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McDonalds Silom Center Bombed

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Quite frankly I am amazed that many of you are making jokes out of a very serious and dangerous situation. There is a time for humor, bombings, terrorism etc is hardly the time! I suppose it makes a change from silly bickering that you usually all result to. Please see the seriousness of the welfare of innocent Thai and Foreign citizens, and of the damage this is causing Thailands economy. I use this site to gain valid information relevant to living in Thailand, and to try to keep up to date with the news. Not to see childlike comments.

Until the government takes this seriously and at least attempts (a real attempt) to regain order, how am I supposed to take it? Besides, they bombed McDonalds!!!!

The red protest is indeed a serious and potentially dangerous situation. However both sides have behaved like buffoons, and when they do they deserved to be ridiculed. The hotel extension cord escape was hilarious. We must laugh to avoid the pain caused by the total incompetence demonstrated by the police. Had they at any point successfully carried out their duties this episode may very well have ended by now. When people target McDonald's or guard gogo bars with machine guns it is fair to poke fun. Childlike comments will come because both sides have behaved like children. In the case where people are injured or killed I urge people to use restraint and compassion. But the truly silly is fair game. This has been going on for nearly a month and a half now, we need laughter to ease the total frustration.

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Quite frankly I am amazed that many of you are making jokes out of a very serious and dangerous situation. There is a time for humor, bombings, terrorism etc is hardly the time! I suppose it makes a change from silly bickering that you usually all result to. Please see the seriousness of the welfare of innocent Thai and Foreign citizens, and of the damage this is causing Thailands economy. I use this site to gain valid information relevant to living in Thailand, and to try to keep up to date with the news. Not to see childlike comments.

Why in God's green jungle would you come here for valid information relevant to living in Thailand. Everyone knows this forum is for entertainment purposes only. :)

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This topic is not about the quality of any food served.

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//several posts deleted. Anymore McDonald's bashing will result in a full account suspension

I respectfully submit that the initial story was rather thin on information not giving a whole lot to really discuss. This topic has probably run its course and it's time to move on. More discussion will likely be off topic and pure speculation.

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Has ANYONE seen any other source of confirmation that this bombing actually happened?

I admire you willingness to deny everything. Are you sure that this forum exists?

How is a question for another source (any other source) denying?

Even someone walking past the place didn't see evidence of it. It is possible the place was completely cleaned up within a couple of hours of the incident.

I'm just not prepared to believe something when the ONLY details come from a 2 line report on a news network.

It would nearly be the same as believing something because it's on facebook or twitter.

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Was this done by the reds after they saw soldiers going in for a burger?

The hospital invasion happened because the reds saw a food delivery ... could be related.


It's quite simple really. Ronald McDonald is a yellow shirt right? He has supplied the reds with all the free Macca's they can eat which isn't really that much because who can eat it. They plan was to make them sick so they would leave. The reds got sick as planned but stormed the hospital seeking urgent medical treatment and those that survived returned to McDonalds to blow the place up in a counter strike.

Now this makes the best appraisal of the situation I've read yet. I think I will fly with it and spread the story around this town. The Reds will have a field day down here with it.

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Has ANYONE seen any other source of confirmation that this bombing actually happened?

I admire you willingness to deny everything. Are you sure that this forum exists?

Think it was an honest question, (er, taking no sides, maybe both were honest questions)

By last evening, the article was still posted at TAN networks. A careful search for a retraction only came back to this thread.

Therefore, if you think this thread is the ultimate source of truth ________________ .

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This topic is not about the quality of any food served.

Posters who post off-topic will earn a posting suspension

//several posts deleted. Anymore McDonald's bashing will result in a full account suspension

I respectfully submit that the initial story was rather thin on information not giving a whole lot to really discuss. This topic has probably run its course and it's time to move on. More discussion will likely be off topic and pure speculation.

I second that motion. Anxiously waiting the next psuedonews

:) ??

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Quite frankly I am amazed that many of you are making jokes out of a very serious and dangerous situation. There is a time for humor, bombings, terrorism etc is hardly the time! I suppose it makes a change from silly bickering that you usually all result to. Please see the seriousness of the welfare of innocent Thai and Foreign citizens, and of the damage this is causing Thailands economy. I use this site to gain valid information relevant to living in Thailand, and to try to keep up to date with the news. Not to see childlike comments.

Until the government takes this seriously and at least attempts (a real attempt) to regain order, how am I supposed to take it? Besides, they bombed McDonalds!!!!

The red protest is indeed a serious and potentially dangerous situation. However both sides have behaved like buffoons, and when they do they deserved to be ridiculed. The hotel extension cord escape was hilarious. We must laugh to avoid the pain caused by the total incompetence demonstrated by the police. Had they at any point successfully carried out their duties this episode may very well have ended by now. When people target McDonald's or guard gogo bars with machine guns it is fair to poke fun. Childlike comments will come because both sides have behaved like children. In the case where people are injured or killed I urge people to use restraint and compassion. But the truly silly is fair game. This has been going on for nearly a month and a half now, we need laughter to ease the total frustration.

Guys, they are just filming a Thai mini series. None of this is for real come on...

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After the shopping malls, hitting the sex trade makes sense if you want to bring down the government. Ruin the tourist trade altogether and with the steep price of TBH the export trade for Thailand looks glum to say the least. Hitting the rice fields would make a lot of sense but that is red territory, so they won't do that.

Sounds like you really know what you are talking about.

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I am dismayed at the jovial attitude of the members in regard to serious issues that effect us all. The report in itself is propaganda , no relation to news or facts. Could have been , might haver been , think maybe was a "bomb or gunfire" What a joke, they don't know the difference? The poor rube that wrote the original , god save us, article, can't even make one complete sentence without a grammar error. That is a crime more serious than the alleged one being reported, make that poorly stated. If ,in fact, someone did attack the most revered institution in America, and the memory of Ray Crock, then may the wrath and force of the CIA come to bear upon them.

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What I want to know is where they got that pingpong ball....

Thai man arrested for Facebook post about monarchy(AFP) – 1 day ago

BANGKOK — Thai authorities have arrested and charged an anti-government "Red Shirt" sympathiser for allegedly insulting the kingdom's royal family on Facebook, police said Friday.

Wipas Raksakulthai, 37, was arrested at his home in eastern Rayong province on Thursday accused of violating the country's lese majeste legislation with a posting on the social networking website last month.

"Wipas has posted an inappropriate message and breached national security by insulting the monarchy on Facebook on March 19," Thailand's department of special investigations said.

The department's statement said the suspect admitted he was supporter of the Red Shirt movement, which has occupied key areas in the Thai capital in attempt to force snap elections, but he denied insulting the monarchy.

Internet content seen as overtly critical of Thailand's king -- who enjoys a semi-divine status among many citizens -- has been under close scrutiny since the Reds began their campaign in 2006.

More than 6,200 web pages have been removed since 2007 for insulting the Thai royal family, according to officials.

King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who has been a stabilising force during six politically turbulent decades on the throne, has been in hospital since last September.

Anyone can file a lese majeste complaint in Thailand, and police are duty-bound to investigate it.

The Thai government earlier this week accused several members of the Red Shirt movement of attempting to overthrow the monarchy, including two former prime ministers.

Under the Thai criminal code, insulting the monarchy or a member of royal family can result in jail terms of up to 15 years.

The Reds -- who want immediate elections to replace Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's government -- have periodically clashed with security forces during their occupation of sections of the Thai capital over the past month.

Many of the Reds come from Thailand's rural poor and urban working classes and seek the return of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted in a 2006 coup and now lives overseas to avoid a jail term for corruption.

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WOW that is almost a declaration of war against the U.S. Bombing thier national icon and thier main source of food. I guess the American tourists will be cancelling trips and others heading home after this, what are they going to do without thier burgers and fries? They would perish in a foriegn land. :)

What a bigot, get stuffed.

Perhaps TV should introduce one of their emoticon flags saying 'Irony Alert'. Too many (i presume Brits) post irony and many others don't recognise irony. ['Get stuffed' on its own would have been a good return of the irony baton].

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What I want to know is where they got that pingpong ball....

Who said anything about ping pong balls. I read it as ping pongs. Throwing food bombs in Thailand is a far more devastating crime and hugely insulting - almost up there with lese majeste.

{Irony Alert}

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They've invaded a hospital, messed with TV signals at Thaicom, blocked highways, stopped public transit, frightened sick women and children, threatened arson, committed terrorism, kidnapped people, taunted police, closed shopping malls, canceled Songkran, ruined the tourism industry, poured blood on the streets, stolen bodies, barricaded public roads, cost thousands of people their jobs, broken numerous laws, intimidated politicians, harassed citizens, fought the army, and threatened to send Thailand into a downward spiral of civil war that could tear the nation apart for decades to come.........

But McDonald's. You've gone too far, you've supersized our anger now!

OK for you Yanks to get angst at one Macs store being bombed.

You have heaps more to go to.

Where do us Aussies find a decent lamb roast in the whole of Thailand?

WHAT?!?!? They don't have one at the Outback???

I'm out the back of Bourke now ... well, past Ubonratchatani anyways, not a lamb in sight.

Just a few 'red shirts' following a judas goat !!

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The red protest is indeed a serious and potentially dangerous situation. However both sides have behaved like buffoons, and when they do they deserved to be ridiculed. The hotel extension cord escape was hilarious. We must laugh to avoid the pain caused by the total incompetence demonstrated by the police. Had they at any point successfully carried out their duties this episode may very well have ended by now. When people target McDonald's or guard gogo bars with machine guns it is fair to poke fun. Childlike comments will come because both sides have behaved like children. In the case where people are injured or killed I urge people to use restraint and compassion. But the truly silly is fair game. This has been going on for nearly a month and a half now, we need laughter to ease the total frustration.

Think of it like this. If you trip and fall in front of a bunch of Thias, they often laugh to keep you from losing face.

Well, we're laughing at them now to keep them ALL from losing face. :)

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What I want to know is where they got that pingpong ball....

Who said anything about ping pong balls. I read it as ping pongs. Throwing food bombs in Thailand is a far more devastating crime and hugely insulting - almost up there with lese majeste.

{Irony Alert}

...13 pages about McDonalds and the thing that people are most intrigued about are the ping pong balls.

Hey, why don't I ever get ping pong balls with my Happy Meal?

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Though this is now an outdated forum, I had to go back and read all the comments again... great humor !!!As stated earlier, we have create some jokes about this whole crisis or we will lose our "cool".

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Truly amazing to keep reading of bombs being thrown and detonated and such minimal injuries. Same goes for the government soldiers "exchanging hundreds of rounds" with Khmer soldiers at the border areas and not one being hit on either side. Is it the reporting being done that is incorrect or are the police and soldiers and demonstrators that inept with firearms and explosives? Makes one wonder just what is transpiring in the Land of Smiles........

I could not agree more with your comments.Maybe they are all cross eyed................ :)

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Truly amazing to keep reading of bombs being thrown and detonated and such minimal injuries. Same goes for the government soldiers "exchanging hundreds of rounds" with Khmer soldiers at the border areas and not one being hit on either side. Is it the reporting being done that is incorrect or are the police and soldiers and demonstrators that inept with firearms and explosives? Makes one wonder just what is transpiring in the Land of Smiles........

I could not agree more with your comments.Maybe they are all cross eyed................ :)

No, you are right. I have many student who do their "military" training while in high school. These kids tell me they practice firing weapons, etc. I told a group of them once - 1 US Navy Seal could wipe out your entire division. They were not the type to leave you quaking in your boots.

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Truly amazing to keep reading of bombs being thrown and detonated and such minimal injuries. Same goes for the government soldiers "exchanging hundreds of rounds" with Khmer soldiers at the border areas and not one being hit on either side. Is it the reporting being done that is incorrect or are the police and soldiers and demonstrators that inept with firearms and explosives? Makes one wonder just what is transpiring in the Land of Smiles........

I could not agree more with your comments.Maybe they are all cross eyed................ :)

No, you are right. I have many student who do their "military" training while in high school. These kids tell me they practice firing weapons, etc. I told a group of them once - 1 US Navy Seal could wipe out your entire division. They were not the type to leave you quaking in your boots.

You got that right, not to mention, one Seal or Marine sniper to eliminate those in command on the street

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  • 3 weeks later...
They've invaded a hospital, messed with TV signals at Thaicom, blocked highways, stopped public transit, frightened sick women and children, threatened arson, committed terrorism, kidnapped people, taunted police, closed shopping malls, canceled Songkran, ruined the tourism industry, poured blood on the streets, stolen bodies, barricaded public roads, cost thousands of people their jobs, broken numerous laws, intimidated politicians, harassed citizens, fought the army, and threatened to send Thailand into a downward spiral of civil war that could tear the nation apart for decades to come.........

But McDonald's. You've gone too far, you've supersized our anger now!

OK for you Yanks to get angst at one Macs store being bombed.

You have heaps more to go to.

Where do us Aussies find a decent lamb roast in the whole of Thailand?

WHAT?!?!? They don't have one at the Outback???

I'm out the back of Bourke now ... well, past Ubonratchatani anyways, not a lamb in sight.

Just a few 'red shirts' following a judas goat !!

I found a restaurant with lamb roast on the menu.... In Kanchanaburi. :)

Only trouble is I could not stay there until sunday :-(


Edited by marquis22
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