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What She Really Means Is.......

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When I asked my wife if she minded me going out last night, she gave me a reluctant "up to you". I took this as "i really dont want you to, but you can if you want." That was where i went wrong, what she was really saying was "i dont want you to go, but i dont want you to feel that i dont trust you, and i can fight with you when you come back, so its up to you". :D

And lets not forget the times I ask her "whats wrong". Every man out there knows her answer before i even type it "nothing"; translated "i want you to query me further and in the process re-affirm that you love and care about me, but if you just let it go and dont push for more, i will fight with you later about this" :D

i'd like everyone to add their own translations, try to help each other out here :o

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I'm with Jayenram on this one. I've stopped trying to guess what she means....but I can usually tell by the tone of her voice and her body language when the answer needs further consideration. At those times I ask her, using a very soft and non threatening tone (if I'm emotionally calm enough to do this at the time) what she really wants and then I tell her what I plan to do and then I ask her will this be a problem for her and will she feel bad or be in a bad mood later if I do it and that I don't want to go through with my plans if it will make her unhappy.......unless of course I really want to go ahead with my plans whether she likes it or not in which case I just say, 'see you later TiRak!'

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"I am sure, 100%".  means  "whatever I said, I will not change my story.  no way no how.  Stop asking"

FG: "I'm sure, 100%"

Me: "And upon what do you base that knowledge?"

FG: "I know, that's all"

Me: "So? You were wrong"

FG: Shrug of shoulders

Me: Keep quite, never even mention it again.

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Everytime i asked my wife what she wanted to do i always got the obligitory "up to you" i said to her eventually that everything isnt upto me we are married and we should decide together BIG MISTAKE!!!!!!!! now everything is upto HER and if i disagree i have to sleep with one eye open :o in case she cuts my other one eye off :D

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Ok boys, some of this is cultural, some of it just women.

Cultural: it is impolite to say no (or deny someone something) so if you get a bs excuse, read it as "No".

Women: "no" means "no". plain and simple.

"Up to you" means "use your judgement about how I feel but if you get it wrong you are up a creek without a paddle".

"What are you thinking?" means "What are you thinking, I hope it is something nice about me or something important about our relationship rather than about the engine oil needing to be changed".

Let me know if you need any more translations :o

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Ok boys, some of this is cultural, some of it just women.

Cultural: it is impolite to say no (or deny someone something) so if you get a bs excuse, read it as "No".

Women: "no" means "no". plain and simple.

"Up to you" means "use your judgement about how I feel but if you get it wrong you are up a creek without a paddle".

"What are you thinking?" means "What are you thinking, I hope it is something nice about me or something important about our relationship rather than about the engine oil needing to be changed".

Let me know if you need any more translations  :D

Why all the secret meanings and hidden translations? Why can't women just say yes when they mean yes, and no when they mean no? That drives me crazy! :o

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Why all the secret meanings and hidden translations?  Why can't women just say yes when they mean yes, and no when they mean no?  That drives me crazy!  :D

As an Illuminati member you should be well practised in interpreting veiled things in allegory... :o

Sorry... couldn't help myself there. :D


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Ok boys, some of this is cultural, some of it just women.

Cultural: it is impolite to say no (or deny someone something) so if you get a bs excuse, read it as "No".

Women: "no" means "no". plain and simple.

"Up to you" means "use your judgement about how I feel but if you get it wrong you are up a creek without a paddle".

"What are you thinking?" means "What are you thinking, I hope it is something nice about me or something important about our relationship rather than about the engine oil needing to be changed".

Concur with sbk on this one.

"Tham jai khun" to Thai pooying usually means something to the effect you can do "it" but she's got reservations about the whole thing.

There's many levels of "up to you"...

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Ok Chaps once or twice " Up to you" is Ok you get it wrong but lets face it we are not mine readers if they cannot say NO then who are we to be simply wrong but yes I agree be on best behaviour when your out cos they always find out!!!!!!

Although life is a partnership it is a " way thing I beleive in plain English or plain Thai any day

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In our house when Ti rak says 'up to you' it means .....

"if you are an insensitive cad who wants to see me spend 4 hours all alone, bored to death with nothing to do but watch this TV and also wants to endure my sulking and silent treatment for 2 days, then go"

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I usually get the "up to you" bit when trying to decide which restaurant to go eat at.

Typical conversation:-

Me: Which restaurant shall we go to?

Missus: Up to you.

Me: OK, how about X restaurant?

Missus: No, food doesn't taste good.

Me: OK, how about Y restaurant?

Missus: No, have to wait to long for food to come.

Me: OK, how about Z restaurant?

Missus: No, too far.

Me: Ok, so where do you want to go?

Missus: Up to you.

Me: OK, we'll go to B restaurant (which I know is the one she wants to go to).

Missus: OK.

Do these conversations remind you of the conversation the Vultures had in Disney's The Jungle Book?

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"What are you thinking?" means "What are you thinking, I hope it is something nice about me or something important about our relationship rather than about the engine oil needing to be changed".

Ah... so that's why she sulks for two days every time I answer with what I'm really thinking about! :o

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Ok boys, some of this is cultural, some of it just women.

Cultural: it is impolite to say no (or deny someone something) so if you get a bs excuse, read it as "No".

Women: "no" means "no". plain and simple.

"Up to you" means "use your judgement about how I feel but if you get it wrong you are up a creek without a paddle".

"What are you thinking?" means "What are you thinking, I hope it is something nice about me or something important about our relationship rather than about the engine oil needing to be changed".

Let me know if you need any more translations  :D

Why all the secret meanings and hidden translations? Why can't women just say yes when they mean yes, and no when they mean no? That drives me crazy! :D

That's the Third braincell Trippx...

the first one is for breathing

The second one stops them from crapping in the kitchen ....

The Third one... well you know :D

Oh man am i gonna get clobbered for this one :o:D:D:D

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