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Nightmare At Samui Immigration

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I have a multi-entry non imm o-a. I guess Bangkok Airport would not issue a re-entry permit before leaving to keep my visa alive and then I could return on Sunday and get my 12-mos extension?

It would appear that you do not.

You have an extension of stay that expires on Sunday.

You need a Visa.

Apply Monday morning and collect Tuesday afternoon.

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Also, are you saying that (Samui) Immigration will not issue extensions if your bank account accrues interest no matter how small (.75%)?

I would guess that 99.9% of people who extend (either for marriage or retirement) have accounts which get interest every month or year!!

This is getting scary!!

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Also, are you saying that (Samui) Immigration will not issue extensions if your bank account accrues interest no matter how small (.75%)?

I would guess that 99.9% of people who extend (either for marriage or retirement) have accounts which get interest every month or year!!

This is getting scary!!

Maybe donating the measly interest to the New Year party, could solve the problem :)

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Why are you (or anyone else) bothering with these crap O-A visas? As you seem to have plenty of the folding stuff, why not just put the minimum necessary in an ordinary Thai bank savings account (I guess it's still 800k like most other retired expats who use the bank deposit scheme) and couple that with an ordinary Non-Imm O visa from Penang or back in USA? Seems much easier than keeping over 2.5M baht in your various bank accounts and still getting the stiff-arm from the immigration folks. [As an aside, the fact that you even had that much money to begin with probably pisses off the lowly paid civil servants at immigration to no end and they either figure by making it difficult for you will earn them a "donation" to make it all go smoothly or they just want to give you a hard time because you've got so much more money than they do.]

Of course, the other super easy way is to just get the pension letter from the US Embassy in Bangkok (about B1000) and use that (along with a few hundred thousand baht in a local bank) to extend your "retirement" visa :)

I guess you're correct but previous years I went in with just an 800K passbook and they refused my visa, because they said they must see all my Thai accounts. What was I living on in other words -- the 800K just sat there. So, now when I show them all three accounts they refuse the visa because 2MB draws interest and 400KB does not. I have transferred another 400K into the non-interest acct, anyway. I don't have a pension, so no letter.

Edited by parallaxtech
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Also, are you saying that (Samui) Immigration will not issue extensions if your bank account accrues interest no matter how small (.75%)?

I would guess that 99.9% of people who extend (either for marriage or retirement) have accounts which get interest every month or year!!

This is getting scary!!

Correct, make sure you have 800K in a normal no-interest account that you can access with your Thai ATM.

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I have a multi-entry non imm o-a. I guess Bangkok Airport would not issue a re-entry permit before leaving to keep my visa alive and then I could return on Sunday and get my 12-mos extension?

It would appear that you do not.

You have an extension of stay that expires on Sunday.

You need a Visa.

Apply Monday morning and collect Tuesday afternoon.

Roo, someone said previously that my multi-entry O-A allows me to leave before the extension is up and come back in to receive another 12mos extension. The only problem is I don't have a re-entry permit to keep my visa alive. True?

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You have told us you obtained extensions of stay for the last few years so you do not have a valid non immigrant OA visa. Such a visa expires one year from date of issue in your home country.

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Lopburi & Litebeer are more au fait with this then me. So what they are saying that this works only on your first visa & not after 4 extensions.

Your current multiple entry only as good as your extension, goes no further. So just get the O & just convert to OA , easiest way.

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You have told us you obtained extensions of stay for the last few years so you do not have a valid non immigrant OA visa. Such a visa expires one year from date of issue in your home country.

Thanks, L, I didn't know that. So, I need to start all over with a new visa. I guess leaving w/o a re-entry permit cancels your extension?

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Lopburi & Litebeer are more au fait with this then me. So what they are saying that this works only on your first visa & not after 4 extensions.

Your current multiple entry only as good as your extension, goes no further. So just get the O & just convert to OA , easiest way.

Thanks, mucho, I will do as you say!

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Fly out to KL,apply for a multiple tourist visa,gives you 2 months with a one month extension,that will give you time to season the money then go back to immigration to get retirement extension,i did this a few years ago.If you had more time you could have gone with Herberts visa travel,400,000 baht in your savings account would have got you a non immigration O visa,but this visa require you to go on a border visa run every 90 days.

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All he needs is a single entry non immigrant O visa and that he can easily obtain without any 400k in a bank account (although he has well over that).

Thanks! I went to the Thai Embassy site in Kuala Lumpur http://mfa.go.th and under the O visa for retirement it looks like the same requirements as the O-A (800K, medical, police report), and it says you must be a resident of Malaysia. They don't show a category for a single O visa. Maybe I need to go to the Embassy and just ask, but I don't want to waste a trip. The O-A is very simple and fast via FEDEX if I go to the US, even though I hate going back there!

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You just fill out a normal visa application but check non immigrant and reason for retirement. It will cost twice the price of a tourist visa. What you see on web site is the long stay OA visa like you got in the US and that is only available to residents of the country. I do not believe you will have any problem getting in KL but have your bank book just in case. In the worst case you could get a tourist visa and convert at Immigration inside Thailand but that would probably require a trip to Bangkok for the conversion stage.

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You just fill out a normal visa application but check non immigrant and reason for retirement. It will cost twice the price of a tourist visa. What you see on web site is the long stay OA visa like you got in the US and that is only available to residents of the country. I do not believe you will have any problem getting in KL but have your bank book just in case. In the worst case you could get a tourist visa and convert at Immigration inside Thailand but that would probably require a trip to Bangkok for the conversion stage.

Thanks again, I will do as you say. I gave my lawyer 2K for 10 min and no advice. How much do I owe you?

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Why are you (or anyone else) bothering with these crap O-A visas?

As you seem to have plenty of the folding stuff, why not just put the minimum necessary in an ordinary Thai bank savings account (I guess it's still 800k like most other retired expats who use the bank deposit scheme) and couple that with an ordinary Non-Imm O visa from Penang or back in USA? Seems much easier than keeping over 2.5M baht in your various bank accounts and still getting the stiff-arm from the immigration folks. [As an aside, the fact that you even had that much money to begin with probably pisses off the lowly paid civil servants at immigration to no end and they either figure by making it difficult for you will earn them a "donation" to make it all go smoothly or they just want to give you a hard time because you've got so much more money than they do.]

Of course, the other super easy way is to just get the pension letter from the US Embassy in Bangkok (about B1000) and use that (along with a few hundred thousand baht in a local bank) to extend your "retirement" visa :)

Maybe because they work for some people. Just because they may not suit your circumstances doesn't mean they are not a good alternative for others.

The OP's problem has nothing to do with his original OA visa - which has been pointed out, expired several years ago. His problem is to do with the inexplicable thinking of the IO in Samui when processing his extension.

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The OP's problem has nothing to do with his original OA visa - which has been pointed out, expired several years ago. His problem is to do with the inexplicable thinking of the IO in Samui when processing his extension.

Thanks, JS, correct. I never raised my voice, followed all the rules, had much more money than they required, and they were as mean to me as a policeman would be if I had killed his partner. I pleaded with them, "What do you suggest or what can I do?" They said get out of the office and go home! I am really surprised that there is nobody to contact in Bangkok to report this. My lawyer asked for his name, but he refused to give it. When I asked him why they had changed the rules about the 800KB not having interest, he just said it was his rule. My lawyer said he wouldn't have given me an extension no matter how much I had in the account. I emailed bangkok IMM last year, no reply. I called them today and they just said I have to work with the rules in KS since I live here.

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OP´s posting from 28-2-2010:

.... Three hundred will become three thousand if stupid farangs continue to pay bribes. Each year KS Immigration tries to get 3-4K extra from me on a retirement visa. I just smile and say,"No problem, where is the receipt.?.......

so now you paid your lawyer already 2000, and thats not the end.

maybe you wanted to play the game with your rules, now they are playing with you......

BTW , Herbert´s office is opposite Samui Immigration.

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Apparently there is a new boss in charge of Samui Immigration!

I have been back and forth to my lawyers office this week providing extra photo's etc in readiness for my yearly extension of Business Visa, and renewal of my work permit.

Also the old form showing my company tax payments,also was not sufficient and a new tax payment receipt form had to be requested from the relevant department.

Hopefully all this works out, before my visa runs out.

PS. web address removed from profile before I sent this.

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OP´s posting from 28-2-2010:

.... Three hundred will become three thousand if stupid farangs continue to pay bribes. Each year KS Immigration tries to get 3-4K extra from me on a retirement visa. I just smile and say,"No problem, where is the receipt.?.......

so now you paid your lawyer already 2000, and thats not the end.

maybe you wanted to play the game with your rules, now they are playing with you......

BTW , Herbert´s office is opposite Samui Immigration.

Thanks for the advice on Herbert! No, I still stick by my code -- "Don't pay a bribe when you've done nothing wrong." Paying a lawyer is not the same as paying a bribe. Lawyers don't work for free even though sometimes they are worthless as in this case. Paying a corrupt government official is a different story. I had a policeman try to extort money from me years ago on a setup scam. I told him I wouldn't give him one baht, but I'd pay my lawyer 1mb to defend me. Everyone has to live with their selves and hopefully follow some code. For all the people out there paying bribes, I'm glad you can live with it. I, however, would not forgive myself. Now, on the other hand, for a simple traffic violation or where I've done something wrong, I wouldn't have a problem paying something small to get out of it. This was a case of me following all the rules to the letter and they just wanted to make my life miserable.

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Lop: Interesting last minute development: Nadeem at Thai Visa Experts advised that I should go to Bangkok Imm on Monday and they would give me the extension. My extension expires Sunday, but they will surely allow me one day. I mentioned to him that I thought they passed a law last year that you must go to the Imm office where you live. Both Nadeem and my lawyer say it won't be a problem. Do you think this sounds feasible?

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It beats going to Malaysia, but why not call Bangkok Immigration before you go and ask them if it's ok.

What I don't get is why bother having 2.5 mill in an account earning .75% p.a ???

I did call them and some clerk said to go only to Koh Samui. My lawyer said they say that to everyone but it's different when you show up there.

The savings account here was giving 3.5% interest up until the economy sank in 2008. I brought an extra 1MB over this year to make improvements on my home, but if you've tried to get a Samui builder to do anything on your house lately, well, that's another story. I decided to put that money in a savings account that was drawing 2.5%, but can't be withdrawn w/o penalty. The other money is at .75% and 0%. Again, the bank mgr assured me that since it was cash, Immigration would have no problem with any of it. I'm sure that this is just a power trip for them, as in no document does it say that the 800K can't be drawing interest. He could have just as easily said no visa for anyone wearing a blue shirt. I have held this savings account since 2005 and Samui Imm has never questioned it. Also, when a government official refuses to give you his name, it is obvious he is hiding something. What bothers me beyond the dishonesty is the rudeness and the unhelpfulness. Never once did I raise my voice. I simply asked what I could do since he was refusing my visa and he said, "Yeah, go back to America" with a smirk on his face. I am writing letters now to the US Embassy and Thai Immigration to ask them for clarification on the 800KB.

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Indeed, this is a troubling post, in particular because OP's extensions had been approved using essentially the same documentation in previous years.

So, the suggestion that this is the policy of a newly-arrived chief of the Samui IO would be consistent with the different treatment OP experienced.

However, the idea that the new IO chief won't approve interest-bearing accounts would mean that almost every retiree on Samui using the 800K method would not be approved for their next extension application. Or that bribes are required for retirement extension -- which I've never seen reported on this Forum for any IO.

I think it is important for the Forum to get some sort of confirmation of what is going on in Samui since OP's experience is really out of line from what others have been reporting at other IOs.

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Do not believe Bangkok will issue the extension of stay as firm policy is only at office involved now - they used to provide in cases of local issues but only recent report is they will call local office and instruct them to issue/what the rules are. Believe the fixed deposit is a local call rather than a requirement so not sure you would be successful. In either case you would likely be burning bridges; which is not advisable for the long term.

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I find it sad when reading a thread such as this that when someone follows all the rules and does everything exactly as the Thai rules require them to do, that it comes down to a government officials interpretation of the Law as they see it that day, or just how they feel that day !

I can understand and agree with the governments wish to get rid of “Inappropriate Guests” that reside and stay here in Thailand, but all the rules they make, and apply, catch others who reside here legally and beneficially to the economy of Thailand, but as always, we are second class citizens not wanted here in this country by many Thais who look down on us.

If only they could see themselves as the rest of the world see them!! They can never move forward and achieve anything until they get rid of the corruption and bias that continues to be rooted within all legal departments.

You only have to look at daily happenings here in Thailand to see how just about everything is so screwed up.

I don’t want to get into any debate about living here in Thailand, you make your own choices, and it works for me at the moment, but it is far from ideal on so many different levels.

I just find it very Sad.

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Sorry, with the "lawyer act" you stepped on someones foot - it's not much liked over here to bully someone who is used to being asked nicely, wai'ed and respected, without question!

You can sue your MP back home... but here treat nicely PLEASE!

Shame more and more people who wish to live here think that the people and their customs here have to follow them,

because they have the dosh... or something like this.... get real folks - I live here for 20 years NO problem, ever!

Even on the Immigration, everyone who knows me greets me friendly, every time... anytime, since ever!

They don't "have to" - farang has!

Very simple equation!

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