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Tat To Focus On Domestic Market

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With foreign tourists increasingly scared to visit Thailand due to bloody protests by red-shirted anti-government demonstrators in Bangkok, the Tourism Authority of Thailand is looking to the domestic market to prop up Pattaya’s tourism industry.

TAT Pattaya Director Niti Kongkrut asked the Pattaya Business & Tourism Association at its April 28 meeting to particpate in TAT “road shows” it has planned for southern and eastern parts of the country this month and next.

“While Pattaya has not been directly affected by the riots, the real problem is that the entire world is thinking Thailand is dangerous,” association Vice-President Sinchai Wattanasartsathorn said. “Many tour groups form China and Hong Kong have already canceled and the end of high season also brings an end to European holidays. This clearly has resulted in fewer tourists in Pattaya.”

Kongkrut said TAT will market Pattaya to southern Thais this month and those in the east in June. The agency is hopeful it will generate new business for the city.

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