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Can someone here suggest a good therapeutic thai massage in Pattaya?. I am looking for someone genuine and not just someone mindlessly rubbing me for an hour with no effect.

Can someone here suggest a good therapeutic thai massage in Pattaya?. I am looking for someone genuine and not just someone mindlessly rubbing me for an hour with no effect.

I would recommend the Blue Beach massage centre on second road, opposite the Montien Hotel.

2 hours for 300 THB... and you walk out of there feeling sabai sabai.


No funny business... a legit massage studio... foot massage on the ground floor, Thai massage on the next floor, and the rare oil massage on the upper floor... all air conditioned and very clean.

If you really want a good massage, choose one of the older ladies from the group sitting inside... she'll be more experienced and usually stronger than the younger ones.

Forget the young & pretty ladies... although all of them are trained, they are not as experienced as the old girls.


Don't bother with a 1 hour massage... it cannot be done properly in that time... 2 hours is the way to go.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Do you go to this place often?, I am wondering how often it is safe to have massage without it having a detrimental effect.

Can someone here suggest a good therapeutic thai massage in Pattaya?. I am looking for someone genuine and not just someone mindlessly rubbing me for an hour with no effect.

I would recommend the Blue Beach massage centre on second road, opposite the Montien Hotel.

2 hours for 300 THB... and you walk out of there feeling sabai sabai.


No funny business... a legit massage studio... foot massage on the ground floor, Thai massage on the next floor, and the rare oil massage on the upper floor... all air conditioned and very clean.

If you really want a good massage, choose one of the older ladies from the group sitting inside... she'll be more experienced and usually stronger than the younger ones.

Forget the young & pretty ladies... although all of them are trained, they are not as experienced as the old girls.


Don't bother with a 1 hour massage... it cannot be done properly in that time... 2 hours is the way to go.

Do you go to this place often?, I am wondering how often it is safe to have massage without it having a detrimental effect.

I go every week... usually on a Sunday.

I play golf on Saturday afternoon, and am usually a bit sore and stiff afterwards.

Generally, it is recommended to have a minimum of 4 days between massages.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


I read something interesting about a hazard of Thai massage.

You know when they apply long hard pressure to the groin area (at the arteries)?

This is almost always a standard thing in a Thai massage.

Apparantly, if you have a heart condition, this can be hazardous.

If you are worried, just tell them you don't want that when they start it.

One position I don't like is when they rapidly jerk your neck. This freaks me out and if you are not relaxed enough, I imagine there could be a problem.

It is always a good idea to drink a good amount of water before massages.

However, this can be an issue in a 2 hour massage, because you will likely need a pee break, which kind of breaks up the relaxation factor a little.


You should in theory have to answer some questions regarding any medical conditions you may have. This is very important if you have heart, circulatory, liver, digestive problems. A massage could do more harm than good.

As well as leaving you feeling relaxed a good massage can also leave you feeling quite drained and emotional.

Tho', I don't know about Thai massage techniques I did study swedish body massage.


The reality in Thailand is that they almost NEVER ask if you have medical concerns at the average tourist oriented place. Well, sometimes they ask if you have an upset stomach. It is up to you to raise any issues. Have fun with that if it is anything complicated.

I used to visit a popular massage place with Thais in a very non tourist area of Bangkok, near the Old Siam Plaza and gun selling district. This place was fantastic, some of the best Thai massage I have ever had and also the some of the cheapest. At this place, if you can speak Thai or have a Thai friend to help, they do Thai massage as medical therapy for specific conditions. There were a number of Thais there with obvious physical problems. Sorry, I don't remember the exact name of the place, just brought it up as an example of what is possible.

As far as how you should feel after a good Thai massage, in my experience, I feel like my circulation is working fresh, my overall flexibility is increased, a certain spring in the step, as it were. It is supposed to be like passive yoga, so this makes sense.

After a bad Thai massage, none of above good benefits, and sometimes even pain.

As far as how you should feel after a good Thai massage, in my experience, I feel like my circulation is working fresh, my overall flexibility is increased, a certain spring in the step, as it were. It is supposed to be like passive yoga, so this makes sense.

Absolutely! :D

And as you quite rightly pointed out before, if you do have a medical condition, (I do... both my knees are pretty much fcuked after years of playing Aussi rules football) you should make the masseuse aware of the condition before starting. I simply point to my knees and say "jeb trong nee..." and make sure it's understood.


After a good two hour Thai massage I always leave feeling invigorated and ready for action... :o


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


there used to be an awesome place for massages at the end of walking street on the right. not sure if its still open or not, havent been down that way in 18 months or so and i heard it may have shut down.

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