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Neighbour Has Neighnour Banned From Smoking.


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yep, all good, now I can start action against my neighbor whose car belches out toxic gases and enters my apartment endangering the health of my son. :)

If you believe that your loved neighbour is causing you a damage, go for it, don't forget to give him first an electric cigarette filter and an extractor fan as a gesture of goodwill, almost everything we came across is toxic or causing us some sort of damage to some degree, society decides where to draw the line on the limits of this, but sometimes society is slow and you have to take the first steps, if governments decided that the issue of passive smoking was more urgent than the one of the traffic smoke then it must to be a reason for it, i am now going to remove my farting buffalo from my neighbour's garden as i think eating all those flowers is upsetting her stomach and making her a bit sick

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yep, all good, now I can start action against my neighbor whose car belches out toxic gases and enters my apartment endangering the health of my son. :)

If you believe that your loved neighbour is causing you a damage, go for it, don't forget to give him first an electric cigarette filter and an extractor fan as a gesture of goodwill, almost everything we came across is toxic or causing us some sort of damage to some degree, society decides where to draw the line on the limits of this, but sometimes society is slow and you have to take the first steps, if governments decided that the issue of passive smoking was more urgent than the one of the traffic smoke then it must to be a reason for it, i am now going to remove my farting buffalo from my neighbour's garden as i think eating all those flowers is upsetting her stomach and making her a bit sick

exactly, the government knows that there are much more tax $$$ to be gained by allowing cars, than smokers. Since we are drawing up a list, can I add Pla Raa to that. It's worse than an old soi dog's fart.

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He does not have aircon in the house so all the windows and the large double doors are kept open to give some air flow. Friends of his also smoke in the house when they get together to play cards or watch television. Added to that he is also a wee bit stubborn to say the least as many older can be. He being in his late 60's. I would also object to being told not to smoke in my own home. Whatever happened to freedom of rights in your own home?

Bottom line is "rights in your home" end when you start infringing on the rights of others.

I take it you wouldn't mind if your neighbor started:

- Smoking so that it filled your house with smoke

- Blasting karaoke music until 6AM

- Burning tires in their garden

- Having massive drunken parties every night

- Testing commercial fire alarms

- Etc..

All these things are done "In your own house" so where do you draw the line?

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I think the poster better provide a good source for this story as it sounds like complete BS to me. So the police and legal system went through all this without any payoff? The story lost all credibility in my mind with the cooking part of it.

Prove me wrong and provide a relevant reference from where this story originates.

How can I possibly show you a relevent reference. That is crazy. Ask a lawyer! He will tell you your rights regarding a similar situation. And not all the legal system take pay offs.

Just what I thought. Another urban legend.

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When I saw the title, I thought .... what is a California thread doing in a Thailand forum?

"She had to install a hood, chimney and extractor fan to carry away the smoke and odours so she can now cook outside."

Hence the old saying .... "Don't get mad, get even!"

This is a pretty ridiculous situation, especially in Thailand, where most people tend to look the other way on purpose, or because they are being compensated to do so.

Speaking as one who grew up with a large number of siblings in a small house with two parents who chain-smoked all through our infancy and adolescence, I think 99% of the second hand smoke argument is little more than political grandstanding and unwanted interference into peoples' lives.

As for the OP's FiL, all I can say is "good on ya."

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When I saw the title, I thought .... what is a California thread doing in a Thailand forum?

"She had to install a hood, chimney and extractor fan to carry away the smoke and odours so she can now cook outside."

Hence the old saying .... "Don't get mad, get even!"

This is a pretty ridiculous situation, especially in Thailand, where most people tend to look the other way on purpose, or because they are being compensated to do so.

Speaking as one who grew up with a large number of siblings in a small house with two parents who chain-smoked all through our infancy and adolescence, I think 99% of the second hand smoke argument is little more than political grandstanding and unwanted interference into peoples' lives.

As for the OP's FiL, all I can say is "good on ya."

I grew up in the same situation as you, A large family with two smoking parents. I do think that my asthma was a direct result of their smoking. However, I think in cases like this, the amount of smoke drifting over to another house is not enough to cause damage. Someone smoking next door is not the same as sitting in a car with a couple of smoking parents.

If you really care about the air your children breathe, it would be best to get out of an overpopulated and over polluted city.

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The fascists advance another step.

Never smoked in my life but will defend a person's rights to engage in a legal pleasure in his own home to my death.

The lunatics used to run the asylum but they've been done in by the aliens.

You are totally, totally correct and l respect you for your reply. Your home is your Castle, end of story. :)

If smoking in your home is poisoning the neighbors then you are infringing on your neighbor's space. As long as the smoke doesn't travel beyond your home you can smoke yourself to death no problem.

Correct, but there is an issue that makes me think this is a 'tale' and not an actual event...for instance, the woman surely would first have to prove that his smoking actually endangered her babies and secondly that the smoke was actually entering her home in enough quantities that other factors wasn't already a higher concern (i.e. poolution from cars etc).

Atleast the latter is very much untouched by the OP.

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