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And can Chiang Rai ever be what Chiang Mai once was?

.... Mr. PeaceBlondy asked himself and us.

I don't think so. Chiangrai is even not going to be what it was itself.

Last year again about four middle sized (80 to 100 rooms) new hotels opened. This year there will be two bigger hotels opening their doors additionally.

It sounds ridiculous to me, but twenty years ago it sounded ridiculous to me that coconut-island Koh Samui would become a tourist paradise.

If you wanted electricity at that time, you had to bring batteries. Nowadays you have to bring coconuts.

The whole area, Chiangrai to the north, Chiangsaen and Maesai is enormeously expanding. When you go to Big C you see farang as many as you never saw before. Mostly pensioners 'dressed' in a a T-shirt, short pants, flipflops and a fourwheel truck outside. And a young lady following in their footsteps.

In the beginning I greeted or gave a friendly nod.

They looked at me with the expression 'hej, am I maybe wearing clothes of you? Do I know you?'

So now I look in another direction. They think I am crazy when I just say 'hello'.

The "Baitong" was the first 'farang-place', opened by Canadian Ian about 18 years ago. Much later Australian Ken was running it. American Richard opened the 'Full Moon' some years later.

About 12 local farang frequented it and a couple of regular visitors from Chiangmai. No, for the good and the bad, Chiangrai changed and is changing every year.

I don't go much into town any more. Next morning I have headaches.

I must honestly say that Thai people are much nicer than farang people here.

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Wow !!! A Chiangrai forum ?!?!?!


Sorry, I arrive a bit late, but I must admit that I was not expecting to find Chiangrai on Thai Visa.

Limbo you are right, we do need a newspaper or magazine for Chiangrai.

There are interesting things happening here too and a very nice foreign community.

As you already said, David of Good Morning Chiangmai News is very willing to put articles about Chiangrai in his magazine, as he always does when he receives information.

His wish IS to cover both cities and all the north.

But he lacks support from here and it is not as easy as it seems.

If we, the residents of Chiangrai, want to have news from our city in the magazine, someone needs to relay the information on a regular basis, calendar of events must reach him 5 weeks before the happening, for printing reasons, the distribution must be organized, and advertisers must be found because "our reading pleasure" has a price for the editor of this free magazine.

There is a very good potential here and there is a magazine ready to cover the Chiangrai life, ... What is missing is the link between the two.

Well, ... we could be that link, of course.

Speak with David when you see him, or write him.


I think that if we really want to


The "Baitong" was the first 'farang-place', opened by Canadian Ian about 18 years ago. Much later Australian Ken was running it.

Been a long time since my last visit to Chiang Rai...about 12-14 years ago. :D

In fact it was just after they opened the new airport and I had previously landed at the old one so didnt recognise the place :D

My first impression always was along the lines of ...what a nice looking place...

OK much smaller than C.M. but still the flavour of what one would imagine a traditional county town in LOS might/should be like.A bit like a dusty texas/mexician border stopover with John Wayne doing his usual great job as sheriff or wotever :D

Anyway as said its been a couple of years but I always stayed at the "Boom bundan"which appears to be still going strong...150bt-tamada/250 with a/c and very nice indeed.From there a short walk takes you to the Wat Jed Yod and another left turn..leo sigh--down the what then appeared to be the main bar st.

I had a mate who co-owned the "Golden Bar"next to the Karoke Joint but assume gone...

Down the road (from memory)was quite a good selection of small beer bars (no a/c)and mostly run by Brits/yanks and Germans.There was also a French cafe -bakery which looked good as well a couple of Go-Gos and open beer gin joints.

One (think)called the Easy Bar was owned by a big Thai guy who spoke really good English,had a pony tail,wore braces and used to be a racing driver....???

The "Baitong" was I think round the corner on the square opposite the new hotel and next to a dept store... :D...o dear.....

Last but not least would be the Bier Stub (believe now Boos bar) which even then did the only hamburgers in town and if you wanted to Boogie later in the evening there was always the "Japan" Disco.. :o

Hopefully on next trip to C.M will get up there for another looksee.....Nice place. :D


Euh... can I change the subject?

I prepare a project related to the Vietnam war.

Would any of you know owners, in Chiangrai, of american army cars, or any type of vehicules, which were used at that time?

Thank you :o)

Euh... can I change the subject?

I prepare a project related to the Vietnam war.

Would any of you know owners, in Chiangrai, of american army cars, or any type of vehicules, which were used at that time?

Thank you :o)

To get back on subject .. yes i think its a great idea to have a chiang Rai Forum ...

Gerry with answer to your question perhaps you should open up a new subject in order to obtai more replies


Thanks Limbo Will head up north soon. Is the chiang mai brewery on the road to the airport still open?

Limbo, I use to stop at the funny house is it still there run by Klaus and wife?

I dont go thru anymore as have 1 year visa so havent been by in a year or so

Yes, they still do. Klaus put up some weight and didn't go to the barber for a long time. So be sure it is him. The girls, his daughters are doing well.

Tonight (and probably for two days to come) there is a OTOP festival at the street of the bus-station. Fruit and other dangerous stuff will be promoted.

My name Limbo reflects the fact that I am still wondering why I am living in Chiangrai (since 1986 a yearly visit, but permanently since 97). I am 'in limbo' so to say. Furthermore I come from the most southern province of the Netherlands, Limburg, which culturally belongs to Belgium.

I was in Bo's Place as well to-day. I popped in for one beer, an Erdinger Weizzen, but left with four and some whisky's behind my teeth.

Australian Rod was there, Charles, who is an American but one of which you don't notice it (he is a gentleman and softspoken) and Italian Alfonso. Cor and Richard representing the Dutch.

You must have been earlier there. My name is John and I am a push-bike compagnon of Erwin.

See you next time! The first one is on me!


In one word yes I would like to see a Chaing Ria Forum

I know there is a huge Big C there does anyone know if there is a bowling alley Chaing Ria?


I agree, a Chiang Rai forum would be nice, and a mailing list or newsletter of news/cultural events in and around town. I'm willing to help get it started if anyone else is serious and would like to help.

Two questions:

Does anyone know any farang women who live in Chiang Rai? And by any chance, are they in their 20s or early 30s? I'm new to town, and I really hope I am not the only one.

Also, are there any teaching jobs going at the moment, in town or out towards Mae Lao (Wat Rong Khun area)? I'm not sure who to contact, any help would be apperciated.




We have created a Chiang Rai Forum on your request.

Anyone want to be a moderator for the new forum branch?



Limbo- I really enjoyed yours (and others) CR updates and observations, thanks. Wondering if you'd like to pen a few words monthly on CR events, Local exapt hangouts etc for a fledgling Expat mag? I love reading this sort of thing and maybe others do as well. (there is ALOT of life beyond beaches and Bangkok and this interests me), Limbo (or??) if interested, kindly pm. :o

Euh... can I change the subject?

I prepare a project related to the Vietnam war.

Would any of you know owners, in Chiangrai, of american army cars, or any type of vehicules, which were used at that time?

Thank you :o)

To get back on subject .. yes i think its a great idea to have a chiang Rai Forum ...

Gerry with answer to your question perhaps you should open up a new subject in order to obtai more replies

Reply by Limbo:

If you need the cars in Chiangrai, this might be the right thread anyhow.

The brother of Khun Sayam, the artist, lived in Maesai before and he had a collection oldtimer motorbikes and several Jeeps. Give Khun Neung a call or me and I will give you his telephone number.



One (think)called the Easy Bar was owned by a big Thai guy who spoke really good English,had a pony tail,wore braces and used to be a racing driver....???

Reply Limbo:

Yes good old Mr.Easy, Khun Tui. About three years ago he passed away. He didn't feel well, but stayed behind the bar untill late. Then he asked some friends to bring him to the hosptal. They took some beers with them and he drunk a one-and-a-halve liter bottle of coca-cola. He fell asleep and never woke up.

The "Baitong" was I think round the corner on the square opposite the new hotel and next to a dept store... :o...o dear.....

Yes indeed. Now it is a massage-salon.

Last but not least would be the Bier Stub (believe now Boos bar) which even then did the only hamburgers in town

Yes evenso indeed. The hamburgers of Bo are even better than the ones of Karl-Heinz (120 Baht, including some salad and french fries.

Hopefully on next trip to C.M will get up there for another looksee.....Nice place. :D



Thanks Limbo Will head up north soon. Is the chiang mai brewery on the road to the airport still open?

Reply Limbo:

Yes, and the beer is still the best in the neighbourhood. The food is fine too.

The life-music is a little bit loud, louder than the traffic outside.

The place is not cheap and is mostly frequented by well-to-do Thai people.

We have created a Chiang Rai Forum on your request.

Anyone want to be a moderator for the new forum branch?


Thanks George!

It is nice to know that booming Chiangrai from now on has its own corner in booming Thaivisa.com.

We shouldn't forget that Chiangrai is not only the town (muang), but a province.

Maesai, Chiang Saen, Mae Chan and Chiangkong are also part of it.

So it would be nice if we could cover the developments there as well.

In one word yes I would like to see a Chaing Ria Forum

I know there is a huge Big C there does anyone know if there is a bowling alley Chaing Ria?

It is on its way Mr.Ray! You follow the superhighway south from Big C, pass the Homemart, the Ford dealership and then you see a big futuristic building at your left (next to the Shell station on the corner of See Yek Mae Kon). There it is going to happen.

There are no signs and they didn't start with the interior yet. But the building seems to be ready.

Might be a good idea to have an expat bowling-club. If you set it up now, it will be the oldest bowling-club of Chiangai, at leasdt as long as it exists, hahaha.


  • 3 weeks later...

"I think Dutch people are the biggest group among the expats. Swedish people about six I think."

Of course they are, the place reminds them of home :o

One (think)called the Easy Bar was owned by a big Thai guy who spoke really good English,had a pony tail,wore braces and used to be a racing driver....???

Reply Limbo:

Yes good old Mr.Easy, Khun Tui. About three years ago he passed away. He didn't feel well, but stayed behind the bar untill late. Then he asked some friends to bring him to the hosptal. They took some beers with them and he drunk a one-and-a-halve liter bottle of coca-cola. He fell asleep and never woke up.

The "Baitong" was I think round the corner on the square opposite the new hotel and next to a dept store... :o...o dear.....

Yes indeed. Now it is a massage-salon.

Last but not least would be the Bier Stub (believe now Boos bar) which even then did the only hamburgers in town

Yes evenso indeed. The hamburgers of Bo are even better than the ones of Karl-Heinz (120 Baht, including some salad and french fries.

Hopefully on next trip to C.M will get up there for another looksee.....Nice place. :D


Limbo.....many thanks for the update...

Sorry to hear about Khun Tui (Mr Easy) he really was a nice guy.

You are doing a great job as Mod...R

Does anyone know any farang women who live in Chiang Rai?  And by any chance, are they in their 20s or early 30s?

Also, are there any teaching jobs going at the moment, in town or out towards Mae Lao (Wat Rong Khun area)?  I'm not sure who to contact, any help would be apperciated.

Hi Claudia,

here are several Falang women living around... About their age I'm not shure.

One French woman lives and has a shop at the Karen-Elephant-Village.

There are many Americans living here also Some of them you can contact sometimes at No. 1 Hamburger. (look for the Thread "Pumpernickel and Rollmops" for the description how to find it)

If you are looking for a job as a teacher why don't you go directly to the universities???


Hi Claudia,

here are several Falang women living around... About their age I'm not shure.

One French woman lives and has a shop at the Karen-Elephant-Village.

.... Dr. Locker informed us.

Dear Dr. Locker,

I can recommend the shop between the little telephone shop and ST motorcycle rent close to the place where the new clocktower will arise.

Especially when you need different glasses in your glasses. I mean when your two eyes need a different strenght.

I finally went there and I must say that I see a lot of things much more clear now.

Very nice people, speaking English and with the state of the art machinery to measure your eyes. Not expensive!

Are you talking about the nice French lady who, together with her nice French husband, has some elephants walking around in Ban Ruammit?


  • 2 weeks later...

So many people have told me about the farang lady who lives in Ruammit, but who is married to a hilltribe man and can speak Northern Thai. I hear about her all the time, but Ruammit seems too far to travel...I imagine I'll find someone, but no one actually knows where these farang women actually live, what they do, etc., etc. I hope we meet soon, I want someone to walk around Big C with, besides my hubby, than is!


The AUA in Chiang Rai is now offering Thai courses. They have started out slowly, but now have a few teachers who can do private or group courses. There's a funny sign on Jet Yod road that says you can learn Thai in six hours. Congrats if you do. I'd put my stock in someone else.


There's a funny sign on Jet Yod road that says you can learn Thai in six hours.

.... Mr. Chiang Rai Guy informed us.

Yes, six hours, but you get a lot of homework :o

I hear very good messages about the Thai courses of the AUA. Especially about the method they use. The people who went there are all very satisfied with the way it is done. Praise to their teachers!


  • 3 weeks later...

Saturday 3 September: Big bikers meeting in Chiangrai!

From different towns in the province at about noon the Harleys and the smaller stuff (...) will start rolling in at the old prison area in the middle of town. Lunch at Cabbages and Condoms around the corner.

The fellows from Chiang Mai will push their starting buttons at 7 o'clock in the morning. We all wish them a good ride! Slow down when passing 'Charin' because some folks from Chiangrai will be there to join you for the last fifty clicks!

Welcome to Chiang Rai!



Depending on when you read this, to-morrow or to-night, Thursday 8 September there will be a jazz concert at Sohub (on the corner next to Saen Puh Hotel, Sanam Bin Road). I asked several people what kind of concert it would be. Some played air-guitar, some played air-saxophone and some played air-drums.

So it will be airy, that's for sure. I should learn Thai, yes, I know.

Tables for four persons 1500 Baht including a bottle of whiskey.

Jazz in Chiang Rai? Soon it will be like Chiang Mai!

I will keep you informed. I am very curious to see what kind of public it attracts.


  • 2 weeks later...
Depending on when you read this, to-morrow or to-night, Thursday 8 September there will be a jazz concert at Sohub (on the corner next to Saen Puh Hotel, Sanam Bin Road). I asked several people what kind of concert it would be. Some played air-guitar, some played air-saxophone and some played air-drums.

So it will be airy, that's for sure. I should learn Thai, yes, I know.

Tables for four persons 1500 Baht including a bottle of whiskey.

Jazz in Chiang Rai? Soon it will be like Chiang Mai!

I will keep you informed. I am very curious to see what kind of public it attracts.


The whiskey was a bottle of Chivas Regal (normally 989 Baht) and the music of Bangkokian Puh Ottoban (spelling?) and two colleagues. Piano, guitar and xylophone.

The concert started at ten o'clock and not at eight. I could have anticipated that, but I didn't ...

I had the feeling that the Bangkokian jazz musicians didn't want to make it too difficult for us, provincials of Chiang Rai. Leaning against Thai popular music and variating on it.

But jazz musicians remain jazz musicians and during the second part of the concert they started to swing. And good!

All tables were occupied, I guess about 125 people attended (among them 2 foreigners, Mr. F. and me). A nice public, remarcably more women than men.

And the owner of Sohub had opened a can with the most beautiful young ladies of Chiang Rai (mainly Rajabhat students) to fill and refill and refill the glasses.

I don't really understand. Western (in this case American) music and no westerner (except Mr. F. and me of course) showed interest.

Probably because hardly anybody knew.

If you know about any event coming up, please use this forum to inform!

Limbo ('all the things you could have been by now, if Sigmund Freuds wife would have been your mother -Charley Mingus).

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