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Thai Gov't Renews Threat Of Force Against Red-Shirts Protesters


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When the time comes the army will probably drive tanks and APCs right through the barricades. PM sounds like elections will be in about 6 months. Reds really can't be thinking that they will get them any sooner can they? It's not up to terrorists to name the timing of elections, that's the job of the PM. Reds have lost the PR war already, what's the point of losing an actual one?

Maybe your PR war, but they have won the international PR war, and won the argument.

Thailand is exposed internationally for what it is and always has been.Undemocratic and opressed by a bunch of establishment thugs.

Now people realise what has been hiding behind the smile, and they dont like it and won't accept it.

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When the time comes the army will probably drive tanks and APCs right through the barricades. PM sounds like elections will be in about 6 months. Reds really can't be thinking that they will get them any sooner can they? It's not up to terrorists to name the timing of elections, that's the job of the PM. Reds have lost the PR war already, what's the point of losing an actual one?

House dissolution in six months, not three:

By The Nation

Published on May 3, 2010

Accept a House dissolution within six months - instead of three months - or forget about any negotiations with the government.

That was the ultimatum given yesterday to red-shirt protesters by Industry Minister Charnchai Chairungruang.

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........and Foreign Affairs Minister Kasit Piromya said he is preparing to visit neighbouring countries to explain Thailand's current political situation in this country..........

And what the h3ll business is it of theirs?

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Nobody knows ,they have changed colours remember,also people staying because there ID cards have been confiscated is a myth if they want to leave they can!

The worst course of action is to try and use force now it wil not end with that and continue all over the city and country,this supposed government keeps making one bad decision after another the only way forward was to go to the country and see where that takes Thailand,i am not saying it is the answer but it will stop the bloodshed that is about to flow now.

I say let the government lay out it's plan. Give the red shirts an opportunity to agree. Of course the leaders will have to turn themselves in to the authorities to face charges. However, if the red shirts refuse the government will have to disperse them. Responsibility for any injuries or deaths that occur during the dispersal will rest squarely on the red shirt leaders.

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When the time comes the army will probably drive tanks and APCs right through the barricades. PM sounds like elections will be in about 6 months. Reds really can't be thinking that they will get them any sooner can they? It's not up to terrorists to name the timing of elections, that's the job of the PM. Reds have lost the PR war already, what's the point of losing an actual one?

Maybe your PR war, but they have won the international PR war, and won the argument.

Thailand is exposed internationally for what it is and always has been.Undemocratic and opressed by a bunch of establishment thugs.

Now people realise what has been hiding behind the smile, and they dont like it and won't accept it.

LOL. You're a funny guy. So what was it that you really wanted to say? I have friends & family in Europe and the US, and all they know is that a bunch of rather violent red-clad monkeys interrupt normal day activity, and the "really" interested ones wonder why they aren't just swept away. Not a single "people" outside Thailand "realize" what you just claimed.

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When the time comes the army will probably drive tanks and APCs right through the barricades. PM sounds like elections will be in about 6 months. Reds really can't be thinking that they will get them any sooner can they? It's not up to terrorists to name the timing of elections, that's the job of the PM. Reds have lost the PR war already, what's the point of losing an actual one?

Maybe your PR war, but they have won the international PR war, and won the argument.

Thailand is exposed internationally for what it is and always has been.Undemocratic and opressed by a bunch of establishment thugs.

Now people realise what has been hiding behind the smile, and they dont like it and won't accept it.

Go tell. They won an international PR war by terrorizing and rampaging through a hospital, then to top it off, refuse to leave the area putting medical staff and patients at great risk. Of course, Thaksin has now been exposed for seeding the black shirts into the April 10th mayhem and his paid goonies shot and killed military forces. Great PR, isn't it?

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When the time comes the army will probably drive tanks and APCs right through the barricades. PM sounds like elections will be in about 6 months. Reds really can't be thinking that they will get them any sooner can they? It's not up to terrorists to name the timing of elections, that's the job of the PM. Reds have lost the PR war already, what's the point of losing an actual one?

Maybe your PR war, but they have won the international PR war, and won the argument.

Thailand is exposed internationally for what it is and always has been.Undemocratic and opressed by a bunch of establishment thugs.

Now people realise what has been hiding behind the smile, and they dont like it and won't accept it.

I think you are wrong. I have noticed a change in opinion tha last week. In my home country the main newspaper has for example almost made a 100% switch.

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When the time comes the army will probably drive tanks and APCs right through the barricades. PM sounds like elections will be in about 6 months. Reds really can't be thinking that they will get them any sooner can they? It's not up to terrorists to name the timing of elections, that's the job of the PM. Reds have lost the PR war already, what's the point of losing an actual one?

Maybe your PR war, but they have won the international PR war, and won the argument.

Thailand is exposed internationally for what it is and always has been.Undemocratic and opressed by a bunch of establishment thugs.

Now people realise what has been hiding behind the smile, and they dont like it and won't accept it.

People internationally frown on invading hospitals and launching grenades at innocent bystanders. They've seen the payoffs, the intimidation and they've seen through the reds.

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About the use of armored vehicles against a mob, you have to think before starting.... experience of controlling a mob with russian battle tanks (Hungary, Romania, then Yougoslavia....): they can be easily converted in barbecues with their crew inside.

You need some space for manoeuvering and think about loose shots on some buildings (Siam Paragon, President Hotel, Amarin plaza, Central, Platinum ....for example. Good contract for replacing all the Glasses: who is the contractor? I will take some shares in his business....

After thinking and turning your tongue into your mouth 7 times, maybe it is not a so good idea..... :):D:D

Edited by Jerrytheyoung
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When the time comes the army will probably drive tanks and APCs right through the barricades. PM sounds like elections will be in about 6 months. Reds really can't be thinking that they will get them any sooner can they? It's not up to terrorists to name the timing of elections, that's the job of the PM. Reds have lost the PR war already, what's the point of losing an actual one?

you can't drive a tank through the barricades easily.

That wire can block a tank easily.

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About the use of armored vehicles against a mob, you have to think before starting.... experience of controlling a mob with russian battle tanks (Hungary, Romania, then Yougoslavia....): they can be easily converted in barbecues with their crew inside.

You need some space for manoeuvering and think about loose shots on some buildings (Siam Paragon, President Hotel, Amarin plaza, Central, Platinum ....for example. Good contract for replacing all the Glasses: who is the contractor? I will take some shares in his business....

After thinking and turning your tongue into your mouth 7 times, maybe it is not a so good idea..... :):D:D

I think they will move them so the reds can see them for a start.But I agree with you the reds thugs would not hesitate to boil their country men inside the vehicles. This is one of the differces between the army and the red mob. the reds don´t care about lives.

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hmm, peaceful demonstrations, it's never been this way. the demos were designed by Thaksin to create mayhem.


-- The Nation

Police raid reds' house and seized many rifles

Police arrested two men believed to be red shirts security guard and confiscated several war weapons during a raid at a house in Suan Luang district early Monday morning.

Found in the house included 107 molotov cocktails, one M-16 assault rifle, one carbine rifle, and five AK-47 rifles, tear gas bombs, smoking bombs and several rounds of ammunitions.

Police detained Surachai Ninsopa, 33 and Chatree Srijinda, 28 who are believed to be security guards for the red shirts movement.

Both suspects were taken to the Emergency Operations Command.


If this "MCOT: DSI arrests 3 persons for gunfire at Army helicopters dropping leaflets April 10; weapons, grenades seized" is a second case, than the situation does not look good.

Very scary....

Why scary? The only news in this is that they actually made an arrest, the rest has been obvious for over a year.

Wait, isn't it against the law for the police to make arrests? That's what that hero who escaped via the hotel window said.

But of course, there is no conclusive proof they are UDD, they're fake reds or an unknown entity blah blah blah. And Taksin has nothing to do with anything.

Those people are going to regret that they built those barricades in the end; there will be pictures of bodies impaled on bamboo spikes and tangled in the razor wire, and they will not be wearing police/military uniforms. I've been hearing from people who live in that part of town that after 10pm the sidewalks are littered with comrades who have passed out drunk, or are just about to. I'm sure others have noticed.

When was about 10 my family moved and I started attending a new grade school. One day, at some sort of gathering, this little runt (even littler and runtier than me) came up to me and starts punching me. <deleted>? So I punch him back, once, and the kid starts screaming that I hit him. In a flash his father is there, I think he was a stevedore, he had arms like Popeye. He's pissed off, grabs me by the arm tells me to keep away from his son etc. I later found out that kid pulls that all the time. Anyway, for some reason I keep recalling that incident when I read the red shirt speeches.

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Simply, they are not peaceful protesters. That's all the government, the people of Thailand, and the world needs to know. As such, they are asking for it. They can go home now or they can stay and risk their lives.

You mean they don't have the right to protest or when they protest it is their fault if they get killed by security forces? And that they actually asking for it to be killed?

Have you ever been at the rally site?

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About the use of armored vehicles against a mob, you have to think before starting.... experience of controlling a mob with russian battle tanks (Hungary, Romania, then Yougoslavia....): they can be easily converted in barbecues with their crew inside.

You need some space for manoeuvering and think about loose shots on some buildings (Siam Paragon, President Hotel, Amarin plaza, Central, Platinum ....for example. Good contract for replacing all the Glasses: who is the contractor? I will take some shares in his business....

After thinking and turning your tongue into your mouth 7 times, maybe it is not a so good idea..... :):D:D

I think they will move them so the reds can see them for a start.But I agree with you the reds thugs would not hesitate to boil their country men inside the vehicles. This is one of the differces between the army and the red mob. the reds don´t care about lives.

I feel very sorry for the soldiers of the Thai army and their families, mostly I assume are conscripted. Those who have already been killed or injured and those that likely will be in the conflict ahead. They have no CHOICE but to do their duty for their country. The red shirt insurgents, those who are actively violent and the more innocent that are being duped into being human shields, they DO have a choice.

Edited by Jingthing
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This last Sunday we have seen My day protests all around the world

Security has been heavy on all and non have gotten out of hand

So if Thailand is to go by international standards

Putting down any protest that is against the will of the country is acceptable

so no more talk Mr PM

do what the rest of the world has done

Clean the lot up, They are unlawful protestors

Not innocent citizens

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Does anybody know an approximate number of redshits left?

The first days we had "precise estimates" :D from both sides, but now? Nothing on the subject, it seems.

Nobody knows ,they have changed colours remember,also people staying because there ID cards have been confiscated is a myth if they want to leave they can!

The worst course of action is to try and use force now it wil not end with that and continue all over the city and country,this supposed government keeps making one bad decision after another the only way forward was to go to the country and see where that takes Thailand,i am not saying it is the answer but it will stop the bloodshed that is about to flow now.

I disagree, and besides, you've put your only way forward in the past tense meaning that it's too late for anything, but cleaning up is the worst of all? :)

There is no need telling what would have been better, everybody's smarter afterwards. IMHO, informing the pawn-reds, giving a viable option which is to go home now, and then start arresting, pulling them one by one from the pack if needed. Impose heavy punishments for those who resist.

Even if they get only one a minute, it'll be over in less than two days.

And please don't give me the argument that people could get hurt, people got hurt already, and more and more people are hurting financially because of these f-ups.

Errr yes they have stated allready that they are going to clear the area haven"t they? so yes i said the only way forward was to have gone to the country to stop the bloodshed...but the dithering and decision making has been so slow and useless it would not surprise me if things change again tomorrow!!

It amazes me how many people on here seem to think that if the government clears the protesters from one area in BKK that it will stop the current problem...get real it won't!.....You are correct with your last sentence though...Life and money will still be lost even after they clear a small area in a big City! But it seems to me from your reply you are only thinking of the present,not the future! :D

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When the time comes the army will probably drive tanks and APCs right through the barricades. PM sounds like elections will be in about 6 months. Reds really can't be thinking that they will get them any sooner can they? It's not up to terrorists to name the timing of elections, that's the job of the PM. Reds have lost the PR war already, what's the point of losing an actual one?

Maybe your PR war, but they have won the international PR war, and won the argument.

Thailand is exposed internationally for what it is and always has been.Undemocratic and opressed by a bunch of establishment thugs.

Now people realise what has been hiding behind the smile, and they dont like it and won't accept it.

Classic! They have even lost support from the people they claim to represent (can't tell you how many people from Issan I work with and talk to that when you bring up red shirts they make a gun with their hand and say to shoot them all) nevermind the international community who is scratching their heads wondering why the government doesn't move in and arrest the lot of them. Sure everyone knows Thailand is corupt and has it's problems but they are not going to side with a group of terrorists who...ahh screw it the list of their violent and STUPID actions is too long to list!

LOL "they don't like it and won't accept it." you are too funny man I doubt that few even care.

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hmm, peaceful demonstrations, it's never been this way. the demos were designed by Thaksin to create mayhem.


-- The Nation

Police raid reds' house and seized many rifles

Police arrested two men believed to be red shirts security guard and confiscated several war weapons during a raid at a house in Suan Luang district early Monday morning.

Found in the house included 107 molotov cocktails, one M-16 assault rifle, one carbine rifle, and five AK-47 rifles, tear gas bombs, smoking bombs and several rounds of ammunitions.

Police detained Surachai Ninsopa, 33 and Chatree Srijinda, 28 who are believed to be security guards for the red shirts movement.

Both suspects were taken to the Emergency Operations Command.


If this "MCOT: DSI arrests 3 persons for gunfire at Army helicopters dropping leaflets April 10; weapons, grenades seized" is a second case, than the situation does not look good.

Very scary....

Why scary? The only news in this is that they actually made an arrest, the rest has been obvious for over a year.

Wait, isn't it against the law for the police to make arrests? That's what that hero who escaped via the hotel window said.

But of course, there is no conclusive proof they are UDD, they're fake reds or an unknown entity blah blah blah. And Taksin has nothing to do with anything.

Those people are going to regret that they built those barricades in the end; there will be pictures of bodies impaled on bamboo spikes and tangled in the razor wire, and they will not be wearing police/military uniforms. I've been hearing from people who live in that part of town that after 10pm the sidewalks are littered with comrades who have passed out drunk, or are just about to. I'm sure others have noticed.

When was about 10 my family moved and I started attending a new grade school. One day, at some sort of gathering, this little runt (even littler and runtier than me) came up to me and starts punching me. <deleted>? So I punch him back, once, and the kid starts screaming that I hit him. In a flash his father is there, I think he was a stevedore, he had arms like Popeye. He's pissed off, grabs me by the arm tells me to keep away from his son etc. I later found out that kid pulls that all the time. Anyway, for some reason I keep recalling that incident when I read the red shirt speeches.

scary is the amount of weapons. You are right it is not surprising but still scary

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When the time comes the army will probably drive tanks and APCs right through the barricades. PM sounds like elections will be in about 6 months. Reds really can't be thinking that they will get them any sooner can they? It's not up to terrorists to name the timing of elections, that's the job of the PM. Reds have lost the PR war already, what's the point of losing an actual one?

Maybe your PR war, but they have won the international PR war, and won the argument.

Thailand is exposed internationally for what it is and always has been.Undemocratic and opressed by a bunch of establishment thugs.

Now people realise what has been hiding behind the smile, and they dont like it and won't accept it.

Good money was/is paid for that campaign too!

Barbour, Griffith & Rogers in fact.


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About the use of armored vehicles against a mob, you have to think before starting.... experience of controlling a mob with russian battle tanks (Hungary, Romania, then Yougoslavia....): they can be easily converted in barbecues with their crew inside.

You need some space for manoeuvering and think about loose shots on some buildings (Siam Paragon, President Hotel, Amarin plaza, Central, Platinum ....for example. Good contract for replacing all the Glasses: who is the contractor? I will take some shares in his business....

After thinking and turning your tongue into your mouth 7 times, maybe it is not a so good idea..... :):D:D

I think they will move them so the reds can see them for a start.But I agree with you the reds thugs would not hesitate to boil their country men inside the vehicles. This is one of the differces between the army and the red mob. the reds don´t care about lives.

Obviously Ratjaprasong is not going to be so easy to take over and aftermaith....the Civil war in the whole Thailand... Is that you want guys?

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Simply, they are not peaceful protesters. That's all the government, the people of Thailand, and the world needs to know. As such, they are asking for it. They can go home now or they can stay and risk their lives.

You mean they don't have the right to protest or when they protest it is their fault if they get killed by security forces? And that they actually asking for it to be killed?

Have you ever been at the rally site?

At this time under the current law they don't have the right to protest, they are breaking the law. Why should they have the right to protest when it is harming so many other people. I read today that up to 90,000 people may have lost their jobs due to the protests and their occupation of the downtown. And yes I have been to the rally site, they are not peaceful and they want a fight.

THB 388 mn sought to assist workers and businesses affected by rally

BANGKOK (NNT) -- The Ministry of Labor prepares to provide assistance to workers affected by the various anti-government demonstration sites that has caused temporary unemployment as hotels and businesses in the area faced reduced earnings, while some have temporarily closed their operations.

According to Labor Minister Phaitoon Kaeothong, the minister is prepared to propose an assistance budget worth 388 million THB to businesses and workers affected by the UDD demonstrators in Ratchadamnoen Road, Ratchaprasong junction and nearby areas as well as Silom.

Those affected and in need for assistance will be given 3,000 THB per person. This includes up to 93,775 people, and a total of 281.3 million THB. Meanwhile 1,500 street vendors at Phan Fah Bridge and Ratchaprasong have received 10,000 THB per person, or a total of 15 million THB.

Edited by chadintheusa
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Now listen here you pesky red shirts (or whatever color you are wearing now). This is your final, last, concluding, closing, ending warning. Don't make me come down there an issue you our ultimate, absolute, definitive, decisive, irrevocable super final warning!!!!

'Mr Kasit later told journalists that the government must exercise utmost restraint in order to prevent losses of life among the army and innocent people, but that it is simply not possible for any elected government to allow armed people to topple social institutions and the government'.

Two things wrong with that statement; what he says and the person who is saying it.

Could this be the same Khun Kasit who said the violent and economically crippling PAD protests were quote "a lot of fun" and "The food was excellent, the music was excellent,"?

Could this also be the same Khun Kasit who was/is a member of the PAD who along with guns, bombs and 'security guards' occupied the two biggest airports in the country, fought battles with the Police because 'Joining the PAD was not a sin because millions of people had also joined it to help uproot corruption?'

Of course the man is entitled to his opinions, but many in the UDD use just the same 'uproot corruption' line to justify their tactics which they copied from.................yes Kasit and his friends in the PAD.

The hypocrisy of this man knows no bounds....

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[..] Errr yes they have stated allready that they are going to clear the area haven"t they? so yes i said the only way forward was to have gone to the country to stop the bloodshed...but the dithering and decision making has been so slow and useless it would not surprise me if things change again tomorrow!!

It amazes me how many people on here seem to think that if the government clears the protesters from one area in BKK that it will stop the current problem...get real it won't!.....You are correct with your last sentence though...Life and money will still be lost even after they clear a small area in a big City! But it seems to me from your reply you are only thinking of the present,not the future! :)

First of all, the future always starts at the present :D , and I agree that the problem won't stop at Little Baghdad (heheh, I like that one) but it would be easier to inform the Reds via their beloved TV what is being done for them, when and where they will be able to go vote, etc etc.

It will also be harder for the Rezis to spread their propaganda if they don't have a stage to bawl from.

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About the use of armored vehicles against a mob, you have to think before starting.... experience of controlling a mob with russian battle tanks (Hungary, Romania, then Yougoslavia....): they can be easily converted in barbecues with their crew inside.

You need some space for manoeuvering and think about loose shots on some buildings (Siam Paragon, President Hotel, Amarin plaza, Central, Platinum ....for example. Good contract for replacing all the Glasses: who is the contractor? I will take some shares in his business....

After thinking and turning your tongue into your mouth 7 times, maybe it is not a so good idea..... :):D:D

I think they will move them so the reds can see them for a start.But I agree with you the reds thugs would not hesitate to boil their country men inside the vehicles. This is one of the differces between the army and the red mob. the reds don´t care about lives.

Obviously Ratjaprasong is not going to be so easy to take over and aftermaith....the Civil war in the whole Thailand... Is that you want guys?

I want the red leaders, red guards and the black men arrested, brought to the court and have their punishment for what they have done to their home country and their fellow country men.

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About the use of armored vehicles against a mob, you have to think before starting.... experience of controlling a mob with russian battle tanks (Hungary, Romania, then Yougoslavia....): they can be easily converted in barbecues with their crew inside.

You need some space for manoeuvering and think about loose shots on some buildings (Siam Paragon, President Hotel, Amarin plaza, Central, Platinum ....for example. Good contract for replacing all the Glasses: who is the contractor? I will take some shares in his business....

After thinking and turning your tongue into your mouth 7 times, maybe it is not a so good idea..... :):D:D

I think they will move them so the reds can see them for a start.But I agree with you the reds thugs would not hesitate to boil their country men inside the vehicles. This is one of the differces between the army and the red mob. the reds don´t care about lives.

Obviously Ratjaprasong is not going to be so easy to take over and aftermaith....the Civil war in the whole Thailand... Is that you want guys?

It is not what I want, that's for sure. I hope they can reach a negotiated solution that sees the leaders arrested and tried, various other lawbreakers jailed and the vast majority of peaceful demonstrators sent home, at government expense if need be. That said, one knows about the recorded deaths and casualties since the start of these demonstrations, but none of us knows the true fallout. Tens of thousands of people have lost their jobs. Businesses are failing. One imagines these salaries provided sustenance and support to 10's of thousands of other dependants of the workers. People who care for the elderly in their families. People who need to get to hospitals but can't. People whose children are in danger from attending school. Those people may even have been sympathetic to the stated aims of the red shirt gang once. But do you really think they give a fuc_k whether they live or die now? Even the red shirts don't seem to care, in fact they'd love it if some deaths from a conflict should come. Only the government seems to care, but they have responsibility to ALL Thai people and they won't wait much longer. Maybe a week, if that.

Edited by lannarebirth
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getting old by now already .... thread ... nothing ... thread ....nothing in a month time probably still the same and they will start building this overpass and the area is going to be renamed to : little Baghdad

But only after some very serious threads from the government and a zillion more arrest warrants.

5th June....Government thread that it will mobilize the aircraft carrier to disperse the mob....Abhisit guarantees that normality will be back before the new century.....

Government: we really, really mean it this time, the reds sing Key Hoc Baybe Key hoc ta la la. Question How can you tell when Abhisit is telling porkies answer he opens his mouth what a charade....... :D

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When the time comes the army will probably drive tanks and APCs right through the barricades. PM sounds like elections will be in about 6 months. Reds really can't be thinking that they will get them any sooner can they? It's not up to terrorists to name the timing of elections, that's the job of the PM. Reds have lost the PR war already, what's the point of losing an actual one?

Maybe your PR war, but they have won the international PR war, and won the argument.

Thailand is exposed internationally for what it is and always has been.Undemocratic and opressed by a bunch of establishment thugs.

Now people realise what has been hiding behind the smile, and they dont like it and won't accept it.

People internationally frown on invading hospitals and launching grenades at innocent bystanders. They've seen the payoffs, the intimidation and they've seen through the reds.

Invading hospital yes . wrong and very stupid

Throwing grenades however is not prooven else i think the governement would have

acted already .

Lets stick to what is prooven

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Now listen here you pesky red shirts (or whatever color you are wearing now). This is your final, last, concluding, closing, ending warning. Don't make me come down there an issue you our ultimate, absolute, definitive, decisive, irrevocable super final warning!!!!

'Mr Kasit later told journalists that the government must exercise utmost restraint in order to prevent losses of life among the army and innocent people, but that it is simply not possible for any elected government to allow armed people to topple social institutions and the government'.

Two things wrong with that statement; what he says and the person who is saying it.

Could this be the same Khun Kasit who said the violent and economically crippling PAD protests were quote "a lot of fun" and "The food was excellent, the music was excellent,"?

Could this also be the same Khun Kasit who was/is a member of the PAD who along with guns, bombs and 'security guards' occupied the two biggest airports in the country, fought battles with the Police because 'Joining the PAD was not a sin because millions of people had also joined it to help uproot corruption?'

Of course the man is entitled to his opinions, but many in the UDD use just the same 'uproot corruption' line to justify their tactics which they copied from.................yes Kasit and his friends in the PAD.

The hypocrisy of this man knows no bounds....

the PAD didn't had military weapons and did not shoot army officers in the head. They never told to burn down Bangkok to seize power. They wanted to oust an illegal government which came into power by vote buying.

They got shot with M79 every night if you remember. As well the PAD never had bombs....

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