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McDonalds Silom Center Bombed


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WOW that is almost a declaration of war against the U.S. Bombing thier national icon and thier main source of food. I guess the American tourists will be cancelling trips and others heading home after this, what are they going to do without thier burgers and fries? They would perish in a foriegn land. :)

Unbelievably narrow minded post! Americans don't all just eat McDonalds. What about Burger King, Pizza Hut and Subway. And if they get really desperate there is always Starbucks :D

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Thought you might want to see this photo i took and maybe it would explain the 'attack ' on Macdonalds!



Edited by kevbap
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At 6:20 last night webfact and his sources at the nation informed us of "Mayhem at Silom junction. Yellow making moves to attack, Reds rush to defend".

There was no follow up.

Bearing in mind that Silom Center is a rallying point for the 'no-colour/yellow/anti-red people.

Any possible connection?

Ping pong bombs are a choice of weapons for thais- throw them into a group of people you're mad at and let the chips fall (bad pun) where they may.

Edited by blaze
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Maybe the reds think McDonalds is "AMART" ....

I think the McDonalds logo is a symbol of unity : RED background with YELLOW "m" .... both red and yellow form a symbol of a delicious meal

If they think McD's is Ammart then they are mistaken. They really need to target Starbucks instead. I mean 220 bt for a cup of coffee?

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Remember this guy ?


many ton's of war weapons and explosives disappeared from his army camp. He was arrested but than bailed

Even though he looks more like a crook, he is an army general who has his hands on tons of explosives and guns. It would be silly to assume he had no knowledge of such a huge amount of weapons and explosives disappearing from his barracks.

He also is evidently a decidng force behind the red mob as has been made clear with the re-erection of the barricades on his orders. It is save to assume that he is responsible for the terrorist activities of the red's and we may see the first "war-lord" here. he is probably the most dangerous of them all and has hundreds of followers among the soldiers he used to command and of course brainwash for his cause - little brain - easy to wash - just like he was brain washed by Thaksin or one of his henchmen

One should be prepared for a lot more bombings since this lovely chap has closed all doors behind him and now has no choice but to prevail, just as all the other leaders of the red mob. They are with their "backs against a wall" since to give up is not really an option anymore, things have gone way to far and long prison sentences would be a certainty.

We are now facing cornered animals who will do anything to succeed !

As i can see on theyr faces: "low life" peaple. Can you imagine, if this peaple come in power, than i'm out here!

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Truly amazing to keep reading of bombs being thrown and detonated and such minimal injuries. Same goes for the government soldiers "exchanging hundreds of rounds" with Khmer soldiers at the border areas and not one being hit on either side. Is it the reporting being done that is incorrect or are the police and soldiers and demonstrators that inept with firearms and explosives? Makes one wonder just what is transpiring in the Land of Smiles........

They are of course two possible reasons for bombs.

First Unhappy people, protestors if you like, wanting to send a warning. These would generally done against "Yellow" targets (Bangkok Bank, Airport Fuel Tanks, Yellow leaders homes, Army establishments etc..).

Second, Yellow side, this is done to create fear and panic and ramp up the hate of the Reds, targets would be soft (McD's, Silom BTS etc...)

The above is of course just speculation on what could happen, in real life everyone can research and make their own decisions.

Everyone is fully aware now that the media in Thailand is totally censored, anything anit-Red is pumped up massively, all other news is blocked. The media in Thailand is in effect a total propaganda tool of the Yellow side now it seems.

Edited by LevelHead
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This must be a sign of the red shirt terrosts retreat. They will bomb and pilage everything as they leave, leaving no food supplies behind them.

So what are they doing looking for food in MacDonalds? It's the last place they will find it.

Your right but the red terrorists leaders seem to think that is food. Heh, that's a great idea, throw the whole red terrorist mob in jail and feed them nothing but mac food for three months. I wonder how many would come out alive.

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defiantly something to do with Ronald always wearing yellow:


(Boy's, sorry about the redacting :) )

I'm surprised Kwanchai didn't denounce whoever bombed McDonald's as an anti-red shirt, since McDonald is his sacred temple and Ronald McDonald is his Buddah.

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I see KHATTIYA and the red shirts leaders disagree as to whether that barricade in front of Chula Hospital should stay put!

Let's see if KHATTIYA splits from the main red shirt group and creates his own faction of hard nosed "terrorists" called the maroon shirts.

This protest is turning into a ridiculous farce.

Round 'em up and bring 'em in, Suthep! Yeeeeeeehaaaaaaaw!

Edited by Redsunset
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first the scare ill children - now they try to kill the clown - sounds like a bad movie

Ya... but the McDonald's in Thailand suck. Their service is slow and the burgers taste like they have been frozen for weeks then left out to defrost like drying squid.... the fries are okay, but have so much iodine everyone gets horrible cases of acne after eating a large portion.

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They've invaded a hospital, messed with TV signals at Thaicom, blocked highways, stopped public transit, frightened sick women and children, threatened arson, committed terrorism, kidnapped people, taunted police, closed shopping malls, canceled Songkran, ruined the tourism industry, poured blood on the streets, stolen bodies, barricaded public roads, cost thousands of people their jobs, broken numerous laws, intimidated politicians, harassed citizens, fought the army, and threatened to send Thailand into a downward spiral of civil war that could tear the nation apart for decades to come.........

But McDonald's. You've gone too far, you've supersized our anger now!


"Reach for the skytrain yellow shirt"

Adds a whole new meaning to

a ''MAC ATTACK'' add a while back

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Truly amazing to keep reading of bombs being thrown and detonated and such minimal injuries. Same goes for the government soldiers "exchanging hundreds of rounds" with Khmer soldiers at the border areas and not one being hit on either side. Is it the reporting being done that is incorrect or are the police and soldiers and demonstrators that inept with firearms and explosives? Makes one wonder just what is transpiring in the Land of Smiles........

They are of course two possible reasons for bombs.

First Unhappy people, protestors if you like, wanting to send a warning. These would generally done against "Yellow" targets (Bangkok Bank, Airport Fuel Tanks, Yellow leaders homes, Army establishments etc..).

Second, Yellow side, this is done to create fear and panic and ramp up the hate of the Reds, targets would be soft (McD's, Silom BTS etc...)

The above is of course just speculation on what could happen, in real life everyone can research and make their own decisions.

Everyone is fully aware now that the media in Thailand is totally censored, anything anit-Red is pumped up massively, all other news is blocked. The media in Thailand is in effect a total propaganda tool of the Yellow side now it seems.

What do you mean? You are still allowed to reply. What happened, is it a little slow in the boiler room?

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McDonalds corp makes more money than the Thailand GDP and has a bigger army. Not to mention they are US.

Luckily for the blood shirts this attack doesn't seem to be pointed at Americans or an American business. They're attacking the mall or the street around it. It would only take a couple platoons of US marines (and maybe an Apache) to clear Bangkok of these clowns.

I just wish it would affect the dam_n baht !!

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Do you not think it "strange" that Mc'Ds that the Red Shirt Leaders use is bombed ??????????

Looks very much like a "Yellow" attack, sent to send a warning to Red Shirt Leaders.

But of course, with the Yellow media they will not think anything like this, they will of course try to say its the Reds again.......... normal propaganda.

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I see KHATTIYA and the red shirts leaders disagree as to whether that barricade in front of Chula Hospital should stay put!

Let's see if KHATTIYA splits from the main red shirt group and creates his own faction of hard nosed "terrorists" called the maroon shirts.

This protest is turning into a ridiculous farce.

Round 'em up and bring 'em in, Suthep! Yeeeeeeehaaaaaaaw!

maroon or moron ?

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Solution.....Drop a NUKE on BKK!!! and that will get rid of all the reds, yellows and rainbows and we'll have peace again.

Your user name doesn't mean what you are. How can anybody post such a weird message without being -at least- deleted? Drop a NUKE? Better start thinking and grow up !!!!

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Do you not think it "strange" that Mc'Ds that the Red Shirt Leaders use is bombed ??????????

Looks very much like a "Yellow" attack, sent to send a warning to Red Shirt Leaders.

I am pretty sure every horrible thing the reds has done was actually done by yellows in disguise. Even all the hate speeches by so-called red leaders are actually yellow shirts who have altered their appearance to look like red leaders.

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BANGKOK: -- The red-shirt protesters at the Lumpini Park refused to remove the bunkers on Rajdamri Road in front of Chulalongkorn Hospital in line with the order of the leaders at the Rajprasong Rally site.

Jatuporn Promphan, a red-shirt leader, announced at the Rajprasong rally site that the leaders sent Suporn Atthawong to remove the bunkers in front of the hospital.

But when Suporn arrived at the Saladaeng Intersection at 11 am, he encountered Maj Gen Khattiya Sawasdiphol, who would not allow the removal.

... now where was that red self-destruct button?

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Do you not think it "strange" that Mc'Ds that the Red Shirt Leaders use is bombed ??????????

Looks very much like a "Yellow" attack, sent to send a warning to Red Shirt Leaders.

I am pretty sure every horrible thing the reds has done was actually done by yellows in disguise. Even all the hate speeches by so-called red leaders are actually yellow shirts who have altered their appearance to look like red leaders.

No, but I would suggest :

Team Yellow army commanders allowed troops to use live ammo on protestors on April 10th, before getting shot themselves.

Team Yellow is likely behind the Silom BTS attack.

Team Yellow is likely behind this McD's attack.

amongst many other things which will not be listed here.

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McDonalds corp makes more money than the Thailand GDP and has a bigger army. Not to mention they are US.

Luckily for the blood shirts this attack doesn't seem to be pointed at Americans or an American business. They're attacking the mall or the street around it. It would only take a couple platoons of US marines (and maybe an Apache) to clear Bangkok of these clowns.

I just wish it would affect the dam_n baht !!

Wishful thinking. Only a couple platoons of US marines and MAYBE AN APACHE would clear Bangkok of these clowns?

Look at Iraq, how many marines already lost their lives.

Your last sentence is insane as well. It's not the dam_n baht, it's the sick dollar and lots of brain damaged people.

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