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Chulalongkorn Hospital Evacuated After Stormed By Red-Shirts


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Apology ? thats not an apology . now on top of all that chaos the hospital is moving 250 ill Thai's.

apology from dr, Wank,what a farce!

The same minnon (of taksin) who ordered the bloodletting/collection and spilling of it on state propertys..

The time will come soon when somebody blows his brain out and then exclain,Sorry,my Apology,I thoughtthat were rubber bullets,

That "Doctor" is maybe a veterinarin ,and cures pigs.

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Silly people with all their facts and evidence. Why can't they just listen to the red leaders and stop thinking for themselves.

It isn't really fact or evidence yet, but then when have any of the PAD on here waited for either.

who is PAD on here? I doubt you'll find many at all. You doint have to be PAD to realise what a vile and disgusting act the hospital invasion was. It is being condemend by everyone bar hard reds and their leaders who created the condition for it and then led it.

Edited to add: even sone of the very hard red support on here has apologised for the action and moved on

Edited by hammered
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It's not only the red's argument, but an internationally accepted opinion on the current situation in Thailand. Have you noticed that both CNN and BBC have stated in their interviews with Abhisit .."but Mr Prime Minister, you were never elected by the people"

That's the problem. If he's really supported by the majority of Thais, why not legitimize his mandate?

Not arguing that he doesnt have a mandate although he is legally PM under the Thai constituion. I was just hoping for a few problems that werent just red talking points otherwise it is just ameaningless list of partisan points as listed by Weng every night which means it isnt going anywhere. Come on what are the reds and TRT and Thaksin guilty of screwing up to get us in the current mess? Then we start to get a balanced list, and of course there are things

The PPP now PTP didn't have the support of the majority of Thais when they were in office, they got less than 40 percent of the vote, and had less than half the seats in parliament. Minority governments can change if the coalitions shift, even if the PPP hadn't been convicted of electoral fraud. So if the PPP got into power by fraud, why should the democrats call an immediate election and give them a chance to do it again? The constitution doesn't require them to.

So assuming that the Democrats get dissolved before new elections are held, where would the power shift to? The small parties? Since the Democrats would lose their seats in Parliament, a very small minority would then have the power? Or would it even shift back to Puea Thai, who would then hold a majority?

If the majority of Dems rank and file start another party,

and partner with an existing small party or 2 and all boycot PTP for causing its Red Action arm's malfeasances,

PTP is out in the cold again, regardless if Dems current leadership is sidelined

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Here's some pics of the conditions faced by patients evacuated out of Chula to a partially finished building. No guessing which way they'll be voting come December...


It would be interesting to see the conditions of the hospital before they moved the patients. You're suggesting the mattresses were not stained before? And the fluids machine wasn't rusty? Considering the red shirts haven't harmed any patients, was there really a need to move them?

The patients are now used as a pawn in the propaganda war against the reds.

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for the barnham house grenade attack...

So now there is a positive link between the reds andf the grenade attacks. Very bad day for the red team PRwise

positive link?

hold up fella! sure yr not jumping to conclusions to quick coz it suits yr cause?

Now, why does it suit his needs fella?

A photofit is issued by the police of a man involved in the grenade attack. That photofit is an extreme likeness, uncanny in fact, of a red guard who searched the hospital last night. The resemblance is so close and the two events so interconnected, why is the statement above jumping to conclusions. At the least the man in the photo, now on stage needs taking in for questioning, and if he is I will bet a pound to a pinch of rocking horse sh*t that they are one and the same guy.

It's an exact likeness of a very distictive face. I don't think there's any question it's the same guy. The question that remains is, was the sketch created to target a known UDD operative or was the person describing the assailant for the sketch artist totally unaware and giving an honest account of the attackers.

Edited by lannarebirth
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When the red guards got H1N1 flu they were happy to use Bangkok's hospitals. Now they are interfering with the public's right to have the same sort of access. Taking down the barricades earlier must have been an attempt to smooth over public relations, maybe CNN and BBC went home for the evening so the barricades went back up.

Was there ever any UDD confirmation that there were really guards that had H1N1? Not just a 'scare-tactic'?

The UDD only issue denials don't you know

I was hoping for an actual answer ...but thanks anyways. :)

There were official reports of them being sick AND a story about thier return to the illegal rally. (They should have just been arrested and held!) There was no denial by the UDD and they acknowledged the story. Feel free to look it up here on ThaiVisaForum.

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I honestly cant see why the red shirts dont just hand Payap and the guy in the wanted poster over and make a proper apology saying they hope action is taken against those who did it. The they can get back to campaigning for democracy and receive some kudos for doing such a thing.

To dat eWerng issued an apology and then Nattawut, Weng and now JJatuporn have all been talking to the crowd justifying the action. Even Weng who it seems is taking the apology back. Mind boggling

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Here's some pics of the conditions faced by patients evacuated out of Chula to a partially finished building. No guessing which way they'll be voting come December...

<a href="http://www.pantip.com/cafe/chalermthai/topic/A9192681/A9192681.html" target="_blank">http://www.pantip.com/cafe/chalermthai/top...1/A9192681.html</a>

Sad. There are lots of sad stories coming out about this now, but dont worry Jatuporn said it is justified to do all this as did Nattawut and belatedly after apologising Weng, so at least the red leadeship are now agreed that whatever happened at Chula and whatever the patients have to put up with it is justified.

Anybody who has had abdominal or spinal surgery before knows how painful any type of movement is. Even getting on to a wheelchair can take one's breath away due to the pain. Then you feel every little bump during the ride. I can recall being wheeled into an elevator and wincing just upon going over the entry part. Add to it the corner which is occasionally accidentally clipped and you see stars again, or when the catheter which is up your peter gets tripped on :) . Some of these patients surely suffered severe, needless pain. For what?

Edited by Lopburi99
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I've heard that there are about a hundred women sitting in Ratchaprasong making molotov cocktails in broad daylight, as if they are making somtam.... this is not good. They have started their own manufacturing of weapons since they are having trouble importing... nothing good can come of this!

It would be hilarious if a few of those (like, maybe 100) accidentally went off in the middle of the red camp. Som nam na!

Edited by ShadowDweller
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I don't see how hospital staff can justify moving this patient. Seems like a bad attempt at a media stunt to me, I'm sorry.

Patients need to be treated in a safe environment. Moving them seems like a good call now Sae Daeng has had the barricade put back. After the rteds went in there was no choice anyway. They hospital couldnt take the risk of it not happening again Some of the hardest reds on here have apologised and admitted it was wrong, cant you?

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Here's some pics of the conditions faced by patients evacuated out of Chula to a partially finished building. No guessing which way they'll be voting come December...

<a href="http://www.pantip.com/cafe/chalermthai/topic/A9192681/A9192681.html" target="_blank">http://www.pantip.com/cafe/chalermthai/top...1/A9192681.html</a>

Sad. There are lots of sad stories coming out about this now, but dont worry Jatuporn said it is justified to do all this as did Nattawut and belatedly after apologising Weng, so at least the red leadeship are now agreed that whatever happened at Chula and whatever the patients have to put up with it is justified.

Anybody who has had abdominal surgery before knows how painful any type of movement is. Even getting on to a wheelchair can take one's breath away due to the pain. Then you feel every little bump during the ride. I can recall just being wheeled into an elevator and wincing just upon going over the entry part. Add to it the corner which is occasionally accidentally clipped and you see stars again. Some of these patients surely suffered severe, needless pain. For what?

Why were they even moved? If none of them were hurt in the hospital, they were surely hurt more by the move than by the red shirts. I'm sorry, someone had a brain fart idea to move these patients.

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Here's some pics of the conditions faced by patients evacuated out of Chula to a partially finished building. No guessing which way they'll be voting come December...


It would be interesting to see the conditions of the hospital before they moved the patients. You're suggesting the mattresses were not stained before? And the fluids machine wasn't rusty? Considering the red shirts haven't harmed any patients, was there really a need to move them?

The patients are now used as a pawn in the propaganda war against the reds.

So you're saying it's too bad many didn't die and then they could be dragged up on the goovernment stage and then paraded around town? I'm not following you. :)

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I don't see how hospital staff can justify moving this patient. Seems like a bad attempt at a media stunt to me, I'm sorry.

well they moved back on to the hospital so evacuation was the only way to keep patience safe. did they not know the head of religion was there !!!!!

shame on you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no excuse

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Here's some pics of the conditions faced by patients evacuated out of Chula to a partially finished building. No guessing which way they'll be voting come December...


It would be interesting to see the conditions of the hospital before they moved the patients. You're suggesting the mattresses were not stained before? And the fluids machine wasn't rusty? Considering the red shirts haven't harmed any patients, was there really a need to move them?

The administration and medical staff seems to have decided that it was less risky to move them than to leave them that close to an illegal Red mob that had raided the hospital twice. THEY decided that there was an overwhelming medical neccesity to move them that outweighed the risks inherent in moving them. That neccesity was created by the two red shirt raids into a HOSPITAL where two hospital employees were taken captive. One of the patients at Chula was the Supreme Patriarch. (and they possibly considered the red shirt raid in the past where they stole bodies)

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Here's some pics of the conditions faced by patients evacuated out of Chula to a partially finished building. No guessing which way they'll be voting come December...


It would be interesting to see the conditions of the hospital before they moved the patients. You're suggesting the mattresses were not stained before? And the fluids machine wasn't rusty? Considering the red shirts haven't harmed any patients, was there really a need to move them?

They actually have beds in Chula hospital believe it or not...and little kids normally get to stay in kids wards away from sick adults

In any case, you red-apologists like this...maybe some reason why the reds don't feel particularly trusting of Chulalongkorn hospital in the first place. I''d forgotten about this incident.

Chula refuses to treat police wounded in PAD clashes

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Ummm Dr Weng --- Senior Core member of the Reds --- known Maoist --- spokesman for the Red shirts when they met with the government --- has openly called for violence against the legal sitting government.

Giles U ... had to run from Thailand back to the UK. Wrote the Red Siam Manifesto. There was a Red Siam stage not too long ago. Giles is an outspoken red that has appeared on red stages along side red core leaders. Giles has spoken out against the monarchy. Giles was turned in for his crimes apparently by his coworkers.

So, we have Dr Weng --- core leader of the Reds and violent, and Giles U. who has appeared on red stages and is no longer welcome in Thailand (without having to answer for L.M. charges). A Maoist and a Marxist that are openly associated with , or are directly red shirt core leaders ---

Now --- what is your point?

I think his point was that it is understood by all and sundry that maoist and marxist philpsophies fully endorse the choice of a constitutional monarchy as an appropriate form of political structure for a country.

The whole point started with member jingthing who wanted to frame and blame the red shirts for the october 76 tragedy with finger-pointing at Samak.

put and keep the things in context or you are nothing else that a dishonest demagogue.

so what is your agenda?

A desperately absurd argument you are not successfully making.

And the flame to finish it, bravo.

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I don't see how hospital staff can justify moving this patient. Seems like a bad attempt at a media stunt to me, I'm sorry.

Patients need to be treated in a safe environment. Moving them seems like a good call now Sae Daeng has had the barricade put back. After the rteds went in there was no choice anyway. They hospital couldnt take the risk of it not happening again Some of the hardest reds on here have apologised and admitted it was wrong, cant you?

Sure it was wrong. But nobody was hurt, so I don't see how that justifies the move.

If any red shirts wanted to hurt the patients, I'm sure they will find them wherever they moved them to anyways.

So what's the point of moving them?

Edited by deadsnoopy
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Why were they even moved? If none of them were hurt in the hospital, they were surely hurt more by the move than by the red shirts. I'm sorry, someone had a brain fart idea to move these patients.

They kidnapped two people

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It Has just been announced (saw it on Tele) from the red stage that it wasnt the reds idea to storm the hospital.

The reds some time ago asked to have a meeting with the management of the hospital, i think it said on tele the management have been waiting for an hour and a half.9 also on tele with avideo of assembled hotel people)

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Here's some pics of the conditions faced by patients evacuated out of Chula to a partially finished building. No guessing which way they'll be voting come December...

<a href="http://www.pantip.com/cafe/chalermthai/topic/A9192681/A9192681.html" target="_blank">http://www.pantip.com/cafe/chalermthai/top...1/A9192681.html</a>

Sad. There are lots of sad stories coming out about this now, but dont worry Jatuporn said it is justified to do all this as did Nattawut and belatedly after apologising Weng, so at least the red leadeship are now agreed that whatever happened at Chula and whatever the patients have to put up with it is justified.

Anybody who has had abdominal surgery before knows how painful any type of movement is. Even getting on to a wheelchair can take one's breath away due to the pain. Then you feel every little bump during the ride. I can recall just being wheeled into an elevator and wincing just upon going over the entry part. Add to it the corner which is occasionally accidentally clipped and you see stars again. Some of these patients surely suffered severe, needless pain. For what?

Why were they even moved? If none of them were hurt in the hospital, they were surely hurt more by the move than by the red shirts. I'm sorry, someone had a brain fart idea to move these patients.

they kidnapped people in this hospital !! reason enough ?

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Rolling out the tanks in 2006 to usurp a duly elected body was legal...?

Thaksin-style (i.e. totally corrupt) government was legal ?


Duly elected...

–adverb1.in a due manner; properly; fittingly. 2.in due season; punctually.

The yellow crowd interrupted the political process - via the army - rather than work within the established system to advance their ideas for the next election cycle. The current situation(s) are the repercussions of that short sighted, ill-fated, illegal action son... do your homework.

Actually, it would be great if someone could find the time to post a potted history of Thai politics for the past 10 years or so. Alternatively, is there a web site where this info can be found? I can't rember the details leading up to the 2006 coup.


Try this

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Here's some pics of the conditions faced by patients evacuated out of Chula to a partially finished building. No guessing which way they'll be voting come December...


It would be interesting to see the conditions of the hospital before they moved the patients. You're suggesting the mattresses were not stained before? And the fluids machine wasn't rusty? Considering the red shirts haven't harmed any patients, was there really a need to move them?

The administration and medical staff seems to have decided that it was less risky to move them than to leave them that close to an illegal Red mob that had raided the hospital twice. THEY decided that there was an overwhelming medical neccesity to move them that outweighed the risks inherent in moving them. That neccesity was created by the two red shirt raids into a HOSPITAL where two hospital employees were taken captive. One of the patients at Chula was the Supreme Patriarch. (and they possibly considered the red shirt raid in the past where they stole bodies)

The hospital was raided once on Thursday, the administration decided to move the patients as the reds said they would return on Friday.

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