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Thai Protesters Accept Pm Abhisit Election Roadmap, but refuse to go home


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Does anyone here remember what Abhisit said exactly one year ago?

May 1, 2009 PM vows reconciliation in 8 months

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday pledged to resolve animosity between rival groups and foster reconciliation in
six to eight months to pave the way for a snap election

"If things proceed as anticipated, then I aim to steer the country out of the present turmoil and bring about normalcy in six to eight months, following which
I won't mind dissolving the House
," he said.


Should the political reconciliation materialise and the economy show signs of recovery by the year's end, the government will be
ready to return its mandate to the people
for charting the future course, he said.

Good Luck, don't forget that there is an IF in this years promise by Abhisit. Do you believe him? 55555

Things didn't proceed as anticipated.

I think one of the main things Abhisit has been trying to do is to fix the constitution.

That was proceeding well, with proposed changes even including what the PTP were wanting, but then the PTP pulled out of all negotiations.

Well, in the quote above Abhisit speak about Dissolution of the House and snap election, after he had steered the country out of turmoil and brought normalcy in six to eight months.

Now according to Abhisit normalcy was restored even in a shorter time frame. On September 27, 2009 he said exactly that:

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said yesterday that his visit to the United States would help improve Thailand's image in the international community and show the country's readiness to resume its role in world forums.

"Thailand has been absent from the global stage for a long time. Now we have made a comeback," he said.

Abhisit said he had reassured foreign political and business leaders he met during his visit that the country had returned to normalcy.

The prime minister said he believed business leaders now had a better understanding of and increased confidence in Thailand.

Of course Abhisit wouldn't be Abhisit if you could believe what he says. Only a fool would trust his words. He only act more careful now and will later have the excuse: "I only said IF, but ..."

now as its a matter of record that the senior red shirt leader Veera has formally accepted the plan, does that make him a fool?

more importantly is he the kind of fool you would like to see governing the country, if he is so easily taken in by Mark?

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why would we refrain to comment Jerry, surely you do not think anyone of any substance reads whats on here do you?

or takes any notice of it?

if they did it would have been all over weeks ago....

Because our comments are fully disconnected with the on-going negotiations; we are just making speculations in the vacuum, talking for talking ... of poor interest

so talking is no good then?

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Does anyone here remember what Abhisit said exactly one year ago?

May 1, 2009 PM vows reconciliation in 8 months

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday pledged to resolve animosity between rival groups and foster reconciliation in
six to eight months to pave the way for a snap election

"If things proceed as anticipated, then I aim to steer the country out of the present turmoil and bring about normalcy in six to eight months, following which
I won't mind dissolving the House
," he said.


Should the political reconciliation materialise and the economy show signs of recovery by the year's end, the government will be
ready to return its mandate to the people
for charting the future course, he said.

Good Luck, don't forget that there is an IF in this years promise by Abhisit. Do you believe him? 55555

Things didn't proceed as anticipated.

I think one of the main things Abhisit has been trying to do is to fix the constitution.

That was proceeding well, with proposed changes even including what the PTP were wanting, but then the PTP pulled out of all negotiations.

Well, in the quote above Abhisit speak about Dissolution of the House and snap election, after he had steered the country out of turmoil and brought normalcy in six to eight months.

Now according to Abhisit normalcy was restored even in a shorter time frame. On September 27, 2009 he said exactly that:

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said yesterday that his visit to the United States would help improve Thailand's image in the international community and show the country's readiness to resume its role in world forums.

"Thailand has been absent from the global stage for a long time. Now we have made a comeback," he said.

Abhisit said he had reassured foreign political and business leaders he met during his visit that the country had returned to normalcy.

The prime minister said he believed business leaders now had a better understanding of and increased confidence in Thailand.

Of course Abhisit wouldn't be Abhisit if you could believe what he says. Only a fool would trust his words. He only act more careful now and will later have the excuse: "I only said IF, but ..."

Wow! I am in awe of your ability to present a well reasoned argument with back-up documentation! Great job!

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why would we refrain to comment Jerry, surely you do not think anyone of any substance reads whats on here do you?

or takes any notice of it?

if they did it would have been all over weeks ago....

Because our comments are fully disconnected with the on-going negotiations; we are just making speculations in the vacuum, talking for talking ... of poor interest

so talking is no good then?

Talking is good, particularly when we have real facts to discuss. In this particular moment, we are waiting; underground discussions are on the way... they have to go on for the sake of the Country and reestablishing normalcy. But I see a lot of speculations based on few details which surface, and from that theories built....We should relax, they are discussing, we do not have and cannot get a clue of what is really going on. We have to understand that this time is precious and not to be too much impatient: those discussions between opponents participate in restablishing dialog and peace: they are very useful and must not be too shortened: truth, confidence are progressively back... we should limit our comments as we are disconnected of the discussions and maybe in full contradiction with what is on going. We should respect this period of discussion which needs concentration and no diversion from objectives.

In such circumstances, an organisation (like a party, an Union, a government) divides the roles in two teams:

- one is just occupying people who want informations, but they cannot and must not get full picture because evolution/ imagination are successful features of a negotiation

- second team is the negotiation team which must be disconnected from People and fully focusing on negotiations without distractions. The external pressure on this team must be minimised. So in those historical moments, we have to limit our comments and reduce the pressure on both sides: I told them: just work for the Sake of the Country, do the things properly, we will wait the time which is necessary in order we get a solid agreement which garantees the way back to normalcy and peace.

In summary, to be patient and to avoid commenting on the discussions, as we may be fully contradicted by the results.

Edited by Jerrytheyoung
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why would we refrain to comment Jerry, surely you do not think anyone of any substance reads whats on here do you?

or takes any notice of it?

if they did it would have been all over weeks ago....

Because our comments are fully disconnected with the on-going negotiations; we are just making speculations in the vacuum, talking for talking ... of poor interest

so talking is no good then?

Talking is good particularly when we have real facts to discuss. In this particular moment, we are waiting; underground discussions are on the way... they have to go on for the sake of the Country and reestablishing normalcy. But I see a lot of speculations based on few details which surface, and from that theories built....We should relax, they are discussing, we do not have and cannot get a clue of what is really going on. We have to understand that this time is precious and not to be too much impatient: those discussions between opponents participate to restablishing dialog and peace: they are very useful and must not be too shortened: truth, confidence are progressively back... we should limit our comments as we are disconnected of the discussions and maybe in full contradiction with what is on going. We should respect this period of discussion which need concentration and no diversion from objectives.

In such circumstances, an organisation (like a party, an Union, a government) divides the roles in two teams:

- one is just occupying people who want informations, but they cannot and must not get full picture because evolution/ imagination are a successful features of a negotiation

- second team is the negotiation team which must be disconnected from People and fully focusing on negotiations without distractions. The external pressure on this team must be minimised. So in those historical moments, we have to limit our comments and reduce the pressure on both sides: i told them: just work for the Sake of the Country, do the things properly, we will wait the time which is necessary in order we get a solid agreement which garantees the way back to normalcy and peace.

In summary, to be patient and to avoid commenting on the discussions, as we may be fully contradicted by the results.

I think very little is going on "in the background" except factions discussing amongst their own group how they intend to respond and thwart Abhisit aims. I doubt very much if he has unveiled his "agenda" to them yet. I think Abhisit wants the discussion to be m/l public because he intends on presenting an agenda that most reasonable people of good will would agree with. Where that agenda is thwarted I think he wants it to be very clear and public from which direction the obstacles are being hurled from. They can either get on the reform train or embarass themselves publically for trying to derail it. Abhisit's going to need a lot better media spinners than I've seen so far to pull it off.

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^^ ROFL. It's more like a cricket score:

The govt: 357

Red thugs with no mandate: 0

haha funny na?

Where is the 357 coming from?

Yellows lost 2 years in 'power'

so it's probably: reds 730 (days) yellows 0 - not exact but you get the idea

The yellows (PAD) has never been in power.

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Ok, a day late and a dollar short, but here goes:

Did Abhisit 'clear' the protestors? NO NOT YET

Did Abhisit 'last' the full term? NO NOT YET

Did Abhisit have support of Army? NO YES, to the point of soldiers dying

Did Abhisit have support of Police? NO YES, such as their abilities would go

Did Abhisit keep his job for the 4 years? NO NOT YET

Did Abhisit have elections when he wanted? NO NOT YET

Did Abhisit get international support? NO YES (see Time magazine, et. al.)

Did JD get it right? NO NOT RELEVANT (sorry JD)

job done - game over

yep, looks that way to me

The reds still haven't agreed though. TRUE - they haven't agreed to their last best hope

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Yeppers, I said earlier that they were stalling. If I were Anupong and the Police chief I would be watching for a sudden influx of more paid mercenaries into the red controlled areas.

They (the reds) still appear to want blood to fill bangkok streets.

The amazing thing is that the reds on this board are STILLL blind to the violence. They still try and play down raiding a hospital etc etc etc

Strange that the same red leaders that said they didn't want Amnesty and DID want to fight the terrorism charges etc in court are now singing a different tune.

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Several posters have pointed out that demanding a firm date for dissolution is "silly" since they can count back from Nov 14 and find the date themselves. If this is the case, why can't Abhisit simply announce the date publicly for dissolution and let the reds go home?

Do you really believe the reds will keep their word and that this is really the sticking point?

I do... if it's 'obvious' when the date is - say it - otherwise people will 'tink too mut' (and maybe rightly)

Exactly. Why is Abhisit making such a secret about the date? If he plans on dissolving parliament, he should set the date straight. That way, Thais will know, on that day, if he spoke the truth. The way he's stating it now is just giving him a way out when the time comes to call elections, basically saying "I never said I would do it on this day" blah blah. Anyone that believes otherwise give me a good reason as to why he refuses to name the date.

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He hasn't refused to name a date.


So if October 1st rolls around and he hasn't dissolved the government, he is a liar.

Short memories:

THE NATION: PM: As for people who support this govt who may not agree with early House dissolution, it doesn't mean I won't be able to work for u again.

THE NATION: Urgent: PM: Election can be held on Nov 14 if the process can take place without interruptions.

THE NATION: This is the first time PM has set the date for general election (on Nov 14). If and only if govt can implement its roadmap.

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Several posters have pointed out that demanding a firm date for dissolution is "silly" since they can count back from Nov 14 and find the date themselves. If this is the case, why can't Abhisit simply announce the date publicly for dissolution and let the reds go home?

Do you really believe the reds will keep their word and that this is really the sticking point?

why should he announce a fix date. The longest possible solution is given already.

In meanwhile they could watch the reds making one mistake after another.

If it gets more serious the election could be held even earlier, and the reds will be caught left handed without preparation. The reds couldn't even complain, they always wanted it now since the very beginning. Hard for Thaksin to keep the mob alive and then on a short note, the shortest possible, to finance an election campaign.

Huge damage is already done by the red leaders and they still refuse to give in after committing acts of terror in the capital and elsewhere. Watch out for the hunt coming up. It could be possible that all the leaders will be caught alive in just a minute, including Seh Daeng and his thugs and then the gov calls for a snap election within 45 days.

Who you think would win then?

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He hasn't refused to name a date.


So if October 1st rolls around and he hasn't dissolved the government, he is a liar.

Short memories:

THE NATION: PM: As for people who support this govt who may not agree with early House dissolution, it doesn't mean I won't be able to work for u again.

THE NATION: Urgent: PM: Election can be held on Nov 14 if the process can take place without interruptions.

THE NATION: This is the first time PM has set the date for general election (on Nov 14). If and only if govt can implement its roadmap.

THE NATION: PM: Even if the red shirts don't accept this process, govt will still try to carry it out, although the timeframe may not b as I said.

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He hasn't refused to name a date.


So if October 1st rolls around and he hasn't dissolved the government, he is a liar.

Short memories:

THE NATION: PM: As for people who support this govt who may not agree with early House dissolution, it doesn't mean I won't be able to work for u again.

THE NATION: Urgent: PM: Election can be held on Nov 14 if the process can take place without interruptions.

THE NATION: This is the first time PM has set the date for general election (on Nov 14). If and only if govt can implement its roadmap.


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He hasn't refused to name a date.


So if October 1st rolls around and he hasn't dissolved the government, he is a liar.

that is not a statement of a date, that is a statement of 14 potential dates -plural

he says between 15 & 30

so that is any date 16 to 29 inclusive

14 potential dates..........

not one single date

Edited by timekeeper
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Several posters have pointed out that demanding a firm date for dissolution is "silly" since they can count back from Nov 14 and find the date themselves. If this is the case, why can't Abhisit simply announce the date publicly for dissolution and let the reds go home?

Do you really believe the reds will keep their word and that this is really the sticking point?

I do... if it's 'obvious' when the date is - say it - otherwise people will 'tink too mut' (and maybe rightly)

Exactly. Why is Abhisit making such a secret about the date? If he plans on dissolving parliament, he should set the date straight. That way, Thais will know, on that day, if he spoke the truth. The way he's stating it now is just giving him a way out when the time comes to call elections, basically saying "I never said I would do it on this day" blah blah. Anyone that believes otherwise give me a good reason as to why he refuses to name the date.

the deal with the reds, at least those from my wife's village is this:

you will all get paid in full and the village will get its cash bonus once Abhisit has agreed to dissolve the house, set the date and not until then.

so until he does exactly that, its uncertain that they will get paid from the slippery Thaksin and his cronies, so they do not want to go anywhere.

i would guess that deal also applies to the red leaders too, so they need to hear the date from his own lips to get their millions in bonuses

so to qualify for payment he is the one that needs to say a specific date and exactly when dissolution will take place

if Abhisit can pull this off without actually saying a date himself, Thaksin and the Thai sponsor paymasters (a major national food outlet and a national beer company, amongst others) will save billions and the reds will go home empty handed

not exactly a vote winner for Phua Thai

whilst on the subject of Phua Thai, i saw an interesting comment yesterday

the reds were told they were fighting for democracy, yet as soon as its over they are told to vote Phua Thai

so much for democratic freedom huh?

i wonder how much the going rate is for that democratic Phua Thai vote?

Edited by timekeeper
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He hasn't refused to name a date.


So if October 1st rolls around and he hasn't dissolved the government, he is a liar.

Short memories:

THE NATION: PM: As for people who support this govt who may not agree with early House dissolution, it doesn't mean I won't be able to work for u again.

THE NATION: Urgent: PM: Election can be held on Nov 14 if the process can take place without interruptions.

THE NATION: This is the first time PM has set the date for general election (on Nov 14). If and only if govt can implement its roadmap.


and.........lots of if's

to my daughter: yes you can have a dog, if you keep your room clean, if you do your chores, if you get straight A's in school, if you help your mother with your baby brother, if you............get it?

best guess, no dog in this house anytime soon

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The election date is set. The dissolution can come in any of 15 days at the end of September. If Oct 1 rolls around and Abhisit hasn't dissolved the government, the reds can start calling him a liar/backtracker/whatever.

Anything else is just nit picking.

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He hasn't refused to name a date.


So if October 1st rolls around and he hasn't dissolved the government, he is a liar.

Short memories:

THE NATION: PM: As for people who support this govt who may not agree with early House dissolution, it doesn't mean I won't be able to work for u again.

THE NATION: Urgent: PM: Election can be held on Nov 14 if the process can take place without interruptions.

THE NATION: This is the first time PM has set the date for general election (on Nov 14). If and only if govt can implement its roadmap.


and.........lots of if's

to my daughter: yes you can have a dog, if you keep your room clean, if you do your chores, if you get straight A's in school, if you help your mother with your baby brother, if you............get it?

best guess, no dog in this house anytime soon

Maybe in your family

In my I would encourage my daughter to work for what she want

A great lesson in life's reality

while in yours they seem to feel they deserve every thing they want

no responsibility on their own behalf

Remember the saying

The world owes me a living

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ozzieman05 said:

Maybe in your family

In my I would encourage my daughter to work for what she want

A great lesson in life's reality

while in yours they seem to feel they deserve every thing they want

no responsibility on their own behalf

Remember the saying

The world owes me a living

Timekeepers rebuttal was:

thanks for the lesson in philosophy

in my family there is no daughter or a baby brother

it was a simple example of the 'IF'' principle in action in a family environment so that simple folks could understand the overall message

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The election date is set. The dissolution can come in any of 15 days at the end of September. If Oct 1 rolls around and Abhisit hasn't dissolved the government, the reds can start calling him a liar/backtracker/whatever.

Anything else is just nit picking.

unless :

as i understand it, the deal for the red protestors is this:

you reds will all get paid in full and the red village will get its cash bonus once Abhisit himself has agreed to dissolve the house, set the exact date of dissolution and it will not happen not until he does.

so until he does exactly that, its uncertain that the reds will get paid from the slippery Thaksin and his cronies, so they do not want to go anywhere until its clarified to fit the terms of the payment schedule

i would guess that deal also applies to the red leaders too, so they need to hear the date from his own lips to get their millions in bonuses

so to qualify for payment he is the one that needs to say a specific date as to exactly when house dissolution will take place

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The election date is set. The dissolution can come in any of 15 days at the end of September. If Oct 1 rolls around and Abhisit hasn't dissolved the government, the reds can start calling him a liar/backtracker/whatever.

Anything else is just nit picking.

they have to nit pick and get him to set a specific date or theres no money for the reds

Abhisit will know this

Abhisit's date setting is the deal breaker here and he has the upper hand in this game

the two single numerical characters he utters could see the red leaders as $ millionaires

so if he does set a specific date then another clandestine deal with reds is in play

he won't come out of this without gaining the winning advantage, remember he has a masters degree in bean counting.........

Edited by timekeeper
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From the English language news coverage (which might not be giving an accurate picture), it looks like only the red supporters on TV.com are still hung up on the dissolution date. The actual red leadership appears to have moved on, now refusing to end the protest because the PAD is against the roadmap. Which is just silly as the PAD is not part of government, and in fact is a movement that's against the reds and everything they stand for.

Seems strange to say "See my enemy is against it, so therefore I am too.", but TIT.

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From the English language news coverage (which might not be giving an accurate picture), it looks like only the red supporters on TV.com are still hung up on the dissolution date. The actual red leadership appears to have moved on, now refusing to end the protest because the PAD is against the roadmap. Which is just silly as the PAD is not part of government, and in fact is a movement that's against the reds and everything they stand for.

Seems strange to say "See my enemy is against it, so therefore I am too.", but TIT.

They should forget about PAD - accept the roadmap - get back home and prepare - bizarre!

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Several posters have pointed out that demanding a firm date for dissolution is "silly" since they can count back from Nov 14 and find the date themselves. If this is the case, why can't Abhisit simply announce the date publicly for dissolution and let the reds go home?

Do you really believe the reds will keep their word and that this is really the sticking point?

I do... if it's 'obvious' when the date is - say it - otherwise people will 'tink too mut' (and maybe rightly)

Exactly. Why is Abhisit making such a secret about the date? If he plans on dissolving parliament, he should set the date straight. That way, Thais will know, on that day, if he spoke the truth. The way he's stating it now is just giving him a way out when the time comes to call elections, basically saying "I never said I would do it on this day" blah blah. Anyone that believes otherwise give me a good reason as to why he refuses to name the date.

the deal with the reds, at least those from my wife's village is this:

you will all get paid in full and the village will get its cash bonus once Abhisit has agreed to dissolve the house, set the date and not until then.

so until he does exactly that, its uncertain that they will get paid from the slippery Thaksin and his cronies, so they do not want to go anywhere.

i would guess that deal also applies to the red leaders too, so they need to hear the date from his own lips to get their millions in bonuses

so to qualify for payment he is the one that needs to say a specific date and exactly when dissolution will take place

if Abhisit can pull this off without actually saying a date himself, Thaksin and the Thai sponsor paymasters (a major national food outlet and a national beer company, amongst others) will save billions and the reds will go home empty handed

not exactly a vote winner for Phua Thai

whilst on the subject of Phua Thai, i saw an interesting comment yesterday

the reds were told they were fighting for democracy, yet as soon as its over they are told to vote Phua Thai

so much for democratic freedom huh?

i wonder how much the going rate is for that democratic Phua Thai vote?

A set of interesting comments.

Seem to me if Mr Abhisit does *not* set a date (even though the reason may be the reds not complying with the roadmap), then the red spin will be that it's all the government's fault, all MR Abhisit's fault, and he will become the devil in an Oxford tie.

If there is enough time, that strategy could work. If there is an immediate snap election, I think the red shirt would fold in a trice, and the leaders would be out stumping the red shirt areas with the world's biggest soundtrucks.

Of course, the red shirt leaders would still be under arrest warrants, but that's a bad time to go after them - when they are in the heart of their supporters.

Off Topic ever so slightly: The government knew early on where the red shirt leaders were sleep, and even after the hotel fiasco the government know which air-conditioned box cars they were holed up in. I cannot understand why a swat team, or the special military team, did not go in and snatch them at that time. It would have been a fair amount of negative PR for the red troops sleeping on the streets, that their leaders were living in the lap of relatively luxury.

Ah, but past is past, and there's not point in speculating the whys and the wherefores.

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Red-shirts Slam and Pressure PM


In addition, Weng claimed that the Democrat Party even turned a blind eye to one of the party MPs who failed to stand up to pay his respects to His Majesty the King during the royal song.

Weng has urged the premiere to expel this MP from the Democrat party.


-- Tan Network 2010-05-07

Does anyone have the name of this anti-king MP? I hope he is not the father of Chotisak Onsoong. Another case of double standard?


A former student activist has proclaimed his innocence after being charged with lese majeste for refusing to rise when the royal anthem was played in a cinema.Police yesterday brought a lese majeste charge against Chotisak Onsoong, 27, accusing him of violating Article 112 of the Criminal Code by refusing to rise when the royal anthem was played before the screening of a film last September.

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it is obvious that the Roadmap and Election proposal is under fire on the Abhisit side. So the proposal lacks of credibility because it is built on "sand". I have carefully read the position of the Red Leaders, and I understand that the dissolution date is only the pretext for waiting until the proposal is more seriously anchored.

The issue is on the Abhisit side: on his proposalk, he has a strong support from the population Red and democrats united.

It is the opportunity to take over and build his own movement and to check who is following. The proposal must be inked, voted by parliament and by referendum proposed to the population over the heads of traditionnal Parties. As soon as ratified by the parliament, Red Shirts will stop the Rajatprasong demonstration and should start campaigning for the referendum, alongside with Abhisit friends, againsts the extremists.

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From the English language news coverage (which might not be giving an accurate picture), it looks like only the red supporters on TV.com are still hung up on the dissolution date. The actual red leadership appears to have moved on, now refusing to end the protest because the PAD is against the roadmap. Which is just silly as the PAD is not part of government, and in fact is a movement that's against the reds and everything they stand for.

Seems strange to say "See my enemy is against it, so therefore I am too.", but TIT.

They should forget about PAD - accept the roadmap - get back home and prepare - bizarre!

It's not bizarre if their reason for being has nothing to do with what they said it was. Any lightbulbs coming on for you yet?

Edited by lannarebirth
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At the Ratchaprasong intersection on May 6th, red-shirt force's security guards were stationed at all entrance to the protest site to prevent military and police officers from infiltrating them and hiding weapons and ammunition within the rally area.

You've got to be joking! How much longer do we have to tolerate these pathetic lies and demands from these ignorant goons. Enough is enough - the roadmap clearly isn't going to work, you're dealing with brain dead reds - move in now and take out these leaders and let the sheep go home.

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From the English language news coverage (which might not be giving an accurate picture), it looks like only the red supporters on TV.com are still hung up on the dissolution date. The actual red leadership appears to have moved on, now refusing to end the protest because the PAD is against the roadmap. Which is just silly as the PAD is not part of government, and in fact is a movement that's against the reds and everything they stand for.

Seems strange to say "See my enemy is against it, so therefore I am too.", but TIT.

They should forget about PAD - accept the roadmap - get back home and prepare - bizarre!

It's not bizarre if their reason for being has nothing to do with what they said it was. Any lightbulbs coming on for you yet?

PAD is all but over. I believe that they are negotiating with the RED on taken over the protest site, includes all the sound equipment, infrastructure. toilets, the barricade, guards, and even the seized weapons.

Why tear in down and put it up again the next day?

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