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Taken Fox News Off Here In Khon Kaen

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right now I'm watching live the NH Bus Bomb threat online. Go to foxnews.com and select the live option online.

live pictures without comment from the helicopter.

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It's really sad to read some of the comments that come bursting out just as soon as a non far-left idea is expressed on TV news or here on Thaivisa.

Actually, my dude, it is really sad to realize that people are actually fooled by the format of FOX to think that it is a real news station. They have news anchors and talking heads wearing suits, that's journalism, I guess! Never mind that they ignore clear facts, take people's statements out of context, cherry-pick content for ideological purity, hire commentators who play big-time on people's fears, and play up hysterical claims as if they were facts or real issues to be debated, I suppose that's all fair and balanced, right?

Regarding mainstream media, anyone who thinks it's "far-left" must either have changed the definition of "left" or not know what communism, bolshevism, the SDS in '60s America and the like is. Such people must not be able to define socialism, or even know about that most mild of American far-lefties, Noam Chomsky, who is dismissed as fringe by most of the "mainstream" (including by me on most of his published opinions).

Apologize for the long sentences. Stream of consciousness, it just flows out, you know. FOX News is a pet peeve, please bear with my rant just a bit, I don't do many.

When I came to live here it was amazing to me that the Thai cable companies don't seem to know the difference between CNN and FOX, as if they were anywhere near co-equal. I'm no big fan of CNN, going with the trend these days it seems out to entertain more than edify, but FOX is so clearly on a political/political entertainment mission that it's hard to see how anyone could miss it. But clearly, some people do miss it. I can only think they understand neither journalistic standards nor what "far-left" ideas really are. I'm sure I haven't burst your bubble, walt et al., but I wish something would.

I guess we agree that there is a difference between Fox News and CNN. Fox news has a much larger audience and is growing every day. CNN is getting smaller and smaller. This is a fact not a guess! On, by the way, have you seen that News Week has gone down the Tube and is up for sell? I guess those 6 or 7 full front page covers of Obama during the election sort of turned people off. Time is next up on the chopping block. CNN, fair and not left, yea right!!!!


Whichever you're listening to ... both the GOP and DEM serve the same master and nothing substantial will change if people continue to vote for these two parties.


Why do all the far left liberal socialists hate Fox News? I like it better than the Communist News Network. (CNN).



"Why do all the far left liberal socialists hate Fox News?"

They're intolerant of anything that doesn't mesh with their deeply cherished beliefs.

It's simply amazing that anyone could be naive enough think that a propaganda film like "outfoxed" has even a shred of truth in it. Outdated and produced by some disgruntled former Fox employees. Clever editing, evil intent to misrepresent. Anyone who watches Fox programming with an unbiased open mind would know that.


Why do all the far left liberal socialists hate Fox News? I like it better than the Communist News Network. (CNN).

Or the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation.


"Why do all the far left liberal socialists hate Fox News?"

They're intolerant of anything that doesn't mesh with their deeply cherished beliefs.

It's simply amazing that anyone could be naive enough think that a propaganda film like "outfoxed" has even a shred of truth in it. Outdated and produced by some disgruntled former Fox employees. Clever editing, evil intent to misrepresent. Anyone who watches Fox programming with an unbiased open mind would know that.


You're all wrong. The docu is VERY relevant today especially for their morning show. They use the exact same propaganda techniques as detailed in it. Not dated in the least. Not realizing Fox News is right wing propaganda is simply silly.

Fox isn't journalism. It is propaganda.


That came to my mind too. Avail here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXNvDD13hoY

I wouldn't go as far as to say it's propaganda, but the style of presentation does not hit my taste buds at all.

Most of the time I will look at it for 15 minutes for a laugh before it genuinely starts to annoy me.

Bill O'Reilly in particular strikes me as a loud mouth know-it-all, who's ultimately a complete coward.

I'm pretty sure it's done this way though because...it makes money.

And just to balance things out for all the FNC lovers: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,125437,00.html



In the trailer for the "outfoxed" video on its homepage, there are many examples of a classic technique used to mislead. One such example is where Neil Cavuto is shown saying: "Assuming that the unthinkable happens and Senator Kerry becomes President"

That was a tongue-in-cheek comment parroting what lefties believe a conservative would say -- The problem is that the lefties actually think that was something said with serious intent and that Fox would allow a silly "opinion" like that to be on the air.

They don't realize that the joke was on them-- evidenced by the fact that they would take the comment out of context and use it in a film trailer in hopes that some naive person who they're trying to sell their video to would actually believe it. If the whole commentary had been shown, it would be clear that it was a joke-- but of course, that would negate their purpose.

The whole video is like that. Sound-bites taken out of context to create false impressions. It's amazing that their ideological filter is so strong that they can't see through techniques like that.



I guess I don't blame the liberals for not wanting to watch Fox. It's possible that at a lucid moment, the truth may shake their repugnant beliefs and force them to actually think. Not likely but possible.


"Why do all the far left liberal socialists hate Fox News?"

They're intolerant of anything that doesn't mesh with their deeply cherished beliefs.

It's simply amazing that anyone could be naive enough think that a propaganda film like "outfoxed" has even a shred of truth in it. Outdated and produced by some disgruntled former Fox employees. Clever editing, evil intent to misrepresent. Anyone who watches Fox programming with an unbiased open mind would know that.


What a superb oxymoron. :)

Why do all the far left liberal socialists hate Fox News? I like it better than the Communist News Network. (CNN).

Or the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation.

Absolutely UG, so many Fox haters worship the racist, anti-semitic BBC. The worst of the worst.

Why do all the far left liberal socialists hate Fox News? I like it better than the Communist News Network. (CNN).

Or the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation.

Absolutely UG, so many Fox haters worship the racist, anti-semitic BBC. The worst of the worst.

Sorry, some of you guys are quite a handful. Just how is the BBC racist and anti-semitic?

And which part of the BBC do you find to be most racist and anti-semitic?


In the trailer for the "outfoxed" video on its homepage, there are many examples of a classic technique used to mislead. One such example is where Neil Cavuto is shown saying: "Assuming that the unthinkable happens and Senator Kerry becomes President"

That was a tongue-in-cheek comment parroting what lefties believe a conservative would say -- The problem is that the lefties actually think that was something said with serious intent and that Fox would allow a silly "opinion" like that to be on the air.

They don't realize that the joke was on them-- evidenced by the fact that they would take the comment out of context and use it in a film trailer in hopes that some naive person who they're trying to sell their video to would actually believe it. If the whole commentary had been shown, it would be clear that it was a joke-- but of course, that would negate their purpose.

The whole video is like that. Sound-bites taken out of context to create false impressions. It's amazing that their ideological filter is so strong that they can't see through techniques like that.


Let's stop equating everyone of a different opinion as a "lefty" shall we? Whilst Outfoxed in large parts focuses on the suggestion that Rupert Murdoch and the Fox executives are trying to enforce a pro-Republican tone, I think we can easily discuss the subject (FNC, not Outfoxed) without stereotyping.

But as most pro-FNC commentators here seems to assume that the anti-FNC commentators are "lefties" or "reds" or "liberals" (when did being a liberal suddenly become a left-wing trademark? Especially in the US...) just seems to reinforce the point that FNC is indeed a pro-Republican news provider. Or...?

Of course, Outfoxed makes perfect sense for someone who has made their mind up that FNC is a, well, a "peculiar" channel.

If by "a classic technique used to mislead" you imply "quoting out of context" I don't see the big deal. Outfoxed came at an extremely sensitive time, when media was being questioned in light of the war in Iraq and the general "war on terrorism". That's how I looked at it. I don't think it's cleverly edited as that to me would imply something far more elegant. I guess it tries to be a sort of 60 minutes type investigation.

Like I said, I look at Fox with some amusement, especially the use of graphics and sounds, but I don't think the puppet heads on there are evil people. Just paid well to behave extremely immaturely.


I guess I don't blame the liberals for not wanting to watch Fox. Not true... I love watching Gretchen Carlson with the sound muted.... And Steve Doocy: "I'm not an idiot... but I play one on TV" (for those old enough to remember the 'I'm not a doctor...' spot) ... my favorite FOX guy is Jim Pinkerton.

Bill O'Reilly in particular strikes me as a loud mouth know-it-all

You have obviously never watched Shaun Hannity or Glen Beck. I enjoy Fox News, but those guys are too gonzo conservative for me. O'Reilly is actually pretty middle of the road, so I can never understand why Fox detractors always single him out. :)



"O'Reilly is actually pretty middle of the road, so I can never understand why Fox detractors always single him out."

Awhile back, Fox commissioned some independent researchers to try to find out why they raise such vitriolic ire with the Fox haters.

They learned that the vast majority of the haters don't even watch Fox and could not answer any specific questions about Fox programming, commentary, or personalities.

I know personally from some of my extreme left friends that they get their talking-points from far-left propaganda websites like MoveOn, MediaMatters, The-Daily-Kooks, :) etc., all of whom are well known for being disingenuous and either distorting facts or outright lying.




"I watch Fox quite often to monitor the ENEMY."

If that's true, AND you're paying attention - at least you're one of the rare Fox detractors who is receiving the other side of the news that most Fox haters are not.

Here's a classic example: Fox reported the ACORN scandal last year for weeks while the U.S. lame-stream media ignored it. Finally, the criminal enterprise ACORN was brought down. Charlie Gibson, the beloved News Anchor for many years on ABC, the 2nd most widely watched news in the USA, was caught off-guard when a radio show host confronted him.

Charles Gibson, the host of ABC World News Tonight, inadvertently explained why the mainstream media was not covering the ACORN story. Apparently they don't know about it. When Charles Gibson appeared on WLS Radio in Chicago, co-host Don Wade posed the following question to Gibson:

Don: Okay, here's my news question. A Senate bill passed cutting off funds to this group called ACORN. Now, we have the embarrassing video of ACORN staffers giving tax advice on how to set up a brothel with 13-year-old hookers. It has everything you could want - corruption and sleazy action at tax-funded organizations and it's got government ties. But nobody's covering that story. Why?

Charles Gibson's insightful response?

Gibson: "HAHAHAHAHA. HEHEHE. I didn't even know about it. Um. So, you've got me at a loss. I don't know. Uh. Uh. But my goodness, if it's got everything including sleaziness in it, we should talk about it."

So there you have it. For anyone wondering why the mainstream media was not reporting the ACORN scandal, the answer is that they don't know about it. Maybe they need to start reading. ( or monitoring Fox :) )





"Aren't those right wing Acorn investigative reporters in jail now?"

No, but if they were - in your way of looking at the world, would that justify not reporting on the criminal enterprise ACORN?



"Aren't those right wing Acorn investigative reporters in jail now?"

No, but if they were - in your way of looking at the world, would that justify not reporting on the criminal enterprise ACORN?


Breaking the law to get news stories is not cool. BTW, that Acorn story was way overblown and taken completely out of context. The right wing/republican/teabaggers obsession with Acorn is clearly another manifestation of their obvious racism. As Bill Maher says, not all republicans are racists, but if you meet an (American) racist he is likely to be republican.



They didn't break any laws in exposing ACORN, otherwise they would have been arrested. But I realize that facts don't matter to some ideologues. :)

If the ACORN story was overblown and taken out of context, why did a democratic controlled congress pull their funding and why are several of their employees up on criminal charges?

Since you're obviously a big fan of ACORN, would you care to disclose the location of the brothel with the 13 year old hookers? -- I promise I won't tell FOX . . .

P.S. I'm a big fan of Bill Maher also.


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