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What She Really Means Is.......

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In our house when Ti rak says 'up to you' it means .....

"if you are an insensitive cad who wants to see me spend 4 hours all alone, bored to death with nothing to do but watch this TV and also wants to endure my sulking and silent treatment for 2 days, then go"

That sounds familiar ~ !

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When I asked my wife if she minded me going out last night, she gave me a reluctant "up to  you". I took this as "i really dont want you to, but you can if you want."

im a thai girl .. for word" its up to you" mean.." i dont agree with you, but i do't dare to tell NO coz im kreang jai " :o

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Ok, here it is;

The wife says "up to you", you then ask her (like you want to stay at home) "Do you want to stay at home tinoght darling.... Maybe order something from the shop".

This will get a "Yes";

You then reply, I want you to be happy - number 1. So you can stay at home.

Then you say you want to go out.

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I am surprised that many of you have been living in thailand a long time and married to thai women and still do not understand basic underpinnings of "up to you". Generally, when a thai person says "up to you' he/she is mad or upset with you. Have you ever said "up to you " to a thai person? Take a look at their face afterwards. They really do not like it. Some have said to me "Are you mad?" back to me. Initially I was surprised, but now I understand what is really going on. Just like the poster above (claiming to be a thai girl) intimated about disagreeing, but she phrased it in a polite way. I am not saying that that this applies in every case, just many of them.......

P.S. If you still do not know: "Up to you", usually means not up to you.........

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"Up to you" has a western equivelent......."Whatever"

Me-Want to go out tonight?


Me-Ok I'm meeting your girlfriends at 8pm.

Her-Which girlfriends.

Me-(I just say one that she thinks either fancies me or she thinks I fancy her)

...............8pm and she still hasn't made a move.

Me-Right tiruk. I'm off to have fun with some beatiful girls. Phone me when you are ready but if we go to a nightclub I may not hear it so be quick.

Her- Which club you go.


................2 mins later...........

Her-Ready! lets go!

She did it about 4 or 5 times and now I never hear"up to you!" only yes or no :o

Jealousy is a wonderful thai trait.

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Ok boys, some of this is cultural, some of it just women.

Cultural: it is impolite to say no (or deny someone something) so if you get a bs excuse, read it as "No".

Women: "no" means "no". plain and simple.

"Up to you" means "use your judgement about how I feel but if you get it wrong you are up a creek without a paddle".

"What are you thinking?" means "What are you thinking, I hope it is something nice about me or something important about our relationship rather than about the engine oil needing to be changed".

Let me know if you need any more translations  :D

Why all the secret meanings and hidden translations? Why can't women just say yes when they mean yes, and no when they mean no? That drives me crazy! :o

Because we are complex creatures with deep emotions and thoughts. Sorry, I know you can't really understand that since mostly, with guys, what you see is what you get, but women understand each other just fine and don't find any secret meanings or hidden translations at all. Seems perfectly clear to us!

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It women are so complex with such deep emotions and thoughts. Can some please explain to me why they can not develop of broader vocabulary, and put some thought into responses to our questions? Rather than giving the standard “Up to you”.

And if there is no secret meanings or hidden translations can someone please explain the following situations:

Mr: Where do you want to eat?

Mrs: Up to you.

Mr: OK we’ll go to X.

Mrs: Oh, no not there.

Mr. So where do you want to eat?

Mrs: I told you up to you.

Mr: OK, then we’ll go to Y.

Mrs: Oh, no not there…………


Mr: OK if I go to X

Mrs: Up to you

Next three days the Mrs speaks about three words to you each day. When you ask her what the problem is she say “Nothing” – then finally cracks and says she is p*ssed you when to X (even though she said “Up to you”).

Say what you mean and mean what you say – so simple.

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Ok boys, some of this is cultural, some of it just women.

Cultural: it is impolite to say no (or deny someone something) so if you get a bs excuse, read it as "No".

Women: "no" means "no". plain and simple.

"Up to you" means "use your judgement about how I feel but if you get it wrong you are up a creek without a paddle".

"What are you thinking?" means "What are you thinking, I hope it is something nice about me or something important about our relationship rather than about the engine oil needing to be changed".

Let me know if you need any more translations  :D

Why all the secret meanings and hidden translations? Why can't women just say yes when they mean yes, and no when they mean no? That drives me crazy! :o

Because we are complex creatures with deep emotions and thoughts. Sorry, I know you can't really understand that since mostly, with guys, what you see is what you get, but women understand each other just fine and don't find any secret meanings or hidden translations at all. Seems perfectly clear to us!

Creatures.....maybe. Complex.......no.

Men are problem solvers......women are problem makers.

Men can only solve problems if given accurate and unambiguous information. Women make sure that the information is ambiguous and incomplete so that they don't feel inferior to the the man trying to solve THIER problem. Why do you think 99.9 % of engineers are men and 90 % of psychologists are women. Engineers solve problems and psychologists convince you that you have a problem.

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Fortunately i have a clear understanding when my wife says "up to you". :o

If it is said with a smile it means "I trust you and i follow your decision because you always think about what i like too."

I still have to see an "up to you" said without a smile but i can imagine it will just mean "No".

Edited by Khun Jean
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