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Meteorologist Warns Of Severe Heat Wave


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Meteorologist warns of severe heat wave

By The Nation

Global warming has been accelerating and could unleash a crushing heat wave on Thailand and the region next year, veteran meteorologist Smith Thammasaroj warned yesterday.

The 43 degrees Celsius reported in Lampang a few weeks ago was a record for the country. It is an indicator of coming drought and possibly a heat wave - a period of high temperatures lasting for more than three days.

The phenomenon regularly kills weak people in many reported incidents worldwide, he said.

The elderly and young children are most vulnerable, he said.

No public health authorities or relief agencies have yet educated Thais about how to handle a heat wave, he said.

The situation would be made worse next year when El Nino returns to the tropical Pacific Ocean and would cause chaos in weather patterns in many coastal countries including Thailand.

Frequent earthquakes and occasional volcanic eruptions also signify the imminent end of the world, which will probably take place sooner than predicted, said Smith, chairman of the Foundation of National Disaster Warning Council of Thailand.

Earthquakes are relevant to Thailand in the case of undersea tremors related to faults in the Indian Ocean and Andaman Sea.

"The risk of tsunamis is still facing Thailand on its West Coast as a result," he said.

At a seminar in Nakhon Ratchasima on drought, he explained to irrigation and relief officials in the region how to cope with dry spells and the lack of rainfall that were currently afflicting farmers and would grow more severe in the years to come.

Buri Ram is enduring summer storms throughout this month and has been declared a disaster zone.

Governor Serm Chainarong said 500 homes in seven districts had been smashed and more than 60 rai of rubber plantations flattened, leaving about Bt5 million in property damage.


-- The Nation 2010-04-28


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Frequent earthquakes and occasional volcanic eruptions also signify the imminent end of the world, which will probably take place sooner than predicted, said Smith, chairman of the Foundation of National Disaster Warning Council of Thailand.

I love how that's just been slipped into the middle of the article.  :)

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Frequent earthquakes and occasional volcanic eruptions also signify the imminent end of the world, which will probably take place sooner than predicted, said Smith, chairman of the Foundation of National Disaster Warning Council of Thailand.

I love how that's just been slipped into the middle of the article. :)

Well at least he is not saying earthquakes are caused by immodest dress sense of woman as was put forward by a Mulla in Iran recently... :D

ps...I thought "Global Warming" had been proved a myth, and the new vogue term is "Climate Change".....

Edited by Soutpeel
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Frequent earthquakes and occasional volcanic eruptions also signify the imminent end of the world, which will probably take place sooner than predicted, said Smith, chairman of the Foundation of National Disaster Warning Council of Thailand.

I love how that's just been slipped into the middle of the article. :)

21/12/2012 is the end of the world they say...seems like big events are happening more fequently as they have been predicting leading up to this date..hmmm lets wait and see :D If 50/50 on it :D

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Time for another beer then?These articles make you laugh,like teaching us how to suck eggs.So its hot,its going to get hotter,more drought,earthquakes,tsunami's etc.

How to turn the tide towards extinction.How about "grow more trees",cancel songkran to preserve water, grow crops that dont need much water.Cancel all rubber contracts and let rubber plantations die a natural death.Plant rai's of marijuana seeds,make smoking the leaf compulsory then everyone can relax and not worry anymore.

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The Global Warming is proven to be a hoax but I guess the OP did not follow the news

have to disagree on this one.IMHO the powers that be have produced a litany of papers by supposed learned people to contradict the "global warmimg/climate change brigade" only because they realise they will never get govts.to agree on how to implement eco changes.In other words its been put in the "too hard basket", cross our fingers and hope for the best.Personally i dont think its going to go away just because they say so.

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The Global Warming is proven to be a hoax but I guess the OP did not follow the news

have to disagree on this one.IMHO the powers that be have produced a litany of papers by supposed learned people to contradict the "global warmimg/climate change brigade" only because they realise they will never get govts.to agree on how to implement eco changes.In other words its been put in the "too hard basket", cross our fingers and hope for the best.Personally i dont think its going to go away just because they say so.

Have to disagree with you on this one...governments would LOVE to introduce a carbon tax (think of all that lovely revenue) but fortunately the people are wising up to the whole scam.

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The Global Warming is proven to be a hoax but I guess the OP did not follow the news

have to disagree on this one.IMHO the powers that be have produced a litany of papers by supposed learned people to contradict the "global warmimg/climate change brigade" only because they realise they will never get govts.to agree on how to implement eco changes.In other words its been put in the "too hard basket", cross our fingers and hope for the best.Personally i dont think its going to go away just because they say so.

Have to disagree with you on this one...governments would LOVE to introduce a carbon tax (think of all that lovely revenue) but fortunately the people are wising up to the whole scam.

and big business wont let them.

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a heat wave lasting 3 days or a little longer is not a disaster, anywhere in the world and certainly not in thailand.

surely, elderly and kids have to be taken special care of, but they are all going to survive

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I had to check to see if this was an article from 'not the nation' instead of 'the nation'.

Obviously the guy missed his interview with the scientists and just went ahead and made it all up last minute.

The 43 degrees Celsius reported in Lampang a few weeks ago was a record for the country. It is an indicator of coming drought and possibly a heat wave - a period of high temperatures lasting for more than three days.

yes the high temperature from weeks ago might indicate a period of high temperature. Very scientific.

Frequent earthquakes and occasional volcanic eruptions also signify the imminent end of the world, which will probably take place sooner than predicted, said Smith, chairman of the Foundation of National Disaster Warning Council of Thailand.

what can you say about a sentence like this in a national newspaper. I made it my new signature

Edited by canuckamuck
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  • 2 weeks later...
The Global Warming is proven to be a hoax but I guess the OP did not follow the news

have to disagree on this one.IMHO the powers that be have produced a litany of papers by supposed learned people to contradict the "global warmimg/climate change brigade" only because they realise they will never get govts.to agree on how to implement eco changes.In other words its been put in the "too hard basket", cross our fingers and hope for the best.Personally i dont think its going to go away just because they say so.

Have to disagree with you on this one...governments would LOVE to introduce a carbon tax (think of all that lovely revenue) but fortunately the people are wising up to the whole scam.

Global warming is happening, if you live in Thailand and not see that it is then something is wrong with your senses. However, the fact that humans are the cause of global warming (which i think is true) is still argued upon.

BTW>>>if someone says cow fart I'm going to go insane, even if cows produce more greenhouse gases than humans, humans are the cause for cow population increase because we started to farm cows for milk and meat increasing their natural lifespan and population and therefore increasing the amount of fart.

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a heat wave lasting 3 days or a little longer is not a disaster, anywhere in the world and certainly not in thailand.

surely, elderly and kids have to be taken special care of, but they are all going to survive

Kin-ell, it has been hot in Kan over the week-end and back in Bangers & Mash now and it is still <deleted> hot.

Went on me web-page at 7.11 pm this evening and this was what it told me:-



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