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What Is Thailand For Thai People?


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In the newspapers all over the world, and especially in Thailand, it seems Thai people and Thailand, these days, is a mix of different colors.

Red, yellow, whatever.

And a mix of different opinions.

And that these different colors are more or less Thais depending on their color.

I actually do not think so.

Red, yellow and multi-coloured Thais are Thais and ALL of them love Thailand and HM the King.

Pity, these days, everbody has to take sides, no middle ground...

Edited by eurasianthai
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Its just common herd-mentallity at play as you can see in all other countries. This being used to a great extent in the police and the army, to make them idintify themselves with a certain group-mentallity, and its a very primitive drive. You identify with a certain group and use their "brand", so to speak to show that you are are part of the herd. Its seen all over the place, and sometimes in more moderate or strong forms. Thats why there is always a competing brand around - like there is a opposition to Coke (Pepsi), an oppsition to your burgers (MCD/BurgerKing), your soap brand, your coffe-brand, your clothing brand and so on, without any remarkable diffrences.

I think you see my point, but it this is also why uniforms are such a strong thing. It really has an effect on how people think, like when people koin the army, get their gun, get their uniform, shave their head and so on. Then they suddenly loose much of their own thoughts of reality to comply with the rest of the herd, and start behaving in the manner that is dictated from above. The same goes for team-supporters of all kinds, religion, political standpoint, choise of computer, choise of OS, and so on. They all have in common that they think their brand is superior to the other, wich logically is not possible, since there could only be one that is superior. Of course there are a lot neuances to this, and some choises can be more well-thought-trough than others. But mostly they are just followers, and its really often no big conciderations to this in the first place.

So the people in Thialand is split in three herds, and two of them are unifromed. This is normal human nature and you will find flavors of this in all other countries where there are humans. THis herd-mentallity has certainly been benficial in the evolution of our species, since its so well rooted in us. To stop thinking as an individual is often the rule then an exception. Sorry to say it. This drive is the main cause of unnatural death of humans in the global history of mankind, as far as history describe it. If it was not there, it would be very difficult to recruit people to build armies, build a police-force, bulid up a rebellion, build political parties and so on.

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I think plenty of Thais are middle ground but dont go around bombing shouting and moaning about it.

I think is time for these so called middle ground folks speak up before the country becomes a 3rd world county again and lose all that ground they have gained

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To an extent all countries are "governed" by the voiciferous few.

Even in a mature democracy like the UK what percentage of the population is actively involved in politics? Ten percent, in my opinion, would be a wildly over optimistic guess.

But in answer to your question "what is Thailand for the Thai people" I would answer "home" just the same as all our home countries are for us. Even more so for the average Thai person who in their entire life probably tavels less distance than an average westerner does in a year.

All most Thais want to do is earn enough money to put food on the table for their families. The fact that they're so easily manipulated by those who couldn't give a dam_n for their plight is sad but inevitable.

We were all the same during our feudal periods, time is all it takes, change is inevitable just a pity it's wheels are lubricated by the blood of those it serves.

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I think is time for these so called middle ground folks speak up before the country becomes a 3rd world county again and lose all that ground they have gained

Well, those might be the individualists we are talking about, and usually they not care too much either. Thats what history usually shows too in such events. They will hope this to go away or be sorted out in some way. And if they group into a herd they will only add to the problem, and not solve anything. Let them be an example for these fractions to remind them of daily life and how things is in the normal world, outside their herd.

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I think we, or at least most of us, realise that Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket and Chiang Mai are not representative of Thailand so back off from the "I know the REAL Thailand better than you" stance.

btw the term "3rd world" is a little outdated so get out of your Lonely Planet Guide and start talking reality.

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Red, yellow and multi-coloured Thais are Thais and ALL of them love Thailand and HM the King.

You mean including those people who shot an RPG on the Emerald Buddha?

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does anyone know what brainwashing is?

Just curious

no reason :)

If I get this right, you owe me a carton of grog.

'Brainwashing' is what happens to the masses everyday in Thailand.

Did I get it right?

Just thailand??

If anything people in the west r more brainwashed...at least in thailand the brainwashed stand up for there believed rights :D

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In the 'west', they stand up for such wonderful things as 'Big Brother' & '<insert country> Idol'.

The 80/20 rule is alive & well everywhere.

It's just that nobody in the 'west' has only idiotic soap operas to watch on 'free to air' TV (unless it is by choice) & most school students aren't forced to;

1] sing anthems everyday,

2] recite some religiuous text everyday.

These 'believed' things are as a result of emotional blackmail, censorship laws & a certain other law...all to 'keep people in line'.

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I think plenty of Thais are middle ground but dont go around bombing shouting and moaning about it.

:) absolutely right ,most Thais are busy working, taking care of their families, and generally going about their lives,

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