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PM Ahbisit - Has The Government Lost Control


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If anyone here is of "neutral shirt" but HATES CORRUPTION then I would suggest you :

Look very closely at all spending in the next budget. Look out for projects that will go to tenders, the big ones.

Monitor who wins the subsequent tenders in late 2010 and early 2011 and their potential relationships with the present ruling government coalition MP's.

Will you find a pattern.......... ?? Well, investigate it and see what you find.

I'm sure there will be a pattern. Is there anyone here who thinks the current government is completely clean? I doubt it. Is there anyone who thinks that if the reds get in power the pattern will cease to exist? Any takers?

Well the pattern needs looking into.

Corruption must be wiped out. All eyes of the world must watch the Thai budget and see who wins the subsequent work. Stamp out corruption.

So it appears there could be massive corruption in the coming Thai budget. Everyone needs to keep a watch on it.

How any red-shirt can talk about ridding society of corruption with a straight face i do not know.

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It's not my fight but i am just wondering how you felt when the yellow team occupied the International Airport?
why not have a poll in bangkok and see how many of the 10 mil. people like that "protest site" to be removed.

i wonder !

well it was just as disturbing as the first 8 days of the reds but now we enter week seven with bamboo sticks , petrol doused roadblocks and , and ,and

Agreed.. I was personally effected by the yellow shirt's shutting down the airport last year.. but I understood why they had done it and really wasn't too upset. It actually gave me an excuse to stay here longer before going home :) Ok maybe not everyone was happy about it , but the result was a positive change in the government.

After nearly 8 weeks of Red shirts, I'm about ready to...... Grrrrrrrrgh.

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If anyone here is of "neutral shirt" but HATES CORRUPTION then I would suggest you :

Look very closely at all spending in the next budget. Look out for projects that will go to tenders, the big ones.

Monitor who wins the subsequent tenders in late 2010 and early 2011 and their potential relationships with the present ruling government coalition MP's.

Will you find a pattern.......... ?? Well, investigate it and see what you find.

I'm sure there will be a pattern. Is there anyone here who thinks the current government is completely clean? I doubt it. Is there anyone who thinks that if the reds get in power the pattern will cease to exist? Any takers?

Well the pattern needs looking into.

Corruption must be wiped out. All eyes of the world must watch the Thai budget and see who wins the subsequent work. Stamp out corruption.

So it appears there could be massive corruption in the coming Thai budget. Everyone needs to keep a watch on it.

I actually agree corruption must be wiped out or at least minimised as even in th emost developed coutnry it exists to soem degree.

I dont think there ahs been a single Thai government in all the time I have been here that has not indulged in corruption. There have been a few clean leaders but not governments

I dont know about the eyes of the world but some credible, neytral and empowered body needs to be set up as a check and balance on government and one that government cannot exert control over. In a parlaimentary systyem that means it must be extra-parliamentary. Easier said than done in Thailand

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It's not my fight but i am just wondering how you felt when the yellow team occupied the International Airport?

Speaking for myself, i felt angry. The PAD took things one step too far. How did you feel?

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I ask all TV viewers to read the closed forum that is dominated by The Nation.

This forum is clearly not a news forum anymore. It is an editorial forum for The Nation and should be designated as such. There is not longer any need to keep this forum closed under the guise of news.

I find very little news there now. It is full of opinions and rumors from the Nation Reporters and government propaganda..

Further I hope that when this conflict is resolved and a legitimate government comes to power that appropriate action will be taken to denounce the The Nation as a propaganda arm of the existing government and consideration be given th revoke their right to operate a public broadcast organization via licensing restrictions. I further hope that invsetigation of the reporters postings be examined for violation of Thai laws. It appears to me that several of The Nations postings in recent days of rumors and false statements may very well be in violation of the current operating Thai law at the present.

In earlier postings I have consistently requested that TV rein in these renegade reporters and remove all editorial and opinion postings from the "Closed News Forum". The question must be asked. Is TV in a conspiracy with the Nation by permitting this postings. Under Thai internet precedence is would appear that they are at least culpable. These postings remove any sembance of neutrality.

So you dont believe in freedom of speech. Anyone lese you would want to rein in? Maybe ASTV or any opf the red media as the nation is a paragon of balanced journalism compared to these two. By the way I suggest you read the full nation everyday. There are plenty of articles that are criticalk of what is seen as the nation line

Anyway I totally disagree and support freedom of speech without condition for nation, TV, red publications, ASTV and any poster on here. The more views the merrier

I have to agree with the previous poster- 'updates' suggests news- not opinions- not personal feelings and conjectures- there is ample room on this board- in the op-ed pages of the local (and foreign) papers. Initially the closed 'update' section was very professional- sure what qualifies as 'news' will be ultimately subjectively determined by the reporter- but it was reportage. And it there was at least a pretense to objectivity. Now, alas, much of the 'updates' aren't news at all- don't even pretend to be.

An example is that last night the updates reported a serious standoff brewing between anti-red and reds on Silom road. That was posted at 6:20. Then we get- no follow up at all.

EXCEPT - we learn that the MacDonalds close to where the anti-reds rally was 'bombed' sometime last night.

So just what the heck happened last night?

Volume and verbiage handwringing and dire warnings are no substitute for substantive play by play reporting- and if updates can't give us that (and why not? There must be SOME reporters who actually covwer events here- and not fume away in their offices) then perhaps the name of the closed forum should be changed.

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It's not my fight but i am just wondering how you felt when the yellow team occupied the International Airport?

Speaking for myself, i felt angry. The PAD took things one step too far. How did you feel?

i was scared it could end up bad for thailand but how do you feel now after the reds took seven more steps towards anarchy and chaos ?

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It's not my fight but i am just wondering how you felt when the yellow team occupied the International Airport?

Speaking for myself, i felt angry. The PAD took things one step too far. How did you feel?

i was scared it could end up bad for thailand but how do you feel now after the reds took seven more steps towards anarchy and chaos ?

Pissed off.

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It's not my fight but i am just wondering how you felt when the yellow team occupied the International Airport?

Speaking for myself, i felt angry. The PAD took things one step too far. How did you feel?

i was scared it could end up bad for thailand but how do you feel now after the reds took seven more steps towards anarchy and chaos ?

Pissed off.


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If anyone here is of "neutral shirt" but HATES CORRUPTION then I would suggest you :

Look very closely at all spending in the next budget. Look out for projects that will go to tenders, the big ones.

Monitor who wins the subsequent tenders in late 2010 and early 2011 and their potential relationships with the present ruling government coalition MP's.

Will you find a pattern.......... ?? Well, investigate it and see what you find.

I'm sure there will be a pattern. Is there anyone here who thinks the current government is completely clean? I doubt it. Is there anyone who thinks that if the reds get in power the pattern will cease to exist? Any takers?

Well the pattern needs looking into.

Corruption must be wiped out. All eyes of the world must watch the Thai budget and see who wins the subsequent work. Stamp out corruption.

So it appears there could be massive corruption in the coming Thai budget. Everyone needs to keep a watch on it.

'Stamp out corruption'.

Coming from a hard-core Thaksin apologist that is rather funny.

One of Thaksin's key tactics is to always accuse the other side of the very crimes he is guilty of.

One of the ludicrous end results was when he said it was 'fake'reds causing the violence last Songkran.

Some of his followers cover themselves in glory by trying to go one step further than the master in order to demonstrate fealty.

It is a wonder to behold.

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If anyone here is of "neutral shirt" but HATES CORRUPTION then I would suggest you :

Look very closely at all spending in the next budget. Look out for projects that will go to tenders, the big ones.

Monitor who wins the subsequent tenders in late 2010 and early 2011 and their potential relationships with the present ruling government coalition MP's.

Will you find a pattern.......... ?? Well, investigate it and see what you find.

I'm sure there will be a pattern. Is there anyone here who thinks the current government is completely clean? I doubt it. Is there anyone who thinks that if the reds get in power the pattern will cease to exist? Any takers?

Well the pattern needs looking into.

Corruption must be wiped out. All eyes of the world must watch the Thai budget and see who wins the subsequent work. Stamp out corruption.

So it appears there could be massive corruption in the coming Thai budget. Everyone needs to keep a watch on it.

How any red-shirt can talk about ridding society of corruption with a straight face i do not know.

Because he wants to stop the other side from getting the contracts.

He wants HIS side to get the contracts, can't do it if they are already assigned.

Simple follow the money.

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If anyone here is of "neutral shirt" but HATES CORRUPTION then I would suggest you :

Look very closely at all spending in the next budget. Look out for projects that will go to tenders, the big ones.

Monitor who wins the subsequent tenders in late 2010 and early 2011 and their potential relationships with the present ruling government coalition MP's.

Will you find a pattern.......... ?? Well, investigate it and see what you find.

I'm sure there will be a pattern. Is there anyone here who thinks the current government is completely clean? I doubt it. Is there anyone who thinks that if the reds get in power the pattern will cease to exist? Any takers?

Well the pattern needs looking into.

Corruption must be wiped out. All eyes of the world must watch the Thai budget and see who wins the subsequent work. Stamp out corruption.

So it appears there could be massive corruption in the coming Thai budget. Everyone needs to keep a watch on it.

Do you really think "Everyone need to keep a watch on it?"

I'd much rather be watching my kids grow up than really get so obsessed with Thai Politics.

Ok there might be corruption in the current government, but changing the government it is not going to stamp out corruption.

I'll leave the watching bit to you levelhead, you seem to be the man for the job.

Agree entirely.

I would add that before corruption is addressed (as it should be) law and order should be restored. The rule of law must be upheld with those guilty of criminal offences tried accordingly.

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If anyone here is of "neutral shirt" but HATES CORRUPTION then I would suggest you :

Look very closely at all spending in the next budget. Look out for projects that will go to tenders, the big ones.

Monitor who wins the subsequent tenders in late 2010 and early 2011 and their potential relationships with the present ruling government coalition MP's.

Will you find a pattern.......... ?? Well, investigate it and see what you find.

I'm sure there will be a pattern. Is there anyone here who thinks the current government is completely clean? I doubt it. Is there anyone who thinks that if the reds get in power the pattern will cease to exist? Any takers?

Well the pattern needs looking into.

Corruption must be wiped out. All eyes of the world must watch the Thai budget and see who wins the subsequent work. Stamp out corruption.

So it appears there could be massive corruption in the coming Thai budget. Everyone needs to keep a watch on it.

You want to wipe out corruption AND you want to go back to Thaksin ?????????

that makes sense.

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i think its not about political goals anymore its about not loosing face witch has nothing to do with politics.

Very true!

I bet Dr Weng is close to loosing face over the whole Hospital stunt.

It seems that there is some very different opinions on what they (the redshirt leaders) are now going to do, in terms of leadership.

Maybe those rumors about Thaksin and his family wearing black.... looks like the reds have lost their Political Leader.

I know the Red Shirt movement is greater than Thaksin, but he did seem to represent some sort of stability in their ideas.

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Not going to read the whole 8 pages, but why has this thread started debating about corruption, when the OP was about whether the govt. has lost control?

To reply to the OP, IMO it either has, or is playing some very strange game, to which we are not privvy.

I'd like to know if in fact the Army is taking orders from Abhisit, or doing whatever they please, which at the moment is nothing much.

What other democratic country would allow a protestor's armed camp to set up blockades in it's capital, causing untold disruption for weeks and weeks? None I'm guessing.

At least when the Yellows set up camp they didn't disrupt city life to any great extent, other than when the reds and the police attacked them, and not including the unfortunate airport occupation.

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It's not my fight but i am just wondering how you felt when the yellow team occupied the International Airport?
why not have a poll in bangkok and see how many of the 10 mil. people like that "protest site" to be removed.

i wonder !

I was really PO that I'd flown out just hours before the airport was closed. I'd have loved another few days in LOS, with the perfect excuse for work.

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Not going to read the whole 8 pages, but why has this thread started debating about corruption, when the OP was about whether the govt. has lost control?

To reply to the OP, IMO it either has, or is playing some very strange game, to which we are not privvy.

I'd like to know if in fact the Army is taking orders from Abhisit, or doing whatever they please, which at the moment is nothing much.

What other democratic country would allow a protestor's armed camp to set up blockades in it's capital, causing untold disruption for weeks and weeks? None I'm guessing.

At least when the Yellows set up camp they didn't disrupt city life to any great extent, other than when the reds and the police attacked them, and not including the unfortunate airport occupation.

I don't think the current government has control because it cannot enforce the rule of law. It wants to, but most of the police certainly don't want to enforce the rule of law or they would have arrested the many Reds with arrest warrants outstanding and they sure have had multiple opportunities to do so. The Army with Anupong as head hasn't wanted to break up Redtown either.

It is kind odd in that one of the big fears if Thaksin continued in power was that he would set up a republic and install himself as president (for life?). Now we have 2 square miles right in the middle of Bangkok and it is like having a separate country in Bangkok. The worst fears have been realized. Thaksin didn't have to come back to Thailand. Instead, the authorities that are supposed to uphold the law appear to have different agendas.

There are rumors that martial law will be enforced tomorrow. The only way this could happen is if Anupong decides he has had enough with the bombings, killings and the hospital invasion. We will see tomorrow. Failing this, there are rumors that Newin is upcountry recruiting an army of his own that are loyal to the monarchy with others being recruited from the south and other parts of Thailand. If the police and Army won't enforce the rule of law, then there is no law and others will deal with it instead.

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Not going to read the whole 8 pages, but why has this thread started debating about corruption, when the OP was about whether the govt. has lost control?

To reply to the OP, IMO it either has, or is playing some very strange game, to which we are not privvy.

I'd like to know if in fact the Army is taking orders from Abhisit, or doing whatever they please, which at the moment is nothing much.

What other democratic country would allow a protestor's armed camp to set up blockades in it's capital, causing untold disruption for weeks and weeks? None I'm guessing.

At least when the Yellows set up camp they didn't disrupt city life to any great extent, other than when the reds and the police attacked them, and not including the unfortunate airport occupation.

I don't think the current government has control because it cannot enforce the rule of law. It wants to, but most of the police certainly don't want to enforce the rule of law or they would have arrested the many Reds with arrest warrants outstanding and they sure have had multiple opportunities to do so. The Army with Anupong as head hasn't wanted to break up Redtown either.

It is kind odd in that one of the big fears if Thaksin continued in power was that he would set up a republic and install himself as president (for life?). Now we have 2 square miles right in the middle of Bangkok and it is like having a separate country in Bangkok. The worst fears have been realized. Thaksin didn't have to come back to Thailand. Instead, the authorities that are supposed to uphold the law appear to have different agendas.

There are rumors that martial law will be enforced tomorrow. The only way this could happen is if Anupong decides he has had enough with the bombings, killings and the hospital invasion. We will see tomorrow. Failing this, there are rumors that Newin is upcountry recruiting an army of his own that are loyal to the monarchy with others being recruited from the south and other parts of Thailand. If the police and Army won't enforce the rule of law, then there is no law and others will deal with it instead.

The last part sadly sounds like a likely scenario.

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Not going to read the whole 8 pages, but why has this thread started debating about corruption, when the OP was about whether the govt. has lost control?

To reply to the OP, IMO it either has, or is playing some very strange game, to which we are not privvy.

I'd like to know if in fact the Army is taking orders from Abhisit, or doing whatever they please, which at the moment is nothing much.

What other democratic country would allow a protestor's armed camp to set up blockades in it's capital, causing untold disruption for weeks and weeks? None I'm guessing.

At least when the Yellows set up camp they didn't disrupt city life to any great extent, other than when the reds and the police attacked them, and not including the unfortunate airport occupation.

I don't think the current government has control because it cannot enforce the rule of law. It wants to, but most of the police certainly don't want to enforce the rule of law or they would have arrested the many Reds with arrest warrants outstanding and they sure have had multiple opportunities to do so. The Army with Anupong as head hasn't wanted to break up Redtown either.

It is kind odd in that one of the big fears if Thaksin continued in power was that he would set up a republic and install himself as president (for life?). Now we have 2 square miles right in the middle of Bangkok and it is like having a separate country in Bangkok. The worst fears have been realized. Thaksin didn't have to come back to Thailand. Instead, the authorities that are supposed to uphold the law appear to have different agendas.

There are rumors that martial law will be enforced tomorrow. The only way this could happen is if Anupong decides he has had enough with the bombings, killings and the hospital invasion. We will see tomorrow. Failing this, there are rumors that Newin is upcountry recruiting an army of his own that are loyal to the monarchy with others being recruited from the south and other parts of Thailand. If the police and Army won't enforce the rule of law, then there is no law and others will deal with it instead.

The last part sadly sounds like a likely scenario.

Another Suthep-Newin double act? Blues on Reds? Expect purple rain before long.

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Abhisit is a very decent person, however he is not suited to be a Thai PM because Thai people like different personal characteristics in their PMs.

Clockwork orange is correct, Abhisit has now become part of the problem.

Russel have you had a look at any possible successors to Abhisit,acceptable to Thai's,how about after this melee,acceptable to Foreign Governments.OK, Reds win,Toxins back, can you tell me which Nations will sit at the same conference table.Fiji?????

And Clockwork Derange strikes me as a bloke who wouldn't know if his arse was on fire.Any thing the Red's do is fine,anything

is acceptable, any thing is excusable,anything is started by the other side,you putz you don't get to be on a side here,who do you think you might vote for at the next elections?Do you get a vote???

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Thailand already loss a great leader Thaksin.

Mark is the only great leader Thailand have left.

Look around you, there is no other alternatives.

Hence please do not suspend Mark for 5 years. Please.

Who's that Mark?

A dog with hair lip.I'll take him in preference to 'the only great leader'

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Abhisit is a very decent person, however he is not suited to be a Thai PM because Thai people like different personal characteristics in their PMs.

Clockwork orange is correct, Abhisit has now become part of the problem.

Your post is insane. Have you really read other posts? He is not suited to be a Thai PM, because the Thai people like what? You must be kidding. (Hopefully).

Clockwork isn't correct. Abhisit kept quiet okay, but why? No more blood for nothing. Let Thaksin come back and put him in prison.

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Chalerm is one of the most despicable politicians in Thailand, ever. Look at his sons - one Duang, allegedly shot a policeman in cold blood and then basically got away scot free because his father was a threatening politician. If anyone is like Hitler with a warped ego, then it is Chalerm.


Perhaps you weren't around at the time, but I remember that incident well. Can't be bothered searching, but it was well reported in the Bangkok Post.

Doesn't surprise me that Chalerm is a Taksin supporter- just another bad apple.

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