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My HP nx9010 is acting kinda weird. The keyboard works, then some keys don't work and the fn key gets 'stuck on', then it works again. (Maybe a virus???)

Does anybody have any experience of such a problem with any laptop?

Is it possible to 'clean' the connections?

Should I replace the keyboard do you think?

I've upgraded the BIOS as advised from HP and done all virus check I can.

All help appreciated.




My HP nx9010 is acting kinda weird. The keyboard works, then some keys don't work and the fn key gets 'stuck on', then it works again. (Maybe a virus???)

Does anybody have any experience of such a problem with any laptop?

Is it possible to 'clean' the connections?

Should I replace the keyboard do you think?

I've upgraded the BIOS as advised from HP and done all virus check I can.

All help appreciated.



I had something similar, open up your keyboard and re-seat the ribbon cable of your keyboard.

in my case the problem was solved


Thanks bangbuathong,

I di try that just now but no luck.

It appears to be the fn key that is causing the problem. It seems that sometimes it is as if it is being pressed and sometimes not??

I can lift that key up a little but is it possible to take the key off and see if it needs cleaning or whatever?

Is it possible to disable the functionality of this key?

Many thanks,


Thanks bangbuathong,

I di try that just now but no luck.

It appears to be the fn key that is causing the problem. It seems that sometimes it is as if it is being pressed and sometimes not??

I can lift that key up a little but is it possible to take the key off and see if it needs cleaning or whatever?

Is it possible to disable the functionality of this key?

Many thanks,


yes you can take the key off, do it carefully though.

and have a looksee.


I would have a repairman do the key lifting, as the keys are difficult to put back.

I had the same problem, but picking it up, cleaning it etc. didn't help the problem. I have a Dell and their Thailand service is non-existent so I just bought a 300 baht MC Insdustries LTD small keyboard, available in most computer plazas, and just put it on top of my exisiting keys. It connects through a cable to a port in the back. Have been using it for a year with no problem.

I rearely take my laptop on the road so used double faced tape to hold it in place.

You may be able to find a HP sales store with a repair tech who could really fix it, but my guess is that laptops are not built that strong, and when you look at how the key is attached, you will be convinced.

My Dells rarely last more than three years, this one is in its fourth and I am nursing it along to maiximize my use time and await the intro of the next microsoft operating system.

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