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Red Shirts In Chiang Mai Break Through Fences

Maejo Man

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am in Chiang Mai right now. My friends went down to the bridge to take a look. They saw about 1,000 colored shirts where they have blocked off all the main routes across the river into Chiang Mai with barricades and tyres on fire. They have burnt down buildings, attacked police vehicles, attacked fire trucks sent to put out the fires, they are wrecking total havock, destroying all signs, traffic lights, police booths etc. Total mayhem. They are now lighting fires outside Tha Pai gate on the edge of the old city. Bombs and explosions are sounding around the place. So far we're not sure what will happen but there seems to be no effort to stop them so far by police or the military. I think some roads have been blocked off by the military to stop people entering the effected zones. Many civilians and tourists are concerned as to how to return to their accommodation and are concerned for their safety. We are situated on Loi Kroh Rd. atm which is between the Night Bazaar and Tha Pai Gate, so we are right in the middle of all this rubbish. God bless all.

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I am behind Tapae Gate and there are no explosions. There is smoke but no explosions or any other noises.

At 1830 there were no protestors at the Nawarat bridge, all had crossed over to close to CM Christian School

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