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Freeing Space: Can I Delete Older Updates?


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I am trying to free up space on my machine and notice that when I go to uninstall list there seem to be duplicates of sorts for a few things. For example Java has several decent sized update files. Can I delete any of them, such as the older ones (6 & 18) without causing a problem.

Java 6 Update (6) 171 mb

Java 6 Update (18) 97 mb

Java 6 Update (20) 97 mb


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Go to PC Pit-stop (on-line). and run the tests and do the housekeeping on your machine. I doubt if updates are eating up your memory or disc space. If you feel a bit unsure what to do, find a friend who is sharp on computers.

Hey, this is why they call them "Personal Computers."

Edited by thaigold
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You can also delete all the blue written folders starting with $ in the "Windows" folder (Win XP). These are all the old updates.

You only see them when you choose to "show hidden files and folders" in the folder options.

After that you cannot uninstall the updates, but who would want to do that. Cleans up to 500 Mb from the disk.

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