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Chulalongkorn Hospital Evacuated After Stormed By Red-Shirts


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This hospital story has been over-played..... let's move on....

If we can substitute the words 'Yellowshirt takeover of the airport' for the word 'hospital' I would be in 100% agreement with you :D . Of course, one of these things happened two years ago and one happened YESTERDAY! :)

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This latest "open mouth-insert foot" incident the reds pulled shows just how fragmented and difficult to control the different factions inside the red camp are becoming.

At last count they have about 24 or so "leaders". .. Although in reality only about 6 or so are the red propaganda machines who actually speak on stage. No one actually controls anything or anyone's actions and there is ZERO accountability to anyone when they make a blunder.

That is why there're incidents, followed up by finger pointing, denials, excuses or sometimes just outright lies from the stage at Rachaprasong.

  • We didn't authorize it. ..
  • We didn't direct them to do it. ..
  • He acted on his own. ..
  • It was 'fake reds'. ..
  • It was soldiers dressed as reds. ..
  • It was yellows dressed as reds. ..
  • It was Seh Daeng's 'ronin warriors'. ..
  • It was reds dressed as reds but they aren't real reds. ..

The pathetic excuses and constant back pedaling is almost tedious to follow .. ..

This hospital incident sure backfired in stirring up any public support for the red shirts, errr sorry strike red shirts as I see they are now the 'colorless shirts'.

The way they are going the next incarnation will probably be the 'brainless shirts'. .. :)

I agree with all, but when the Red Shirts want to go somewhere, they announce in advance where they are going and then all of a sudden streets open up and they get the red carpet treatment as they parade down the streets waiving their flags as they go to confront the military. Hence, while Redtown may be a bit disorganized internally, these guys are very well organized when it comes to dealing with the police.

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Subjects the speakers are trying to avoid or explain away today:

The hospital invasion

Khwanchai running away at DM

AL Jazeera having the photos of armed reds at DM

*personally can't their video to roll, but apparently it's here with this snippet:

Witnesses said dozens of red shirt protesters - some of them apparently also armed and returning fire


At about 1:26 in the video on the article, it shows a red shirt with a hand gun, taking cover behind a pick up.

Thank you, for some reason, it just won't run for me.

I can see why hammered says the reds are real jittery over this depiction of their peace movement.

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Actually very nice of AB to give them a hospital bed where the reds can still listen to the hate speeches and jiggle in bed to the dance music - though they may not be so appreciative with burns all over their body from where a petrol bomb exploded in their hand. Som nom na!

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I can't rember the details leading up to the 2006 coup.

Look at Wiki, it's not bad ...

I was here during the all "tenure" of Thaksin, the country had become a

"banana Republic" ...


Thank you!

Was here too but I just couldn't rember the facts. Way too much Singha over the years!

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...the video of grenade attacks coming from behind red lines at sala Daeng...

Where is the video referred to? Anyone got a link?

It's here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34hSEPOC71g

At 1.02 you can see the trajectory of the grenade coming from a little to the right of the redshirts in the foreground.


Nice clear vid. Just a matter of time before you get the 'well it was soldiers dressed as reds who infiltrated the red lines to fire on their own troops and civilians' arguments.

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If you knew anything about the Khmer Rouge you would realize just how assanine your comment is. Get educated or keep quiet.

The ustupty of some ofte posts on heough to make me want to go postal myself. Farangs, and yes I am one, calling for the mass slaughter of teh red demonstrators, when in fact most all of you do not understand what the hel_l is going on around you. It just interupts your beer drinkingand you are upset. I what the reds are doing is terrorist activity, then what the yellows did was also terrorist activity. As such, justice needs to be served on a first come first served basis. Convict and imprison the Yellow Shirt Leaders and set the example of what will happen to the Red leaders. What's is good for the goose is good for the gander.

The modeator here needs to eliminate all posts which call for the slaughter of any group of people. The words of a few morons make all farang look bad.

What a silly, thoughtless post.

1. Nobody's beer-drinking has been interupted - there are no farang bars in Rajaprasong.

2. Justice on a first-come first served basis? What on earth are you talking about? Criminal A murders three thousand people, but the evidence is concealed and the court proceedings have not even begun. Criminal B gets caught red-handed on camera stealing a vehicle. In your fairy tale, Criminal B can't get convicted till Criminal A has been convicted.

Go home, sober up. Come back another day.

p.s. Thakisn's war on drugs looked very proto-Khmer Rouge to me. Set a telling example for his new Red-wearing army to follow, and I don't doubt that all those involved in that monstrous crime are fully involved with this red terror lot.

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This latest "open mouth-insert foot" incident the reds pulled shows just how fragmented and difficult to control the different factions inside the red camp are becoming.

At last count they have about 24 or so "leaders". .. Although in reality only about 6 or so are the red propaganda machines who actually speak on stage. No one actually controls anything or anyone's actions and there is ZERO accountability to anyone when they make a blunder.

That is why there're incidents, followed up by finger pointing, denials, excuses or sometimes just outright lies from the stage at Rachaprasong.

  • We didn't authorize it. ..
  • We didn't direct them to do it. ..
  • He acted on his own. ..
  • It was 'fake reds'. ..
  • It was soldiers dressed as reds. ..
  • It was yellows dressed as reds. ..
  • It was Seh Daeng's 'ronin warriors'. ..
  • It was reds dressed as reds but they aren't real reds. ..

The pathetic excuses and constant back pedaling is almost tedious to follow .. ..

This hospital incident sure backfired in stirring up any public support for the red shirts, errr sorry strike red shirts as I see they are now the 'colorless shirts'.

The way they are going the next incarnation will probably be the 'brainless shirts'. .. :)

I agree with all, but when the Red Shirts want to go somewhere, they announce in advance where they are going and then all of a sudden streets open up and they get the red carpet treatment as they parade down the streets waiving their flags as they go to confront the military. Hence, while Redtown may be a bit disorganized internally, these guys are very well organized when it comes to dealing with the police.

When interviewed today the police general could not provide any expalantion of why Payap wasnt arrested. The deal the police made with the reds to be allowed back also failed to take into consdieration protection of ordinary citizens in the hospital. The hospital director mad

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Many of the Reds come from Thailand's rural poor and urban working classes and seek the return of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted in a 2006 coup and now lives overseas to avoid a jail term for corruption.


I think you are forgetting the large proportion of violent criminals -

And your proof of this is? More gas from another bag on this forum.

well lets see here, what would one call

illegally occupying a public area of a city

perpetually refusing to clear the order when ordered to do so by the government

forcing their way into a hospital to search the building

possession and the use of M79 grenades

fabricating and using petrol bombs

fabricating and using home made explosives

possession of and the use of RPG's

Possession and the use of of automatic weapons such as AK47's

the arms possession charges of course include killing quite a few people and wounding more

what would one call this ?? crimes committed by criminals I think is the correct term however, being a red supporter you will probably claim they did none of the above, it was all done by the government to discredit the red's or by some little green men who came out of a UFO......

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I can't rember the details leading up to the 2006 coup.

Look at Wiki, it's not bad ...

I was here during the all "tenure" of Thaksin, the country had become a

"banana Republic" ...


Which has now turned into a "Rotten Banana Republic".

Edited by deadsnoopy
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I can't rember the details leading up to the 2006 coup.

Look at Wiki, it's not bad ...

I was here during the all "tenure" of Thaksin, the country had become a

"banana Republic" ...


Which has now turned into a "Rotten Banana Republic".

yep, again thanks to Thaksin and his red gang

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See Thaksin or soemone on his twitter account is praising the reds like there is no tomorrow. No mention of hospitals. No mention of armed red shirts. No mention of the PTP incapable of agrreing on anything enough to put a censure debate together. Guess after a few setbacks it is play the Thaksin card as all the peole love him and it isnt about him and Weng denies the EJK's. When in trouble fall back on the popularity of Thaksin

Interesting to see all his kids tweeting how well he is too

Edited by hammered
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Can somebody explain me what is waiting the government to send 10000 soldiers to bash all these retarded reds ?

Serious question, I can't understand.

1) Abhisit doesn't want dead reds on his hands.

2) The army doesn't want dead reds on their hands.

They know that the reds are well armed, are in an area with a civilian population, several hospitals and major infrastructure.

There are also bigger issues than the few thousand protestors on site. If the army goes in and kills lots of people, there will be more violence in the north/north east.

It has to be done so that there are few, if any, casualties on both sides.

Or the government could just wait a bit longer. The reds are running out of feet to put in their mouths. If the reds keep doing idiotic things like what they did last night, they will have lost any support that they had left.

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Many of the Reds come from Thailand's rural poor and urban working classes and seek the return of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted in a 2006 coup and now lives overseas to avoid a jail term for corruption.


I think you are forgetting the large proportion of violent criminals -

And your proof of this is? More gas from another bag on this forum.

well lets see here, what would one call

illegally occupying a public area of a city

perpetually refusing to clear the order when ordered to do so by the government

forcing their way into a hospital to search the building

possession and the use of M79 grenades

fabricating and using petrol bombs

fabricating and using home made explosives

possession of and the use of RPG's

Possession and the use of of automatic weapons such as AK47's

the arms possession charges of course include killing quite a few people and wounding more

what would one call this ?? crimes committed by criminals I think is the correct term however, being a red supporter you will probably claim they did none of the above, it was all done by the government to discredit the red's or by some little green men who came out of a UFO......

Could you back up each of those with a credible source? For those of us who missed it, thanks :)

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dear mazeltov how delusional are you its only thanks to that gov. that there is not more blood. the only people really trying to have fights is that red mob. there the only ones shouting come and get us so they can go trough with there hidden agenda.

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Can somebody explain me what is waiting the government to send 10000 soldiers to bash all these retarded reds ?

Serious question, I can't understand.

1) Abhisit doesn't want dead reds on his hands.

2) The army doesn't want dead reds on their hands.

They know that the reds are well armed, are in an area with a civilian population, several hospitals and major infrastructure.

There are also bigger issues than the few thousand protestors on site. If the army goes in and kills lots of people, there will be more violence in the north/north east.

It has to be done so that there are few, if any, casualties on both sides.

Or the government could just wait a bit longer. The reds are running out of feet to put in their mouths. If the reds keep doing idiotic things like what they did last night, they will have lost any support that they had left.

It is true that this has upset just about everyone who has heard about this who isnt a hardcore red supporter

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Good factual information here.

I heard a red shirt leader speaking on BBC World saying they wanted one man one vote. I thought this was BS. However, I now learn that some constituancies elect more than one member. As a result, some people get up to 3 votes! Is this correct? Sounds undemocratic to me.


You mean they vote too much ?

(In fact, what they want is "One Thaksin, one vote")

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Can somebody explain me what is waiting the government to send 10000 soldiers to bash all these retarded reds ?

Serious question, I can't understand.

Thais are mainly buddhists and to ordinary Thais, hurting other ordinary Thais is as bad as their religion of peace can get. They believe in the teachings of Buddah. This also as it happens makes them a very superstitious race of people and as such, there will currently be a massive disturbance in their Karma because of the red emerald Buddah breaking in two pieces The PM really is caught in between a rock and a hard place. Whatever he does he is wrong. Personally I admire him even more now. If you consider how the odds are always stacked against him, the man has kuhoonas.

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See Thaksin or soemone on his twitter account is praising the reds like there is no tomorrow. No mention of hospitals. No mention of armed red shirts. No mention of the PTP incapable of agrreing on anything enough to put a censure debate together. Guess after a few setbacks it is play the Thaksin card as all the peole love him and it isnt about him and Weng denies the EJK's. When in trouble fall back on the popularity of Thaksin

Interesting to see all his kids tweeting how well he is too

Note that Thaksin called the reds FIGHTERS not PROTESTERS. More evidence this is already a civil war at least from the REDS point of view.

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This entire episode has been stressful, but it is so interesting to see how many people spend so much time here getting involved in deep, meaningless, redundant conversations of re-hashed issues over and over again!

I'm not against good debate, strong convictions and progress, but there is a difference between that and wasting hours on a chatboard talking about the same thing over and over again because you have nothing better to do!!!!

At the end of the day, with thousands of posts.... what do you put on your resume? "Reached 3,000 post milestone on Thai Visa in six months?!"

Google irony :)

285 posts. 25 days

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...the video of grenade attacks coming from behind red lines at sala Daeng...

Where is the video referred to? Anyone got a link?

It's here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34hSEPOC71g

At 1.02 you can see the trajectory of the grenade coming from a little to the right of the redshirts in the foreground.


Nice clear vid. Just a matter of time before you get the 'well it was soldiers dressed as reds who infiltrated the red lines to fire on their own troops and civilians' arguments.

Sorry guys, as much as I don't doubt that the grenades that exploded at Sala Deang skytrain station killing one and injuring many others were fired by Reds (probably from behind the statue on the other side of the road actually), this video is not evidence of it. Two reasons:

1. That is not the Skytrain. It is the footbridge across Rama IV Road between McDonald's and Chula Hospital. The skytrain station is a 15O metres beyond that down Silom Road.

2. The projectile fired at 1.02 is not a M79 grenade. I'm not sure what it is, some kind of home made 'bang fai' maybe, but it clear bounces off the footbridge and doesn't explode as a grenade would.

Thanks for pointing out the time (1.02); I've seen this video a few times and missed the projectile firing till you said where it was. Clearly, its good evidence that this is not 'a peaceful demonstration' for anyone still in doubt. They were not being attacked in the video.

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