (rental income from UK property + return on investments + eventual disposal of both) - but "forewarned is fore-armed".......... :o

Just in passing - did your friend conclude that Malayasia is significantly cheaper or did he have other reasons for choosing there rather than LOS?

My friend has some distant relatives in Malaysia, so maybe that was the clincher, though for me, that fact alone would've been a deal breaker :-). He mumbled something about Malasyia being 'multi-cultural'. I told him I'd never met anyone who'd felt unwelcome in Thailand. He's muslim, so maybe the troubles in the South put him off and he didn't want to say so.

Anyway, can't upload the spreadsheet to this site, but you can get it

here. The file is called 40years, it's the only file in my public folder today.

Notes to the spreadsheet are on sheet 2.

Knock yourself out with scenarios and do let me know if you spot ommissions or mistakes, thanks.


Seeker said:

"When I get back, I will probably be closer in to town, using aircon, and spending at least double what I was before, but at least the option to live comfortably on a tight budget is there."

Indeed, it's good to know the option's there, gives a certain peace of mind.

And Seeker said:

"I have thus far found TV filled with useful information and very kind and helpful posters. "

I second that. I've been lurking at the CM forums for a few weeks now and Ive yet to see anythig off-putting like the quote Matt mentioned. I'm sorry his first impressions were formed at that particular forum where that message appeared.

Matt, look aroun the CM forum a bit more before passing judgement, I think you'll change your mind.


I suggest checking this guy out. He posted in CM forum before but now he has this ad in the commercial section. I think if you are looking for a budget place this may be the guy to find it. I believe he charges only 1,500 baht if he finds a place for you and nothing if he does not find. Seems very reasonable to me for the leg work he will need to do. However I can't vouch for him as I have never used his service.

Good Luck!


House - Condo - Room - etc... Finding the right place to suit your desire in Chiangmai City.

Not the Real estate agent, but will help you to meet the potential places in Chiangmai.

- Finding the right place to suit your desire.

- Better way to rent your new house, let us find the nice place for you.

- Help you to contact the Thai owner.

- Fast Result - Save your value time.

- Will present more places till meet your satisfaction.

- Good result / Generous service / Helped you by Local Thai people / Low service charge.

- Not satisfy / No charge !!!

Contact now at email : [email protected] / phone : 018682358 , 053 244497

( **Accommodation in Chiangmai City only )

At least you admitted that you are a virgin to Thailand depending upon the advise of websites catering to backpackers, which do nothing but sully the reputations of their native countries!

My memory is fading but it seems that the original question had a budget and asked could he live on it? I don't really recollect him asking how he could live like Osama Bin Laden in a <deleted>>--g cave to save money!

Please, PACK up your Jansport, take the train SOUTH, WAY SOUTH and join your compatriots in Bangkok.

Chiangmai is looking for a FEW good expats. We don't want to see the Pattaya calibur backpacker choose OUR community for their home!

I am sorry, we have our standards.........  :o

Backpacker is a designation that totally lacks any meaning IMO. I hope you are not seriously suggesting it is useful to define people by the bag they choose to carry when travelling?

Of course there are people wearing backpacks who behave like herd animals and don't venture out of their comfort zone, but that has nothing to do with their bag, it is an attitude thing, just like some people with plenty of spending power and beautiful brandname suitcases behave like complete turd sandwiches.

In my eyes, as long as you show other people respect, and an openness and a willingness to learn, you are ok, irrespective of budget, suitcase/backpack.


Backpacker is a designation that totally lacks any meaning IMO. I hope you are not seriously suggesting it is useful to define people by the bag they choose to carry when travelling?

Of course there are people wearing backpacks who behave like herd animals and don't venture out of their comfort zone, but that has nothing to do with their bag, it is an attitude thing, just like some people with plenty of spending power and beautiful brandname suitcases behave like complete turd sandwiches.

In my eyes, as long as you show other people respect, and an openness and a willingness to learn, you are ok, irrespective of budget, suitcase/backpack.

You are totally correct.........

Most of my response was tounge in cheek.

I can remember when a backpacker actually walked! Today using this descriptive term they now fly, take trains & buses, stay in low rent hotels/guesthouses and generally refrain from hygenic activities such as bathing...... today the true backpacker is called a trecker I believe, they actually walk, use a tent that they carry and generally refrain from hygenic activities such as bathing!

Regardless, I really have no problem with backpackers (Trekers), I used to be one and actually wish I wasn't so old as to go back to my youth and experience what they are doing. The world is so much more available today then when I was "Backpacking"..........

And I agree with your last paragraph........

Sorry if there is a misunderstanding. Gotta go and take my monthly bath! :o

  • 1 month later...

[so is it for the girls? That is flawed too. You're not going to get much respect from women when they discover you are farang kee nok.

Please, what's a farang kee nok?


Chiang Mai is the most expensive place in Thailand! The price of beer has really shot up and I hear that a Chang (Elephant Beer), a locally produced paint stripper that has a bouquet more in line with the waste product of the aforementioned beast, has now spiralled to 125 baht in an average run-of-the-mill roadside hawker. You can easily find the same beer for at least 150% less in Bangkok. Furthermore, everyone is a fiend, the massage parlours have been bulldozed and we hear on the grapevine that the city-wide 10 O'clock curfew will be implemented forthwith.

I'd go for the big smoke or Patters but definitely not the north :D


:o Methinks jackr wants to keep Chaing Mai all to himself !

Backpacker is a designation that totally lacks any meaning IMO. I hope you are not seriously suggesting it is useful to define people by the bag they choose to carry when travelling?

True, it may lack meaning, but the word has certain connotations which we all understand. Like young, rucksack, gap year, lonely planet, cheapest possible, etc etc...most of us have been there.

I am still a person who travels cheap around different countries and uses the LP etc, but I don't think I am referred to as a backpacker (any more). I am a budget traveller, and enjoy being one

back to topic...

Chiang Mai..stay south, much better

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