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Life Insurance

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At the moment i have a Lloyds TSB investment manager chasing me to buy life insurance, if i can obtain this in Thailand i will not bother buying it in the Uk, just wondering if a ferang can buy life insurance in Thailand, as i am moving there in the near future for good, i know if you by policys in the Uk, sometimes if you move overseas they become void, also the investment manager gets a good slice of the cake.

I have a bank account with the Siam Commercial Bank, maybe they do life insurance.

Now i have a wife and kids, time to take out a policy, should of done it before, all replys much appreciated, thanks guys.

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Hi Thaicoon:

I have a policy with AIA, which would payout about 10m in the event of my death. Not too sure if there is a cap. Have to go for a medical each year at which I'm asked whether or not I have frequented any "bars" in Thailand. While I know what he means, I always play dumb and ask him to explain :D

Interestingly, in Thailand you're likely to be insured for more if your are willing to undertake an AIDS test (which I do). However, it used to be the case that certain policies in the UK were either nullified or reduced if you had an AIDS test as you were seen as being more of a "high risk" person if you needed it. So, certainly one to check out if you have policies in the UK.

SM :o

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I'm surprised SCB haven't tried to sell you something.

They are always trying to sell me something whether it be insurance, bonds etc.

No complaints about their banking service though.

They do have insurance but payouts normaly quite low.

I would go for one of the bigger companies such as AIA - (use them and had no problem).

But with ANY insurance company would be pessimistic about receiving max. payouts.

From what I've heard laws simply aren't in place to protect customers and seen people have problems getting payments from Blue Cross.

Maybe someone else has more info on this.

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Got a policy running with Norwich Union in the UK and no problem with moving here as long as you set it up before you leave.I can get you a phone number or e-mail address if you wish.

It works out to the equivalent of 600 odd baht per month for 7,000,000 of life cover.I don't think you will geta better payout ratio in Thailand, though i stand to be corrected. :o

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