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Any English Couples Had A Baby In Samui?

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Hi Everyone

I am due to give birth to my first child at the beginnig of November. I really want to go home to spend Christmas with my family this year so need to arrange a passport as soon as possible for the baby. Me and my partner are both English. Just wondering if someone can give me some advise on the procedure for registering the birth and arranging a passport. Is it straight forward to do? How long does it take to organise? And what sort of costs are involved? Also do I have to let our Embassy know I am expecting?

I would really appreciate any help or advice that you can give me.

Thanks in advance

Bethany :)

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Hi Bethany, congratulations on your pregnancy I hope everything goes smoothly for you.

The registration at the British Embassy is quite straightforward, you don't need to apply for a British Birth certificate if you want to save some money, they will give the passport without one, you just need to have the Thai birth certificate translated (there are official translation agencies at the end of wireless road near the embassy that can do this for you)

It i best to check the embassy website for the correct documentation you will need. Here

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Hi Goldfinger I know it's not ideal but I've been away for the last 2 Christmases and really want to go home this year. It's my first baby so I'm sure everyone will want to meet him/her also I'll need my mum lol. Not only that but my boyfriends's sister is getting married so we want to go back for that.

Boo - Thanks I'm really excited! Off for a scan tonight :) That was what I was thinking as well, hopefully they'll sleep the whole way lol I know it's a long flight but it'll be worth it. Hopefully if baby comes on time it will be about 6 weeks old.

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6 weeks is plenty of time for you to understand babies habits & sleep patterns, the only thing I would suggest is booking a direct flight. You'll be carrying so much baby crap you really wont want to be getting off & then on another plane again.

If you need any advice please feel free to message me. :)

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forgot to say as well, don't forget to check out the pinned threads in the family forum, some useful stuff there including the 2007 edition of the Birth to 5 years online version that all pregnant women receive from the UK, posted by yours truly :)

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