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When Thai Red-Shirts Turn Colourless


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Any group or person who takes their babies and young children into a potentially violent zone such as the occupied area at Ratchaprasong is either a coward, mentally defective, or a parent who guilty of child abuse. And all this while the fat man runs away from a fight to dine on fried chicken in air conditioned comfort.

I laughed when I read the story of ole' Kwanchai a.k.a. Isaan Rambo [hahaha!], "hiding in a van" as his compatriots shot it out against the army, then running to McDonald's to pork down a HUGE order of french fries and a burger.

Man alive, he is a disgusting piggy with no backbone and about as much courage as the Cowardly Lion on the Wizard of Oz.

And what about Abhisit holed in his 11th Infantry barrack? .... Same

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The OP is so, so UNbrilliant. I do NOT want the reds to win, but have been warning for months to STOP underestimating them.

In battle, the officers cover their symbols of rank. The Viet Cong and Iraqis succeed, guess how? dumb OP.

I used to play chess with a guy who I could always beat by trading queens, if not he could beat me. He said I was 'rude' playing like that, that 'chess is not played that way'. I decided to be rude and kill him every time.

I hope the OP can see what a crybaby the loser was!?


The Prime Minister is living in a bunker for his safety. The Northern provinces are HELD by the red army, aka commandeer a military train in shorts and sandals if they wanted.

wear red at HOME! Not wear red on the front lines,great military strategy, but OP "don't do that it's rude and unfair" [THE DEMARCATION POINTS of which are being decided by the reds BTW, FYI.]


There are only certain specific strategies to stop the red shirt tide. The Joseph Solution and The Joseph Plan mollifies the Reds into accepting a new, fair, stable system, it makes the Yellows happy, too, AND it kills Thaksin's influence on Thai politics. He 'evaporates' into obsolescence!

After the autumn military reshuffle, the chances of success go from difficult to improbable, though.

The OP, if it was not so sad, the myopic vision, it would be funny!


A red shirt win Thailand loses, big time! A red shirt loss Thailand loses, big time!

<<< This is TRUE this is TRUE / this is TRUE

The Joseph Solution & The Joseph Plan! the only way out [if they want a way out! maybe they, reds and yellows are just having TOO MUCH FUN? seriously! culture of enuremnt after 80 years of gang warfare politics!


One silver lining, no grey lining, is they making their pig trough smaller! ha ha on them

just curious. I am reading your post and try to decrypt. I need some explanations What do you mean by OP? What is the Joseph solution?

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The opinion writer dances around the answer to his question.

Yet, in the middle he gives the plain answer instead of all the cute window dressing answers:

Officially, the reds say they have turned colourless (or multi-coloured?) because they believe that the government is on the verge of cracking down on their protesters. Their rationale is that if the police or army try to disperse the red protesters, they won't be able to find them anymore. They may still be protesters, but they are no longer red.

And to further confuse the law-enforcement officials (if there are any left), they may not be able to separate normal shoppers from the real protestors, even if they come determined to put an end to the protest.

from: The Nation newspaper

Basically, the Reds are cowards. They know they're doing bad things, and just like naughty children, they're running from responsibility. Not much different than the man stopped on the motorbike which carried several dozen grenades (last night) who ran after being detained by cops. Why the cops couldn't detain him is attributable to lousy law enforcement, but that's another facet of this crazy imbroglio going on in Bangkok and throughout Thailand.

Incidentally, avoiding being identified (and shirking responsibility) is in line with how hard core terrorists in the middle east do their dastardly business. The middle eastern terrorists also have a death wish (why else have so many suicide bombers?), which also dovetails with the Reds piling thousands fuel covered tires around themselves. Any relation to how Jim Jones' and David Koresh's brainwashed minions perished are not coincidental.

Abhist is the coward for not holding an election because he know he will lose :)

Boiler plate response. Try and up the quality of the rhetoric.

They'd like to but they were programed with 5 standard phrases only...

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The opinion writer dances around the answer to his question.

Yet, in the middle he gives the plain answer instead of all the cute window dressing answers:

Officially, the reds say they have turned colourless (or multi-coloured?) because they believe that the government is on the verge of cracking down on their protesters. Their rationale is that if the police or army try to disperse the red protesters, they won't be able to find them anymore. They may still be protesters, but they are no longer red.

And to further confuse the law-enforcement officials (if there are any left), they may not be able to separate normal shoppers from the real protestors, even if they come determined to put an end to the protest.

from: The Nation newspaper

Basically, the Reds are cowards. They know they're doing bad things, and just like naughty children, they're running from responsibility. Not much different than the man stopped on the motorbike which carried several dozen grenades (last night) who ran after being detained by cops. Why the cops couldn't detain him is attributable to lousy law enforcement, but that's another facet of this crazy imbroglio going on in Bangkok and throughout Thailand.

Incidentally, avoiding being identified (and shirking responsibility) is in line with how hard core terrorists in the middle east do their dastardly business. The middle eastern terrorists also have a death wish (why else have so many suicide bombers?), which also dovetails with the Reds piling thousands fuel covered tires around themselves. Any relation to how Jim Jones' and David Koresh's brainwashed minions perished are not coincidental.

Abhist is the coward for not holding an election because he know he will lose :)

Boiler plate response. Try and up the quality of the rhetoric.

The RED may by coward and stupid like a cow. However, they only follow and learn from the YELLOW, who went colorless first.

Actually the yellows still exist and are not out presently marching.

Some yellow seemed to have joined the multi-colors, but that isn't the same thing.

Everyone seems to see these color lines as in or out,

while in many cases, people can be in 2-3 groups or just visiting for one issue but not for others.

Just because some yellows are in the multi-color, or no color, doesn't automatically make Multi-color = Yellow.

Nor does it make Ex-Communist Reds, ardent Thaksinista, red yes, but wanting a different thing,

and riding the coat tails of a different movement to re-energize their own.

Though if ther global team wins they would split and create another schism of philosophical chaos to deal with.

The more important issue is ;

'willingness to use extreme group violence to gain whatever end they choose.'

That is a In or Out proposition.

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Reds are fighting for the thing that so many stupid farangs who have written on this website take for granted in their home countries: democracy. For those who think it is purely about Thaksin's interests, you are so wrong (although, of course, he is the leader of the red shirts).

The real coward in all this is the Thai government, which was not elected by The People and is, therefore, not prepared to hold an election because they know they have absolutely no chance of winning. And why do they have absolutely no chance of winning? Because they know The People would not vote for them. And that, my friends, is why the red shirts are fighting: let The People decide who should run the country.

That is a justified cause and worth to fight for. And with that comes responsibility. Just to vote as the Kamnan tells you and pick up the 500Bt. wouldn't cut it.

By the way, not all poster here are Farang...

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Any group or person who takes their babies and young children into a potentially violent zone such as the occupied area at Ratchaprasong is either a coward, mentally defective, or a parent who guilty of child abuse. And all this while the fat man runs away from a fight to dine on fried chicken in air conditioned comfort.


This "cluelessness" represents the lack of common sense the parents/ grandmothers have in the Red group. There have already been clashes (including deaths) so wouldn't this be a clue to get your young ones out? (or do children also get paid 500baht a day?) Even the big boys of the Red color are not sleeping on the streets at night when it is the best time for the military to remove a crowd that is illegally occupying a section of the capital city.

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There are only certain specific strategies to stop the red shirt tide. The Joseph Solution and The Joseph Plan mollifies the Reds into accepting a new, fair, stable system, it makes the Yellows happy, too, AND it kills Thaksin's influence on Thai politics. He 'evaporates' into obsolescence!

After the autumn military reshuffle, the chances of success go from difficult to improbable, though.

The OP, if it was not so sad, the myopic vision, it would be funny! ...

'The Joseph Solution and The Joseph Plan'

You keep talking about this like it is common knowledge ignored by many.

Searching this only comes up with one book with possible relevance to silent majorities

'Taking Back America 'by Joseph Farah. Is this what you mean?

He comes across as a right wing demagogue when reading the synopsis.

...According to Farah,

"The choice is simple:

the world of standards and morality, of marriage, order, the rule of law, and accountability to God,

or the world of anything goes, aberrant behavior, do-your-own-thing lifestyles,

and moral codes that change with the speed of the latest public opinion polls."

How can Americans take back their nation?

The author says the only way we can reestablish our freedom

—our God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness—

is to break the hammerlock of statism and the notion that moral relativism holds the answers

to ordering people's passions and behavior. ...

This is saying : rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are fine

if they fit into HIS ideas of how Americans use their personal freedom.

He can't be happy if others dare to live unlike HIS choices.

So we must take back the country from these infidels....

Sounds a lot like Thaksin and his gays around Abhisit comments....

So, Take Back America from those acting too freely...

Never mind the actual definition of 'Liberty'....

So why should THIS Solution have anything to do with The Current Thai Problem????

If this is not your "The Joseph Solution and The Joseph Plan" they it really behooves you to tell us what this thing is,

because I do good search, but this one doesn't come up as anything relevant...

Joseph Goebels comes up higher than Farah, though I image HIS solution is not what you mean....

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The opinion writer dances around the answer to his question.

Yet, in the middle he gives the plain answer instead of all the cute window dressing answers:

Officially, the reds say they have turned colourless (or multi-coloured?) because they believe that the government is on the verge of cracking down on their protesters. Their rationale is that if the police or army try to disperse the red protesters, they won't be able to find them anymore. They may still be protesters, but they are no longer red.

And to further confuse the law-enforcement officials (if there are any left), they may not be able to separate normal shoppers from the real protestors, even if they come determined to put an end to the protest.

from: The Nation newspaper

Basically, the Reds are cowards. They know they're doing bad things, and just like naughty children, they're running from responsibility. Not much different than the man stopped on the motorbike which carried several dozen grenades (last night) who ran after being detained by cops. Why the cops couldn't detain him is attributable to lousy law enforcement, but that's another facet of this crazy imbroglio going on in Bangkok and throughout Thailand.

Incidentally, avoiding being identified (and shirking responsibility) is in line with how hard core terrorists in the middle east do their dastardly business. The middle eastern terrorists also have a death wish (why else have so many suicide bombers?), which also dovetails with the Reds piling thousands fuel covered tires around themselves. Any relation to how Jim Jones' and David Koresh's brainwashed minions perished are not coincidental.

Abhist is the coward for not holding an election because he know he will lose :)

He is going to hold an election..... are you completely ignorant... The election will be next year when its due... ???? Thats holding an election is`nt it..?

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When it was announced on the red stage that they were giving up red shirts but would remain red on the inside made me think of the old Goon Show skit “the red bladder strikes again” then we see Kwanchai running for cover “ wi wi wi all the way home.

Red leaders are really showing their colors. How about Anisman’s gorilla or should that be monkey tactics would have been more interesting if he had been on the tenth floor.

Then we have Jutaporn telling the crowd that there is no danger of bird flu because the virus can’t survive above 40c he knows more than the WHO on that one.

It is true that H5N1 does not pass well human to human but that’s not what he said.

And what about handing out surgical masks as a defense against tear gas?

A petrol soaked barricade, what happens to those inside if it is lit? Smoke from that sort of rubber is very thick and choking .

And as to why the PM is staying with the army: His life has been openly and repeatedly threatened by the reds, he has already been attacked, fortunately he wasn’t in the car but the attackers didn’t know that at the time. A gang on Motorbikes turned up at his home recently and said they would kill him if they could find him.

Seems several pretty good reasons to me.

Don’t know of anyone in the red camp who has been threatened in this way.

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Reds are fighting for the thing that so many stupid farangs who have written on this website take for granted in their home countries: democracy. For those who think it is purely about Thaksin's interests, you are so wrong (although, of course, he is the leader of the red shirts).

The real coward in all this is the Thai government, which was not elected by The People and is, therefore, not prepared to hold an election because they know they have absolutely no chance of winning. And why do they have absolutely no chance of winning? Because they know The People would not vote for them. And that, my friends, is why the red shirts are fighting: let The People decide who should run the country.

And if you believe ANY of this drivel ..... you have had your eyes and ears closed for the last couple of months... what tripe..!!!

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Reds are fighting for the thing that so many stupid farangs who have written on this website take for granted in their home countries: democracy. For those who think it is purely about Thaksin's interests, you are so wrong (although, of course, he is the leader of the red shirts).

The real coward in all this is the Thai government, which was not elected by The People and is, therefore, not prepared to hold an election because they know they have absolutely no chance of winning. And why do they have absolutely no chance of winning? Because they know The People would not vote for them. And that, my friends, is why the red shirts are fighting: let The People decide who should run the country.

Grow up!

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Ignoring of common knowledge is not so unusual.

Ignorance can be due to a missing a small piece of the puzzle,

thus making all other parts disconnected

Ignorance due to mis-information, either through misunderstanding

or because you were told something by an 'authority figure' that was untrue.

ig·no·rant –adjective

1. lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man.

2. lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: ignorant of quantum physics.

3. uninformed; unaware.

4. due to or showing lack of knowledge or training: an ignorant statement.

ig·no·rance –noun

the state or fact of being ignorant; lack of knowledge, learning, information, etc.

Not the greatest state to be in if this includes most subjects,

but not unusual in this world for specific knowledge.

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Reds are fighting for the thing that so many stupid farangs who have written on this website take for granted in their home countries: democracy. For those who think it is purely about Thaksin's interests, you are so wrong (although, of course, he is the leader of the red shirts).

The real coward in all this is the Thai government, which was not elected by The People and is, therefore, not prepared to hold an election because they know they have absolutely no chance of winning. And why do they have absolutely no chance of winning? Because they know The People would not vote for them. And that, my friends, is why the red shirts are fighting: let The People decide who should run the country.

Very true.

Clearly though, some of the posters on this thread can't handle the truth.

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Reds are fighting for the thing that so many stupid farangs who have written on this website take for granted in their home countries: democracy. For those who think it is purely about Thaksin's interests, you are so wrong (although, of course, he is the leader of the red shirts).

The real coward in all this is the Thai government, which was not elected by The People and is, therefore, not prepared to hold an election because they know they have absolutely no chance of winning. And why do they have absolutely no chance of winning? Because they know The People would not vote for them. And that, my friends, is why the red shirts are fighting: let The People decide who should run the country.

well said ...!!!

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Reds are fighting for the thing that so many stupid farangs who have written on this website take for granted in their home countries: democracy. For those who think it is purely about Thaksin's interests, you are so wrong (although, of course, he is the leader of the red shirts).

The real coward in all this is the Thai government, which was not elected by The People and is, therefore, not prepared to hold an election because they know they have absolutely no chance of winning. And why do they have absolutely no chance of winning? Because they know The People would not vote for them. And that, my friends, is why the red shirts are fighting: let The People decide who should run the country.

Very true.

Clearly though, some of the posters on this thread can't handle the truth.

You said it,,,,,, Clearly..!!

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Reds are fighting for the thing that so many stupid farangs who have written on this website take for granted in their home countries: democracy. For those who think it is purely about Thaksin's interests, you are so wrong (although, of course, he is the leader of the red shirts).

The real coward in all this is the Thai government, which was not elected by The People and is, therefore, not prepared to hold an election because they know they have absolutely no chance of winning. And why do they have absolutely no chance of winning? Because they know The People would not vote for them. And that, my friends, is why the red shirts are fighting: let The People decide who should run the country.

Very true.

Clearly though, some of the posters on this thread can't handle the truth.

You clearly have no idea about how the votes were cast in the last election.

The reds wont get a majority. There will be a coalition. The dems won't get a majority either. The chances are, if there is a new election, things will be as they are now. In fact, I see PT getting less votes because the current events are turning people against them.

Given then, that a coalition government is the most likely outcome - why can't PT simply get the minority partners to join them now ? No need for an election - just change the coalition. Obvioulsy, this is because the minority parties don't feel inclined to do that right now.

I don't think this is about elections at all. This is about something that is planned after the dissolution. As I have said before - I am not sure what that is but I am sure it's not going to be pretty.

<snip>... last May, just after the Songrak debacle, a number of reds I know were circulating "That VCD" - just another play in the propoganda war.

Edited by soundman
Removed speculative comment about red's intention.
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Reds are fighting for the thing that so many stupid farangs who have written on this website take for granted in their home countries: democracy. For those who think it is purely about Thaksin's interests, you are so wrong (although, of course, he is the leader of the red shirts).

The real coward in all this is the Thai government, which was not elected by The People and is, therefore, not prepared to hold an election because they know they have absolutely no chance of winning. And why do they have absolutely no chance of winning? Because they know The People would not vote for them. And that, my friends, is why the red shirts are fighting: let The People decide who should run the country.

you are right in some ways, but not all !

yeah, they fight for Mr T for money for sure ! I also wonder, WHAT IF there is no Mr T in this formula, what the red will be ?

certainly there are long history of disatisfaction, not only from this government ! just now it comes to a boiling point ! in my view, there are problem in this political leadership of the government, even worst BIGGER PROBLEMS in the corruptive culture in the government operation, I mean whose have no political liability !!

the red is demanding a new government leadership, but I think they should not look at one man, they should clean up everything in one go !

SAD is, they demand for democracy but not sure how much they understand the idea of democracy ? they kick out 'the chef from the kitchen for better food', but they have no idea 'would the next one can cook or not' !

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Suthichai Yoon is known for his witty comments, he gives the things some twist, adding his Suthichai pepper.

But this time he is a little bit late, all the jokes have been played the previous days, nothing more than a lame repeat.

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Reds are fighting for the thing that so many stupid farangs who have written on this website take for granted in their home countries: democracy. For those who think it is purely about Thaksin's interests, you are so wrong (although, of course, he is the leader of the red shirts).

The real coward in all this is the Thai government, which was not elected by The People and is, therefore, not prepared to hold an election because they know they have absolutely no chance of winning. And why do they have absolutely no chance of winning? Because they know The People would not vote for them. And that, my friends, is why the red shirts are fighting: let The People decide who should run the country.

Very true.

Clearly though, some of the posters on this thread can't handle the truth.

Actually the longer this goes on the more extreme the reds are going to become, further alienating themselves from an already weary public. Previous election results should not be used as indicators of future election results. And lets be honest there has hardly been a massive groundswell of support for the reds. Sure they have 20'000 or however many people the various media outlets suggest turn up, and small pockets of 1 - 2000 people up country (but not down country please note) . But that in the overall population that is a small number. Certainly never anywhere near the 1 million man march we were promised or the 'new world record' march. I think the reds have overestimated their popularity. Thailand has many provinces Not all of them reflect the views shared by Issan.

Both sides should tone down their rhetoric as after new elections, whatever the out come BOTH sides MUST work together. Democrate MPs will have to work with a PT governemnt / or PT MPs will have to work with a Democrate governemnt for the benifit of the electorate . Otherwise the newly elected government become nothing more than changing shit for crap and the parliment degenerates in to a dung throwing contest as we have been witness to over the last 6 years and the country grinds to a halt.

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You're assessing the situation from a reasoned perspective. That's not Thai style. Thais look at the situation from different perspective, a mix of superstition and subjectivity, indecision, worry, non-researched, non-resolve. Get in to the Thai mind-set, and you'll get a better idea of why the problems have grown so big and polarizing.


And this is the country which wants to build four nuclear power plants - can't wait.

Farang USA, you don't like the Thai way? - there is an easy solution: GO HOME!

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I agree with part of what you say Jon - that the PT & Dems have to work together.

I don't agree with the 'groundswell' of support for the reds/PT though. How do you measure that ?

I didn't say there was a groundswell of support. I measure the lack of support, by the fact that the numbers boasted about simply didn't materialize. Of course people will say they were prevented from going to Bkk, fair enough, but why didn't we see large numbers in other provinces like Khon Kaen etc. demostrating, if they were prevented from going to Bkk. As opposed to a few hundreds or thousands turining up every now and then.

BTW love this bit from the daily update -

BPbreakingnews: Reds to petition European Union UDD to ask EU to supervise demonstration

Hiding behind farangs are we lads - Such courage from the leaders - Maybe you can ask the EU to bring some MacD's when they arrive. :):D

As farangs are constantly told - Thai politics is for Thai ONLY keep out of it.

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Both sides should tone down their rhetoric as after new elections, whatever the out come BOTH sides MUST work together. Democrate MPs will have to work with a PT governemnt / or PT MPs will have to work with a Democrate governemnt for the benifit of the electorate . Otherwise the newly elected government become nothing more than changing shit for crap and the parliment degenerates in to a dung throwing contest as we have been witness to over the last 6 years and the country grinds to a halt.

this is a very clear minded concept of democratic government ! I wish it works this way as well.

unfortunately, what in front of us, is the struggle between 'old power old money' and 'new power new money' in the Thai politics. the government and the parliment are the war zone, but not much about bringing democracy to the people.

today, they bring this war zone onto the street, it becomes a street politics and street violence. worst, everyone still use the old word - DEMOCRACY :-(

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I agree with part of what you say Jon - that the PT & Dems have to work together.

I don't agree with the 'groundswell' of support for the reds/PT though. How do you measure that ?

I didn't say there was a groundswell of support. I measure the lack of support, by the fact that the numbers boasted about simply didn't materialize. Of course people will say they were prevented from going to Bkk, fair enough, but why didn't we see large numbers in other provinces like Khon Kaen etc. demostrating, if they were prevented from going to Bkk. As opposed to a few hundreds or thousands turining up every now and then.

BTW love this bit from the daily update -

BPbreakingnews: Reds to petition European Union UDD to ask EU to supervise demonstration

Hiding behind farangs are we lads - Such courage from the leaders - Maybe you can ask the EU to bring some MacD's when they arrive. :):D

As farangs are constantly told - Thai politics is for Thai ONLY keep out of it.

So, the Reds are geographically challenged as well now. I do remember once hearing in a shopping mall in Irkutsk, Russia "now we are part of Europe" and thinking that was taking the biscuit, but this is beyond understanding. What have the EU got to do with this? Haven't the Reds noted that the EU has it's hands full right now with 1 member state threatening to pull down a host of others and it's 3rd largest economy set to go to the polls in a potentially troubling election? Should be interesting to here the message the Reds end up leaving on the answerphone:)

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Any group or person who takes their babies and young children into a potentially violent zone such as the occupied area at Ratchaprasong is either a coward, mentally defective, or a parent who guilty of child abuse. And all this while the fat man runs away from a fight to dine on fried chicken in air conditioned comfort.

And they should have their custody withdrawn as they obviously are a threat to their own children bringing them to dangerous places like that. But as unmarried fathers generally don't have custody, have no obligations and no rights toward "their" children already according to Thai law, it's only a sad fact that the mother doesn't know that she already has sole custody. But maybe the intimidation is not only toward normal people like me who works at Central World but exist also in the home environment

I think that I would deserve to lose my custody if I brought my daughter to dangerous demonstrations where everybody knows that *SOME* demostrators have grenades and automatic weapons and also already have used them. Perhaps someone who doesn't think the same way would care to explain why not

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I agree with part of what you say Jon - that the PT & Dems have to work together.

I don't agree with the 'groundswell' of support for the reds/PT though. How do you measure that ?

I didn't say there was a groundswell of support. I measure the lack of support, by the fact that the numbers boasted about simply didn't materialize. Of course people will say they were prevented from going to Bkk, fair enough, but why didn't we see large numbers in other provinces like Khon Kaen etc. demostrating, if they were prevented from going to Bkk. As opposed to a few hundreds or thousands turining up every now and then.

BTW love this bit from the daily update -

BPbreakingnews: Reds to petition European Union UDD to ask EU to supervise demonstration

Hiding behind farangs are we lads - Such courage from the leaders - Maybe you can ask the EU to bring some MacD's when they arrive. :):D

As farangs are constantly told - Thai politics is for Thai ONLY keep out of it.

So, the Reds are geographically challenged as well now. I do remember once hearing in a shopping mall in Irkutsk, Russia "now we are part of Europe"

Must have been a bloody big shopping mall. :D - Sorry off topic !!! :D

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