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Who Cleans Pattaya Beach?


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Anyone who has ever been to Pattaya beach will probably have seen some chards of glass and bottles laying around in the sand... Not a pleasant sight with all the children and common barefooters around! I never go without a decent pair of shoes on my feet.

Especially with the low tides and especially the south pattaya part is covered in bottles of which many broken. Now I wonder who and when is this being cleaned up?!

Does Pattaya have a crew of beachcleaners that goes around at certain times?

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i do, but i'm not there right now..I clean up beaches wherever i go in thailand, to get excercise and do something worthwhilke..usually young Thai people start to help out once they see a farang doing it.

..too bad people don't drink beer in cans more..as when they get mao mak mak they throw the bottles down and break them, often to express in a tangible and "meaningful" way their disappointment and dismay that the "buzz" they have at the end in no way was reminiscent of what they envisioned prior to the "binge"

do a good deed and throw it in the ocean.. the tide always comes back

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Pattaya's a beach resort. Why should they clean it, the sea dose that. I jest, yes I belive it's cleaned once a year. Or if some one important visit's. Up untill a few year's ago they were still pumping raw sewage into the sea. TIT

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Who Cleans Pattaya Beach?, Gettin rid of the bottles...

I got from a reliable source that his name is nobody and he works for the organisation named " we dont f_cking care about cleaning up ".

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I have heard that the beach umbrella people are responsible for keeping the area in front of their part of the beach clean as part of the deal of them being allowed to be there, if this is the case its not policed, you would think they would keep their area clean to try and get customers anyway, I also would have thought that the glass and cans are worth a bit of cash, but...

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It is taken for granted that

Thailand is full of beautiful beaches.

Thailand is a top world class tourist mecca.

Thailand is a happy unspoiled sea resort.

Guess, which one is wrong?

I think the problem is not farang tourists, but thai people. And it is not even their fault.

Any Govt in any country must lead. Wherever they lead, the people usually go.

Education. Laws. Enforcement. Penalties... Nothing is in place here. TIT!!! A sorry excuse to the detriment of this country.

I live on a beautiful beach with almost no tourists, very few people on the beach. Yet, the beach is full of garbage. The tide brings it twice a day. When you look out at sea you you can count 100 - 150 boats. Fishing boats. This is the major industry here.

Each boat carries 6 - 10 men. 365 days a year. Millions of plastic bags, bottles, plastic food trays, shoes, pants, lighters - all end up here, on the beach.

I know the remedy... But it will never happen here, - TIT!!! :)

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I do know one Dive Shop doing monthly Clean ups, not of the Beach at Pattaya but at the near and far Islands. Usually they clean one of the Dive Sites and the Beach at the same spot. Once a Year they do have a big Clean up Day. last year attended from more then 200 people, mainly foreigners but also many Thais.

And yes it makes a difference.

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Up untill a few year's ago they were still pumping raw sewage into the sea. TIT

They still do, :D that building at the entrance to walking street is a sewage pumping station, it is supposed to pump treated sewage out to sea and it is supposed to be a mile long, but I'm not sure it is, sometimes you get it coming back into the beach

The 'chopper' pumps grind up the solids into a slurry, then its pumped out to sea :)

1 consalation is, the best crabs/shrimp/prawns/lobster :D and fish feed at the outlet, no matter what country they are in

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Up untill a few year's ago they were still pumping raw sewage into the sea. TIT

They still do, :D that building at the entrance to walking street is a sewage pumping station, it is supposed to pump treated sewage out to sea and it is supposed to be a mile long, but I'm not sure it is, sometimes you get it coming back into the beach

The 'chopper' pumps grind up the solids into a slurry, then its pumped out to sea :)

1 consalation is, the best crabs/shrimp/prawns/lobster :D and fish feed at the outlet, no matter what country they are in

Im not sure thats true. At one stage I did some research to see if the water was ok for swimming. Apparently that pumping station pumps it back inland to a sewage treatment plant of some sort. I think ten or 15 years ago it was pumped out to sea.

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