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While Driving, You Were Stopped By Reds To Be Searched


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I believe that this is the most complete invasion of privacy. I am not certain if Thais will share the same aspects as most or many foreigners do. Many of us here will feel very strongly when rights are violated, compared to many or some Thais who may just have the "mai pen rai"(whatever) attitude. I simply cannot stand the fact that the Red shirt who claims to be the true movement for "Democracy" do not understand this.

What would say about a person who would fight til death for "democracy", yet he or she still does not understand the very basic rights for individuals in a democratic society? Should that person be considered dangerous?

Now don't let me get started on Freedom of speech (which does not protect slander or defamation) or Freedom of assembly (which does not equates to putting up barricades or shutting a city's district down).

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And your point is ???

I said : What would you do and what do you think?

This is a discussion forums. If you have nothing to post about then just don't. Ok?

I was actually thinking the same thing. Were you stopped? How likely are you to be stopped by red shirts? And where? As likely as being stopped by aliens.

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And your point is ???

I said : What would you do and what do you think?

This is a discussion forums. If you have nothing to post about then just don't. Ok?

I was actually thinking the same thing. Were you stopped? How likely are you to be stopped by red shirts? And where? As likely as being stopped by aliens.

It's a hypothetical situation, of course. I personally didn't get stopped by the red shirts. But some people out there are. The chance of being stopped is not the point. You are sounding like: "Oh who cares it didn't happen to me"

I'm just trying to have a discussion here

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And your point is ???

I said : What would you do and what do you think?

This is a discussion forums. If you have nothing to post about then just don't. Ok?

It appears to me that question posed, has no real connection with the body of your post, you have posted an emotive question and used this to start diatribe about freedom of speech and democracy...

Easy answer to your question posed....stay well away from possible flash points and you will not get stopped by our Friendly red shirts..

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I'm just trying to have a discussion here

Yes but what you are discussing reflects negatively on the reds. This means you'll have some members trying to take the discussion in another direction, such as "yeah but you haven't been stopped and not likely to be so stop your whinging or go home", and others who no doubt will soon arrive to tell you that the yellows have done the same or worse. Basically they'll say anything besides condemning the reds for what is indeed a highly intrusive act that they have no right to demand whatsoever.

Personally if i saw a red road block on the road ahead i would do a u-turn and find an alternative route because i wouldn't be able to accept their demands and nor would i be able to fight them.

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Easy answer to your question posed....stay well away from possible flash points and you will not get stopped by our Friendly red shirts..

Wrong. I was stopped last Sunday while driving back from Udon Thani airport to Khon Kaen. Highway 2.

If you do not want your car damaged or worse you do as they say and slow down. No law enforcement anywhere. Unbelievable.

Personally if i saw a red road block on the road ahead i would do a u-turn and find an alternative route because i wouldn't be able to accept their demands and nor would i be able to fight them.

Not easy on a 3 lane highway.

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Knowing what I'd like to do do and what I would do are 2 different things. Especially as most of myt t-shirts are of the yellow colour. The wife buys them, and red could lose me a lot of friends down here. Best advice is as Rixalex says, if possible to carryout. If the police were doing there job, they'd close down those illegal check points.

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Personally if i saw a red road block on the road ahead i would do a u-turn and find an alternative route because i wouldn't be able to accept their demands and nor would i be able to fight them.

Not easy on a 3 lane highway.

That's a good point. In that case you are stuffed.

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What would say about a person who would fight til death for "democracy", yet he or she still does not understand the very basic rights for individuals in a democratic society? Should that person be considered dangerous?

I would very much hear any red sympathizers answer this very question.

I find it very interesting to see some foreigners supporting the Reds movements. I would think that foreigners would have different perceptions of democracy and its principles when compared to the some or most Thais.

Easy answer to your question posed....stay well away from possible flash points and you will not get stopped by our Friendly red shirts..

Indeed, it is very easy.

It is also very easy to ignore the fact the Reds are breaking one of the principles of democracy, contradicting themselves.

Avoiding them will surely not get you into immediate trouble. But if we really do care about Thailand then we have to look at the bigger picture and see what is happening.

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And your point is ???

I said : What would you do and what do you think?

This is a discussion forums. If you have nothing to post about then just don't. Ok?

I was actually thinking the same thing. Were you stopped? How likely are you to be stopped by red shirts? And where? As likely as being stopped by aliens.

Where I am now, there are much more red shirts than aliens, so I consider the possibilities higher. I really don't know what I would do. I think I would :

1. Lock the doors,

2. Try to discuss,

3. Leave if possible

4. If leaving is not possible, I would maybe comply and try to shoot a video with my phone

But again, it might not be like that at all

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"Democracy" and a "Right to privacy" are not the same thing. One can support either of these without supporting the other.

What would say about a person who would fight til death for "democracy", yet he or she still does not understand the very basic rights for individuals in a democratic society?

A democracy could vote to limit or remove privacy rights. That must really blow your mind?

Not that i agree with red shirt car shirts, but i just thought it's worth noting the error in your reasoning.

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I would let them search, just like I would if any large and possibly angry group of people wanted to stop and seach me.

This is not my battle, just smile be polite to both side's and let it get sorted out.

Didn't say that I would like it, but sometimes yo have to play by rules tha,t as westerners were not happy with, but the funny thing is.... were not in kansas anymore Toto.........

Best soloution: dont go anywhere near them.

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"Democracy" and a "Right to privacy" are not the same thing. One can support either of these without supporting the other.
What would say about a person who would fight til death for "democracy", yet he or she still does not understand the very basic rights for individuals in a democratic society?

A democracy could vote to limit or remove privacy rights. That must really blow your mind?

Not that i agree with red shirt car shirts, but i just thought it's worth noting the error in your reasoning.

Right to privacy is a natural right in any democratic societies. It simply cannot removed. I should have also emphasized the fact the Reds were also in no position of authority. If it were the POLICE or person of authority conducting, that would be a very different case.

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I would probably pull up showing extreme enthusiasm for their cause...Giving the thumbs up, attempting to shake someones hand,show them you are on their side. I do the same when eating breakfast at the VFW while surrounded by right wing wacko's spewing lies, one after another. :):D :D

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Right to privacy is a natural right in any democratic societies. It simply cannot removed. I should have also emphasized the fact the Reds were also in no position of authority. If it were the POLICE or person of authority conducting, that would be a very different case.

I think you need to look up democracy in the dictionary. In fact i would challenge you to find a dictionary or encyclopedia definition of democracy, saying it requires a right to privacy.

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I have been stopped many, many times by drunken mobs barricading highways. Keep cool, drop a donation into the proffered bucket for the wat they are collecting for (they will even make change for you), either give a thumbs up to the policeman or wai the monk lurking discreetly in the background to make sure things don't get out of hand, and then drive off to much good natured cheering.

Road blocks are just part of the way of life here and not much to get excited about. If I couldn't charm my way past a bunch of red shirts, I would really feel like a loser.

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Right to privacy is a natural right in any democratic societies. It simply cannot removed. I should have also emphasized the fact the Reds were also in no position of authority. If it were the POLICE or person of authority conducting, that would be a very different case.

I think you need to look up democracy in the dictionary. In fact i would challenge you to find a dictionary or encyclopedia definition of democracy, saying it requires a right to privacy.

In a any democratic societies, you are guaranteed to be protected by a list of basic natural rights. The Right to Privacy is on that list.

Am I right so far?

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In a any democratic societies, you are guaranteed to be protected by a list of basic natural rights. The Right to Privacy is on that list.

Am I right so far?

Technically speaking probably not.

I do think though it would be a bit incongruous to be supposedly a supporter of democracy but not a supporter of one of the most basic human rights. (In this case, not only not a supporter, but a violator)

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Right to privacy is a natural right in any democratic societies. It simply cannot removed. I should have also emphasized the fact the Reds were also in no position of authority. If it were the POLICE or person of authority conducting, that would be a very different case.

I think you need to look up democracy in the dictionary. In fact i would challenge you to find a dictionary or encyclopedia definition of democracy, saying it requires a right to privacy.

In a any democratic societies, you are guaranteed to be protected by a list of basic natural rights. The Right to Privacy is on that list.

Am I right so far?

Not correct. Democracy really only pertains to the fact that leaders are chosen through elections by the people. The rights or lack of can be almost anything as directed usually by a constitution or bill of rights,etc.Just semantics.

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Right to privacy is a natural right in any democratic societies. It simply cannot removed. I should have also emphasized the fact the Reds were also in no position of authority. If it were the POLICE or person of authority conducting, that would be a very different case.

I think you need to look up democracy in the dictionary. In fact i would challenge you to find a dictionary or encyclopedia definition of democracy, saying it requires a right to privacy.

In a any democratic societies, you are guaranteed to be protected by a list of basic natural rights. The Right to Privacy is on that list.

Am I right so far?

You are referring to the US "Bill of Rights" (which does not actually include the "Right to Privacy", but does include "Protection from unreasonable search and seizure" which would apply to this story).

However the point is that a democratic society does not require a "Bill of Rights" which is the same as the US in order to be democratic.

It's unfortunate that your understanding of democracy is probably representative of a large percentage of Americans in that "USA is democratic, therefore every democratic society must be the same as USA, and if it's not then it's not democracy"

I don't blame you, I blame the teachers in the US.

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You guys are right. Democracy in a very raw form doesn't guarantee freedom after all. However I still believe that the meaning of "democracy" that you guys are referring to is the one from the Ancient Greece where leaders were elected and that's it. Democracy has much changed over time. In the modern sense, for a democracy for to work, there needs to be a protection of rights.

I can totally see where you guys are coming from though and I don't disagree. I just think that who would ever wish for a democratic society with no protection of rights, but like you guys said... it is still democratic.

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Either way, I wouldn't like being searched. To be honest though it'd be immediately obvious that I'm neither of interest nor a threat to their protests, so I wouldn't expect much beyond a smile and possibly the typical short conversation I tend to have with cops who stop me at routine checkpoints.

Might even give them a smile and thumbs-up.. :D That's what I did llast time I ran into a Red party anyway. Was appreciated. :)

honestly, smiles go a long way in this country no matter who you interact with or find in front of you. That's always a good thing to remember.

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