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Thai Foreign Ministry Plays Down Speculation Of US Intervention


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I am always amazed at the number of ignorant people who are members of this site!

They have no ability to read a thread and follow it in any sensible manner....

Many of you also think it is a mark of your intelligence to bad mouth USA without having any idea of what the USA does to help people around the world.

As far as USA's effort in Africa just Google the amount of money that the Bush administration initiated with efforts still continuing to provide medical care to literally MILLIONS of people living living in Africa.

And as far as Thailand is concerned not only does USA support the military financially, but also provides MILLIONS of dollars for the education, prevention and treatment of AIDS.

Is USA perfect? NO not by any means but it certainly doesn't deserve to be dragged in the mud by a bunch of uneducated farangs!

It would funny if it wasn't sad you use an argument about the providing medical care to MILLIONS in Africa, when it looks like there is going to be a civil war to stop providing medical care to MILLIONS of Americans. :)


bad mouth?

are facts allowed?

#1 in crime rate of developed countries

#12 on the UN Human Development Index

#20 in educational ranking for high school graduation.

watch IOUSA - every man woman and child owes $500,000 for the country to break even...

[probably more now that Obama has thrown gas on the fire!]

freedom to have weapon arsenals but no 'freedom' to go to school or the corner store without getting shot at...

lack of intelligence to understand that freedom and wildness are opposites not similes.

[the good 'free' economy sic 'wild' economy y'all got going there my friends. why not take all the stop signs and traffic lights off the roads if you know so much about 'freedom'

The American and World economy NEEDS controls, but the Nabobs have the 'uneducated farangs believing it's their patriotic duty to keep them in private jets! [not your fault, you are brain washed, and I mean that in a doctorly, not insultive manner, shake yer head] :D


good on ya for sticking up for your country, but the foregoing is WHAT you want everyone to idolize???


CHANGE the numbers, facts, then get back to us! clean up your own yard first, before 'intervening'


bad mouth? what about bad complexion?

It's true when i lived in the unted states my 12 year old had to wear a bullet proof vest to school, that and our car came with bullet proof windows now standard. i was shot 37 times in 1 year and you can buy crack from your local priest

While acting like children trashing each others trash nations is fun, the topic is Thailand.


The United States will not help the reds or the Regime.

The Brits and France also will not touch this HOLE!

BUT--all three are sympathetic to the reds.

The French of course are hostile toward blue bloods.They killed theirs.

The Yanks do not care for blue bloods either. Obama hates them.

Half the Brits hate their guts--their own royals, and half tolerate the old trash.

Watch the aircraft carriers.

If they come close, they could back off an all out attack by the Thai military but I doubt anyone will help the reds.

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The U.S., by law, has to cut military funding to any nation that stages a coup. But while the U.S. temporarily halted funding, it made few other moves to weaken ties with Thailand's army. In fact, just months after the coup, the U.S. legitimized the Thai military by going ahead with massive military exercises, the largest in Asia. Basically, America treated the coup as an embarrassing annoyance but not a horrible catastrophe worthy of open condemnation

The Red Shirts initially tried to drive out the government last year, but failed following brief riots and a military crackdown. What we're seeing now is a re-grouping with more money, more people and a more cohesive strategy. The timing is tied in part to the farming season, which experiences a lull starting in March. This break allows more Thais connected to the agriculture industries -- many of them Red Shirt sympathizers - to join the rallies.

KZ: Unfortunately, it's usually the influence of White House which determines the destiny of revolutionary movements in the third world countries. Which side is the U.S. taking in the current political unrest?

PW: The U.S. isn't taking sides. America is mostly interested in stability and business friendly policies in Thailand and neither side is proposing a radical overhaul of U.S.-Thai policy. Thailand remains strategically important to the U.S. as a trustworthy ally in China's backyard and Thailand likes having the support of the world's most powerful nation. As long as that arrangement sticks, the U.S. will keep softly promoting democracy in Thailand but won't interfere.

Both Thaksin's government and the current ruling party have attempted to pressure the media into promoting their agenda. Neither can claim a clean record of press freedom.

Neither Abhisit nor Thaksin has been able to avoid embarrassment stemming from military blunders that have taken place under their rule. Thaksin was roundly scorned when the army rounded up Muslim protesters into a sweltering paddy wagon, which led to dozens of suffocation deaths. Abhisit was also censured when the military found Muslims from the Rohingya tribe escaping Burma by boat, cut their engines and turned them loose on the sea.

Wow is this really you typing WR? I agree with you for once! But this OP was about Amnesty International talking. The US has only officially said they would like to see a peaceful resolution to this conflict.

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The USA is NOT going to get involved! Also, there is no way that Obama would be biased towards the reds. Obama is a slightly to the left of center moderate. He is no revolutionary. He would NOT support a movement using widespread TERRORIST tactics. His first move, to bail out Wall Street and General Motors, the American ESTABLISHMENT. He has MUCH more in common with Abhisit than Weng, trust me.

Edited by Jingthing
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The government does not want and has refused a UN Independent Investigation into April 10th, whilst the Red shirts want it.

Who is guilty ?

Team Yellow broke electoral law in 2005 by refusing to run in elections. They got away with it.

Team Yellow broke Thailand's laws in 2006 by holding a coup, they got away with it by throwing the 1997 Peoples Consitution in the bin to give them immunity.

Since those 2 events they have abused all authority in order to finally get their people into power so they can feed at the trough again.

And now they cling on to power and do not care how many must die while they cling to power.

Why is the Ahbisit afraid of a UN Independent Investigation......he must have a lot of things to hide...

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Thailand is at no risk of intervention by either the US or the Eu or the UN, all three recognize the current government as legitimate and have normal relations with the current government. No outside country or the UN/EU will interfere in the internal politics of the Kingdom.

The rural poor certainly have some legitimate issues but the red-shirt movement that is so violent and NOT interested in much more than a fight between upcountry Elite and BKK money isn't credible at all.

I hope in the near future that the rural poor (from all over Thailand) divorce themselves from this violent faction that has duped them and begins a real political movement to see a measured and sustainable increase of wealth in all of Thailand.

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The government does not want and has refused a UN Independent Investigation into April 10th, whilst the Red shirts want it.

Who is guilty ?

In the same vein the government will not want (read that Team Yellow) any "interrference" from outside countries. They know everything that they have done wrong since 2006 and all the abuse they have done and the last thing they want is to have to admit to it.

The whole Yellow propaganda machine that has been in place since 2006 only works by having massive censorship within Thailand and not allowing the people to read the real news and stuffing them full of "all channels" putting out only the government spin (Yellow spin) side of events in order to brainwash them over years.

This is why Thailand is now horrific in terms of censorship.

//Link removed//

Team Yellow broke electoral law in 2005 by refusing to run in elections. They got away with it.

Team Yellow broke Thailand's laws in 2006 by holding a coup, they got away with it by throwing the 1997 Peoples Consitution in the bin to give them immunity.

Since those 2 events they have abused all authority in order to finally get their people into power so they can feed at the trough again.

And now they cling on to power and do not care how many must die while they cling to power.

Your hyperbole and lies are getting more desperate by the day.

The Dems (not the PAD) ran a "no vote campaign" and that is not against electoral law.

The Army and not the PAD held a coup in 2006 to replace an extra-constitutional caretaker government. Nobody but the military leaders of the coup were granted immunity under the new constitution.

Nobody has abused authority to "finally get their people into power" -- PPP was disbanded for proven electoral fraud. A new coalition was formed.

If the current government, as you say, did not care how many people died, they would have cracked down on all the illegal activities of the Reds.

Please stop the lies ....

or, at least invent some new and interesting lies... these are getting old and boring...

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The government does not want and has refused a UN Independent Investigation into April 10th, whilst the Red shirts want it.

Who is guilty ?

In the same vein the government will not want (read that Team Yellow) any "interrference" from outside countries. They know everything that they have done wrong since 2006 and all the abuse they have done and the last thing they want is to have to admit to it.

The whole Yellow propaganda machine that has been in place since 2006 only works by having massive censorship within Thailand and not allowing the people to read the real news and stuffing them full of "all channels" putting out only the government spin (Yellow spin) side of events in order to brainwash them over years.

This is why Thailand is now horrific in terms of censorship.

//Link removed//

Team Yellow broke electoral law in 2005 by refusing to run in elections. They got away with it.

Team Yellow broke Thailand's laws in 2006 by holding a coup, they got away with it by throwing the 1997 Peoples Consitution in the bin to give them immunity.

Since those 2 events they have abused all authority in order to finally get their people into power so they can feed at the trough again.

And now they cling on to power and do not care how many must die while they cling to power.

Your hyperbole and lies are getting more desperate by the day.

The Dems (not the PAD) ran a "no vote campaign" and that is not against electoral law.

The Army and not the PAD held a coup in 2006 to replace an extra-constitutional caretaker government. Nobody but the military leaders of the coup were granted immunity under the new constitution.

Nobody has abused authority to "finally get their people into power" -- PPP was disbanded for proven electoral fraud. A new coalition was formed.

If the current government, as you say, did not care how many people died, they would have cracked down on all the illegal activities of the Reds.

Please stop the lies ....

There is no law that says ANY political party MUST run in any or all elections.

Many contries have parties boycot elections,

you have been trumpeting Daw An San Su Kyi as not being for Army proffered constitutions,

but HER Democratic partty has boycotted elections that they thought were crooked too.

PPP screwed up much as their TRT predecessor did, live with it. But don't lie about it.

The 1997 constitution was not thrown out to get their party in, but to stop the destruction of

Checks and Balances that the preceeding party ran rough shod across.

If the curent government wanted to trash this a la Myanmar junta, it would already have been done day one,

and we wouldn't be having this conversation at all.

If there was massive censorship in Thailand

we wouldn't be having this conversation at all.

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The government does not want and has refused a UN Independent Investigation into April 10th, whilst the Red shirts want it.

Who is guilty ?

Team Yellow broke electoral law in 2005 by refusing to run in elections. They got away with it.

Team Yellow broke Thailand's laws in 2006 by holding a coup, they got away with it by throwing the 1997 Peoples Consitution in the bin to give them immunity.

Since those 2 events they have abused all authority in order to finally get their people into power so they can feed at the trough again.

And now they cling on to power and do not care how many must die while they cling to power.

Why is the Ahbisit afraid of a UN Independent Investigation......he must have a lot of things to hide...

Perhaps because there are acts of terrorism and/or insurgency involved. This is a matter of national security. Perhaps at some point after the demonstrations are over and a sense of peace and normalcy has returned to the country then an external investigative body could be used. Then again, this is Thailand, and no governing party would be likely to turn over an internal investigation to a foreign body.

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Well you could say that the OSS started it all, maybe it needs the CIA to stop it but their track record of peaceful intervention (American I mean, not just the CIA) isn't good. Probably best to let the Thais sort it out themselves, but it's not looking good is it? Little did I think that when I first arrived here 33 years ago that it would be the most unstable country in the region.

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The original article describes a typical Abhisit government red herring - take attention away from themselves, use the threat of foreign interference as a pretext to validate their illegitimate position.

Don't blame the Government when at the TAN channel the imagination ran riot.

It's actally only about that some rumours could not get substatiated and pure nonsense.

Enjoy the funny replies the thread will get. The headline will bring up thai visa finest members.

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The original article describes a typical Abhisit government red herring - take attention away from themselves, use the threat of foreign interference as a pretext to validate their illegitimate position.

My thoughts exactly. There is no chance whatsoever of any US intervention. This article was fabricated simply to divert attention away from the government and direct it toward today's most popular villain.

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What could US army do against so great warriors and Thai boxing experts that might be all these ISAAN farmers ? :-)

And with all these US expat it's a big risk to launch bombs :-)

Seriously, it's incredible to let all these reds invading the streets, from abroad it just looks like Thai government is just a bunch of weak KATOYE...

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givenall, give em some more

It is simply none of the US business to poke their noses here. And, I do not want my brother's and father's taxes paying for one bit of US meddling. And, Obama should not be using his or other US official's time researching the current situation here. If the Ambassador receives some info and emails on to the US which then files it, fine, but not a lot more. No matter who runs the place, and the PM has changed here a lot in the past 20 years, the army will still continue to receive ample support from the US army for no other reason than it has for the past 40+ years.

... and I like your avatar..... Am I allowed to post an Isaan joke which is related to your avatar? It is really quite cute.

What part of the story indicated to you that the U.S. was "poking their noses" in Thailand's direction or using taxpayer money to "meddle?" How is it again that President Obama is using his official time researching the current situation here? I seemed to have missed that part of the story too. If you want to blame my country and my president for something, please insert facts into your comments. Here are some from the story:

The first sentence of the story reads: The Foreign Minister has played down speculation regarding the United States' intervention on the current political crisis in Thailand. And the story continues...Chavanont admitted that the rumour has stemmed from the Democrat Party meeting...According to a foreign news agency, Amnesty International has made a request to United States President Barak Obama to appoint a senior official to mediate in the political conflict in Thailand...However, it should be noted that the statement has not been published on the organisation's official website...


How dare you apply logic to this thread

I apologize; I'll try to contain my logic in the future!

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It's easy to say that it is none of the US' business. Fact is that the region and country needs stability, and if the US provides that, so be it.

Fair enough however what makes you think the US can provide stability to another country...

Name anything in the last 50 years where the US alone has provided stability to another country in turmoil?

I can think of Kuwait... but they had alterior motives there so that doesnt really count because Thailand has nothing the US want...

Grenada & Panama :) And both are major players on the world stage. :D

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I am always amazed at the number of ignorant people who are members of this site!

They have no ability to read a thread and follow it in any sensible manner....

Many of you also think it is a mark of your intelligence to bad mouth USA without having any idea of what the USA does to help people around the world.

As far as USA's effort in Africa just google the amount of money that the Bush administration initiated with efforts still continuing to provide medical care to literally MILLIONS of people living living in Africa.

And as far as Thailand is concerned not only does USA support the military financially, but also provides MILLIONS of dollars for the education, prevention and treatment of AIDS.

Is USA perfect? NO not by any means but it certainly doesnt deserve to be dragged in the mud by a bunch of uneducated farangs!

Gee - I can't recall asking to appoint the US as the Police force of the world? No one asked for my vote... :D Look how many countries the US have bombed so far - no - keep your US of A and all the One World Order it propagates. In fact wish you would all stay at home and keep the home fires burning. And please - never inflict morons such as George W on the world again! If ever there was a puppet situation you guys proved it beyond a doubt. :):D:D

Wow did you ever stop to think that the reason no one has asked for your vote is because YOU don't matter???

Ignorance is bliss... keep opening your mouth to change feet :D :D :D

Okay, we get it Asiawatcher. You hate the USA and all they stand for.

I'm sure you also hate Hollywood movies and the technology the USA has generated. Do yourself a favor...never go to the USA as those people don't like cynics who have nothing to contribute except total destructive criticism.

Back on topic...the United States has no reason to interfere into this conflict and hopes it is resolved peacefully.

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If the curent government wanted to trash this a la Myanmar junta, it would already have been done day one,

and we wouldn't be having this conversation at all.

If there was massive censorship in Thailand

we wouldn't be having this conversation at all.



Thai Netizen Network and Reporters Without Borders: Joint statement on the further censorship of websites and media under Emergency Decree


Asian Human Rights Commission - Statement: Censorship and policing public morality in a state of emergency

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As an American expat in Thailand over 10 years, I can tall you that Americans don't give a rat's arse about Thailand...and that's the ones who can even find it on a world atlas. Most Americans inter-change Thailand and Taiwan...and the only time they think about Thailand is when a re-run of The King and I is shown on TV :)

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givenall, give em some more

It is simply none of the US business to poke their noses here. And, I do not want my brother's and father's taxes paying for one bit of US meddling. And, Obama should not be using his or other US official's time researching the current situation here. If the Ambassador receives some info and emails on to the US which then files it, fine, but not a lot more. No matter who runs the place, and the PM has changed here a lot in the past 20 years, the army will still continue to receive ample support from the US army for no other reason than it has for the past 40+ years.

... and I like your avatar..... Am I allowed to post an Isaan joke which is related to your avatar? It is really quite cute.

What part of the story indicated to you that the U.S. was "poking their noses" in Thailand's direction or using taxpayer money to "meddle?" How is it again that President Obama is using his official time researching the current situation here? I seemed to have missed that part of the story too. If you want to blame my country and my president for something, please insert facts into your comments. Here are some from the story:

The first sentence of the story reads: The Foreign Minister has played down speculation regarding the United States' intervention on the current political crisis in Thailand. And the story continues...Chavanont admitted that the rumour has stemmed from the Democrat Party meeting...According to a foreign news agency, Amnesty International has made a request to United States President Barak Obama to appoint a senior official to mediate in the political conflict in Thailand...However, it should be noted that the statement has not been published on the organisation's official website...


How dare you apply logic to this thread

I apologize; I'll try to contain my logic in the future!

You're doing very well! However this article has more to do about Amnesty International "sticking their nose" in Thailand's business, but not officially! The US has only said they hope for a peaceful resolution to the conflict...

Cheers, Jimi

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The original article describes a typical Abhisit government red herring - take attention away from themselves, use the threat of foreign interference as a pretext to validate their illegitimate position.

No it doesn't, and it isn't.

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As an American expat in Thailand over 10 years, I can tall you that Americans don't give a rat's arse about Thailand...and that's the ones who can even find it on a world atlas. Most Americans inter-change Thailand and Taiwan...and the only time they think about Thailand is when a re-run of The King and I is shown on TV :)

LOL!! I do get that a lot from people in the US; how's everything in Taiwan? My US insurance agent was the most recent one! I said; Taiwan is off the coast of China, Thailand borders with Burma, Laos and Cambodia. He said; thanks for the geography lesson! But the second largest city of Thai's in the world is Los Angeles California... So some American's care!

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The last time the US (and it's allies) intervened in Asia, it had it's arse kicked. Besides, there's no oil in Thailand :)

Please read the original post. It was Amnesty International (not officially) who was asking the US to moderate...

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The biggest player in whatever becomes the easiest target. Some independent org suggests the US could aid or help or intervene (whatever word one wants to use) and suddenly posters use it to attack the US for agression or intervening...

Others get on their soap box and slam the US for not taking any action when crimes are committed in other countries..Can't win either way...

Blamed for taking action and blamed for not taking any action. The only thing I learn is probably the Us is the only country in the world that others look for help whether right or wrong but more importantly the only country the has the ability, the resources, the experience, the knowledge, etc to actually do something....

Whatever the level of response is, I have confidence Obama will handle it in appropriate manner...


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As an American expat in Thailand over 10 years, I can tall you that Americans don't give a rat's arse about Thailand...and that's the ones who can even find it on a world atlas. Most Americans inter-change Thailand and Taiwan...and the only time they think about Thailand is when a re-run of The King and I is shown on TV :)

LOL!! I do get that a lot from people in the US; how's everything in Taiwan? My US insurance agent was the most recent one! I said; Taiwan is off the coast of China, Thailand borders with Burma, Laos and Cambodia. He said; thanks for the geography lesson! But the second largest city of Thai's in the world is Los Angeles California... So some American's care!

Yeah, hits the mark. Unless 'Little Bangkok's' LA rep. in Congress gets a giant bee in his bonnet,

ain't nothing gonna happen much about this.

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If the curent government wanted to trash this a la Myanmar junta, it would already have been done day one,

and we wouldn't be having this conversation at all.

If there was massive censorship in Thailand

we wouldn't be having this conversation at all.



Thai Netizen Network and Reporters Without Borders: Joint statement on the further censorship of websites and media under Emergency Decree


Asian Human Rights Commission - Statement: Censorship and policing public morality in a state of emergency

Ah P_D, back for another round.

You haven't been sighted in some time.

Waiting out a enforced time out?

Edited by animatic
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As an American expat in Thailand over 10 years, I can tall you that Americans don't give a rat's arse about Thailand...and that's the ones who can even find it on a world atlas. Most Americans inter-change Thailand and Taiwan...and the only time they think about Thailand is when a re-run of The King and I is shown on TV :)

LOL!! I do get that a lot from people in the US; how's everything in Taiwan? My US insurance agent was the most recent one! I said; Taiwan is off the coast of China, Thailand borders with Burma, Laos and Cambodia. He said; thanks for the geography lesson! But the second largest city of Thai's in the world is Los Angeles California... So some American's care!

I was under the impression Los Angeles had the largest population of Thais. Where is there a larger population? BTW L.A. Thai have a very large Red Shirt support group.

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