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Uk Election Exit Poll Hung Parliament.


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All the UK newspapers are running headlines asking , "has Dave done it" suggesting that he's going to win - the BBC results pages though consistently shows (in real time) Labour as having won twice as many seats as the Cons, it looks like the papers may have got it very wrong at this stage. Check out the BBC home page for real time seat wins.

Some interesting gains for the Tories.

The Fat Lady has not sung yet (although I still fear a hung parliament)

It's going to be very close, could be hung or Cons outright, if the latter at teast the Pound will improve against THB.

and if it's the former (likely by the looks of it) what will that do to the pound vs the THB?

Imagine a large lead weight being dropped from a great height.

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We could have a constitutional crisis here, let alone a sterling crisis. As I write there are 43 seats to declare and the Conservatives are 38 seats short of a majority. Hard to see anything else other than a hung parliament and the argument now is who can form a government. Both Labour and Liberal Democrats are making noises about being able to work together. And of course, conservatives are kicking and screaming about this on the grounds that they will be the largest party. Spanner in the works here, could be people like the Democratic Unionist party, who already making noises that they would be prepared to work with a Conservative government that guaranteed no public sector cuts in Northern Ireland. Given the fact that the whole conservative strategy relies upon making very heavy public sector cuts, this would cause outrage in the rest of the UK. Little question here that even though the Liberal Democrats did not make the games they wished to they will be the kingmaker's. I'm predicting a load of anger over the next few days, there are a lot of very angry people out there, who failed to get into some badly organised polling stations. And whichever way this likely coalition goes, a lot of people going to be questioning the electoral system that can produce such a result.

Hard to see how sterling can hold up on this, because whichever way the cookie crumbles this will be a weak government, with the likely possibility of various groups, being able to make demands that will be totally at odds with the desired wishes of those who would seek to rule. Its not impossible that we will face another election before Thailand has its election.

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Whatever else you whinging poms may say about your country, you developed a great parliamentary model for many other countries, including Australia. In these times it is good to hear about an election taking place without a shot being fired. A far cry from Thailand.

As a whinging pom I will concede that we have something to whinge about,

Yes we used to have a great parliament, however the powers have mostly been given away by our lilly livered politicians and the UK is ruled by the European Union (EU) by unelected overpaid foreign bureaucrats in Brussels, so we are not in control of our own destiny...the rub is this, that not ONE person in the UK voted to join the European Union?

How would the Australians like being ruled from a Asian Union (AU) Parliament by unelected overpaid foreign bureaucrats based in East Timor?...same scenario.

Whinging poms...Bloody right!

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We could have a constitutional crisis here, let alone a sterling crisis. As I write there are 43 seats to declare and the Conservatives are 38 seats short of a majority. Hard to see anything else other than a hung parliament and the argument now is who can form a government. Both Labour and Liberal Democrats are making noises about being able to work together. And of course, conservatives are kicking and screaming about this on the grounds that they will be the largest party. Spanner in the works here, could be people like the Democratic Unionist party, who already making noises that they would be prepared to work with a Conservative government that guaranteed no public sector cuts in Northern Ireland. Given the fact that the whole conservative strategy relies upon making very heavy public sector cuts, this would cause outrage in the rest of the UK. Little question here that even though the Liberal Democrats did not make the games they wished to they will be the kingmaker's. I'm predicting a load of anger over the next few days, there are a lot of very angry people out there, who failed to get into some badly organised polling stations. And whichever way this likely coalition goes, a lot of people going to be questioning the electoral system that can produce such a result.

Hard to see how sterling can hold up on this, because whichever way the cookie crumbles this will be a weak government, with the likely possibility of various groups, being able to make demands that will be totally at odds with the desired wishes of those who would seek to rule. Its not impossible that we will face another election before Thailand has its election.

Maybe the Tories and Labour can do a coalition - Cameron for PM and Brown for Minister of Silly Walk. That way Clegg won't have a deal to make and you won't have to worry about the pound.

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Maybe because the Thai PM went to school there? :)

And the U.K. elections will affect Abhitist's reign in what way?

Elvis Presley bought an orchid grown in Thailand. Can I start a thread about Graceland?

so why are you so interested in this discussion ,no one is forcing you to read it?

The out-of-place topic caught my attention, wondering how they were going to tie it into a-Thailand-related thread. They didn't. :D

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Maybe because the Thai PM went to school there? :)

And the U.K. elections will affect Abhitist's reign in what way?

Elvis Presley bought an orchid grown in Thailand. Can I start a thread about Graceland?

so why are you so interested in this discussion ,no one is forcing you to read it?

The out-of-place topic caught my attention, wondering how they were going to tie it into a-Thailand-related thread. They didn't. :D

Ok I'll rise to the bait - the outcome of the UK election is important because it will determine, in part, the value of the Pound and as a consequence, the GBP/THB exchange rate, this in turn will determine the number of tourists and expats that may visit Thailand and the amounts of money they are likely to spend whilst here thus impacting upon the Thai economy directly.

If you like I can also link the UK election to the end of the Universe or any other subject you care to mention, if you like. :D

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Another non-Thailand-related thread that mysteriously gets to stay open.... :)

get a life will you.

This is a farang forum and this is an important time for UK expats here in Thailand. If you do not wish to follow this post then the topic clearly states its theme then simply DO NOT READ IT AND DO NOT POST INANE POSTINGS ABOUT IT NOT BEING THAI RELATED

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Another non-Thailand-related thread that mysteriously gets to stay open.... :)

get a life will you.

This is a farang forum and this is an important time for UK expats here in Thailand. If you do not wish to follow this post then the topic clearly states its theme then simply DO NOT READ IT AND DO NOT POST INANE POSTINGS ABOUT IT NOT BEING THAI RELATED

So I take it you don't like the results?

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Another non-Thailand-related thread that mysteriously gets to stay open.... :)

get a life will you.

This is a farang forum and this is an important time for UK expats here in Thailand. If you do not wish to follow this post then the topic clearly states its theme then simply DO NOT READ IT AND DO NOT POST INANE POSTINGS ABOUT IT NOT BEING THAI RELATED

So I take it you don't like the results?

No-one likes the result, the majority of people have voted for someone other than the person who will lead the nation. That aside my wife is a Thai dual national who voted last night, no doubt along side many others. Maybe they can start to spread the message back in LOS that you don't have to be bribed to vote, a novel concept in Thailand I admit but it might catch on. :D

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Another non-Thailand-related thread that mysteriously gets to stay open.... :)

get a life will you.

This is a farang forum and this is an important time for UK expats here in Thailand. If you do not wish to follow this post then the topic clearly states its theme then simply DO NOT READ IT AND DO NOT POST INANE POSTINGS ABOUT IT NOT BEING THAI RELATED

Touch a nerve, did we? :D

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1) Important international news (particularly news that is important to Thailand expats) is acceptable in places like the pub .....

2) It will be fun watching those that have spent the last 15 months comparing the Thai parliamentary systen to the UK's spin this .....

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[.the rub is this, that not ONE person in the UK voted to join the European Union?

Referendum in 1975? My first ever vote. And the overwhelming result was to stay in the EEC as it was called then.

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[.the rub is this, that not ONE person in the UK voted to join the European Union?

Referendum in 1975? My first ever vote. And the overwhelming result was to stay in the EEC as it was called then.

Exactly my point,

The referendum in 1975 was for joining an economic trading block called the European ECONOMIC Community (EEC).

The politicians have without the British electorates consent morphed the EEC into the monster called the European Union that we have today.

The EU is an unaccountable, undemocratic, money squandering, Socialist experiment failed politicians retirement club...and that is being kind!


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No-one likes the result, the majority of people have voted for someone other than the person who will lead the nation. That aside my wife is a Thai dual national who voted last night, no doubt along side many others. Maybe they can start to spread the message back in LOS that you don't have to be bribed to vote, a novel concept in Thailand I admit but it might catch on. :)

She was, indeed, lucky to vote at all if she lives in London, Manchester, Sheffield or Leeds. Maybe they can also start to spread the message about the UK's 3rd world shambolic electoral practices on account of which many electors in those 4 cities were unable to cast their votes despite queuing up in the pouring rain for hours. Rather rich to criticise LOS electoral practices in this light IMHO :D:D

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Its all about Democracy...init....wot the reds in Thailand are tryng for....and personally I have enjoyed the whole thing. :)

Anyway the latest situation is that the 2 Multi millonaire leaders (and buddys of K.Abbi) Cam-Cleggy are trying to make a deal with each other to try and form a wee cabal....eg..Scrap our Nuc Subs ..... Amnesty for ALL illegal Immigrants...splutter splutter......proportional representation ....join fully with Europe:P

Torys tend towards.. lets say the more "redneck" factions in our society and are reluctant to play this game.

SNP have suggested an alliance with the welsh N /LDs/Labour but unlikely.....lets see.... roll on the weekend.

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Its all about Democracy...init....wot the reds in Thailand are tryng for....and personally I have enjoyed the whole thing. :)

Anyway the latest situation is that the 2 Multi millonaire leaders (and buddys of K.Abbi) Cam-Cleggy are trying to make a deal with each other to try and form a wee cabal....eg..Scrap our Nuc Subs ..... Amnesty for ALL illegal Immigrants...splutter splutter......proportional representation ....join fully with Europe:P

Torys tend towards.. lets say the more "redneck" factions in our society and are reluctant to play this game.

SNP have suggested an alliance with the welsh N /LDs/Labour but unlikely.....lets see.... roll on the weekend.

To hear the SNP suggesting a pact with Labour is hilarious when you consider how much they've been at loggerheads with the current Government via the Scottish Parliament. I guess they feel the Tories may be even less sympathetic to the welfare culture north of the border.

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SNP as a left of center party is all for Independance (possibly one day even a Republic) with full EU registration and it makes sense to try as above although agree rather unlikely .....but u never know.

Incid should/when it happens ..one day ..England by default will also be an Independant cuntry although cant image "em ever ditching the family at the end of the Mall.... :)

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SNP as a left of center party is all for Independance (possibly one day even a Republic) with full EU registration and it makes sense to try as above although agree rather unlikely .....but u never know.

Incid should/when it happens ..one day ..England by default will also be an Independant cuntry although cant image "em ever ditching the family at the end of the Mall.... :)

Indeed. And when England becomes independent it will face a long period of Tory rule. :D

Scotland will not necessarily ditch the Royals btw well we quite like our rugby supporters... :D

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No-one likes the result, the majority of people have voted for someone other than the person who will lead the nation. That aside my wife is a Thai dual national who voted last night, no doubt along side many others. Maybe they can start to spread the message back in LOS that you don't have to be bribed to vote, a novel concept in Thailand I admit but it might catch on. :)

She was, indeed, lucky to vote at all if she lives in London, Manchester, Sheffield or Leeds. Maybe they can also start to spread the message about the UK's 3rd world shambolic electoral practices on account of which many electors in those 4 cities were unable to cast their votes despite queuing up in the pouring rain for hours. Rather rich to criticise LOS electoral practices in this light IMHO :D:D

Lucky to vote!

Millions voted, a few hundreds didn't, yes very lucky.

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I just feel sorry for my relatives in the UK who feel completely disenfranchised that they have no control over there own destiny (European Union Governed) and want to get out but cant for various reasons.

If the Liebour Government get back in and continue with Social Engineering and the importing of Labour voters (immigrants) there futures look very grim...they will live in a dystopia.

They will also be very poor!

The EEC has no control over UK Elections,the Labour P

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Another non-Thailand-related thread that mysteriously gets to stay open.... :)

Just like all the posts about the US Presidential elections that were allowed to stay open on Thaivisa.

Yeah but, THAT was important! :D

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