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Thailand To Consider Amnesty For Red-Shirts Leaders


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Am I mistaken, or is all this talk about amnesty moot. Last I heard, Red leaders claim they're not going to ask for amnesty, and I haven't heard any offers from gov't. So why all this discussion about something that's a non-issue?

Has anyone but I mentioned the big clean-up that will need to happen? Plus, will there be charges for illegal dumping, and if so, who will be held responsible? And who will pay for the clean-up, .....municiple resources paid by taxpayers?

More than a few farang have been busted and fined 2,000 baht on the spot for allegedly dropping a cig. butt in the city (some of the bustees don't even smoke, but that's another story). If 2,000 baht is the going rate for a cig butt smaller than your little finger, than what's the fine for dumping 5,000 fuel covered tires in downtown bangkok. Just the fuel itself would be grounds for hazardous waste dumping charges - in any civilized country.

The red shirt leaders announcement that they didn't want any amnesty because they wanted to be able to prosecute government leaders and officials over the events of 10th April when they are in power (and being attacked by terrorists will be made a crime??!!) was clearly only for adrenaline pumping show on the red shirt stage. They are actually feverishly negotiating in secret for a blanket amnesty, which is why they are making feeble excuses for staying put, e.g. the date of the dissolution which is already known within 15 days. I think Abhisit has to restrict amnesty to charges regarding illegal assembly under the SOE. Without that they should arrest all the demonstrators as they leave the rally which would be pointless. Charges relating to terror and LM will have to stay (at least until Phuea Thai gets into power and squashes them). Otherwise Abhisit will be rejected by his own party, let alone the yellows, the multicolors and some factions in the army.

Thanks Arkady, for substantiating what I assumed. In other words, it would be wholly understandable if the Red Shirt leaders are negotiating feverishly behind closed doors for certain types of amnesty. Simultaneously, they can strut on their stage and claim they're not asking for it, but that's probably just show.

Certainly, scum like Seh Daeng and Kwanchai know they're going to be in deep doo doo, so expect them to hide away from authorities.

UDD’s answer to Abhisit 4th May

1. UDD is happy to enter negotiations and the process of solving the crisis.

2. UDD wants to know the exact date of the dissolution of parliament since the election date is determined by the Election Commission, not the Prime Minister.

3. The Government must stop all repressive measures. The citizens must have freedom of movement, freedom of assembly and freedom to receive information via all forms of media.

4. The UDD leadership does not seek any pardon for charges of over throwing the Monarchy or charges of terrorism. They are happy to fight all charges in court. Similarly, those responsible for ordering soldiers to kill unarmed civilians should not receive any pardon. The Government must press forward with cases against the PAD for seizing the airports.

5. All sides must stop using the Monarchy for political purposes.

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Am I mistaken, or is all this talk about amnesty moot. Last I heard, Red leaders claim they're not going to ask for amnesty, and I haven't heard any offers from gov't. So why all this discussion about something that's a non-issue?

Has anyone but I mentioned the big clean-up that will need to happen? Plus, will there be charges for illegal dumping, and if so, who will be held responsible? And who will pay for the clean-up, .....municiple resources paid by taxpayers?

More than a few farang have been busted and fined 2,000 baht on the spot for allegedly dropping a cig. butt in the city (some of the bustees don't even smoke, but that's another story). If 2,000 baht is the going rate for a cig butt smaller than your little finger, than what's the fine for dumping 5,000 fuel covered tires in downtown bangkok. Just the fuel itself would be grounds for hazardous waste dumping charges - in any civilized country.

The red shirt leaders announcement that they didn't want any amnesty because they wanted to be able to prosecute government leaders and officials over the events of 10th April when they are in power (and being attacked by terrorists will be made a crime??!!) was clearly only for adrenaline pumping show on the red shirt stage. They are actually feverishly negotiating in secret for a blanket amnesty, which is why they are making feeble excuses for staying put, e.g. the date of the dissolution which is already known within 15 days. I think Abhisit has to restrict amnesty to charges regarding illegal assembly under the SOE. Without that they should arrest all the demonstrators as they leave the rally which would be pointless. Charges relating to terror and LM will have to stay (at least until Phuea Thai gets into power and squashes them). Otherwise Abhisit will be rejected by his own party, let alone the yellows, the multicolors and some factions in the army.

Thanks Arkady, for substantiating what I assumed. In other words, it would be wholly understandable if the Red Shirt leaders are negotiating feverishly behind closed doors for certain types of amnesty. Simultaneously, they can strut on their stage and claim they're not asking for it, but that's probably just show.

Certainly, scum like Seh Daeng and Kwanchai know they're going to be in deep doo doo, so expect them to hide away from authorities.

UDD's answer to Abhisit 4th May

1. UDD is happy to enter negotiations and the process of solving the crisis.

2. UDD wants to know the exact date of the dissolution of parliament since the election date is determined by the Election Commission, not the Prime Minister.

3. The Government must stop all repressive measures. The citizens must have freedom of movement, freedom of assembly and freedom to receive information via all forms of media.

4. The UDD leadership does not seek any pardon for charges of over throwing the Monarchy or charges of terrorism. They are happy to fight all charges in court. Similarly, those responsible for ordering soldiers to kill unarmed civilians should not receive any pardon. The Government must press forward with cases against the PAD for seizing the airports.

5. All sides must stop using the Monarchy for political purposes.

Sounds ok to me , if the red terminate their protest

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One good reason why the Government cannot give in to the red scum.

4 patients died from Chulalongkorn Hospital evacuation

BANGKOK (NNT) -- A total of 4 patients of King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital have been pronounced dead after being relocated due to the anti-government protesters’ intrusion of the compound last week.


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A forum should be about sharing information and not like you see it about winning an argument. I asked a question and you cannot provide any help but go into confrontation mode. I can only repeat, if one think he can WIN at an internet forum than he is a LOSER. :D

And i admit, i have no knowledge about 18 PAD members killed at the government house and at the airport. I checked also yellow websites but I didn't found nowhere such numbers stated.

The prove is on you and jdinasia. Both of you cannot bring any facts or sources for this claim.

Conclusion - it is not true.

Before it was maybe only an error in the memory, no problem, to err is human and can happen to everybody. :D

But you still insist on it, so it became now pure spin, yellow propaganda, fabrication, nothing more but a deliberate lie. :D

Or simply you are uninformed and too lazy to look it up? And it is in fact true but your demands for information whilst I was not available ended up making you pull another strawman argument :D

It serves the reds purpose to diminish the deaths of the PAD ... so why should you bother doing the simple legwork to inform yourself or others? It serves my purpose to show that you are in fact less than honest intellectually. To not provide you with "proof" doesn't make anything a lie -- strawman. But to not provide you with "proof" does show your agenda clearly. :D

So ... go have a look ... it is documented here on TV ... it is available on the net :D

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The red shirt leaders have already said that they DONT want amnesty. So why is this still an issue being discussed?

When one considers that one of the primary objectives of the red cheerleaders is the amnesty of Thaksin, they really do protest too much.

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The red shirt leaders have already said that they DONT want amnesty. So why is this still an issue being discussed?

Because as was expected the reds were playing to the crowd and talking out of their arse.

Reds to stay put, for now

By The Nation

Secret negotiations stall over amnesty for banned politicians; DAAD wants details of plan before ending protest

BANGKOK: -- The red shirts yesterday said they would continue their protest in the Rajprasong business area until they obtained all the details of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's road map for national reconciliation.

They want this to include an amnesty from all charges and a clear stance on the road map from the ruling Democrat Party and its coalition partners.

"The government still poses a threat to us while the prime minister talks about reconciliation," said red leader Natthawut Saikua.

Reconciliation cannot happen in this tense atmosphere, he said.

"Even militants in the restive South have never been charged with terrorism. May I ask why the government charged nine red leaders as terrorists?" he asked. "Prime Minister Abhisit should take time to reconsider this matter."

The hope of seeing the red protest end on Coronation Day dissolved yesterday as both sides were unable to settle many differences in secret negotiations.

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A forum should be about sharing information and not like you see it about winning an argument. I asked a question and you cannot provide any help but go into confrontation mode. I can only repeat, if one think he can WIN at an internet forum than he is a LOSER. :D

And i admit, i have no knowledge about 18 PAD members killed at the government house and at the airport. I checked also yellow websites but I didn't found nowhere such numbers stated.

The prove is on you and jdinasia. Both of you cannot bring any facts or sources for this claim.

Conclusion - it is not true.

Before it was maybe only an error in the memory, no problem, to err is human and can happen to everybody. :D

But you still insist on it, so it became now pure spin, yellow propaganda, fabrication, nothing more but a deliberate lie. :D

Or simply you are uninformed and too lazy to look it up? And it is in fact true but your demands for information whilst I was not available ended up making you pull another strawman argument :D

It serves the reds purpose to diminish the deaths of the PAD ... so why should you bother doing the simple legwork to inform yourself or others? It serves my purpose to show that you are in fact less than honest intellectually. To not provide you with "proof" doesn't make anything a lie -- strawman. But to not provide you with "proof" does show your agenda clearly. :D

So ... go have a look ... it is documented here on TV ... it is available on the net :D

Is the information still available from within Thailand or has the government blocked it yet?

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The red shirt leaders have already said that they DONT want amnesty. So why is this still an issue being discussed?

It is being discussed because they changed their minds and now amnesty is an issue. Their brave talk of being willing to face the charges in court was just more hot air. They want amnesty, and amnesty for the hundreds of people who broke the election laws in the past 2 elections. In which case it would only make sense for the democrats to give themselves amnesty against their potential party dissolution, we all know the reds hate double standards, so if their politicians get a free pass so should the democrats.

People who violate election laws in Thailand shouldn't be banned from politics, they should go to prison, maybe then they'd stop doing it so often.

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The red shirt leaders have already said that they DONT want amnesty. So why is this still an issue being discussed?

That's the question I asked earlier. It turns out the Reds are shouting one thing on their stage for their sheeple; "The UDD leadership does not seek any pardon for charges of terrorism." .......Yet (surprise!) now we hear they're negotiating feverishly behind the scenes for amnesty.

Native Americans have a saying which perfectly fits the Reds: "White man speak with forked tongue."

Let's see if they all turn themselves in to authorities on May 15th as they claimed they would. Chevalit turned himself in, but didn't really - pulling out some soggy excuse at the last minute ("they wouldn't allow my entourage to enter with me"). Then submitted his autobiography instead, with all the ugly parts omitted.

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so when will PAD people be prosecuted for occupying govt house for over 100 days, and the airport for 7 days ?

Or are double-standards still to apply ?

Don't hold your breath, dude...how would the elite feel if double standards were reduced/eliminated? They'd suddenly start feeling less superior to those damned red shirted Isaan buffalos if they had to obey the same laws....it cannot be allowed to happen...

I'm not gonna hold your breath for the day you start using facts to support your delusions.

And in reply to the first quoted gentleman (using the term loosely): Several PAD-members are already charged and awaiting trial etc.

Why should the PAD be prosecuted if the reds get amnesty for worse crimes? The reds should protest for amnesty for all crimes committed in Thailand since the 2006 coup by anyone. That way no one can complain about double standards.

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The red shirt leaders have already said that they DONT want amnesty. So why is this still an issue being discussed?

That's the question I asked earlier. It turns out the Reds are shouting one thing on their stage for their sheeple; "The UDD leadership does not seek any pardon for charges of terrorism." .......Yet (surprise!) now we hear they're negotiating feverishly behind the scenes for amnesty.

Native Americans have a saying which perfectly fits the Reds: "White man speak with forked tongue."

Let's see if they all turn themselves in to authorities on May 15th as they claimed they would. Chevalit turned himself in, but didn't really - pulling out some soggy excuse at the last minute ("they wouldn't allow my entourage to enter with me"). Then submitted his autobiography instead, with all the ugly parts omitted.

Except they aren't white and they would probably use a spoon.

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Nothing misread about it -- and now that you are attacking my personal beliefs you are stepping further and further over the line.

Stop HARRASSING - if you believe the rich and powerful who abuse their positions can be Buddhist you have no grasp whatsoever - go read the Dhammapada assuming you know what that is - now stop your mean and nasty little tricks and get a life

EDIT: for other posters reading this personal tripe - apologies - this guy is well know for trying to trick people into being suspended or banned on TV and has done so to others by saying things are 'offensive' or 'impugning the courts' etc. a nasty piece of work and I have received PM's about him.

Edited by ChiangMaiFun
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Jdinasia, chiangmaifun, and a few of you others have to stop the fighting. I'm getting sick of your bickering and if I see it again I'm sending you off for an extended period.

Several posts were trashed. This is your last chance.

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Army Considers Dismissal of Maj-Gen Khattiya


-- Tan Network 2010-05-07


Any other army would have done a lot more, and a lot sooner. Seh Daeng (Khattiya) has been a dangerously loose cannon for months. He should have been court marshaled and thrown in the brig weeks or months ago. By being so slow to decide, and for aiming for chiffon soft discipline (dismissal ....with pay and benefits?) - Thai top brass are burnishing their int'l image as the teletubbies of military forces.

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BANGKOK: -- Thailand's fugitive former premier Thaksin Shinawatra has hired an international law firm to help the anti-government protest movement holding mass rallies in Bangkok, the company said Tuesday.

Amsterdam & Peroff, which has office in Toronto, London and Washington, said it had been appointed by Thaksin "to assist in the current contentious struggle for the restoration of democracy and rule of law" in Thailand.

"We are pleased to be retained by Prime Minister Shinawatra to work on this urgent matter, and we acknowledge the challenging complexity and sensitivity of the political crisis unraveling Thai society," said Robert Amsterdam, a founding partner of the law firm, said in a statement.

What clout does this firm have, what right do they have to interfere in a sovereigns states affairs. ?

They must be singing ''My God how the money rolls in.


Robert Amsterdam


Thailand's ousted leader Thaksin hires international lawyer

Radio Australia

Updated May 6, 2010 10:40:06

Thailand's anti-government protestors have hinted they could soon end weeks of protests, although they're still demanding a firm date for the dissolution of parliament before tearing down their barricades.

The so-called 'Red Shirts', whose two-month campaign has resulted in 27 deaths, agreed this week to join Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's proposed reconciliation process.

Red Shirts figurehead and ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who's now in exile, says he supports Prime Minister Abhisit's proposal. Thaksin was overthrown by a military coup in 2006 and faces a jail term if he returns. He's now hired international law firm, Amsterdam and Peroff to develop legal arguments against the current government.

Presenter: Sen Lam

Speakers: Robert Amsterdam, principal lawyer Amsterdam and Peroff

AMSTERDAM: We've been asked by Dr Thaksin to clarify the situation on the ground legally, constitutionally and look into the events of early April with the tragic loss of life and also provide some analysis in terms of the possible legal and constitutional impact of the reconciliation process as it may proceed.

LAM: So, how exactly does Amsterdam and Peroff intend to restore democracy. As you say, you're studying the legal implications of it.

AMSTERDAM: No, no, no, we are not engaged in attempting to restore democracy, we're engaged in providing information to our client concerning these issues and providing advice to him concerning the legal situation on the ground. We have a government, a de facto government that we argue may well not be properly constituted. We have a situation where there has been a tremendous exercise of power against civilians and there's a situation on the ground in Bangkok that clearly cries out for analysis and clarity.

LAM: Well, the situation in Bangkok has changed somewhat this week, given that the Red Shirts who by and large support Thaksin Shinawatra. They have indicated this week that they are seriously considering a government reconciliation plan, including early fresh elections. Does that change your brief?

AMSTERDAM: It does not change our brief. Certainly we, as well as everyone welcomes any progress towards reconciliation.

LAM: Do you think it's a bit unusual for a foreign private law firm to get involved in an overtly partisan and political cause in Thailand?

AMSTERDAM: Not at all, and again the issue is that every party at this point needs to sit back and try to look at basic norms and principles. Part of the problem in Thailand has been this incredible polarisation that has gone on and it is not a matter of Thais versus foreigners. It is a matter of everyone trying to come together and put a situation which has reached this terribly deteriorating level back to one where dialogue can ensue and in fact, often as you're aware, foreigners are those who are deemed to be less directly connected, can provide insights to those who are very close historically to the situation and sometimes as a result of that, may be able to do some thinking that a local may find difficult to pursue.

I think the issue as to what I have always called the presumption of regularity needs to be addressed, simply because people use the instrumentality of the state does not mean they constitute a proper government. We have had a coup in Thailand. There is apparently quite an ongoing double standard that is operative there, where the mask of government does not mean that they properly reflect the institutions of the constitution. By the constitution, I am looking both at the 1997 and the 2007 Constitution, but the '97 constitution is really the constitution that was adopted at a moment of popular involvement that many could argue was more operative than even the 2007 Constitution.

LAM: And finally Robert Amsterdam, is this a first for your law firm to represent a ousted leader with a view to restoring his leadership?

AMSTERDAM: That is not our brief. You have not presented our brief properly. Nothing like this constitutes a first for our firm. We've been involved.....

LAM: So you just want to set forward a clear legal framework for any reconciliation process. You are not actually acting on Thaksin's behalf to try and restore him to power?

AMSTERDAM: I have stated clearly what our brief is and that is the brief we intend to perform in this country. We just are still acting in a number of other countries for various other political leaders. So no, this is nothing new to our firm, nothing new to our experience. Our firm's specialty often relates to dealing in politically charged environments.


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Red-shirts Slam and Pressure PM

Red-shirt rally core leader Weng Tojirakan has called on at least one-million red-shirt people from across the country to mobilize to the Ratchaprasong intersection to put pressure on Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to dissolve the parliament as soon as possible.

Red-shirt protest leader Weng also slammed the soft-spoken premier by claiming that Abhisit is cunning-- saying that the premier does not deliver what he promises and Abhisit is good at creating an image.

From today's closed red shirt rally page --------

---- Thus endeth the talks of Amnesty ------

(but let's see if they can even get 100k again .... I guess if the $$ is good enough some people might risk it!

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Red-shirts Slam and Pressure PM

Red-shirt rally core leader Weng Tojirakan has called on at least one-million red-shirt people from across the country to mobilize to the Ratchaprasong intersection to put pressure on Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to dissolve the parliament as soon as possible.

Red-shirt protest leader Weng also slammed the soft-spoken premier by claiming that Abhisit is cunning-- saying that the premier does not deliver what he promises and Abhisit is good at creating an image.

From today's closed red shirt rally page --------

---- Thus endeth the talks of Amnesty ------

(but let's see if they can even get 100k again .... I guess if the $$ is good enough some people might risk it!

Are they still talking about a million, even after their previous efforts?????????????

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Purcell claims he have been injured by bullets on 10. April. Has that been disproved?

Why not take what he has said into consideration and discuss about that instead of starting a character assassination. That is low.

It's not low if it's deserved.

His various other claims have been discredited.

He's penniless, without a passport, has a quite dubious background, and his own Embassy has essentially disowned him.

He's a deportation just waiting to happen as when he was barbecued in this thread:


Just gossip about his background. That what i mean with "character assassination".

Some of the comments here at TVF about this 'Farang on the Red stage' can only come from persons who are not very intelligent themselves. They maybe looked into a mirror while typing.

I can only repeat my point:

Maybe the people who say he is a fool are right and foreigners should better stay out of politics in Thailand. But this statement should be also valid for a lot of farangs here at TVF. Some comments here a full of hatred, rancor and totally out of place.

So for you, as foreigner yourself, a guest in Thailand, it is also not your business to judge about him. Why rant and rave about him? Take it easy, live and let live.

There are other things much more important. Like an investigation about the bloodbath of april, the ongoing restriction of civil liberties ...

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Purcell claims he have been injured by bullets on 10. April. Has that been disproved?

Why not take what he has said into consideration and discuss about that instead of starting a character assassination. That is low.

It's not low if it's deserved.

His various other claims have been discredited.

He's penniless, without a passport, has a quite dubious background, and his own Embassy has essentially disowned him.

He's a deportation just waiting to happen as when he was barbecued in this thread:


Just gossip about his background. That what i mean with "character assassination".

Some of the comments here at TVF about this 'Farang on the Red stage' can only come from persons who are not very intelligent themselves. They maybe looked into a mirror while typing.

I can only repeat my point:

Maybe the people who say he is a fool are right and foreigners should better stay out of politics in Thailand. But this statement should be also valid for a lot of farangs here at TVF. Some comments here a full of hatred, rancor and totally out of place.

So for you, as foreigner yourself, a guest in Thailand, it is also not your business to judge about him. Why rant and rave about him? Take it easy, live and let live.

There are other things much more important. Like an investigation about the bloodbath of april, the ongoing restriction of civil liberties ...


hmmm "don't attack the foreigner that was at the Red shirt rally illegally (foreigners are banned from participating with the penalty being deportation) even though his own embassy personell have spoken out saying that the man's claims are bogus and the entire rally is illegal too?

Red to the core .........

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Purcell claims he have been injured by bullets on 10. April. Has that been disproved?

Why not take what he has said into consideration and discuss about that instead of starting a character assassination. That is low.

It's not low if it's deserved.

His various other claims have been discredited.

He's penniless, without a passport, has a quite dubious background, and his own Embassy has essentially disowned him.

He's a deportation just waiting to happen as when he was barbecued in this thread:


Just gossip about his background. That what i mean with "character assassination".

Some of the comments here at TVF about this 'Farang on the Red stage' can only come from persons who are not very intelligent themselves. They maybe looked into a mirror while typing.

I can only repeat my point:

Maybe the people who say he is a fool are right and foreigners should better stay out of politics in Thailand. But this statement should be also valid for a lot of farangs here at TVF. Some comments here a full of hatred, rancor and totally out of place.

So for you, as foreigner yourself, a guest in Thailand, it is also not your business to judge about him. Why rant and rave about him? Take it easy, live and let live.

There are other things much more important. Like an investigation about the bloodbath of april, the ongoing restriction of civil liberties ...


hmmm "don't attack the foreigner that was at the Red shirt rally illegally (foreigners are banned from participating with the penalty being deportation) even though his own embassy personell have spoken out saying that the man's claims are bogus and the entire rally is illegal too?

Red to the core .........

Why are foreigners banned from participating? How would such a charge be proved, as most protests are held on public streets?

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Just gossip about his background. That what i mean with "character assassination".

You like him so you call it gossip. I didn't think anything about him (hadn't seen his confused speech when I first read about him) and found the factual listing of his dubious background informative.

If he goes on stage he will and should be target to scrutiny.

To complain about that shows what kind of 'open' society you want. (Not at all, it seems, if the person in question support your agenda.)

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Just gossip about his background. That what i mean with "character assassination".

You like him so you call it gossip. I didn't think anything about him (hadn't seen his confused speech when I first read about him) and found the factual listing of his dubious background informative.

If he goes on stage he will and should be target to scrutiny.

To complain about that shows what kind of 'open' society you want. (Not at all, it seems, if the person in question support your agenda.)

Did i say i like him? I don't hate him.

"the factual listing of his dubious background" where did you found this?

At some blog entries + comments in the internet? All with the same source a Bangkok post article that quotes "a source at the Australian embassy" written by an anonymous Bpost reporter.

Or did you found your 'factual listing' in this two thread at TVF:

Australian Red Shirt Speaker and Deportation Invitation?

every entry contains useful information, comments written by TVF smartest most intelligent contributers. Is that the tag-team and companionship you like to hang out with (as long it support your agenda)?

Usually there is the option to comment articles at the Bangkok Post, but not for this one. Guess the discussion went to academical so it was all deleted and closed.

This farang at the Red shirt stage is totally overrated. There are other things much more important.

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The red shirt leaders have already said that they DONT want amnesty. So why is this still an issue being discussed?

Because Mark may need the amnesty???

You like the other red apologists have 'amnesty for Thaksin' on the front of your banner, we all know it, so why make silly comments other than to cover the tracks?

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Purcell claims he have been injured by bullets on 10. April. Has that been disproved?

Why not take what he has said into consideration and discuss about that instead of starting a character assassination. That is low.

It's not low if it's deserved.

His various other claims have been discredited.

He's penniless, without a passport, has a quite dubious background, and his own Embassy has essentially disowned him.

He's a deportation just waiting to happen as when he was barbecued in this thread:


Just gossip about his background. That what i mean with "character assassination".

Some of the comments here at TVF about this 'Farang on the Red stage' can only come from persons who are not very intelligent themselves. They maybe looked into a mirror while typing.

I can only repeat my point:

Maybe the people who say he is a fool are right and foreigners should better stay out of politics in Thailand. But this statement should be also valid for a lot of farangs here at TVF. Some comments here a full of hatred, rancor and totally out of place.

So for you, as foreigner yourself, a guest in Thailand, it is also not your business to judge about him. Why rant and rave about him? Take it easy, live and let live.

There are other things much more important. Like an investigation about the bloodbath of april, the ongoing restriction of civil liberties ...


hmmm "don't attack the foreigner that was at the Red shirt rally illegally (foreigners are banned from participating with the penalty being deportation) even though his own embassy personnel have spoken out saying that the man's claims are bogus and the entire rally is illegal too?

Red to the core .........

:) It is quite remarkable what some would like to whitewash.

Some of the most damaging information comes from the red farang's own blog.

His lying claims of being shot twice, his military background, etc. leads to zero credibility, which is probably why he mixes so well with the other people on the red stage.

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Road map gets red boost

By The Nation

(clipped for brevity.....)

On the side of fugitive ex-premier Thaksin, his sister Yingluck and former justice minister Pongthep Thepkanchana were involved.

According to Panthep's version, the Thaksin camp made three proposals:

- Request to fight the legal battle in three courts instead of the one-tier judicial review;

- Amnesty for the 111 and 109 barred party executives following the two party dissolution rulings;

- The formation of a national-unity government consisting of the Democrat and Pheu Thai parties.

Panthep said he was told Thaksin promised to quit politics if Abhisit accepted the three proposals.


-- The Nation 2010-05-08


Ok, who's the jokester this morning? If anyone believes a promise by Thaksin to quit politics, then they might also believe I swam the entire Pacific ocean while eating dinosaur meat tacos.

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Ok, who's the jokester this morning? If anyone believes a promise by Thaksin to quit politics, then they might also believe I swam the entire Pacific ocean while eating dinosaur meat tacos.

I'm guessing that if he's dead, then he might just give up politics.

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If I'm reading the article correctly, that story is coming from the PAD. Somehow I don't believe it, as everything mentioned there would require them bypass the constitution, and Abhisit has no power to change the structure of government or overrule the courts.

I think its just the PAD spreading rumors to stir the pot.

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