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Australian Red Shirt Speaker


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The bottom line here is what business has a foreigner getting actively involved in another countries politics.

None whatsoever

Rwanda, S.A. Iraq, Ireland.....its all politics........you could say Poland 1939 was.....best foreigners stayed away then?....if a person feels passionatly about something they beliefe in, isnt it good they stand up and be counted.

You make a fair point for the vast majority of expat foreigners here who strongly OPPOSE the red shirt terrorist Thaksin-led insurgents.

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We can't claim him 100%, He states He is an Irish Australian, I hope He has His citizenship or Australia won't let Him back in me thinks.

The guy is obviously a fruit cake.

Fruit cakes are people too...

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Rwanda, S.A. Iraq, Ireland.....its all politics........you could say Poland 1939 was.....best foreigners stayed away then?....if a person feels passionatly about something they beliefe in, isnt it good they stand up and be counted.

You can't vote so why get ya panties in a bunch. Stand up to say what, "I'm an under educated Aussie/Irish man that feels the need to get involved in someone elses fight"

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We can't claim him 100%, He states He is an Irish Australian, I hope He has His citizenship or Australia won't let Him back in me thinks.

The guy is obviously a fruit cake.

Fruit cakes are people too...

Did the cheering red-cakes realize he was a fruit cake?

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The bottom line here is what business has a foreigner getting actively involved in another countries politics.

None whatsoever

Rwanda, S.A. Iraq, Ireland.....its all politics........you could say Poland 1939 was.....best foreigners stayed away then?....if a person feels passionatly about something they beliefe in, isnt it good they stand up and be counted.

BY all means be an activist for something you feel passionately about. The issue is how you go about it without letting your own personal baggage coming out and giving the perception that you may be harbouring your own agenda. This fellow's actions are neither productive nor effective. Message to red shirts: at least get a credible farang next time :)

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Good point and yes, I didn't think about the crimes against humanity and mass murder that were undertaken in those cases and how they are relevent to this situation....

Next time I comment however, I shall take that into account before saying anything.

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We can't claim him 100%, He states He is an Irish Australian, I hope He has His citizenship or Australia won't let Him back in me thinks.

The guy is obviously a fruit cake.

Fruit cakes are people too...

Did the cheering red-cakes realize he was a fruit cake?

I guess some of them did. He must have trained for his 'speech' for weeks, he even topped Adolf H.

Please get him out, most foreigners here are not really liked anymore. And now a guy who knows nothing on stage.

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Take him up on his offer....unless you scared you will lose.

Sure.......since he is so knowledgeable on Asia, lets do it in Thai............

Oh silly me, he does not speak / read Thai, but knows all.......... then again, does not even speak Ozzie.

What a Muppet.

Hope the Military snipers target him first for being a smart ass

Edited by skippybangkok
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I can't find it now, (we all know how wonderful the search function is on this site) but wasn't there a warning given by the government before all this started that they would not tolerate "foreigners" getting involved in this demonstration ?

Please feel free to correct me if I am imagining this

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A couple of sausages short of a barbecue.

As an Aussie very embarrassing.

If he was a weekend warrior, this alone says enough. :)

Most AIF officers, including Monash, and a large percentage of troops in the first and second world wars were reservists (CMF).

No need to be snide about people who give up their time to learn military skills and support the PMF.

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A couple of sausages short of a barbecue.

As an Aussie very embarrassing.

If he was a weekend warrior, this alone says enough. :)

Most AIF officers, including Monash, and a large percentage of troops in the first and second world wars were reservists (CMF).

No need to be snide about people who give up their time to learn military skills and support the PMF.

Xangsamhua - boggle has already stated that the weekend warrior bit was tongue in cheek.

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A couple of sausages short of a barbecue.

As an Aussie very embarrassing.

If he was a weekend warrior, this alone says enough. :)

Most AIF officers, including Monash, and a large percentage of troops in the first and second world wars were reservists (CMF).

No need to be snide about people who give up their time to learn military skills and support the PMF.

Xangsamhua - boggle has already stated that the weekend warrior bit was tongue in cheek.

Noted. Thank you.

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I can't find it now, (we all know how wonderful the search function is on this site) but wasn't there a warning given by the government before all this started that they would not tolerate "foreigners" getting involved in this demonstration ?

Please feel free to correct me if I am imagining this

Just to interpret what the government was saying... They were talking about Cambodian and Burmese who were getting paid (or almost forced by their red shirt boss) to join the protest just to show numbers...

Wasn't about white foreigners. They didn't explain it like this but this was their meaning.

But i wonder about that guy who has no passport... How can he has a work permit without passport ? He's saying he is a teacher right ?

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name='smokie36' post='3565421' date='2010-05-03 23:36:29']

name='smokie36' post='3563306' date='2010-05-03 10:36:53']The youtube video left me cringing. This guy is simply a muppet......a harmless fool.

Please can you send me the youtube link. Would love to see it. He is a lunatic!

best link is this http://isaanstyle.blogspot.com/2010/05/con...15-minutes.html

Edited by VictorMeldrewBKK
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One newspaper says this loser has no money and NO PASSPORT!! <deleted>!! Why isn't he banged up in the immigration prison?

Maybe he was promised a daily wage and he had to deposit his passport :D Note that a real soldier never brags with his backgroud even more so if SAS or Special Ops. Of course, then there's Seh Daeng :) ...

It says a lot about the red leaders that they exploit the lad and he even thinks that he's an accepted brother...poor lad is about to get a rough reality check. But I'm sure he'll be able to sell his story back home and it'll be even more popular than the beermat incident...

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It's an embarrassment when foreigners don yellow or red shirts to protest in Thailand, regardless of how many years they've been here. I've seen a guy in the shirt-shirt motorbike convoy with his upcountry wife and child on the bike with him. When everyone else was being clapped he was being pointed at and laughed at.

Tourists passing Chidlom BTS station are also bemused to see a foreign red-shirt sleeping there with locals. Absolute loosers and probably getting brownie points from wife and family, or possibly just seeking acceptance as a "Thai".

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We can't claim him 100%, He states He is an Irish Australian, I hope He has His citizenship or Australia won't let Him back in me thinks.

The guy is obviously a fruit cake.

Does anyone have his address or phone number.... Does anyone know him..????

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Are the Red Shirts hiring mercenaries now, people with SAS and other violent backgrounds?

I have been in a few bar brawls in my teens, that should at least put me in the shortlist of recruits.

Seriously, how did they vet this guy to allow him up on stage?

...anything will do, anything - this whole thing is far from over till "da man" is back in the chair and can "lead"

Thailand Incorp. into the envisioned "prosperity for everyone and eatable democrazy"... till then let the fairytale


(SAS has nothing to do with these hopeless 4th row enacters!!)

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There is a photo getting around of the same guy in a yellow outfit taken of him at the airport lock down.

I have suggested this photo be sent to red shirt HQ and we can watch a real live lynching take place soon......oh and see how some red shirts handle the loss of face thingy.

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There is a photo getting around of the same guy in a yellow outfit taken of him at the airport lock down.

I have suggested this photo be sent to red shirt HQ and we can watch a real live lynching take place soon......oh and see how some red shirts handle the loss of face thingy.

Who can "lose face" if there was never any in the first place -

ahh' well, "mai mee pen ha!"...

So who buys the next round and pays the next free ride,

it's all about the free lunch, few here care for more then this!

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First I would like to say we are all sorry for all of you Aussies or Irish. Seems this muppet is lost and for one doesn't know where he actually comes from or belongs. I think we have some suggestions though. haha.

Maybe he is just so poor and lost and hungry and feels he can get free food and 500 baht per day for rallying?

WHERE DOES HE TEACH? And is he still teaching there? We all need to get on google and facebook etc and hunt this muppet down and report him to the Thai authorities. One poster was correct saying that we are not really wanted here these days anyways so do we really need a loser like this making it worse?

If anyone has that picture of him dressed in a yallow shirt PLEASE POST IT HERE.

My only rally will be against my local 7-11 for not selling Archa beer like the rest of the franchises. :)


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