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Poisoned Dog Maenam

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proper angry. my german sherperd was 100 per cent health was poisoned a few days ago. i don't know why. she has never bit anyone or stolen someones chickens. she was people friendly and had allot of energy. only reason is maybe someone had a persona problem with me or they want to burgler my house.

why do it to my dog. if have problem why not go for me !

had the vet do an autopsy. he confirmed the poison. he said u can buy it in a gardern shop and mix it with roar meet so the dog cannot smell it.

woke up she was dead on my door step. i really want to swear now but then i don't want any more trouble !

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Really sorry to hear that BigC, in the past, the Koh P govt has done culls of dogs, just putting out poison and any dog out there to find it would eat it. Not sure if they do that on Samui but its also a possibility.

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Sorry for your loss.

German shepard are the best dogs in the world. Quiet, clever, friendly.

I agree with SBK, they did in KPG and they could do in Samui as well. In KPG they warn people a day before...

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You have my full sympathies... I also own a GSD and my neighbor threathens to "do something" about my dog because he barks at the pizza delivery boy. That would be a real nightmare to wake up one morning with my dog dead on my door step. He's safe now at the training school and I'm moving out soon anyway, I hope that my new neigbhors will be nicer.

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Around my neighbourhood probably 10 dogs have died, presumably by poison in last few months.

Seems to be the ones left out to bark or constantly yap, at every thing that moves, or chases people of motorbikes...

No idea who does it, but I helped bury four dogs on one occasion, one of them was a neighbours dog that was well behaved... and not allowed to bark.

Sad indeed, sorry for the loss BigC...

To help keep the dog & cat populations down, please everyone consider having your dogs or cats spayed or neutered... The Animal Rescue Centre provides this service...

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just reading "someone poisoned my dog" increases the adrenaline level in my blood high enough to kill. fortunately all my neighbours have dogs too and nobody cares when the dogs bark occasionally.

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Sorry to hear about your dog C. There was somebody looking for a home for one the other day if you want to replace it ? Basement cat was the poster

I can't understand people who do things like this especially as you say the dog was no problem. :)

Sorry for your loss. :D:D


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Bad news, but it seems to be the way here. I live near Makro K.S. and one of the local dogs was poisoned last month and then a fortnight ago around 11pm, another dog had his collar deliberately tightened around his neck till he chocked to death, a neighbor heard the commotion but by the time he came out it was to late. (Saw a guy on a bike drive off). I guess the Buddhist religion (like all other religions) has a lot of hypocrites!! or it could have been a Muslim, as they hate dogs.

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wow. haven't been online for a few days. thanks for all the condolences. not sure about the spelling. just a little worried now because i am worried about the prospect of thieves. so are the local people round me,the samui people. allot of labours about. also my house is little islolated so with out the dog as a deterent i have not much to guard the place.

such a waste of a good animal. she was people friendly had allot of engery. never bit a chicken or a person. very easy to train. i miss her because it is such a waste of a well bred animal. 100 per cent healthy. just some people either wanting some extra cash which they will probably spend in 5 minutes. or someone elses chickens have been bitten and wrongly mistaken my dog. anyway. think i might get a night watch man from full security. works out about the same as a dog. at least for a month.

thanks again for all the comments :)

Edited by BigC
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Sorry to here about your loss as i am a massive animal lover.You sounded like you realy looked after the dog unlike many people in Thailand who allow their dogs to crap everywhere and bark all day/night.I have a few close to me and they are very lucky i am a dog lover.

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Sorry to hear about the dog. My neighbor's dog (chocolate Lab) was killed last week from poison also. It's a very cruel and cowardly act, imo

Sorry also but it disgusts me that some people have such little regard for man's best friend. Whoever is involved in this should be locked up. Disgusting. :)

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Did they poison the dog in your garden? If so yes it could have been thieves!

Take care

yes the posion was thrown over the wall. big problem now. my girl friend cannot stay in there alone. been burglered before. in another house. we only went out for an hour and we were done. that was all it took

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Really sorry BigC.

I heard a story about a few weeks ago about 3 dogs being poisoned in the Maenam area. It was at a beach thai restaurant, up towards the ferry end of Maenam. The owners said they knew who did it and were going to get revenge. They said it was some local nutter - not a Thai - and that they thought he had done this before, but they didn't know why.

I don't know the area at all really, so only passing on what little info I have. Sorry.

I can only hope that it was the same person. In which case he is known. And will be punished.

Sorry I can't be more specific. :)

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just reading "someone poisoned my dog" increases the adrenaline level in my blood high enough to kill. fortunately all my neighbours have dogs too and nobody cares when the dogs bark occasionally.

Spot on. This has made my blood boil. I am so terribly sorry for your loss BigC.

I hope the person(s) responsible suffers a very long drawn out tragic ending, with lots of suffering thrown in for good measure.

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just reading "someone poisoned my dog" increases the adrenaline level in my blood high enough to kill. fortunately all my neighbours have dogs too and nobody cares when the dogs bark occasionally.

Spot on. This has made my blood boil. I am so terribly sorry for your loss BigC.

I hope the person(s) responsible suffers a very long drawn out tragic ending, with lots of suffering thrown in for good measure.

thanks. i was told by the vet that if a human was to eat this stuff then it would kill them also. i would like to see if someone that can give this to someone's pet weather they would like the taste of their own medicine.

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Really sorry BigC.

I heard a story about a few weeks ago about 3 dogs being poisoned in the Maenam area. It was at a beach thai restaurant, up towards the ferry end of Maenam. The owners said they knew who did it and were going to get revenge. They said it was some local nutter - not a Thai - and that they thought he had done this before, but they didn't know why.

I don't know the area at all really, so only passing on what little info I have. Sorry.

I can only hope that it was the same person. In which case he is known. And will be punished.

Sorry I can't be more specific. :)

was and is my first impression that this is/are foreigner(s)

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Did they poison the dog in your garden? If so yes it could have been thieves!

Take care

yes the posion was thrown over the wall. big problem now. my girl friend cannot stay in there alone. been burglered before. in another house. we only went out for an hour and we were done. that was all it took

Sorry to hear about the Dog but the cynic in me says that what you're talking about here is a real possibility sadly, if not tomorrow, in not next week or if not next Month but...............

Be aware but don't be a Hero..

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Did they poison the dog in your garden? If so yes it could have been thieves!

Take care

yes the posion was thrown over the wall. big problem now. my girl friend cannot stay in there alone. been burglered before. in another house. we only went out for an hour and we were done. that was all it took

Sorry to hear about the Dog but the cynic in me says that what you're talking about here is a real possibility sadly, if not tomorrow, in not next week or if not next Month but...............

Be aware but don't be a Hero..

MSingh is right unfortunately. Can't be there hero here. I was talking to my friend who has been here a long time about this sad incident. I told him if I caught anyone doing that to my dogs I'd gladly stab them in the heart, he said the exact same thing as MSingh... "don't follow the dog..."


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thanks. i know the risks. i won't go round chasing someone down the road but if i am in my house and someone comes in then i have spoken to my lawyer. if i yuse a special tool to protect myself i can use it as self defense as if someone comes into my house through a window. then i do not know if they have gun or what they want to do. so ic an do something/.

there again. i think that theives go around in gangs and if someone is willling to go into someones how with people inside then i think they know what they are doing.

if it is a gang with many then they could all be tooled up. maybe i could get 1 or 2 of them but gurentee they would come back. they also have the advantage they know me and what i look like but i do not kmow them but there again. i know the risks. so my fault if i get berried. i think it is quite an honerable way to go.

think just carry on as normal. unless i see someone coming through my window then i really have no hoice but to act.

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I spent some time a few weeks ago upping the security where I live. I got some flood lights installed. We have a new wooden solid front door with 3 dead-bolts. I also used a Dremmel Tool to round out all the screws that hold the metal bars in place on the windows. The only way in or out of my house is through my front door. I also have a few other tricks I've done inside the house that would give someone a surprise if they broke in.

I also got insurance for my household stuff, so if a gang ever turned up and stuck a gun to my head or knife to my throat.. I'd let them straight and leave them to it. It's not worth losing your life over a material possession...


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