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McDonalds Silom Center Bombed

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Annoying though I'm sure this protest is for you guys living in BKK, just remember that these guys had their government overthrown by force, a gerrymandered constitution effectively imposed on them, their new government beseiged by paid hirelings (yellow shirts), and their political party banned by the establishment leaning judiciary.

when the deomocratic route is closed off, this kind response is, sadly, fairly inevitable.

Well said sir !!

Post more often.

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Anyone who think only the Redshirts can do wrong is living in cloud cuckoo-land.

Everyone can and does do wrong my friend, you and me included. The point is the reds have turned into a mob out of controll bringing untold damage to the whole of Thailand. Causing thousands of poor people (who they are supposed to represent) to become unemployed with no way to support their familes or send their children to school. And that is just one of the untold consequences of their continuing rally. These guys are not suffering one bit. Staying in hotels while the sheep are sleeping on the streets . Also at the first shot fired they run like rabbits and leave the sheep to fend for themselves. We saw that this week. They have been offered an election a year ahead of schedule by the government which they rejected immediately. Do you ever wonder why they rejected it and demand the PM to resign immediately and hold elections in two months. Surely you are smarter than to believe their rhetoric. See below.

They've invaded a hospital, messed with TV signals at Thaicom, blocked highways, stopped public transit, frightened sick women and children, threatened arson, committed terrorism, kidnapped people, taunted police, closed shopping malls, canceled Songkran, ruined the tourism industry, poured blood on the streets, stolen bodies, barricaded public roads, cost thousands of people their jobs, broken numerous laws, intimidated politicians, harassed citizens, fought the army, and threatened to send Thailand into a downward spiral of civil war that could tear the nation apart for decades to come.........

Its all terrorism PiMay. The motive I believe is to push the government to take action and then they will cry foul...

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They've invaded a hospital, messed with TV signals at Thaicom, blocked highways, stopped public transit, frightened sick women and children, threatened arson, committed terrorism, kidnapped people, taunted police, closed shopping malls, canceled Songkran, ruined the tourism industry, poured blood on the streets, stolen bodies, barricaded public roads, cost thousands of people their jobs, broken numerous laws, intimidated politicians, harassed citizens, fought the army, and threatened to send Thailand into a downward spiral of civil war that could tear the nation apart for decades to come.........

But McDonald's. You've gone too far, you've supersized our anger now!

This is more than creating supersized anger, this is an International Incident no less. Is not McDonald's the American Embassy and if the USA retaliates - you WILL have democracy. :):D

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UDD leader Jatuporn Prompan said earlier that his group feared that Chulalongkorn Hospital might use the patients’ as propaganda pawns for the government to disparage the demonstrators and said he considered the patient evacuation as “too strong a measure against the Red Shirts”.

The goverment was using the evacuation as a ploy to make the protesters look bad, Mr Jatuporn complained, and the public now has bad feellings against the Red Shirt protesters. (TNA)

The goverment does not need anything to make these baboons look bad. They have become their own worst enemy. At least this idiot is realizing the public is sick of this.

It has started raining here in Isan about twice a week. In two more weeks the rains should be in full force hopefully. This means rice planting time. The only red supporters left will be the ones in Bangkok. Isan folks will have all gone home unless of course they are held against their will which is highly possible.....

Keep your fingers crossed.

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Thank God is wasn't Burger King !

Please don't do Burger King, cause if they do, I'm going to Cuba.

Been to many countries but never Cuba. Do they have Burger King there? If so I might consider it.

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What I want to know is where they got that pingpong ball....

Well they are one 'pingpong ball'-throw away from Patpong.

exploding ping pong ball show, wow, what will they think of next. good to know thailand is still the hub for something.

Might get some tourists back with this new show :)

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Uh oh. :)

None of these farmers wearing shirts of any color want to know the wrath of Ronald McDonald.

It's all fun and games until Mr. McDonald... oh wait... BREAKING NEWS... OH MY GOD... AP just released this photo of Ronald McDonald at Silom.


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Truly amazing to keep reading of bombs being thrown and detonated and such minimal injuries. Same goes for the government soldiers "exchanging hundreds of rounds" with Khmer soldiers at the border areas and not one being hit on either side. Is it the reporting being done that is incorrect or are the police and soldiers and demonstrators that inept with firearms and explosives? Makes one wonder just what is transpiring in the Land of Smiles........

I lean towards inept media reporting due to the evidence so far that the military can make a head shot to a farang screaming "F$@$ You" at point blank range.

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Anyone who think only the Redshirts can do wrong is living in cloud cuckoo-land.

Everyone can and does do wrong my friend, you and me included. The point is the reds have turned into a mob out of controll bringing untold damage to the whole of Thailand. Causing thousands of poor people (who they are supposed to represent) to become unemployed with no way to support their familes or send their children to school. And that is just one of the untold consequences of their continuing rally. These guys are not suffering one bit. Staying in hotels while the sheep are sleeping on the streets . Also at the first shot fired they run like rabbits and leave the sheep to fend for themselves. We saw that this week. They have been offered an election a year ahead of schedule by the government which they rejected immediately. Do you ever wonder why they rejected it and demand the PM to resign immediately and hold elections in two months. Surely you are smarter than to believe their rhetoric. See below.

They've invaded a hospital, messed with TV signals at Thaicom, blocked highways, stopped public transit, frightened sick women and children, threatened arson, committed terrorism, kidnapped people, taunted police, closed shopping malls, canceled Songkran, ruined the tourism industry, poured blood on the streets, stolen bodies, barricaded public roads, cost thousands of people their jobs, broken numerous laws, intimidated politicians, harassed citizens, fought the army, and threatened to send Thailand into a downward spiral of civil war that could tear the nation apart for decades to come.........

Its all terrorism PiMay. The motive I believe is to push the government to take action and then they will cry foul...

Agreed my friend. They have continously done everything thay can think of to provoke a crackdown by the government. And they are coming up with new ideas daily. This nutcase Nattuwat and the nutcase Jatuporn have challenged the government to dispurse them many times. Of course they will not be at the front line leading the poor sheep when the crack down happens like real leaders. They will tuck their tails and run for their lives leaving the sheep to their own destiney. These two guys have said on national TV they were ready to die for the cause of an immediate election. How can anyone with half a brain not see through this farce is beyond me. Hopefully Karma will prevail.

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Is nothing sacred? What if Kwanchai had another Big Mac attack, he could have been killed. Stop with the bombs we all deserve a break today!


Yellow arches on a red background, work harmoniously to bring us sustenance, I think we could all learn something from that.

Now there's the real terrorist threat. A well organized nationwide army of young people with smiles, poisoning the Thai population with greasy, oily, farang fast food, turning a once healthy people into fat, high cholesterol, artery hardened farang look a likes.

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They've invaded a hospital, messed with TV signals at Thaicom, blocked highways, stopped public transit, frightened sick women and children, threatened arson, committed terrorism, kidnapped people, taunted police, closed shopping malls, canceled Songkran, ruined the tourism industry, poured blood on the streets, stolen bodies, barricaded public roads, cost thousands of people their jobs, broken numerous laws, intimidated politicians, harassed citizens, fought the army, and threatened to send Thailand into a downward spiral of civil war that could tear the nation apart for decades to come.........

But McDonald's. You've gone too far, you've supersized our anger now!

:) Would that be for here or to take away? :D

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Remember this guy ?


many ton's of war weapons and explosives disappeared from his army camp. He was arrested but than bailed

Even though he looks more like a crook, he is an army general who has his hands on tons of explosives and guns. It would be silly to assume he had no knowledge of such a huge amount of weapons and explosives disappearing from his barracks.

He also is evidently a decidng force behind the red mob as has been made clear with the re-erection of the barricades on his orders. It is save to assume that he is responsible for the terrorist activities of the red's and we may see the first "war-lord" here. he is probably the most dangerous of them all and has hundreds of followers among the soldiers he used to command and of course brainwash for his cause - little brain - easy to wash - just like he was brain washed by Thaksin or one of his henchmen

One should be prepared for a lot more bombings since this lovely chap has closed all doors behind him and now has no choice but to prevail, just as all the other leaders of the red mob. They are with their "backs against a wall" since to give up is not really an option anymore, things have gone way to far and long prison sentences would be a certainty.

We are now facing cornered animals who will do anything to succeed !

You got a name to go with that face, and those don't look like red shirts in the pic with him.

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They've invaded a hospital, messed with TV signals at Thaicom, blocked highways, stopped public transit, frightened sick women and children, threatened arson, committed terrorism, kidnapped people, taunted police, closed shopping malls, canceled Songkran, ruined the tourism industry, poured blood on the streets, stolen bodies, barricaded public roads, cost thousands of people their jobs, broken numerous laws, intimidated politicians, harassed citizens, fought the army, and threatened to send Thailand into a downward spiral of civil war that could tear the nation apart for decades to come.........

But McDonald's. You've gone too far, you've supersized our anger now!


"Reach for the skytrain yellow shirt"

:D:):D That is piss my pants funny

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THE NATION: (17.42) Seh Daeng: Thaksin phoned me and told me to allow access to #Chula hospital (Rajdamri). - via NNA # fb

For all you red apologists who say this is not about Thaksin. Read it and weep. Stupid is as stupid does. This guy has given himself away but is too stupid to realize it.

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They've invaded a hospital, messed with TV signals at Thaicom, blocked highways, stopped public transit, frightened sick women and children, threatened arson, committed terrorism, kidnapped people, taunted police, closed shopping malls, canceled Songkran, ruined the tourism industry, poured blood on the streets, stolen bodies, barricaded public roads, cost thousands of people their jobs, broken numerous laws, intimidated politicians, harassed citizens, fought the army, and threatened to send Thailand into a downward spiral of civil war that could tear the nation apart for decades to come.........

But McDonald's. You've gone too far, you've supersized our anger now!

Don't mess with Big Mac! spacer.gifProtest.jpg

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Remember this is the McD's used by red shirt leaders.

Who might want to bomb it ?

Team Yellow ?

Posting lies is not allowed on this forum.

Please back up your statement that the McD-restaurant in question would be some for of designated eating-place for the Red Shirt leaders.

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Mc Donald's have reassured customers that the shop will remain open and it will not affect the quality of service- you will still have to wait 10 minutes for a burger and 5 minutes after you have finished your burger to get your fries as normal.

....with a minimum of 10 scurrying employees behind the counter. Its the Mac Donald way.

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THE NATION: (17.42) Seh Daeng: Thaksin phoned me and told me to allow access to #Chula hospital (Rajdamri). - via NNA # fb

For all you red apologists who say this is not about Thaksin. Read it and weep. Stupid is as stupid does. This guy has given himself away but is too stupid to realize it.

Who knows, you might be right, you might be wrong.

IMO, it's a piece of garbage designed to paint Thaksin in a better light. You see, those peace-loving red shirts accidentally went too far. And then, as if by magic, along came our Dear Leader and explained to us the error of our ways. Think about it, without our Dear Leader's intervention, that hospital would still be blocked. How much we owe that man! What a saviour!

Oh, and I am also informed that the Big Mac bomb was set off by Kwanchai. Apparently he's pissed off because they served him cold fries in Rangsit the other day and short-changed him on the relish.

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Mcdonald's has not been bombed. This story is a fabrication, which is why you're not reading about it elsewhere.

I went past the Silom Macdonald's about midday; no broken windows or any other damage; the place is open and doing business as usual, mostly to farangs with cameras and long lenses pointed at the Red barricade across the way.

Time the Nation published a retraction and apology.

If you check the first page of this thread you will see the article came from TAN.

I checked today's live updates thread and couldn't find any article about it from The Nation. I also checked The Nation's website and couldn't find any article.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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THE NATION: (17.42) Seh Daeng: Thaksin phoned me and told me to allow access to #Chula hospital (Rajdamri). - via NNA # fb

For all you red apologists who say this is not about Thaksin. Read it and weep. Stupid is as stupid does. This guy has given himself away but is too stupid to realize it.

Who knows, you might be right, you might be wrong.

IMO, it's a piece of garbage designed to paint Thaksin in a better light. You see, those peace-loving red shirts accidentally went too far. And then, as if by magic, along came our Dear Leader and explained to us the error of our ways. Think about it, without our Dear Leader's intervention, that hospital would still be blocked. How much we owe that man! What a saviour!

Oh, and I am also informed that the Big Mac bomb was set off by Kwanchai. Apparently he's pissed off because they served him cold fries in Rangsit the other day and short-changed him on the relish.

Thanks for straightening me out on this. I forgot how peace-loving our red friends are. Of course our Dear Leader has all Thai people's welfare in the center of his heart. Just ask the 2,500 famlies who have lost loved ones during the so called war on drugs. He truely is the Massiah of Thailand. Garbage indeed. And as for McD the same thing happened to me. Maybe I need to call Kwanchai and get him to take care of this. How many M-79s do you think it will cost me ph34r.gif?

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Mcdonald's has not been bombed. This story is a fabrication, which is why you're not reading about it elsewhere.

I went past the Silom Macdonald's about midday; no broken windows or any other damage; the place is open and doing business as usual, mostly to farangs with cameras and long lenses pointed at the Red barricade across the way.

Time the Nation published a retraction and apology.

If you check the first page of this thread you will see the article came from TAN.

I checked today's live updates thread and couldn't find any article about it from The Nation. I also checked The Nation's website and couldn't find any article.

Apologies to the Nation, then, and frowns upon the House of Tan. This is truly a BS story - anybody can go look for themselves if they don't believe me.

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