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Need To Travel From Ao Nang (near Krabi) To Singapore


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But the problem is - there seems to be a knowledge gap regarding the train rotes and timetable for trains, traveling btw Singapore and Bangkok. I managed to find the schedule online, but i still dont understand what the heck that means? Its way too confusing and unfortunately i cannt even post the link to it...All i need is this - travel from Ao Nang area to Singapore and then from Singapore to Bangkok, preferrably by train, but a nice, airconditioned bus will also do. The local travel agents dont know anything about trains and only talk about buses, which, frankly, i hate. Please, please help me understanding HOW to get from A to B the easy way (being that me and my girl we have luggage as well).

ps: we are in Ao Nang right now and plan the trip for April 30th-May 1. Also - looking at this train schedule, i dont see how many stops do the trains make along the route (IF they do), where and how to get tickets and where the heck the train station is actually located???? How in the world do people in Thailand actually travel by them trains? Now i understand why they (trains) are so cheap - cause noone knows how to use them, lol :)

Edited by Fandorin
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There is no railway in Ao Nang or Krabi province. The nearest is pretty much half way to Bangkok. Your best bet would be fly Krabi to Bangkok then onto Singapore by plane or rail. Either that or ferry to Phuket then fly direct to Singapore or bus / fly Bangkok and catch flight or train from there.


Having looked further into a map, looks like you don't have top go all the way to Bangkok, however it would prove simpler probably. Looks like you need to get your self to Kantang (nearest to krabi) to catch a train though.

See map.


Edited by Pomthai
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another option; get to Phuket airport and then seek your flight options either through KL Kuala Lumpur or Singapore.

there are also many long distance buses connecting KL to Singapore - its a nice enjoyable ride.

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Thanks:) At this point we ONLY need to travel by train or bus, no flights...(airplanes are easy to find info about...)...ok, so, we gotta get to Kantang, where the nearest train station is located, eh? What about tickets? What about the train schedules? The thing is - its quite a distance to Singapore, and we only wish to travel by sleeper train 1 class, not seating one. I am so sorry, but i still dont understand how to get the info about these trains? The schedule, which i found, doesnt really explain much...thanks for help:)

Edited by Fandorin
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Thanks:) At this point we ONLY need to travel by train or bus, no flights...(airplanes are easy to find info about...)...ok, so, we gotta get to Kantang, where the nearest train station is located, eh? What about tickets? What about the train schedules? The thing is - its quite a distance to Singapore, and we only wish to travel by sleeper train 1 class, not seating one. I am so sorry, but i still dont understand how to get the info about these trains? The schedule, which i found, doesnt really explain much...thanks for help:)

Here is a link about train travel in Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore. Never done it but always wanted to.


You can find more by googleing "Train bangkok to Singapore"

There is also an expensive first class train called the Eastern Orient Express. Sleepers, nice dining rooms etc.

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If you prefer train I would suggest the you go south by bus to Had Yai and then take the train from there. There are regular buses from Krabi Town (take the govt bus rather than the minibus from Ao Nang)

Otherwise you will have to go north by bus to Surat Thani and then south to Had Yai which will add at least 12 hours on to your journey with the speed of the trains and the journey north.

Rule out the kantang option as it looks like you will have to go north again anyway

Did the bus a few years ago all the way and it was not so bad (Krabi>Had Yai> KL> Sing), took about 24 hours if I remember and was a nit of a stress with connections. For the extra Baht though I would really look at flying but appreciate you have ruled that one out already.

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You have to go to Hatyai,from there you have two trains - one going from Bangkok to Butterworth,another - from Hatyai to Kuala Lumpur.If you insist on train all the way to Singapore,there is one - from KotaBahru,

right on the border with Thailand,but on EastCoast,you are on west side.Train from KotaBahru goes directly to Singapore overnight,it doesnt pass through KL.Stations in KotaBahru(there are two or three)have names

different then town(KotaBahru) - I do not remember them.You can take train from Hatyai to SongolGolok and cross the border by foot,then bus/taxi to KB.

From Hatyai you can take direct bus to Singapore,there are many.

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ive done Krabi to singapore before its fairly straight forward. Go to any travel agency and buy a coach to Kuala Lumpur, over night there and then get the train direct to singapore. Long trip but fairly straight forward. If you goggle KL to singapore there are loads of info and time tables!!

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