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Snore And Sleep Clinics In Chiang Mai


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Is CPAP available in BKK?

Ive been using it for 12 years and it has saved my life.

Does anyone know where I can get a CPAP device to try from Chiang Mai??? An affordable clinic would be great if ANYONE can help me.

Great to hear Podman that I may have some hope after all, as it has changed your 'Quality of life' for the better. I have been a chronic snorer for many years and I am a fit 180cm 75kg 33yo man. My old man is a chronic snorer also so i think it is Genetic. My brother a big snorer and even my 1 year old son snores- lol, yes funny to see a baby snoring but not funny if u know what I mean...

As I know he will be in a world of pain from teens onwards with throat irritations, sleep issues, wake up very sleepy and sleepy through the day. etc when he older- as this has caused me much pain for many years both physically, emotionally and personally. But the snoring has got far worse the older I get and I am not old, as a 33yo man- however my old man's snoring is probably not AS chronic as mine and he is 60yo. So I got the worst of it. :D:D:D

I tried many devices, pillows, pills, lotions, potions, techniques, strategies, exercises etc- all to no avail. All except the mouth device that some swear by and the CPAP device u swear by Podman.... And laser and standard surgery that I really do not wish to get unless it becomes unbearable.

One sleep clinic in Aussie, Melbourne wished me to have tonsils out, etc yet said it may not make any difference. My father and brother had theirs out and made no difference. So I know it will not work and will cost me $8000 US in the process. In Thailand probably $1000, however a bit scared of being put to sleep here. Although i believe the medical system is good, you feel more a ease in your own world sometimes. :)

Plus their is the social side- I been married 3 times and snoring is sometimes the reason for large disagreements. Now I simply sleep in a room at the other end of the house to that of my son and wife.

Does anyone know where I can get a CPAP device to try from Chiang Mai??? As I am guessing it will be more affordable than grabbing one is Aussie in a couple of months... HELP would be highly appreciated. Cheers :D

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I would advise you to go to the sleep clinic at Sripat Hospital (I did it there) or RAM hospital. It should be somewhere around 10,000 baht. You cannot "try it" yourself as you have to experiment with a machine while hooked up to monitors to know what air pressure to use.

It has improved my quality of life immensely as before I started using CPAP I was tired all the time and was mostly just working and sleeping and now I have much more energy and seem to be slowly losing weight without trying.

Sripat gives you a list of manufacturers to choose from and they will let you try the machine first. At first I tried the lowest priced one and it did what it was supposed to do, but after a few days it is hard on the throat. I ended up buying from a German manufacturer whose machine was much more comfortable for long term use. Another guy whose doctor had told him to buy a CPAP ended up getting one because I was so happy with it. He told me that his life has improved a lot and he is glad that he finally did it.

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I agree with UG 100%.

When I came to Thailand I had a CPAP unit/device from 'ResMED' which literally changed my life for me.

I spent nearly a year in RAM1 and my, then, condition caused me to lose - weight. So the Sleep apnoea disappeared. While there I did notice the Sleep/CPAP unit.

The unit and device itself takes only a little getting used to but the beneficial affects are immediate. Both in terms of your welbeing and your partner's sleep also. There are various types of 'masks' depending on your own comfort and preference.

Good luck!

I would advise you to go to the sleep clinic at Sripat Hospital (I did it there) or RAM hospital. It should be somewhere around 10,000 baht. You cannot "try it" yourself as you have to experiment with a machine while hooked up to monitors to know what air pressure to use.

It has improved my quality of life immensely as before I started using CPAP I was tired all the time and was mostly just working and sleeping and now I have much more energy and seem to be slowly losing weight without trying.

Sripat gives you a list of manufacturers to choose from and they will let you try the machine first. At first I tried the lowest priced one and it did what it was supposed to do, but after a few days it is hard on the throat. I ended up buying from a German manufacturer whose machine was much more comfortable for long term use. Another guy whose doctor had told him to buy a CPAP ended up getting one because I was so happy with it. He told me that his life has improved a lot and he is glad that he finally did it.

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I have a Resmed CPAC S-6 that I brought with me from the States that I depend upon. I have been using CPACs for ten years now and it has made a huge difference in my life as well. Are there any sources for new filters and masks for these mechines in the Chiang Mai area?


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:) I bought a concentrator to hook up to my cpap machine. I got it at a pharmacy across the street from sriphat hospital.

I was in there today when you come out of he hospital cross the street and turn right it is about two hundred give or take feet down the street.

There is several pharmacies there I am not sure what the name is. You will have to go in and ask as they do not have them on display.

I have a piece of paper here they gave me that says Biopharm on it. By all means get one I have had one for ten years and no longer fall asleep when I am driving. Haven't lost any weight though.

The reason I was in there is because my resmed from Canada packed it in last night and the only dealer in Asia is in K L the machine is seven years old so maybe it is time. I have a new one I brought with me last time I was in Canada. So I am OK Tomorrow I will call the outfit they deal with in Bangkok and see if they can fix the Res med I have. That is something you might want to look into can you get the machine fixed here in Thailand.

My concentrator was made in China and they can service it in Bangkok The price was a third of a comparable one from the states.

By all means get yourself checked in for a night. When I was originally prescribed one I was in the hospital on a unrelated incident. Well I guess it was related I had a accident I fell asleep at the wheel. Any way two years later they had me come in for a sleep study. The result was that they upped the pressure and told me I was not getting enough oxygen at night hence the concentrator. It makes a big difference with my eyes they are no longer irritated all the time even in all the smog they have been pretty good. :D

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Wow Guys. This really sounds wonderful. I have been snoring all of my life. i wake myself up at night sometimes, my wife says i stop breathing and she hits me to to wake me up and start breathing again. I am always tired. I can sleep 12 hrs and still feel tired, I just wish I could sleep 8hrs and be full of energy. Do you guys know of any sleep clinics in Bangkok? if not then it seems like a trip to Chang Mai will be worth it for me.

Thanks guys.

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This might be a good time to take a break from Bangkok, for a holiday, and for sure there are some excellent Sleep Clinics here, but if not have a look at:


There are quite a few other responses from a search on google and other posters may be able to give you a personal recommendation.

You sound like you have classic symptoms of sleep apnoea and CPAP is one approach which immediately control your symptoms - allow you to sleep uninterrupted; stop your snoring; stop you feeling sleepy in the daytime. Although it may not cure the apnoea which could be caused by a number of factors. Many times extra weight, which causes your Trachea to collapse like a deflated innertube when you are supine and asleep - hence the cessation of breathing and then a sudden snort and recommencement, as your brain tells your lungs to BREATHE. This does not wake you up 100% but arouses you enough (sometimes many hundreds of time a night) to leave you exhausted when you do wake up. Having said that, if you carry extra pounds, the extra energy that you do receive through better sleep often results in a more energetic day, thus resulting in reduced rate and a possible resolvement of the condition.

Feel free to PM me if you need further details.

Good luck,


Wow Guys. This really sounds wonderful. I have been snoring all of my life. i wake myself up at night sometimes, my wife says i stop breathing and she hits me to to wake me up and start breathing again. I am always tired. I can sleep 12 hrs and still feel tired, I just wish I could sleep 8hrs and be full of energy. Do you guys know of any sleep clinics in Bangkok? if not then it seems like a trip to Chang Mai will be worth it for me.

Thanks guys.

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Although it may not cure the apnoea which could be caused by a number of factors. Many times extra weight, which causes your Trachea to collapse like a deflated innertube when you are supine and asleep - hence the cessation of breathing and then a sudden snort and recommencement, 

I second the suggestion to consider weight loss.  I snored for years, keeping my wife awake many a night.  Three years ago I lost 35 pounds for other health reasons and the snoring stopped.  Although I mentioned the snoring problem to both my internist and an ear-nose-throat doctor, neither mentioned trying weight loss.  I also sleep more soundly when I exercise more.

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I would advise you to go to the sleep clinic at Sripat Hospital (I did it there) or RAM hospital. It should be somewhere around 10,000 baht. You cannot "try it" yourself as you have to experiment with a machine while hooked up to monitors to know what air pressure to use.

It has improved my quality of life immensely as before I started using CPAP I was tired all the time and was mostly just working and sleeping and now I have much more energy and seem to be slowly losing weight without trying.

Sripat gives you a list of manufacturers to choose from and they will let you try the machine first. At first I tried the lowest priced one and it did what it was supposed to do, but after a few days it is hard on the throat. I ended up buying from a German manufacturer whose machine was much more comfortable for long term use. Another guy whose doctor had told him to buy a CPAP ended up getting one because I was so happy with it. He told me that his life has improved a lot and he is glad that he finally did it.

Cheers we have booked me into the Sripat hospital. I will opt for whatever is lighter on the throat and comfort. If we are talking a few K bt compared to a better quality of sleep thus life- I will opt for the better German model.

I do not think I will bother staying overnight- I will simply request a unit and have the doctor monitor my progress with monthly appointments, weekly to start. Unless they charge excessive rate for the unit than buying direct. Something I will look into- if so I will simply buy a unit and have the doctor monitor my progress and show me the correct way to use it.

Does the unit actually pump oxygen in via a tank. My wife is thinking it may be a bit Michael Jacksonish yet if it works the whole family saids- GREAT about time. All joking that I will be in a bubble next... :) It should be 10K well spent.

I do not think the mouth guard unit will be any good for a chronic snorer, maybe a mild snorer I feel. Cheapest option yet I have had enough of trying gimic type devices that may work for mild sufferers.

Aircraft wise- no issues taking this on a plane? Anyway I will check out the size of these units tomorrow and hopefully have all my questions answered. Thanks again.

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Here is a good site to check out the general prices of the CPAP units and masks for those interested. No good paying double the price if you can avoid it. Lots of reviews on each unit- huge price differences. I would avoid the ones that only have a few reviews and score 100%. As likely positive reviews from the maker.

Some affordable masks and units have some great ratings. Good site to compare.


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Does the unit actually pump oxygen in via a tank.

My CPAP just uses regular air that goes through a filter, but some extreme cases require oxygen tanks or a different kind of machine called a BPAP that is more powerful (when a CPAP won't work). If you do not do the sleep test and end up needing the stronger machine, you will have just wasted a bunch of money. You really need to think about doing the test.

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I would advise you to go to the sleep clinic at Sripat Hospital (I did it there) or RAM hospital. It should be somewhere around 10,000 baht. You cannot "try it" yourself as you have to experiment with a machine while hooked up to monitors to know what air pressure to use.

It has improved my quality of life immensely as before I started using CPAP I was tired all the time and was mostly just working and sleeping and now I have much more energy and seem to be slowly losing weight without trying.

Sripat gives you a list of manufacturers to choose from and they will let you try the machine first. At first I tried the lowest priced one and it did what it was supposed to do, but after a few days it is hard on the throat. I ended up buying from a German manufacturer whose machine was much more comfortable for long term use. Another guy whose doctor had told him to buy a CPAP ended up getting one because I was so happy with it. He told me that his life has improved a lot and he is glad that he finally did it.

Deciding on the sleep clinic at Hospital RAM, I have a sleep session tomorrow arvo.

I checked out the CPAP machine that are in the Drug Store 200 metres on the left (Away from inner city) from Sripat Hospital. I was QUOTED 44,000 bt much to my shock. I asked if they meant 4,400bt, as I have seen CPAP machines on the cpap.com site from approx $150 up to many thousands. Yet no it was 44,000bt- WOW it a new motorbike.

The store owners said many Farangs had come in lately, so I guess some are listening to advice on the thread. In my dismay I said 'You mean this is a BPAP unit- yes but no it was a 44,000bt CPAP unit'. Not even with a full face mask and it was a no name brand- quite disappointing.

I checked out all the pharmacies all down that road yet to no avail. Only 1 unit avail at 44,000bt. Rip off.

How much was yours when you state a third of the cost in USA? As USA appears to have the most competition thus better pricing.

Naturally my insurance will not cover my 'snoring' issue, as a pre existing condition. No matter whether I said Ohh it only just started they simply laughed at my attempt to claim a CPAP unit on insurance. It was worth a shot, seeing as medical insurance is 40,000bt pa. As I cover myself in Aussie and SE Asia. As I travel between the two.

Anyone know where and how much they paid for a CPAP unit in CMai. Otherwise I guess an internet order is the way to go through cpap.com . Would have preferred to actually test a couple of units in store before a purchase. However the website has many reviews of each unit. I will probably go for a traveller unit that it quiet.

I hope I do not need a BPAP unit as you can times the cost by 5-10 times. Plus addition costs in oxygen, etc. CPAP does not have tanks, etc, yet built in humidifiers and should work for most serious throat or nose snorers. Such as myself. I snore from throat like I choking my partner saids- I naturally I do not know.

I recorded myself once and was a bit shocked by the sounds being recorded- far worse than i thought.

As stated above i am 180cm, 75kg and exercise. So weight is not the issue. Even when in a comp sport in my early 20s at 68kg made no diff to my snoring. So a few extra kg's from my fighting weight makes no difference.

Anyway anyone whom has purchased a CPAP and has the details would be appreciated. As i expect Hospital RAM will charge a large over head to sell ffrom the hospital. As the sleep test and monitoring will cost a few K bt anyway.

All up it will be worth it- if it solves my issue. More energy in day, personally, emotionally, etc...

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At Sripat Sleep clinic they give you a list of manufacturers to contact yourself. They had a basic unit from USA for 30,000 and let you try it before buying.

I got one from Germany that has a computer that monitors when you need air and only gives you large bursts when you need it to open your breathing passage. You do not need a humidifier with these units as they are much more comfortable.

The problem with getting a CPAP from abroad is what do you do when you need to get it fixed? I have read of people who have had this problem and could not get the machine fixed.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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At Sripat Sleep clinic they give you a list of manufacturers to contact yourself. They had a basic unit from USA for 30,000 and let you try it before buying. I got one from Germany that has a computer that monitors when you need air and only gives you large bursts when you need it to open your breathing passage. You do not need a humidifier with these units as they are much more comfortable.

The problem with getting a CPAP from abroad is what do you do when you need to get it fixed? I have read of people who have had this problem and could not get the machine fixed.

I am guessing RAM hospital may do the same thing and hand me a list. Otherwise they will try to onsell. Many options and reviews on the cpap.com site. You can get insurance for return if you dislike--- for me it a lot of difference from a 5000bt model like many on cpap.com with good reviews to the 30,000bt ++ units. Especially if I walk out of the sleep centre unsure if the CPAP will actually work correctly.

Would prefer to lose 5000bt than 30,000bt in this event. Yet try before buy option seems good... I wonder if the company will actually give you your money back if you do not like the unit--- Mmmm I heard that many times before in Thai and home country. When it comes to the crunch they try to opt out of the guarantee.

So I guess the 10,000bt that was mentioned was the cost of the sleep clinic only?... Mmmm call me a farang ki nok yet the 5000bt brand name units are looking quite a good deal from the cpap.com site. I would be more confident that they return my unit if it did not work for me than a place in Thai to be quite honest. As their reviews are very thorough and it a well planned website for CPAP buyers.

Yet overall what is a $1000 for finally having peaceful sleep for the rest of your life (Potentially)- worth the money many many times over IF it works. I am fearing I may need a BPAP and will be told so tomorrow at Hospital RAM. Meaning even bigger bucks than a CPAP.

Unless the store and guarantee was in Cmai i do not think it would be much different than buying online. As a BKK store you will need to send the unit off to if broken or you returning anyway. Just as returning a unit from OS. Postage just a bit less I guess.

All comes down to who you trust I guess. Whether the sleep clinic was in Aussie, US or CMai they are there to make money first and help you second in my mind. 10k for a sleep test is approx half the amount of a test in Aussie, so a bit of savings. Maybe assessories will prove to be less expensive here. Time will tell... Hoping for no BPAP unit as the price of a motorbike will become the price of a car... :)

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They let me try the units for free for a week or so before making a decision on buying, but you have to have a reference from the sleep clinic with the correct settings. There was no hard sell at all.

I did not suddenly feel lots of energy, but I immediately stopped falling asleep during the daytime which I was doing constantly before, so I knew right away it was working.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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They let me try the units for free for a week or so before making a decision on buying, but you have to have a reference from the sleep clinic with the correct settings.There was no hardsell at all.

Correct settings, sleeping tests- sounds more involved than I thought. I thought I could grab a $200 unit from USA and flick it on and hope for the best. I guess that strategy may not prove to be the best one... Talking to my girl she is unsure what to advise- she just hopes it all works out for all our sleeping needs.

Sounds like I should bite the bullet and pay the 10K for the sleep test and get all the details for what I actually NEED- settings, advice, etc. Then make a decision on what CPAP unit to go for, or BPAP... Sometimes you just cannot cut corners on certain items, particularly health related items. This maybe one of these cases... thanks Uly

Cheers... J

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No problem.

After doing the whole thing, I am very happy with the results and actually think it would be worth a lot more money than it costs, but there is really no avoiding the sleep test as it is the only way to know at what "speed' the machine is actually working. :)

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I would advise you to go to the sleep clinic at Sripat Hospital (I did it there) or RAM hospital. It should be somewhere around 10,000 baht. You cannot "try it" yourself as you have to experiment with a machine while hooked up to monitors to know what air pressure to use.

It has improved my quality of life immensely as before I started using CPAP I was tired all the time and was mostly just working and sleeping and now I have much more energy and seem to be slowly losing weight without trying.

Sripat gives you a list of manufacturers to choose from and they will let you try the machine first. At first I tried the lowest priced one and it did what it was supposed to do, but after a few days it is hard on the throat. I ended up buying from a German manufacturer whose machine was much more comfortable for long term use. Another guy whose doctor had told him to buy a CPAP ended up getting one because I was so happy with it. He told me that his life has improved a lot and he is glad that he finally did it.

Deciding on the sleep clinic at Hospital RAM, I have a sleep session tomorrow arvo.

I checked out the CPAP machine that are in the Drug Store 200 metres on the left (Away from inner city) from Sripat Hospital. I was QUOTED 44,000 bt much to my shock. I asked if they meant 4,400bt, as I have seen CPAP machines on the cpap.com site from approx $150 up to many thousands. Yet no it was 44,000bt- WOW it a new motorbike.

The store owners said many Farangs had come in lately, so I guess some are listening to advice on the thread. In my dismay I said 'You mean this is a BPAP unit- yes but no it was a 44,000bt CPAP unit'. Not even with a full face mask and it was a no name brand- quite disappointing.

I checked out all the pharmacies all down that road yet to no avail. Only 1 unit avail at 44,000bt. Rip off.

How much was yours when you state a third of the cost in USA? As USA appears to have the most competition thus better pricing.

Naturally my insurance will not cover my 'snoring' issue, as a pre existing condition. No matter whether I said Ohh it only just started they simply laughed at my attempt to claim a CPAP unit on insurance. It was worth a shot, seeing as medical insurance is 40,000bt pa. As I cover myself in Aussie and SE Asia. As I travel between the two.

Anyone know where and how much they paid for a CPAP unit in CMai. Otherwise I guess an internet order is the way to go through cpap.com . Would have preferred to actually test a couple of units in store before a purchase. However the website has many reviews of each unit. I will probably go for a traveller unit that it quiet.

I hope I do not need a BPAP unit as you can times the cost by 5-10 times. Plus addition costs in oxygen, etc. CPAP does not have tanks, etc, yet built in humidifiers and should work for most serious throat or nose snorers. Such as myself. I snore from throat like I choking my partner saids- I naturally I do not know.

I recorded myself once and was a bit shocked by the sounds being recorded- far worse than i thought.

As stated above i am 180cm, 75kg and exercise. So weight is not the issue. Even when in a comp sport in my early 20s at 68kg made no diff to my snoring. So a few extra kg's from my fighting weight makes no difference.

Anyway anyone whom has purchased a CPAP and has the details would be appreciated. As i expect Hospital RAM will charge a large over head to sell ffrom the hospital. As the sleep test and monitoring will cost a few K bt anyway.

All up it will be worth it- if it solves my issue. More energy in day, personally, emotionally, etc...

My insurance company paid $1800 for mine in Canada it is a resmed. I would strongly advise staying overnight to get a complete analysis. When I did that they upped the pressure on my machine discovered that I was not getting enough oxygen at night and had RLM.

For the oxygen I got a concentrator. I needed 6 liters a minute this required getting a bigger machine. When I moved to Thailand I left the machine in Canada and went for three years without it. My doctor looked at my eyes and said you are not getting enough oxygen my eyes were itchy all the time two days with the oxygen and my eyes were fine again. For the RLM I was prescribed a mild anti depressant before bed time. RLM is rapid leg movement. You will suddenly kick your leg and slightly wake yourself just as when your throat contracts with sleep apnea.

In short if I had just got a cpap machine and used it I would still be having trouble sleeping.

One more thing to consider is can you get it serviced here in Thailand. My machine like I said is a resmed and the only distributor in Asia is in KL. I am not sure if there is a company in Bangkok that works on them.

The drug store across the street from the hospital gave me a phone number for the company that services there brand of CPAP

I have yet to call them my wife had forgot to change the filter and when she changed it every thing was fine again.

Edited by jayjay0
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I would advise you to go to the sleep clinic at Sripat Hospital (I did it there) or RAM hospital. It should be somewhere around 10,000 baht. You cannot "try it" yourself as you have to experiment with a machine while hooked up to monitors to know what air pressure to use.

It has improved my quality of life immensely as before I started using CPAP I was tired all the time and was mostly just working and sleeping and now I have much more energy and seem to be slowly losing weight without trying.

Sripat gives you a list of manufacturers to choose from and they will let you try the machine first. At first I tried the lowest priced one and it did what it was supposed to do, but after a few days it is hard on the throat. I ended up buying from a German manufacturer whose machine was much more comfortable for long term use. Another guy whose doctor had told him to buy a CPAP ended up getting one because I was so happy with it. He told me that his life has improved a lot and he is glad that he finally did it.

Deciding on the sleep clinic at Hospital RAM, I have a sleep session tomorrow arvo.

I checked out the CPAP machine that are in the Drug Store 200 metres on the left (Away from inner city) from Sripat Hospital. I was QUOTED 44,000 bt much to my shock. I asked if they meant 4,400bt, as I have seen CPAP machines on the cpap.com site from approx $150 up to many thousands. Yet no it was 44,000bt- WOW it a new motorbike.

The store owners said many Farangs had come in lately, so I guess some are listening to advice on the thread. In my dismay I said 'You mean this is a BPAP unit- yes but no it was a 44,000bt CPAP unit'. Not even with a full face mask and it was a no name brand- quite disappointing.

I checked out all the pharmacies all down that road yet to no avail. Only 1 unit avail at 44,000bt. Rip off.

How much was yours when you state a third of the cost in USA? As USA appears to have the most competition thus better pricing.

Naturally my insurance will not cover my 'snoring' issue, as a pre existing condition. No matter whether I said Ohh it only just started they simply laughed at my attempt to claim a CPAP unit on insurance. It was worth a shot, seeing as medical insurance is 40,000bt pa. As I cover myself in Aussie and SE Asia. As I travel between the two.

Anyone know where and how much they paid for a CPAP unit in CMai. Otherwise I guess an internet order is the way to go through cpap.com . Would have preferred to actually test a couple of units in store before a purchase. However the website has many reviews of each unit. I will probably go for a traveller unit that it quiet.

I hope I do not need a BPAP unit as you can times the cost by 5-10 times. Plus addition costs in oxygen, etc. CPAP does not have tanks, etc, yet built in humidifiers and should work for most serious throat or nose snorers. Such as myself. I snore from throat like I choking my partner saids- I naturally I do not know.

I recorded myself once and was a bit shocked by the sounds being recorded- far worse than i thought.

As stated above i am 180cm, 75kg and exercise. So weight is not the issue. Even when in a comp sport in my early 20s at 68kg made no diff to my snoring. So a few extra kg's from my fighting weight makes no difference.

Anyway anyone whom has purchased a CPAP and has the details would be appreciated. As i expect Hospital RAM will charge a large over head to sell ffrom the hospital. As the sleep test and monitoring will cost a few K bt anyway.

All up it will be worth it- if it solves my issue. More energy in day, personally, emotionally, etc...

My insurance company paid $1800 for mine in Canada it is a resmed. I would strongly advise staying overnight to get a complete analysis. When I did that they upped the pressure on my machine discovered that I was not getting enough oxygen at night and had RLM.

For the oxygen I got a concentrator. I needed 6 liters a minute this required getting a bigger machine. When I moved to Thailand I left the machine in Canada and went for three years without it. My doctor looked at my eyes and said you are not getting enough oxygen my eyes were itchy all the time two days with the oxygen and my eyes were fine again. For the RLM I was prescribed a mild anti depressant before bed time. RLM is rapid leg movement. You will suddenly kick your leg and slightly wake yourself just as when your throat contracts with sleep apnea.

In short if I had just got a cpap machine and used it I would still be having trouble sleeping.

One more thing to consider is can you get it serviced here in Thailand. My machine like I said is a resmed and the only distributor in Asia is in KL. I am not sure if there is a company in Bangkok that works on them.

The drug store across the street from the hospital gave me a phone number for the company that services there brand of CPAP

I have yet to call them my wife had forgot to change the filter and when she changed it every thing was fine again.

Itchy eyes- I thought I have always had allergies... If this clears up as well- BONUS.

Your unit above sounds like a BPAP from what I have read- I think cpap does not use oxygen tanks.

The oxygen tanks must cost your a far bit or does it recycle the air??? I am confused on all the different units ATM...

Anyway hope all goes well at RAM tomorrow 4pm- will be an interesting experience and we are all hopeful of a good outcome.

Excited that many issues existing for years may clear up overtime due to this unit, my thai family who we live with often are also hoping for the best. Chok Dee they say for tomorrow... Hoping they do not need to hear the chainsaw noise coming from my side of the house. Lol.

Cheers guys...

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The cpap will not solve a lack of oxygen problem. That requires a separate unit. What the condenser does is it takes the oxygen right out of the air it has a separate tube to hook up to the CPAP machine. The CPAP machine only takes the normal air and forces it down through your throat.

To use oxygen bottles would be expensive and very inconvenient. My machine cost 35,000 baht. To use oxygen bottles it would be very expensive as a big one only lasts one or two nights and you have to take them in to get them refilled.

All this information you get after you have spent a night hooked up to various meters.

One other thing there is several different masks mine is one that covers the hole nose. It is probably not the most comfortable one but it is the one I got used to. It took me a long time to get used to it at least two months. The first few nights I took it off after one hour. My brother just gave up on it and snores his way on into eternity. :)

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jayinoz: hello, how did the sleep study go? if possible, please brief us on the procedure and total costs involved. i myself need to get one done. are you satisfied with the results and how did RAM hospital treat you?

thanks for any info you can provide.

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jayinoz: hello, how did the sleep study go? if possible, please brief us on the procedure and total costs involved. i myself need to get one done. are you satisfied with the results and how did RAM hospital treat you?

thanks for any info you can provide.

Hi Jimmy, the sleep study was the split sleep test. Approx. 1st 5 hours was sleep and they recorded my sleep for Specialist to review. Then next 3 or so hours was testing on various units and settings.

The Specialist at Hospital RAM had already stated he thought my tonsils and above skin needed to come out, as causing blockage. Plus he could see the irritation caused by my continuous snoring. I stated my younger bro and father have the same issue and both had them out for other reasons. Yet did not fix up their snoring issues. Plus others whom I know who had the operation have been unsuccessful, after paying many 1000s for the operation. The operation here is less at 40K bt, as it is approx 180K bt in Aussie.

So he had already basically given me the choice of 1) Operation (Then see if solves issues without CPAP for life) 2) If not then CPAP unit as well.... 3) Or go straight to CPAP unit without operation.

I stated due to my bro and father they are keen to find out my results on the CPAP, so I will go with Option 3. I may look at the operation later if I am sick and tired of the CPAP unit and wish to give it a shot in a few years. The specialist said this is very common- CPAP users opt for the operations and vice versa.

Thus the Split sleep and CPAP testing, as opposed to an 8 hours recorded sleep connected to severval items for monitoring. I think the split test is worth it more, as you come out with the setting that are right for you to use on the unit. They recommend suppliers in Thailand if you living in Thailand-I am looking into a few suppliers. You can negoitate the price just like anywhere else in Thailand. It will cost approx. 25,000bt. With mask, unit, accessories, etc.

They recommend the Full face mask for me, as I have blockage in lower part of nose and my throat. It is possible that the settings may need to be turn up air wise as time goes on. This is done by your partner if she hears that you start snoring again. I am hoping she does not blow my lungs out if she turns the unit up- Lol. As she seemed over enthusastic to turn it up if I snored again- lol.

The sleep test was 9,500 bt at Hospital RAM. I expect Sripat will be similar in CMai. Not sure about the other private clinics. I find that approx a third to Aussie prices- yet the government rebates some people based on income. Which I suspect will be the same with other EU countries, I doubt with US. You guys seem to pay a fortune with very little rebates.

So all up you will be up for approx. $1200 unless you opt for a cheaper unit. Which you can get and you can take out reverse insurance if that unit does not work for you.

That will be up to you. I am looking at several suppliers. Resmed is meant to be best quality and comfort yet more expensive. Many brands to select from... I will go with a brand name, as opposed to no name 'Made in China', as sold outside Sripat hospital at the pharmacy down the road.

Yet one poster stated they got a good compressor from that pharmacy at a third USA cost. I did not see any savings compared to USA. US appears cheaper, yet other side of the world. Many may not have an issue with that... as I cannot see the Thailand suppliers beating the prices on www.cpap.com . A USA site.

JJ was correct some people need different units, some people need a BPAP or other than simply have air forced down the throat as in a CPAP... Luckily I did not have the lack of oxygen issue otherwise a different unit would have been needed. The CPAP seems like it will do the job. I will comment on the thread how it all goes, as I make a selection then order the CPAP.

JayJay is your brother going to look at an operation??? As he given up on the CPAP... SO your one is the compressor for 35K bt?

Comfort sounds very important, a couple I tried were not comfortable. Try b4 buy sounds like the best deal. The little amount of tiime in the RAM hospital only lets u try out a couple- as they are only looking at settings and whether nose & mouth, etc is needed. Full face Vs nose, etc.

The CPAP unit is a recommended by Specialist and individual choice. Cheers J

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I am not sure what my brother is going to do. Yes I paid 35,000 b for a condenser to get the oxygen out of the air. It is a separate machine with a air hose to connect to my cpap machine. Not sure about tests taken while you are awake. For my self a test for oxygen while I am awake says A OK but when I am asleep not enough. I require a additional 6 liters a minute. As I have said before after two nights my eyes stopped itching. All so they have lost a lot of the redness.

Not all that sure what kind of a CPAP you were looking at I have two ResMed's. One is about seven years old and the other two years old. I got the second one when I was still on a medical plan that paid for it. Both my machines turn on automatically when I put the mask on and turn off automatically when I take it off. The pressure is self adjusting so I don't have to worry about it.

I looked at that web page you recommended. When it comes to price does that price include sales tax and import duty and will they really ship them for free to Thailand. And as I have said before find out what you would have to do to get them serviced. I know ResMed has a distributor in KL. One other point it is a small one but check on the availability of filters. Or maybe you can make your own. I go back to North America once a year and have my machine checked out and purchase filters and a new mask if needed. The mask's do not last forever and can be expensive. The one I am using now has been good for two years previous masks lasted a year to a year and a half. Mine covers only my nose. If ordering by mail try to ascertain the size mask you will need. One size does not really fit all.

Let me know what you decide on. Personally I would not even look at the cheap ones.

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Both my machines turn on automatically when I put the mask on and turn off automatically when I take it off. The pressure is self adjusting so I don't have to worry about it.

The self adjusting machines are the most comfortable, but I got the idea that the maximum setting (the normal setting on a cheap machine) has to be set according to your sleep test results. However, I might have not understood correctly, but they did ask me for that number when setting up my machine.

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The first machine I had was that way I also had to turn it on and off. That was over ten years ago. It sat on a tray I put water into for moisture. Today it would be a dinosaur. I am not sure of what they have now. I think there is a maximum it can go to. When I go back this year I am going to take both my machines for servicing. I will ask then. :)

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  • 2 years later...

Does anyone have the name of the companies that sell the CPAP machine?

I did my sleep study in Bangkok but want to buy it here or maybe mail order from the US and then just buy the masks here. It looks like machines are 3x the US price from cpap.com (at least the supplier in bangkok).

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Does anyone have the name of the companies that sell the CPAP machine?

I did my sleep study in Bangkok but want to buy it here or maybe mail order from the US and then just buy the masks here. It looks like machines are 3x the US price from cpap.com (at least the supplier in bangkok).

When you walk out of siraphat hospital cross the street and turn right There are several drug stores along the way I believe it is the second or third one you come to.

I have one I brought over with me from Canada but I needed a oxygen concentrator and when I was in there purchasing one I noticed they had CPAP machines. I did not ask the price but the one I have cost $2,000 Canadian. You might have to ask as they didn't seem to have them on display. I just noticed the box. The same with my concentrator I had to ask.

You might want to take into consideration that if it needs repairs and it came from the states there could be trouble. My concentrator was made in China and after three years it needed repairing they sent it to Bangkok and I had it back in 10 days.

I had a Resmed when I first came here and it needed repairing after about two years. There is only one dealer for them here in Asia and he is in K L. Fourtantly for me we had all ready planed a trip there. Even at that I was lucky he had the part I needed.

Edited by hellodolly
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Back in the States some 15 yr ago I had a sleep study that showed that I would stop breathing

60 to 90 times per hour, from 2 to 7 seconds each occurance. My wife said that she had watched me stop breathing on many a night. After going to an ENT Dr., I decided to have surgery. The little thing that dangles down in the back of my throat, he heated it which caused it to get very hard. He also took out my tonciles and routed out my nasal passages.

My sleep after this was greatly improved, and according to the wife my snoring was only 10 to 20% what it was before.

Un a side note, the next year the good Dr. was sentanced to 20 yr for production of anfetimines.

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