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PM Abhisit Announces Next Election Will Be Held On Nov 14


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Thai PM says ready to hold November elections under roadmap

BANGKOK (AFP) -- Thailand's prime minister said Monday he was ready to hold elections on November 14 to end a tense standoff with opposition protesters, subject to certain conditions under his reconciliation roadmap.

"If all five goals are achieved ... the election can be held on November 14," Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said in a nationally televised address.


-- ©Copyright AFP 2010-05-03

Published with written approval from AFP.


Seriously, if you are a red shirt how could you buy this? IF all five goals are achieved. Who determines IF they are achieved? Abhisit can declare the goals are not achieved and POOF all this is gone. If Abhisit really offers something, it won't have the word "IF".

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From Terryfrd tweets:
Abhisit says he is proposing a way to reconciliation and asks everyone to take a role. There are five parts (for reconciliation to be successful).

1. Preservation of monarchy: keeping monarchy out of politics, create a proper understanding or role of monarchy.

2. In actuality, problems do not come from politics directly, but from inequities in society. Many protesters feel left out. A big problem. These problems need to be addressed through social security programs, education, debt, income enhancement, etc.

3. This is an era of communication. Freedom of information important, but with technology has also come misuse of media. Media must have freedom, but it must be responsible, must not deliberately distort or incite. Need to provide fair oversight.

4. There have been many violent incidents, causing greater divisions in society. Apr 10, Silom, Vipawadhi, Chulal Hospital, etc. All have caused psychological distress. All of these incidents must be investigated by independent agencies.

5. Directly related to politics and elections: The past 4 - 5 years have led to feelings of dissatisfaction in fairness of system. We need to work together to solve these problems, in terms of the constitution, right to assembly, basic problems leading to disunity.

This will not be successful without cooperation of all elements of society: parties, parliament, local organizations. If we can stabilize situation starting today, we can schedule an election for November 14

As for UDD, I have heard you. I have heard your demands, but I cannot accept a dissolution in 15 or 30 days. I believe this proposal is consistent with society based on law and principles of our democracy. Reconciliation must be based on compromise. This proposal is for all Thais. If UDD can't accept it, we'll keep moving forward, but I can specify a particular election date. PM ends by hoping that this Wednesday, Coronation Day, can be a day of genuine celebration.

I must say I am satisfied. When you compare the quote above along with The Nation tweets you get the full picture of what this speech was about. It is a humble and sincere effort to begin the peace process. He has hit all points and offered a worthy plan for reconciliation. Finally he has stepped up to the plate and become a PM. I was beginning to worry. Now it is up to the UDD and their followers. They will either accept the compromise or they won't.

The red shirt leaders haven't outright rejected the offer. This is a good sign. They seem to want a little time to ponder. Perhaps they need ask T.? Alternately there are quite a few hardcore protesters. They to need to be mollified if the reds do not accept this offer. Basically it sounds like Abhisit is saying the following:

(1) Let the budget pass parliament.

(2) Democrats get to choose the next military command structure after Anupong.

(3) Amnesty for terrorist charges is possible for some leaders, but maybe not for perpetrators. Someone needs to be prosecuted in order to satisfy PAD, royalists, and other anti-reds in society. There is always the black hole of the Thai judicial system for the cases pf certain leaders. Their cases can be extended indefinitely (same as for PAD).

(4) The anti-monarchy charges can die on the vine.

(5) The constitution needs to be amended before elections. Everyone can and should participate and have their say.

(6) Red shirt leaders need to play ball or we will be forced to disperse you, no matter the cost. This has gone on long enough. You know you are wrong. We know we were wrong. But the madness needs to stop.

Note: these are not the points of the reconciliation plan, but this is what I heard from the speech.

nicely put....

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Thai PM says ready to hold November elections under roadmap

BANGKOK (AFP) -- Thailand's prime minister said Monday he was ready to hold elections on November 14 to end a tense standoff with opposition protesters, subject to certain conditions under his reconciliation roadmap.

"If all five goals are achieved ... the election can be held on November 14," Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said in a nationally televised address.


-- ©Copyright AFP 2010-05-03

Published with written approval from AFP.


Seriously, if you are a red shirt how could you buy this? IF all five goals are achieved. Who determines IF they are achieved? Abhisit can declare the goals are not achieved and POOF all this is gone. If Abhisit really offers something, it won't have the word "IF".

Then what? Back to the "Toss a Grenade Diplomacy" of your revered red leaders? Abhisit is a hel_l of a lot more honorable then your lot (Arisman, Jatuporn, Thaksin, Weng, Veera, Payap, Jakrabop, etc). You defend this group, you get what you deserve, every time. (Grenades, hospital raids, violence, human shields, etc).

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what do points 2 and 5 mean?

political restructuring? new rules? new constituencies?

Probably a little of all - it gives the Red puppet masters (PTP) a chance, if they want a seat at the table, to act like politicians, and not like ringleaders at the ugliest circus on earth.

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Thai Visa always makes their headlines misleading and insationalist. The Red Shirts haven't agreed.

Next Headline:

"Red Shirts are Leaving"

Context of Article:

Red Shirts are leaving if their demands are met, Jak said Tuesday.

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Thai Visa always makes their headlines misleading and insationalist. The Red Shirts haven't agreed.

Next Headline:

"Red Shirts are Leaving"

Context of Article:

Red Shirts are leaving if their demands are met, Jak said Tuesday.

Fortunately, they don't have to agree. They are not a polictical party. Just the miliitant arm of the Shiniwatra family. It appears that they have no choice. Their numbers are dwindling - which will become more noiticable in the days to come, as planting season comes upon us. They have suffered a week of horrible PR, and they will see this as a way out (their "Victory" to appease their face).

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Abhisit just tries to safe his $ss, because he know's wen he resigns, his life is over.

why would his life be over?

he is a very educated and internationally popular man

he has a Masters degree in Economics from Oxford

he scored the second highest result in Oxfords history

he could walk onto the boards of any number of major companies in Singapore and be paid $ millions a year for his services

if thats a life, that you would call over then i want the same

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Sounds like the reds and the people have finally won. Well done.

On what part of Logic do you base this conclusion

The social elite yellow shirts have finally bowed to the down trodden reds (the working class who keep the yellows in the lifestyle they cherish) They will have an election but the only problem is the yellows will saturate it in corruption an ensure that it is not fair and just. When the yellows demonstrate they target farangs (remember the airport) When the reds demonstrate they keep it in house.

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Examples of compromises, among others:

1) Grant anticipated elections in 9 months instead of end of term

2) Cutting the 1st compromise by additional 3 months

3) Listening to the others' points and opening the discussion on possible improvements on the situation

I thought this whole thing with the timing of the elections was related to the annual military re-shuffle.

The current administration wants to hold elections after the re-shuffle, and the Red Shirts want to hold elections before the annual re-shuffle.

(BTW, would any of the Thai linguists care to reply what the Thai phrase for the annual re-shuffle is called - in Thai script?)


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Examples of compromises, among others:

1) Grant anticipated elections in 9 months instead of end of term

2) Cutting the 1st compromise by additional 3 months

3) Listening to the others' points and opening the discussion on possible improvements on the situation

I thought this whole thing with the timing of the elections was related to the annual military re-shuffle.

The current administration wants to hold elections after the re-shuffle, and the Red Shirts want to hold elections before the annual re-shuffle.

(BTW, would any of the Thai linguists care to reply what the Thai phrase for the annual re-shuffle is called - in Thai script?)


I think you have the government position, but the Reds don't care about before/after. They were trying to cause enough mayhem to make the government collapse, so their master Thaksin could save his money.

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I was right, elections in about six months and the reds will claim it as their victory when it wasn't what they were demanding in the first place. Let's not forget dozens are dead, a thousand injured, 100,000 lost jobs, millions more will lose out due to reduced tourism. The most serious crimes possible have been committed by the reds in the past 2 months. NO AMNESTY for reds. Make them stand trial and defend their criminal actions in court.

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Sounds like the reds and the people have finally won. Well done.

On what part of Logic do you base this conclusion

The social elite yellow shirts have finally bowed to the down trodden reds (the working class who keep the yellows in the lifestyle they cherish) They will have an election but the only problem is the yellows will saturate it in corruption an ensure that it is not fair and just. When the yellows demonstrate they target farangs (remember the airport) When the reds demonstrate they keep it in house.

Stop sniffing glue before you post. :) Question - name the political parties dissolved for election fraud in the last election. I'll wait.

Red house is Ratchaprasong Intersection? More like "Guns and Ammo Warehouse".

Edited by SomTumTiger
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Abhisit just tries to safe his $ss, because he know's wen he resigns, his life is over.

why would his life be over?

he is a very educated and internationally popular man

he has a Masters degree in Economics from Oxford

he scored the second highest result in Oxfords history

he could walk onto the boards of any number of major companies in Singapore and be paid $ millions a year for his services

if thats a life, that you would call over then i want the same

Who in thier right mind would hire a former thai politician and even more so a corrupt yellow shirt. I wouldn't let the man handle my childs pocket money. Mybe he should go back home to England

Edited by moetownblues
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Sounds like the reds and the people have finally won. Well done.

On what part of Logic do you base this conclusion

The social elite yellow shirts have finally bowed to the down trodden reds (the working class who keep the yellows in the lifestyle they cherish) They will have an election but the only problem is the yellows will saturate it in corruption an ensure that it is not fair and just. When the yellows demonstrate they target farangs (remember the airport) When the reds demonstrate they keep it in house.

The government has bowed down to the violent reds.

The yellow shirts will be out protesting against the government for giving in to mob rule. (The pot calling the kettle "yellow".)

You will also probably find (if you read a little bit) that the yellow shirts targeted the airport to stop Samak from returning from o/s. They didn't "target farangs".

The reds haven't really kept it "in house" either. Their protest for the last 6 weeks has been in a major tourist area in Bangkok, shutting down many hotels frequented by farangs, and forcing the closure of many shopping centres frequented by farangs. Their protests around Khao Sarn Rd also affected many farangs. Many large signs *in English* doesn't look like keeping it in house.

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Who in thier right mind would hire a former thai politician and even more so a corrupt yellow shirt. I wouldn't let the man handle my childs pocket money. Mybe he should go back home to England

Why do red shirt supporters have to label anyone that is not red as a yellow?

That would mean that 80% of Thais are yellow.

Edited by whybother
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Reply to deadsnoopy.

Thailand has had democracy for many years, the basis being 'one man one vote'. Just because some people choose to sell their right to democracy to the highest bidder is not the fault of democracy. It is the fault of the seller of their right of a democratic vote.

Cheers, Rick

I keep reading about the "vote buying". How sure are you anyways that people will vote for this or that candidate after receiving the money? Nobody in Thailand follows you to the ballot box when you cast your vote. On the contrary, you're required to go alone. So I could take 500 Baht from the chicken party and tell them I'll vote for them, then vote for the peanuts party and nobody would know.

Sounds plausible?

not even close, you think the payees are so stupid?

it says a lot about your opinion of the rural communities

the votes cast are monitored by the headmans agents, the local mafia and the police

you better vote as you pledged or you can expect trouble later

many have been caught out by this falacy and had money taken back and more and had a beating for their trouble

i know this to be true, this happened in my wife's village to one small group who voted differently to what they were paid to do by the headman

they became the village pariahs and most have had to move out.

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Thai PM says ready to hold November elections under roadmap

BANGKOK (AFP) -- Thailand's prime minister said Monday he was ready to hold elections on November 14 to end a tense standoff with opposition protesters, subject to certain conditions under his reconciliation roadmap.

"If all five goals are achieved ... the election can be held on November 14," Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said in a nationally televised address.


-- ©Copyright AFP 2010-05-03

Published with written approval from AFP.


Seriously, if you are a red shirt how could you buy this? IF all five goals are achieved. Who determines IF they are achieved? Abhisit can declare the goals are not achieved and POOF all this is gone. If Abhisit really offers something, it won't have the word "IF".

I wondered how long it would be before the trouble makers came out of the wodwork

The PM has made a pledge not only before Tailand but the world

Every decision he makes me be disected by all the media

He is bound by his word or shown to be untrustworthy

How about the red shirt

Can I believe they will now go home No

Do I believe the red shirt leader will give them selves up No

Will the protestors wait and see or change the agenda to the freedom of the Tai leader thigs

The PM want to keep these guys honest

I do not like his chances

But unlike people like yourself, he wants a chance for Thailand to find peace

But I guess this is not what Taskin wants

so his hench men will norw be working double time to make sure the poor Northern farms do not see the truth

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Abhisit and the government have made a very clever move. As pointed out by other posters, there isn't much new to this compromise from previous offers, but including an intention to address the inequalities at least creates the appearance of compromise and reconciliation. If the redshirts refuse this compromise outright, they risk global condemnation. The government has the opportunity to look like the peacemakers.

IMHO, the redshirts need to accept the compromise, or offer a reasonable alternative, while still making it clear that they are dubious about the government's sincerity. If the government fails to honor the intent and spirit of the agreement, there will undoubtedly be opportunities to ramp the protest movement back up. In the mean time, the country will have a chance to return to some normality, and hopefully the inflammatory rhetoric from both sides will cool down.

Somehow, the Thai people need to develop faith in the electoral process to effect change and resolve issues. This will be tough to accomplish in a nation that has had only one PM serve his entire term, and then he was deposed in a coup.

The worse case scenario for the redshirts, and the Thai people in general, would be that the government uses the next 6 months to suppress and dismantle the opposition, and/or refuses to hold the Nov 14 elections for any reason, valid or not. If the government uses their position to suppress the opposition, and/or refuses to conduct the elections, any future credibility is lost and sympathy will swing back to the redshirts.

I agree that whatever happens in November, there will undoubtedly be groups that don't like the outcome and want to take to the streets again. However, it seems to me that the first priority right now is to get both sides to stand down and remove the guns from each others heads (figuratively, not literally) so the rest of the Thai people can get life back to something that passes for normal and quit being victimized by the conflict.

The government's tendency to censor and suppress any perceived opposition makes me doubt their sincerity, but if they are never given a chance to prove themselves, then the opposition are the bad guys.

It seems like these boards are an accurate microcosm for what is happening in Thailand right now. Everyone assumes that they know what the real issues and motivations are, and of course their interpretation is the only valid one. Making decisions that effect an entire nation based on personal preconceptions may not be the best way to find the way back to the land of smiles. Both sides should try to understand the opposing viewpoint with an open mind. While I believe that the redshirts have some legitimate grievances, they have put the government in the impossible position of having to give in to what seems like extortion to make any concessions. Similarly, the government be labeling the redshirts terrorists and anti-monarchy, put them in a do or die, last stand kind of mentality.

The government has followed a somewhat sucessful policy of giving the redshirts enough rope to hang themselves. Now is the time for the redshirts to switch roles. Call the government's bluff and accept the compromise. If they are insincere and start backpedaling, they will be the ones hanging themselves.

Hopefully both sides will let their true love of Thailand and the monarchy win out, and give reconciliation a chance.

Well written, articulate post.

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Sounds like the reds and the people have finally won. Well done.

On what part of Logic do you base this conclusion

The social elite yellow shirts have finally bowed to the down trodden reds (the working class who keep the yellows in the lifestyle they cherish) They will have an election but the only problem is the yellows will saturate it in corruption an ensure that it is not fair and just. When the yellows demonstrate they target farangs (remember the airport) When the reds demonstrate they keep it in house.

I'll have 2 of what ever you have been drinking

My thai wife is one of those down trodden reds, who has been happy in there simple life style way before Tasking came on the scene

Now in her village more that 50% of families are in debt because of Taskin Loans fiasco

She is still trying to remember what good Taskin did her village

The present Government in her eyes have done more for her family than Taskin ever did

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Sounds like the reds and the people have finally won. Well done.

On what part of Logic do you base this conclusion

The social elite yellow shirts have finally bowed to the down trodden reds (the working class who keep the yellows in the lifestyle they cherish) They will have an election but the only problem is the yellows will saturate it in corruption an ensure that it is not fair and just. When the yellows demonstrate they target farangs (remember the airport) When the reds demonstrate they keep it in house.

Hmmm International Hotels

Khao San Rd

Banking District

(using bombs and snipers --- terrorism as the PM and others have said --- )

Targetting tourism

Targetting the skytrain


All affect tourism. If you want to call this bowing down to the terrorists then so be it ... but Abhisit still gets all his goals accomplished. He sets the budget, he sets the military reshuffle (names th new head of the military), he sets the stage for a new constitution that EVERYONE and not just a misguided minority has input into.)

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Thai PM says ready to hold November elections under roadmap

BANGKOK (AFP) -- Thailand's prime minister said Monday he was ready to hold elections on November 14 to end a tense standoff with opposition protesters, subject to certain conditions under his reconciliation roadmap.

"If all five goals are achieved ... the election can be held on November 14," Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said in a nationally televised address.


-- ©Copyright AFP 2010-05-03

Published with written approval from AFP.


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Hats off to Abisit. This forum is full of self professed experts who can tell exactly what is wrong with almost any topic, person and Abisit as well. I do not recall Abisit advocating that he is infallible. What I do see is that he has done a great job as seeking a political solution against a Para-military action that used innocent peasents as pawns. He has kept a cool head, and he has never given up hope for a peaceful settlement and continues to seek a solution and justice that is good for all Thais, (even if it means his loss of the next election). The man shows vision and foresight and a glimmer of hope for the Thai people. I have seen very little sincere concern for the people from any other politician in Thailand in the last 15 years of self-serving PMs. Sure critics can find fault with Abisit, but he is the best PM by far. He has tabled a proposal that allows the Red's to save face. Yes there are "IFs" and conditions attached to the proposal, as there should be. If the Reds do not play nice, then the deal is off. It looks to me that Abisit is a great leader and the best hope for a nation seeking to mature it's democratic model. Who cares if he is yellow, green or red, a puppet or a visionary... he is what Thailand need most at this time, a catalyst to a new level of maturity for Thailand. I hope that the Thai people see this and support him in future elections. I hope the Red activist seize the chance to promote their cause in the next elections. I pray that the Thai people see their way to a more stable, and humane society reaching a harmony that is right for the people, their values and morals, and to live in happiness and mutual respect.

I'd take my hat off to Abhisit any day ...as soon as he explains on national television as to why he took a 259 million Baht illegal donation during the last election, and approved it as the chairman of the Democrats. Sure, you can try and smear the opposition party as corrupt, but at least you've got to acknowledge you're just as corrupt. Hands caught in the cookie jar :)

you are grasping at the very few straws left on the table

dissolution will never happen by this route

its a trumped up charge, passed over quickly by the EC commission under death threat by Arisaman and his rent a mob.

when its investigated it will be seen to have been passed upstairs under duress and to be an eroneous charge manufactured by Phua Thai to muddy the waters of the Democrats

it will be seen for what it is and officially dropped when the Red head haze has died down

Korn and Abhissit are both financial wizards, Korn is the 2010 Asian banker of the year

do you really think they couldn't have laundered this in a way so that it would not be discovered by the ex rice pickers/bean counters at the EC?

please grow up........

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